For Basic members: 400exp per hour.
For Gold Members: 800exp per hour.
•First Make sure that you have good PC and Internet connection minimum 512kbps or 1mbps with fine Downloading and Uploading Speed would be better.
•Dont host if your internet fluctuates, router restarts showing high ping etc.
•Always host in your country room.
•Exit other programs (msn, ym, skype, etc.) that are not required in running Garena and the game you wish to play. As much as possible, have only Garena and the game you are playing open.
•Tunnel/ping the players who are having high or X ping in your "Joined your game" menu.
•If the ping of players are higher than 100 ( | bar) , I recommend you to kick them.
•After doing all these things, If the players still lagg. Don't host game. Just join and play :)
For Gold Members: 800exp per hour.
•First Make sure that you have good PC and Internet connection minimum 512kbps or 1mbps with fine Downloading and Uploading Speed would be better.
•Dont host if your internet fluctuates, router restarts showing high ping etc.
•Always host in your country room.
•Exit other programs (msn, ym, skype, etc.) that are not required in running Garena and the game you wish to play. As much as possible, have only Garena and the game you are playing open.
•Tunnel/ping the players who are having high or X ping in your "Joined your game" menu.
•If the ping of players are higher than 100 ( | bar) , I recommend you to kick them.

I Hope these helps :)
20 Comments yet..:
What the?
WHT :d???
Umm... you didn't explain HOW to do it.. which is really what a guide is for...
he didn't explain how to do it because only a retard doesn't know how to create a game. If you don't understand how to click the create game button on the bottom of the screen i am baffled that you are even able to read this comment. The information he gave was useful.
lol the person above obviously doesnt know about portforwarding and TCP when it comes to hosting it just aint clicking a button
well, yes, it is all about "clicking a button"
and the guy who wrote this tutorial explained how to tunnel players - that's all it matters really
i have dual core processor w/ 1gig memory and 1gig video connection is 512mps...when hosting a game,some of them are complaining of lag!!!!i closed all applications and tunnel them....all of the updates were turned off but still getting lag of who joined my game..what is the problem of my hosting? ? ? ? ?
fish can fly but pigs mayonly walk
i have a good pc spec, with connection 4mbps..but still lagging when i cr8 game....y????..izit streamyx problem?
before i can choose my hero i get a kick why?
what the????????????
yo como host pro doy mi visto bueno ,son tips q al usarlos si funcionan lo demas q no se explica abir el garena entrar al game se sabe por gravedad y si no lo sabian ahora lo sabes ,y y si siguen sin saber es por q son pollos
lagging is all about latency.. low latency = no lag.. 256kbps is enough to host a game
to improve lag / delay issue when hosting or joining dota
you need to configure and lower the latency of your pc
simple as that
what kind of guide is this??????
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