Setting Up Garena TV
To run Garena TV, you first need to set the executable game path for "War3 TFT" and "War3 RPG". This is the same game path used for you to play games in Garena. If you have already set the executable path, there is no need to re-set this)
Next, you can configure the Garena TV Settings according to your preference. Go to "Settings" then under "GGTV Settings", adjust the settings accordingly by checking on the items you want to enable and uncheck on the items you want to disable.
Watching LIVE Games on Garena TVWhen you are logged in to Garena and a LIVE Garena TV Match has just started, a Garena TV System Broadcast Alert will appear in your system tray as a blinking icon.
(NOTE: you will only receive this when your GGTV Settings is set to "Receive GGTV Broadcast").
Click on the blinking icon in your system tray to open up the Garena TV LIVE Game Broadcast.

The Garena TV LIVE Broadcast announcement will display the game name, the players / teams, the map used, and the "Watch!" button. Click on "Watch!" to prompt Garena to load your Warcraft 3 – The Frozen Throne
(NOTE: Make sure your War3 is currently closed before clicking on "Watch!").

After Warcraft 3 has successfully loaded, go to the "Local Area Network" (LAN) section of the game.
In the LAN lobby, you will be able to see the game you chose to watch in Garena TV. Join in the game and it will automatically start. Enjoy the LIVE match!

Watching Games on Garena TV

To view the full list of games on Garena TV, you need to launch Garena first.
(NOTE: You will not receive any system broadcast notifications for games that has already started or finished or not LIVE broadcasted).
Click on the "GGTV!!!" button located in the Garena Quick Link Buttons area.
The Garena TV Channels Window will be opened. First, select the channel by clicking on the icon or name of the channel in the left panel. Then a full list of available matches under the channel will be shown, click on the "Match Name" and then click on the "View" button to load Warcraft 3 – The Frozen Throne.
(NOTE: Make sure your War3 is currently closed before clicking on "Watch!")
After Warcraft 3 has successfully loaded, go to the "Local Area Network" (LAN) section of the game.
In the LAN lobby, you will be able to see the game you chose to watch in Garena TV. Join in the game and it will automatically start. Enjoy the action!

Garena TV Commands
• Ctrl and + / -: speed adjust
• Ctrl and p: pause/resume
• F1: toggle chat
• F2: toggle chat messages from other games
• F3: toggle between friend mode and stranger mode
• F4: toggle player chat
• F5: toggle observer chat
• F6: toggle map ping messages
• Ctrl and t: display time
• Set speed to 1 (Ctrl+ 1), 2 (Ctrl+ 2) , 3 (Ctrl+ 3), 4(Ctrl+ 4)
Other Commands
• /help: check all available commands
• /faster: increase the watching speed by 1
• /slower: decrease the watching speed by 1
• /speed: number increase the watching speed to the number specified (number between 1-4)
• /chat on: enable chat function
• /chat off: disable chat function
• /allmsg on: display all chatting message from the viewer in the same room
• /strangermsg off: to disable message from non- buddy viewer (Note that you can only receive the message from people in the same room)
• /rate: number (rate the match from integer 1 to 5). E.g., 5 for ‘very good’, 1 for ‘poor’.
• /goto minute: second fast forward to the time you specified. e.g.: if you want to fast forward to 5min 6 sec, just type /goto 05:06
• /obmsg on: show referee messages
• /obmsg off: hide referee messages
• /pmsg on: show player messages
• /pmsg off: hide player messages
Source: garena
2 Comments yet..:
Were to put the command
where i can dowload it?
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