Level 1 (Human) Recipes

+10 damage, +5 hp regen
+125% mana regen
Requires : Void Stone (875), Ring of Health (875)

+2 to all stats, +2 hp regen aura
Requires : Ironwood Branch (57), Ring of Regeneration (375), Recipe (225)

+5 armor, +2 all stats
Area bonus armor (active) +2 armor
10 mana, 25 seconds cooldown
Requires : Chainmail (550), Ironwood Branch (57), Recipe (200)

+6 damage
Brilliance Aura +0.65 mana regen
Devotion Aura +3 armor
Requires : Ring of Protection (175), Sobi Mask (325)

+90 movespeed
Teleport (active) teleport to friendly non-hero unit
75 mana, 60 seconds cooldown, 3 seconds cast time
Requires : Boots of Speed (500), Recipe (2200)

+65 movespeed, +10 selected attribute
+30% increased attack speed
Requires : Belt of Giant Strength/Boots of Elvenskin/Robe of Magi (450),
Boots of Speed (500), Gloves of Haste (500), Recipe (350)

+30% attack speed
Transmute (active) convert creep into gold
25 mana, 100 seconds cooldown
Requires : Gloves of Haste (500), Recipe (1400)

+6 intelligence, +10% attack speed, +15 damage
+75% mana regen
Requires : Quarterstaff (900), Robe of the Magi (450), Sobi Mask (325)

+3 Agility, +3 Intelligence
+6 Strength
Requires : Circlet of Nobility (185), Gauntlet of Strength (150), Recipe (175)

+6 Agility, +3 Intelligence
+3 Strength
Requires : Circlet of Nobility (185), Slippers of Agility (150), Recipe (125)

+3 Agility, +6 Intelligence
+3 Strength
Requires : Circlet of Nobility (185), Mantle of Intelligence (150), Recipe (150)
Level 2 (Orc) Recipes

+16 Agility, 10% increased movespeed
15% increased attack speed
Requires : Blade of Alacrity (1000), Boots of Elvenskin (450), Recipe (800)

+16 Strength, +10 damage
10% chance to maim the target on hit (Orb)
-10% movement speed and attack speed for 6 sec
Requires : Ogre Axe (1000), Belt of Giant Strength (450), Recipe (800)
Cranium Basher
+30 damage, +3 Strength
Bash (passive)
25 bonus damage, 1.1 second stun
+30 damage, +3 Strength
Bash (passive)
15% chance (melee), 10% chance (ranged)
Requires : Mithril Hammer (1610), Gauntlets of Strength (150), Recipe (1460)

+5 armor, +15 damage
Melee damage return (passive) return 20% melee damage
Requires : Blades of Attack (500), Chainmail (550), Recipe (500)

+6 Agility, +25 damage
Chain Lightning (Orb, passive) 20% chance 150 damage hits 3 targets
Requires : Boots of Elvenskin (450), Claymore (1400), Recipe (1400)

+25 Agility, +6 Intelligence,
Feedback (Orb, passive) burn 20 of target's mana per attack
Purge (active) slow enemy unit, remove most negative buffs, 10 charges
12 seconds cooldown
Requires : 2 x Blade of Alacrity (2 x 1000), Robe of the Magi (450), Recipe (850)

+10 damage, +5 armor, 15% Lifesteal (Orb, passive)
Dominate (active) Gain control of an enemy creep for 20 minutes
75 mana, 300 seconds cooldown
Requires : Helm of Iron Will (950), Mask of Death (900)

17% Lifesteal (Orb, passive)
Berserk (active) +75% attack speed, +15% movement speed, +20% damage taken
25 mana, 30 seconds cooldown
Requires : Mask of Death (900), Recipe (1050)

+16 Intelligence, +100% Mana regen , +20 Movement Speed
Cyclone (active) cast cyclone on 1 enemy for 2.5 seconds
30 seconds cooldown
Requires : Staff of Wizardry (1000), Void Stone (875), Robe of Magi (450), Recipe (800)

+450 HP, +400 mana
+10% mana regen, +1HP regen/seconds
Requires : Vitality Booster (1100), Energy Booster (1000),
Point Booster (1200)

+5 to all stats, +5 armor, +3 HP regen aura
Heal (active) +2 armor/250hp AoE
150 mana, 45 seconds cooldown
Requires : Headdress of Rejuvenation (657), Netherezim Buckler (877), Recipe (900)
Requires : Headdress of Rejuvenation (657), Netherezim Buckler (877), Recipe (900)
Level 3 (Night Elf) Recipes

