• Way to write ur nick in colours...
• Typing name with these colour codes will also work with Custom, Lan and B.Net games.
Note: You can't see your coloured name in Warcraft/Dota game but others do see and by the way, use it at your own risk.
Update: You need to register your Garena account from the old Garena website to get colored name, new website does not support "|" and "." Characters.
Old Website Link: http://account1.garena.com/index.php?Cmd=register
e.g .|c00ff0000Red

Red is .|c00ff0000(your name)
Green is .c0000ff00(your name)
Blue is .|c000000ff(your name)
Yellow is .|c00ffff00(your name)
Magenta/Bright Purple is .|c00ff00ff(your name)
Deeper purple/violet is .|c00a400ff(your name)
Cyan is .|c0000ffff(your name)
Teal is .|c0000ffca(your name)
Black is .|c00000000(your name)
Medium grey is .|c007c7c7c(your name)
Goldish is .|c00ffbd00(your name)
686 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 686 Newer› Newest»THanks buddy you are great :)
is that all the colors available? anyway..thanks!
I think these colors are disgusting. Garena shouldn't allow this kind of thing.
is taht Zero or ltter O
wow tnx!
when u login did u need to put code .|c00ff0000 or not?
you need to put the code in order to login because its part of your username..
I've got for orange...
.|cffff8000(your name)
hey how did u make that l long???i want 2 know pls tell me...
y is it my, colored username doesn't appear in garena? ? ? only the code appears but without color.
what els is the color?
thx a lot...
nice info..
tnx a lot..
Thanks guys, Also subscribe to Dota-Utilities Feed so that you can get the latest updates by email.
Regards Admin of Dota-Utilities
how to use the color green??
More color codes garena will be added soon
Tip: By adding "|r" (without quotations) at the end of the code, you get to limit where the color appears.
If the code is .|cffff8000MYNAME, your whole name will appear in orange. But if you write it as .|cffff8000MY|rNAME, only the 'MY' part will appear in orange, and the 'NAME' part will follow your player color.
Trivia: In proper programming syntax, there must be '|r' at the end of the code and string to limit the colors.
FrankZ (http://kixtrix.com/)
WarCraft III Modifications Developer
how to make color name garena?
how to make color name from garena?
hey guys, check the files in your warcraft map, ther is a LOT of color codes :)
um... can the variety of colors in wikipedia be used to make the color names?
thanks a lot BUddy ...:P
when u create account in garena the space is not enuff. after the code there is barely enuff for ur name.
do you really need to put a period in the code?
nice job
tnx for yerr info.
zz why cant le i put .c0000ff00zZz then i login dun have the colour
i put that but dun have colour
is that . included???
do i need to register a new account?
or can i customize my original account?
help me please
sorry, its over :(
ur so great!!..thanks
"do i need to register a new account?
or can i customize my original account?
help me please
You need to buy a name modifier card to Apply Colour name on your current account. If you want to do it for free then register a new account.
|i cant see | that in my keyboard?
do you hav to have .| in the name couse when i have it just pop up invalid characters... PLS HELP.. :)
i like it
very3x much
muwax3 hihihi
so is it(space.|c00ff0000?
CH|AN|!!|CU|TE| name in GARENA!
how can i register it?
it says the username length is invalid?
.|c0000ffcaRed do it like dis
c0mment is the best policy!!^^
you have to create a new account in gg for you to be able to change the color and then copy paste the code and then followed by 5 characters of your choice..that`s the best way..
hahaha ive got lots of these! with different kinds of colors but i cant paste it here in the comments i dont know y if i only could i could give u more than that hahaha!! thanks anyways i dont have the color gold haha!! :D
when u said theres more colours in the wc3 map, where do i find it? in the wc3 folder? and which folder thanks
anyone knows the code for light blue?
Like it..but my name goes like this...~|c000000ffMeta...what is its color anyways??
pwet mo
bakit hindi??
How about the color Green?
wer do i know the real sote of the color codes..?? ^^
Why does it say invalid characters when im making it on battle.net its meaning the " | " symbol????
please help!
thanks buddy for the help
Thanks man... I've created about 3 colored accounts and because I wasn't able to see my name with colors I thought it doesn't work ((
Thanks for letting us know that we CAN'T SEE OUR COLORED NAMES but OTHER PEOPLE CAN ))
Eh, the '|' symbol is invalid on Battle.Net. How do I fix this?
tnx.. very useful
Very nice (:
ye... sum people dont let you ply on there games cos of .the colourd name
tnx guyz for the name codes....., I appreciate it
can any1 help me? i putted as Z|c00000000ach but it doesnt work!!!!
i cant use black color y is it?
how to use this in Garena?
plz help!
why is the username length invalid? help pls.
yea 5 letters behind the colour code doesnt work either
how could i get one of those colors?
how many letters could we register for our account? i think its limited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pwet mo nagkakape
oooops....so very very beutiful......thx^^....:)
thx for ur colour i like it ^^
thanks for that codes..
