Garena Experience Boosting/Leveling Guide

I know many of you have been wondering how to level up real fast. Since you are all GOLD MEMBERS (Guide), your EXP gain is twice the normal EXP gain for GARENA. Anyways, without further ado, let me give to you the techniques to LEVEL UP real fast LEGALLY! I know 3 ways to do it. Here is the Guide to Garena Experience System.

1) Play CALL OF DUTY 4 Same rules with the ones that applied with CounterStrike before. CounterStrike EXP has been capped in Garena 3.0

2)Play a Garena Experience AFK Map full house or less players for 1-6 hours will give you a huge amount of EXP.

3) Or Play a CUSTOM MAP named FUFU UNITED NINJA ALL-STARS Yup, that's right. All you need is to have Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne Next step is to download this map.
Click here to find out the latest map.

It's the most popular CUSTOM map in the Philippines right now since it has a really FAST EXP gain. If you can't find it there, the alternative is to search it on

So how do you get the FULL EXP gain? and what makes this map give lottsa EXP? To fully gain the MAX EXP, you have to do the following:

a) HOST the game <-hosts get higher EXP b) Have a FULL House <-max 12 players (more players, more EXP) c) Enjoy the game. The more times you play, the more EXP you get.
d) Before I forget, FINISH the game. <-the game lasts between 5 to 10 minutes so it's relatively FAST compared to DOTA and TreeTag Simple but effective.


  1. Anonymous8:23 PM

    I bought premium version of garena hack in 20$ and i have premium version of it. Garena hack gives me 100 exp per 5 min and its great.

  2. omfg give me:D:P at
    i pay for it....

  3. Anonymous1:43 PM

    where could i dl that link i prefer??

  4. Anonymous11:59 AM

    i have a hack that gives 500 exp for gold members and 300 for basic
    if u want it pm me in yahoo

  5. Anonymous12:51 PM

    plz give us a link ot DL this file
    plz :)

  6. Anonymous8:57 PM

    maybe you should give us link

  7. Anonymous8:58 PM

    you should give us a link

  8. Anonymous1:26 PM

    how become my frien at garena since 3 days ago his lvl 3 ... then now lvl 25 ??
    how it become?

  9. Anonymous7:29 PM

    giv me a link plzzz....i wanna get a exp boost XD,u can send me the link in my YAHOO,heheh,plzz>>^_~ DOTA addict.....

  10. ahh..who want the garena hack 3.22 come to my blog n pm me tq

  11. Anonymous10:58 AM

    u guys no life garena lvl no use

  12. The 1st comment boy, can you swnd me the link ??
    I will pay you for the hack

  13. Anonymous9:10 AM

    all of u r weak..... it doesnt mater your high level,... it is your skill on how will u defeat others...!!!!

  14. Anonymous9:16 PM

    omfg you want to pay for a useless lvl in garena???

  15. Anonymous5:45 AM

    i gOt hack 15 minutes 900 exp for basic , if GM 15 minutes 900x2 , hu wan can add my fb , , can trade ACC colour name oso with me , give me account colour name , i give u link to DL , aDD my fb dao ,


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