+16 Agility, +16 Strength, +12 damage
15% chance to maim (Orb, passive)
12% increased movement speed, 15% increased attack speed
Requires : Sange (2250), Yasha (2250), Recipe (500)

+50 damage
Corruption (Orb, passive) reduce target enemy's armor by 6
Requires : Mithril Hammers x2 (3220), Recipe (1200)

+65 damage, +150% mana regen, +6 HP/sec regen
Cleaving Attack (passive, melee) 35% splash damage
Requires : Broadsword (1200), Perseverence (1750), Claymore (1400)

+35 damage
10% chance
Requires : Broadsword (1200), Blades of Attack (500), Recipe (500)

+10 Strength, +24 damage
Avatar (active) immune spell for 10/9/8/7/6/5 seconds duration
80/75/70/65/60/55 seconds cooldown seconds
Requires : Ogre Axe (1000), Mithril Hammer (1610), Recipe (1300)

+30 Agility, +6 Intelligence, +250 HP,
Feedback (Orb, passive) burn 40 mana per hit
Illusion (active)create 2 mirror images that deals 40% damage, take 300% damage
165 mana, 70 seconds cooldown
Requires : Diffusal Blade (3300), Vitality Booster (1100), Recipe (1400)

+10 Attack Speed, +38 damage
Wind Walk (active) +20% movement speed, 9 seconds duration
75 mana, 20 seconds cooldown
Requires : Mithril Hammer (1610), Quarterstaff (900), Recipe (1100)

+12 Intelligence, +9 damage, +3 All Stats
Energy Burst (active) 400 damage to single target
245 mana, 40 seconds cooldown, can be upgraded (4x)
Requires : Staff of Wizardry (1000), Blades of Attack (500), Recipe (1350)
Upgrade per level : -20 mana cost, -4 seconds cooldown, +100 damage, +2 intelligence

+15 Intelligence, +6 Strength
Demonic Summoning (active) Summon 2 Demon with special abilites
50 mana, 90 seconds cooldown, can be upgraded (2x)
Summons can't attack Ancient unit
Requires : Staff of Wizardry (1000), Belt Of Giant Strength (450), Recipe (1300)
Level 1 :
Warrior 400 hp, 21 - 21 normal damage, 6 heavy armor
Has Mana Break (burn 25 mana per hit) and Last Will (deals 200 damage to unit that kills it)
Archer 400 hp, 31 - 31 piercing damage, 6 heavy armor
Has Mana Burn (125 burned, 250 range) and Endurance Aura (increases nearby unit's movement and attack speed by 3%)
Level 2
+21 Intelligence, +10 Strength
Warrior 600 hp, 41 - 41 normal damage, 8 heavy armor
Has Mana Break (burn 50 mana per hit) and Last Will (deals 400 damage to unit that kills it)
Archer 600 hp, 61 - 61 piercing damage, 8 heavy armor
Has Mana Burn (175 burned, 250 range) and Endurance Aura (increases nearby unit's movement and attack speed by 6%)
Level 3
+24 Intelligence, +14 Strength
Warrior 800 hp, 61 - 61 normal damage, 10 heavy armor
Has Mana Break (burn 75 mana per hit), Last Will (deals 600 damage to unit that kills it), Magic Sentry (Increased vision range, also reveals nearby invisible units)
Archer 800 hp, 91 - 91 piercing damage, 10 heavy armor
Has Mana Burn (225 burned, 250 range), Endurance Aura (increases nearby unit's movement and attack speed by 9%)
Linken's Sphere
Blocks most targetted spells once every 20 seconds (passive)
+6 HP regen/second, +150% mana regen, +15 All Stats
Requires : Perseverence (1750), Ultimate Orb (2100), Recipe (1325)
Level 1 :
Warrior 400 hp, 21 - 21 normal damage, 6 heavy armor
Has Mana Break (burn 25 mana per hit) and Last Will (deals 200 damage to unit that kills it)
Archer 400 hp, 31 - 31 piercing damage, 6 heavy armor
Has Mana Burn (125 burned, 250 range) and Endurance Aura (increases nearby unit's movement and attack speed by 3%)
Level 2
+21 Intelligence, +10 Strength
Warrior 600 hp, 41 - 41 normal damage, 8 heavy armor
Has Mana Break (burn 50 mana per hit) and Last Will (deals 400 damage to unit that kills it)
Archer 600 hp, 61 - 61 piercing damage, 8 heavy armor
Has Mana Burn (175 burned, 250 range) and Endurance Aura (increases nearby unit's movement and attack speed by 6%)
Level 3
+24 Intelligence, +14 Strength
Warrior 800 hp, 61 - 61 normal damage, 10 heavy armor
Has Mana Break (burn 75 mana per hit), Last Will (deals 600 damage to unit that kills it), Magic Sentry (Increased vision range, also reveals nearby invisible units)
Archer 800 hp, 91 - 91 piercing damage, 10 heavy armor
Has Mana Burn (225 burned, 250 range), Endurance Aura (increases nearby unit's movement and attack speed by 9%)

