* Mask of Madness: Amplified damage is now applied at the end instead of within the duration Damage between 2 and 3000 is recieved 12.1 seconds after it's activated as ATTACK_TYPE_HERO ,DAMAGE_TYPE_FIRE )
* Sentry Wards: True sight range increased by 100 700 -> 800
* Illusion Rune: Now creates 2 images instead of 1, images deal a little less damage 50% -> 35%
* Silencer: Curse of the Silent is now an AOE effect 275 Triggered AoE
* Bone Fletcher: Death Pact can now be used on any non-hero unit, not just allied units. Ancients can't be targetted
* Lucifer: Lvl? Death bonus damage is now reduced by magic resistance only rather than both magic resistance and armor Spells/Normal->Spells/Magic
* Lucifer: Reduced Doom's cooldown by 20 seconds 1
110/100/90 with Scepter -> 160/130/100 without Scepter 90/80/70 with Scepter80/150/120 without Scepter
* Enchantress: Improved base damage by 10 19 -> 29
* Drow Ranger: Improved Marksmanship by 3 Agility each level 12/24/36 -> 15/30/45
* Viper: Viper Strike's cooldown reduced from 80 to 80/50/30 seconds
* Rhasta: Increased cast range on Mass Serpent Ward 350 without Scepter 400 with Scpeter -> 55
0 Without Scepter 600 with Scepter
* Templar Assassin: Improved turn rate 0.4 -> 0.7
* Pugna: Reduced Scepter upgraded Life Drain cooldown dramatically 22 at all levels -> 10 at all levels
* Venomancer: Improved Plague Ward cast range and vision radius Cast Range 650 -> 850 Vision Radius 1200 Day / 800 Night to 1400 Day / 1400 Night
* Visage: Rebalanced Raise Revenants (5/6/7 Max to 4/5/6 Max, Sight radius reduced by 50%, 29/39/49 damage to 40/46/52) Sight 1200 Day / 800 Night to 600 Day / 400 Night
* Added a sound to Tidehunter's attack MetalHeavyChop
* Techies' name now includes the third goblin (77704) Squee and Spleen ->Squee Spleen and Spoon
* Improved Roshan's Turn Rate 0.1 -> 0.8
* Put a practical limit to prevent mass -roll spams 20 Times
You can see the screenshots on Dota 6.58 Picture and the Download link on Dota 6.58 Official Map post. Enjoy! :)
Source: Dota-Allstars Forums
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