1 question plz...how can i use it to garena?
What Code Me Can Got Colour White ?
doesnt work for me.... help
always searching for new colours y not update sm new colour id's
cant taip so long word.....
has limited word....
the garena name colour is too long...cant taip more word
can update ?
Here are some FAQs and TIPs
FAQs *only answer
-in garena theres a limit of characters so u can only use LIKE 4colored characters, and 1 uncolored
-u hav to put all code (+name) when logging in at garena, ppl will look all of it in GARENA but its different when u play WC
-while u play WC u CAN NOT see you name colored, and u will not see the code, while others CAN/WILL/DO see the colored name *if u arent sure just ask ^^
-OFCORSE, u need to make a new acc with code, u cant just add it to your acc when loging in
-There MUST be any character before the code, so first character will be white
//all FAQs i remember are there//
- |cffff8000(your name) This code is for orange, not listed
- next one is taken from "FrankZ0509" said...
""Tip: By adding "|r" (without quotations) at the end of the code, you get to limit where the color appears.
If the code is .|cffff8000MYNAME, your whole name will appear in orange. But if you write it as .|cffff8000MY|rNAME, only the 'MY' part will appear in orange, and the 'NAME' part will follow your player color.""
this leaves u with only 3 characters to cuztomize, the first beign white, second colored, third white
-im not sure about this tip, but i think its very cool, i took it from some1 elses name and havent tested, but he said i was right:
the thing is that u make any short original name (by original i dont mean that it will b completly miscelaneous, it can be something like "cool") then u copy paste the color code AFTER the name, like (name)(colorcode) so the name will b completly white, making it look short and original. But theres something, it makes u have a coullored text **YEAH!!!** depending on what color u choosed.
/////That is all i remember
after this tips and faqs, keep in mind u garena gives a limit of characters so u cant abuse like using color in name and text and... blah blah blah
i hope this FAQs/TIPs helped u
to help u "awesom"
Guys wen i tried to register in garena and when i put the colour code with my name it says username length is inavlid..plz help me!!
Thx for the tip, bro!
Answering some guys
Before using the colour code, put any caracter before, like .|c00ff0000YourName otherwise Garena won't let you register
i like red coloer bez blood also red na ......
why it say succefully registed but i cant login
i succesfully registered ...but i can't login either
how do u make a space code???i mean a coloured wif space like those kinds one letter is on top and some are below wif colours
wad code is white in colour?
wad is white colour name code?
thank you for the color
hey, what I was gonna say again is that my mail is leafshinoby@hotmail.com pls pm me admin/webmaster of this site :)
the name colour party is over(25.11.2009)
have made three frest names with color codes, but none of them works, umm admin? or host master did I do something wrong wit the code? I used P|c000000ffawaa but my name didn't appear in colours, Is the "." in front of the color code |c000000ff realy necesary? if I'd did the thing right the the fact that it's over is true....
it is not working for me
how can i put color in garena
im i gonna put it in the id then password
plzzz help me
Username lenght invalid why????
I cant Make account with my Nickname
Well .. i like these colors but ... when i try to reg my name in garena it says that its invalid because of the charecters .... whyyy
how about color white
map 6.65 greAt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For the green one it should be .|c0000ff00(name) and not .c0000ff00(name)
how to register?? when i write lyk blue .|000000ffSil3ntassassin. it says username lenght invalid
plz tell!! ty
How does this colour name work??
you can do it even in single player TY BY BanAnATAE and .|c00ffff00PotS
mine is .ma|c00ffbd00d that is golden .mad
add me G.|c00ff0000osh
..tnx sir
tnx such a big help =)
its saying that user name is invalid when i entered the code
i've seen someone that shows what's listening (music) on a dota game in garena how can i do that?? plz answwerrrrr to Shakti-Shakta@hotmail.com :D
ahhmm!!can i ask question>???how i put colr in colr orange??
Alot of ppl have asked and its getting anoying so heres the FACTS U MUST HAVE 1 CHARACTER INFRONT AND U ONLY GET 5 SPOTS FOR LETTERS AND STUFF SO EG:
nc = no colour c = colour
.|c00ff0000Sinz Sinz(all red)
S|c00ff0000inz S(no c)inz(c)
Si|c00ff0000nz Si(nc)nz(c)
Sin|c00ff0000z Sin(nc)z(c)
There is no risk ;)
how can we use color green? will that work? answer me^^
can we use a any color for special characters?
can we a special characters for our name with different colors?
Thanks for that ;) Really helped!
thanks!i love this colors :D
enter color name can how much word???who can say
Well i try to make registration with this .|c0000ffca(my name) but .. it says that Username Length is invalid.. what to do
i put i.|c00ff0000Zen for my Garena username. But when i went into Warcraft 3, my name appears as i.Zen , without the colour. Help please?
color violet how?