Blocks most targetted spells once every 20 seconds (passive)
+6 HP regen/second, +150% mana regen, +15 All Stats
Requires : Perseverence (1750), Ultimate Orb (2100), Recipe (1325)
Level 4 (Undead) Recipes

+250 damage
Drops upon death
Requires : Sacred Relic (3800), Demon Edge (2600), Claymore (1400)

+75 damage
Requires : Demon Edge (2600), Crystalys (2350), Recipe (1250)

+75 damage, +15% increased attack speed
30% chance for 100 bonus damage and stop channeling spells
Requires : Demon Edge (2600), Javelin x2 (2800)

+60 damage, +8% Evasion
Burning effect (passive) nearby enemies deal 35 damage/sec
Requires : Sacred Relic (3800), Recipe (1525)

+35 Strength, +11 HP regen, +300 HP
Requires : Messerschmidt's Reaver (3200), Vitality Booster (1100),
Recipe (1200)

+25 Strength, +5 armor, 25% lifesteal (Orb, passive)
Unholy Rage (active) +15% lifesteal, +30 damage, 20 seconds duration
50 seconds cooldown
Requires : Dominator (1850), Messerschmidt's Reaver (3200), Recipe (1100)

+25 All Stats, +200 HP, +150 Mana
Frost attack (passive, orb) slow enemy on attack
Requires : Ultimate Orb x2 (4200), Point Booster (1200)

+30 Agility, +30 damage
+30% attack speed, +30% Evasion
Requires : Eaglehorn (3300), Quarterstaff (900), Recipe (1800)

+30 Intelligence, +500 HP, +500 Mana
Improves Ultimates for Furion, Keeper of the Light, Leshrac, Lich, Lina Inverse, Lion, Luna, Lucifer, Necrolyte, Ogre Magi, Pugna, Rhasta, Rylai, Queen of Pain, Venomancer, Witch Doctor, Zeus
Requires : Mystic Staff (2700), Soul Booster (3300)

+4 HP regen/second, +150% mana regen, +40 damage
Refresh (active) all ability cooldowns turn to 0
375 mana, 210 seconds cooldown
Requires : Oblivion Staff (1675), Perseverance (1750), Recipe (1875)
Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse
+35 Intelligence, +200% mana regen, +10 Strength, +10 Agility
Hex (active) turn enemy into sheep for 3.5 seconds
100 mana, 20 seconds cooldown
Requires : Ultimate Orb (2100), Mystic Staff (2700), Void Stone (875)
Requires : Oblivion Staff (1675), Perseverance (1750), Recipe (1875)

+35 Intelligence, +200% mana regen, +10 Strength, +10 Agility
Hex (active) turn enemy into sheep for 3.5 seconds
100 mana, 20 seconds cooldown
Requires : Ultimate Orb (2100), Mystic Staff (2700), Void Stone (875)
New Recipes

+4 HP regen/second, +300 HP
+65% to block 35 damage
Requires : Ring of Health (875), Vitality Booster (1100), Stout Shield (300)

+3 armor, +300 mana
Replenish (active)
25 mana, 33 seconds cooldown
Requires : Energy Booster (1000), Ring of Protection (175), Recipe (525)

+35 agility, +35 damage
Chain Lightning (Orb, passive) 20% chance 200 damage
Static Charge (active) 20% chance 200 damage strike the attacking unit
50 mana, 45 seconds cooldown
Requires : Maelstorm (3250), Eaglehorn (3300)

