Conclusion: NOOBS SECTION An alternative Build incase you dont want Manta Please i hardly recommend this    
Why the skills? Spectral dagger is your nuke and chasing skill, Dispersion is for Defense, Haunt in level 6 can net you first blood and desolate is effective mid game. May i remind you Spectral dagger is also for escaping. Why not desolate in Early game? No because do you expect that you can kill an enemy with out help from your ally in early game Desolate is only i reapeat effective in MID to LATE game. Why Manta? Manta has good synergy with your ulti and images bennefit from feed back and be aware they images has Dispersion and desolate not to mention they have increase speed when using Spectral dagger. What not to Get      
Eos is too much expensive dont get int items you wont need it Mjolnir i dont like it even with increased IAS Midas is also a waste of time and gold. DR/AEGIS You can get this if you have time and gold. Further use of Spectral dagger and Haunt Spectral dagger gives you zero collision, this means you can move like ghost imagine moving to a cliff by passing through it. As for Haunt it can be a good use for Map hack hehe Spectral dagger Escaping tips At my recent activity i found out a way to use Spectral dagger for escaping effectively example, Spectre uses the spectral dagger to escape through a cliff. This is possible how you ask by shift clicking. Shift Clicking!! Yes you can use Shift clicking for escaping its easy press shift and right click you will see some marks yes marks like a spear mark where you shift click sounds confusing eh but you should try. I suggest practicing in your fountain first Shift clicking makes spectre do a diffrent approach in moving. How do you master Shift Clicking? The easiest way to master this is to practice it in the fountain, You see the big rock in your fountain Use spectral dagger there and shift click spectre should move through if you made a mistake Spectre will go around the rock. Try it on diffrent areas on the map so you can get a hang of it. What are the skills that Dispersion disperse? 1.Freezing field 2. Death ward 3.Epicenter 4.Soul steal 5.Nightmare- you cant disperse this 6.Requiem of Souls 7. Shackles 8. Blade fury- It can but Yurnero will not take damage 9.Frost Bite 10.Over Growth 11. Fiends Grip 12. Counter Helix 13. Spirit Bears Entangle 14.Ignite 15.Black Hole 16.Malefice 17. Avalanche 18.Fire pandas immolation 19.Diabolic Edict 20.Decriptify+Nether Blast- She can disperse the whole thing or take less damage 21.Rot 22. Reapers Scythe 23.Shadow weave 24. Doom 25.Static Field 26. Geo strike 27.Fatal bonds 28. Shadow word 29. Infernals Immolation 30.Rupture Note: She can disperse this skill nulling them or she takes less damage. Concluding Section Good Allies and Bad Enemies        
And many more you guys should know what to do Enemies        
Early game nukers and Heroes that can out last you. I hope you learned something from spectre she isnt your average hero i hope people get to play her more often. Thanks to: Dota strategy for making this guide. To all dota players out there keep rocking \m/. Reminder I will update this from time to time and post pictures to since our internet speed is slow and get bad lags in Gg client or battle net so i am forced to play outside. Thank you again!! I await your comments -END OF GUIDE- |