How to make your username letters in a row like:
thnks ur the best
i think you make your names in rows by using |n for example .|c00000000a|nb|nc in black
.|c0000ffcaSynn i had registered this name..why isn't working when i try to play in the game? please help...
can there be no limit on the number of letters after the color code?
how to make a horizontal name? pls. .cause the third above me doesnt seem to explained it much. . or i just did not understand. .pls elp. .
tell me please how to make nick
in rows
tellme how to make nick rows
tell me
its dosework
if u want like every possible colour then jus go into warcraft files and go into CustomKeysSample then look for all the colour codes there is SO MANY!!!!!!!!!!
HAHAHAHAHA i think u mean vertical name dude NOT horizontal name rofl!!!
how to get a name that is on top of each other??
how can i register it?
it says the username length is invalid?
thank you al comment it gv mr noe how to make cl\olour name and the name at a row tq very much!
hey i played w. someone w/ a apple symbol in garena.. how he do it?
something like
(apple sign)..
AHM.... apple sign
alt 139
alt 0128
alt 0128
teach me how to create a rainbow colored name.......... my friend has a rainbow colored name
nc1 haha thhnzx
what code is color white?
-in garena theres a limit of characters so u can only use LIKE 4colored characters, and 1 uncolored
how do you uncolour the last character??
HON na lng kau tangina nyu
where can get the code that can make the name like
eg. f
what code in using the long l ??
Post more colours next time.
how to do it??is the code put at the log in??
r u a noob Anonymous
bro nice job
how to put straight line??
hw to put straight line
how to make many colours
how to use green
this i use username in my garena .
whats up with this? i know im doing it right and i successfully register but when i log in it says the username password or acct is not enabled. i used name as pe|c00000000pot
When ever I use one of these codes and I try to join a room in Garena It loads forever. Can someone Help please?
why i cant join the room w/ this color name? but with my other account w/out color i can join the room?
y connot aprove my request .,.,
tnx. :DD
how to make a name down with color black
only this few color?
thnx br0 for teH post tHis iS a GreaT and HelpfuL names and aLso it wiLL beautify teH names of teH pLayah's thnx again br0:)
Galing Talaga ng Dota Kahit saan nanjan ^_^!!
Mas Lalo na Garena Kasi Makapag Communicate ka sa Ibang Lugar!!!
they said the username is too long...what can i do?
This can help I guess I see some comments asking what code for the vertical one I can help I think hehehe this is te codes....just like my name....this is my name in garena I've been using it the code |cffffdead is color goldish somethingy :D and code |n is to align the letter next to it vertically u can use it in ur nicks like P|nr|no|n aligning Pro vertically and another code....to stop the color is typing |r....hehehe I thing I could help....Oh I forgot u said it was too long u cant do that nicks try to do it on costo games thnx...oh add me in Garena hehehe E|cffffdead|nM thanx again ^_^
hey when i register the n-name is inva
lid it says its too long
what is the colour code for green?
Green code is?
Wat a nice color code
wow dude that was awesome^^
why does it say username length invalid?
how to write that
because you are dumb and you don't know what LENGTH INVALID means... fyi it tells you that your name is shorter/longer than the minimun/maximum number of letters.
omg it doesnt work wen i do .|c000000ffred. it turns out to be red. y can any1 tell me
very helpful.. tnx
doesnt work any more sigh
| is on the left of backspace.
(put 1 letter of your choice)|c00ff0000(your name 1-5 letters)
when u put 5 letters on right side dont ever put any letter on the left side anymore or in other words if u want 2 put all ur name in colored just dont put anything on the left side.
on the left side ull see no color but in right side there will be put ur name as colored.
so remember 5 letters total for ur name..
but if do put in left side u can only put 4 letters on right side. so for me i dont need to put anything on the left side..
thanks! hope u understand my details..
my username is .c0000ff00Kenn (green color) but when i play garena its not appeared only my username
 how can i make an apple sign id in my garena
how to put white color mga gago putang ina nio mag heroes of newerth nlng kau by the way fuck anonymous always first blood
hey troll i got color
it says that Username length is INVALID help pls ?????????????
highlight does not work!
how i do this l?
Guys i create accaunt and i put this .|c00ff0000 on usser name ? i cant do it :(
guyz kung relaxe ung name mo pede mo b palitan ng code+name mag kakakulay dn b un?>?
It says user name length invalid someone help me?
if i want to play a lan game with my friends does the colored name work
pls some one answer me!!!!
ahahah TY
THNX MEN I get colored name
man.. your name is coloured only for other players.. in game you see your name normaly.. just when you kill someone or do something and your name apear in the game it will be coloured for you..
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