Dota 6.59 news - Dota Allstars 6.59 info Update.
Dota Allstars 6.58b has been released on 17 Jan 2009. Now we talk about Dota Allstars v6.59. If you have information about Dota 6.59, talk it at
DotA-Utilities. News, screenshots and information about Dota Allstars v6.59.w3x will be appreciated. May be IceFrog now working for Dota Allstars 6.59, and the Dota 6.59 Beta will be release. If you want to know about
Dota Allstars 6.59 Beta tester feel free to visit and signup
here. To be Dota beta tester require 2 replays to be submitted. These should be 5v5 games where you show a decent level of lane control, map awareness and teamwork.
I will update here any Dota Allstars 6.59 beta has been release. But i don't know about release date. The latest Dota Allstars map now is Dota Allstars v6.58b.w3x, you can download here.
Here is a quote from IceFrog:
Thanks to everyone that sent me bug reports for 6.58. I just released 6.58b after many countless hours of bug hunting. Let me know if I missed anything and what you want to see in 6.59. I will begin work on it after I wake up tomorrow morning, though I might sleep a little extra to make up for the last few nights :)
4 Comments yet..:
Does This Includes ANy new HEROS in 6.59 ?
new heroes
new heroes plz
plz make the ss of invoker less coldown!!
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