Summon a very fast flying unit with 6 items slot, 150 hp, 400 mana, 10 armor
Can cast Burst and Courier Shield
If die, all the items will be fall to the ground. Has magic immunity.
Can be upgraded to have 400 mana by buying another Flying Courier recipe.
Requires : Animal courier (225), Recipe (200)
Burst (active) movement speed boost for 20 seconds, 50 mana cost
Courier Shield (active) immune all damage for 7 seconds, 25 mana cost
Vladmir's Offering
+16% lifesteal aura (melee), +0.80 briliance aura
+5 devotion aura, +15% damage aura
Requires : Ring of Basilius (500), Mask of Death (900),
Ring of Regeneration (375), Recipe (625)
Assault Cuirass
+10 armor, +40% attack speed
+5 armor aura, +15% attack speed aura (allies), -5 armor aura(enemy)
Requires : Platemail (1400), Chainmail (550), Hyperstone (2100), Recipe (2000)
+450 hp, +400 mana, +110% mana regen, +5 hp regen
Restore 450 hp/400 mana to nearby allies when die
Respawn faster and lose less gold (better if you have charge)
Requires : Soul Booster (3300), Perseverance (1750)
Hood of Defiance
+30% spell resistance, +8 hp regen
Requires : Planeswalkers Cloak (650), Helm of Iron Will (950),
Ring of Regeneration x2 (750) or Ring of Health (875)
Armlet of Mordiggian
+9 damage, +15% attack speed, +5 armor, +3 hp regen
Unholy Strength (active) +31 damage, +10% attack speed, + 25 Strength, - 30 hp/sec
10 seconds cooldown
Requires : Helm of Iron Will (950), Glove of Haste (500), Blades of Attack (500), Recipe (900)
Shiva's Guard
+15 armor, +30 inteligence, -25% attack speed aura
Arctic Blast (active) -40% movement speed, deal 200 damage
30 seconds cooldown
Requires : Platemail (1400), Mystic Staff (2700), Recipe (600)
Orchid Malevolence
+20 inteligence, +40 damage, +30% attack speed, +225% mana regen
Soul Burn (active) 5 seconds silence, amplify 20% damage
25 seconds cooldown, 200 Mana
Requires : 3 x Oblivion Staff (3 x 1675)
Phase Boots
70 Movement Speed , +7 Armor, +16 Damage
Phase (active) Gives no collision with units, 10% movement increase, 5 seconds duration
Casting spells or items dispells phase
Requires : Animal courier (225), Recipe (200)
Burst (active) movement speed boost for 20 seconds, 50 mana cost
Courier Shield (active) immune all damage for 7 seconds, 25 mana cost

+16% lifesteal aura (melee), +0.80 briliance aura
+5 devotion aura, +15% damage aura
Requires : Ring of Basilius (500), Mask of Death (900),
Ring of Regeneration (375), Recipe (625)

+10 armor, +40% attack speed
+5 armor aura, +15% attack speed aura (allies), -5 armor aura(enemy)
Requires : Platemail (1400), Chainmail (550), Hyperstone (2100), Recipe (2000)

+450 hp, +400 mana, +110% mana regen, +5 hp regen
Restore 450 hp/400 mana to nearby allies when die
Respawn faster and lose less gold (better if you have charge)
Requires : Soul Booster (3300), Perseverance (1750)

+30% spell resistance, +8 hp regen
Requires : Planeswalkers Cloak (650), Helm of Iron Will (950),
Ring of Regeneration x2 (750) or Ring of Health (875)

+9 damage, +15% attack speed, +5 armor, +3 hp regen
Unholy Strength (active) +31 damage, +10% attack speed, + 25 Strength, - 30 hp/sec
10 seconds cooldown
Requires : Helm of Iron Will (950), Glove of Haste (500), Blades of Attack (500), Recipe (900)

+15 armor, +30 inteligence, -25% attack speed aura
Arctic Blast (active) -40% movement speed, deal 200 damage
30 seconds cooldown
Requires : Platemail (1400), Mystic Staff (2700), Recipe (600)

+20 inteligence, +40 damage, +30% attack speed, +225% mana regen
Soul Burn (active) 5 seconds silence, amplify 20% damage
25 seconds cooldown, 200 Mana
Requires : 3 x Oblivion Staff (3 x 1675)

70 Movement Speed , +7 Armor, +16 Damage
Phase (active) Gives no collision with units, 10% movement increase, 5 seconds duration
Casting spells or items dispells phase
10 seconds cooldown
Requires : Boots of Speed (500), Blades of Attack (500), Chainmail (610)
All recipes have 4/5 selling price.
Requires : Boots of Speed (500), Blades of Attack (500), Chainmail (610)
All recipes have 4/5 selling price.
16 Comments yet..:
where can i find demon edge?
near the top left corner shop
nice guide, helps a lot
can somebody tell me recipes of lucifer
Nice recipe info, thank u!
where can i find the messerscmidt's reaver,vitality booster,quarterstaff and eaglehorn?
nice recipe!!
thank u!!
where can i get the "recipe" itself?
Wich is the worst heroe?
And ehich is the best one?
Where I can find ring of health, void stone, eaglehorn? I need the pls tell :)
whats the best teleportation recipe
Where can i find the flying courier ?
hoiiii where I can find demon edge
secret shop
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