Here are the Official changelogs from Getdota.com/changelogs
* Fixed a rare bug introduced last version with Nevermore's ultimate
* Fixed a bug with Cranium Basher
* Fixed a suicide bug with Heartstopper
* Fixed a bug with Overload
* Various tooltip fixes
* Fixed some rare glitches that could cause some abilities to malfunction
* Fixed various -switch related bugs
* Switch now works if all but one player votes for it, instead of requiring 100%
* Fixed truesight on The Frozen Throne
* Decreased Undying's model size a bit
* Fixed conflicts between Viper Strike and Venomous Gale
* Fixed Soul Rip targetting problems on Tombstone
* Fixed -mo/-ro in -gameinfo
* Fixed a bug when picking up invisibility rune while under the Phase effect from Phase Boots
* Fixed -mr failing to be recognized as a gamemode
* Fixed Rapier damage values when being carried by a non-owning player
14 Comments yet..:
finally dota 6.58b is released no more bug ^_^
where do i put this map?
Put this map here
"C:\Programs Files\Warcraft 3\Maps\Dota-Allstars v.6.58.w3x"
This may be fun but what is new ?
they balanced and fixed bugs..
ty for updating dude you are the best
o.O only bug fixes in dota 6.58b
All changes are good in 6.58 except that tower armor one !!! i lost 3 game due to that armor @_@
Visit DotA Utilities to get updated
BOnn|x idoL!!!
no have AI maps!!!
zzz only bug fixes :X
Is this AI?
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