Early Game: Start Game
So you were lucky enough to random Yurnero. So what? Well, Yurnero is one of the most powerful heroes later in the game. Once he has farmed up his items, nothing can stop him. If you picked him, good choice. Follow this strategy to learn the secrets of the Juggernaut. -
Yurnero is very weak in the beggining so he will be needing a babysitter such as Purist or Rooftrellen. -
The biggest problem Yurnero faces early game are the harrasers. They will target him during this stage because of his potential late game. -
To counter this, we will need to out-farm and out-class them. -
Buy a courier and deploy it at your base before heading off to your lane. -
Choose Sentinel bottom lane or Scourge top as by creep blocking, you can get them near to your tower. -
From the first creep wave, you will recieve a 1 level advantage over your opponent. -
Don’t forget the important codes the moment the game starts, -di,-don -
These codes will display the amount of creep kills and denies you have made. - Another code, -ma is good for checking on your opponent’s levels and what heroes they are. This can help you decide whether your item build is suitable.
Your starting items should be(assuming this is a 5 on 5 game): Starting item build justification - The starting items are the items that you will be able to buy upon spawning at your fountain.
- They are the items that will keep you alive during this stage of the game.
- Animal courier is the most important of these. While enemies need to return to base to heal or to buy items, with this little devil can buy your items as well as health and mana potions for you to heal with. It would most certainly give you a level and gold advantage over your opponents as you get to stay and farm in your lane.
- You only need to get one set of tangoes and two clarities as later on more can be supplied to you by your courier.The gaunlet is there for the additional hp that we will need. Building bracers will only slow down our item build which is a bad thing as we are trying to rush our items in order to survive mid-late game.
- These items are not included in the main item build as they are the basic survivability items.
Skill Build Justification Blade Fury - It is rather stupid if you do not max out blade fury as soon as possible as the damage output by blademaster is very high.
- It is also your escape tool and your farming tool besides being your hero killing or weakening skill.
- The damage of blade fury is as follows- at level4:
140 x 5 seconds= 700 spell damage. It is very dangerous even though the natural magic resistance all heroes have does cut a bit of the damage. Healing Ward - A very useful spell late game to prolong big team pushes,
- Can be used to heal the entire team after getting ganked.
- Can move at about 100ms.
- Very good to heal you when you are solo-ing Roshan or when your team is killing Roshan.
- Only get it later game as you do not have the mana to support it yet.
Blade Dance - His main killing skill.
- Sometimes simplicity is the best weapon.
- High AS and damage only makes this skill more deadly late game.
- Does not lose effectiveness as the game goes on.
- Works very well with Battlefury as the critical is also cleaved.
- I took it A.S.A.P after Blade Fury as the damage is strong for denying and last hitting. The creep is almost guaranteed yours whenever you last hit it.
Omnislash - Makes people yell “Wtf! I didn’t see him! Why didn’t you tell me he was missing!”
- I find it works very well with S&Y because the damage is physical and maim can increase his omni slash’s power.
- The less opponents are around, the better.
- The skill has a certain psychological effect on opponents.
- Chasers will be afraid to follow you into the jungle as they are scared you might turn back and unleash your omnislash on them, turning the tables instantly.
- The search range of this skill has been decreased in later versions.
- This is both good and bad
- Good: When omnislashing, you don’t need to be so afraid of nearby creeps.
- Bad: He can’t really omni-chase anymore as fast heroes and heroes with blinks can escape him(not much difference as lastime they could too and Kelens cant work if the user has been damaged in the past 3 seconds).
- Should be taken at every opportunity possible as the damage is always around 250 per hit.
- Useful at every stage of the game.
Item Build Breakdown You may be asking why I put the item build again. Well, the strategy builder does not have a complete price breakdown so I took the effort to do it. Perhaps drew can add an item build breakdown to save other guidemakers’ time. I also find the database of items in DS inconsistent to that of Dota Allstars website. These items and prices follow DA.  Battlefury=4760 = 875 = 875 = 1400 = 1200 Battlefury is the first item you should get as it helps in farming a lot. Generally, it works with most heroes with criticals. The preseverance must be built up first before the damage items as early game you must concentrate on surviving and gaining a level advantage. The presevarance should be built together with yasha and be finished before sange.  S&Y=5100 Recipe=1000 = 600(recipe) = 600(recipe) = 1000 = 1000 = 450 = 450 This item is very expensive but is now more worthid as it has been buffed in recent versions. Yasha should be built first as the IAS and agility bonuses benifit Yurnero much more than sange. Sange’s maim is still very little as it has not been buffed. Only once they have been combined into S&Y is maim useful.  Boots of Travel=2700 = 2200(recipe) = 500 Compliments his ganking abilities and his chasing abilities now that S&Y and Yurnero’s ms have been buffed. Also can teleport to ALL allied units on the map so you can teleport to your allie’s underlings that can be placed around the map. This would give you total control over the map. Boots of speed should be bought after completing BF but before completing S&Y. Upgrade to BoT after you have finished S&Y.  The Butterfly = 6000 = 1800(recipe) = 3300 = 900 Incredible item to get on agility heroes. Especially DPS specialists such as yurnero. Increases damage as well as attack speed tremendously. Should be built after BoT as it greatly increases your killing potential and survivability. 30% evasion is no laughing matter as it will certainly stop perma bashers and heroes that rely on a few hits to kill like ursa.  Assault Cuirass = 6120 = 2100 = 1400 = 620 = 2000(recipe) Late game item. You can own without this item but this can add to your killing potential. Increased AS will only make your omnislash more powerful. The additional armor will be very good against DPSers and the auras will certainly help your team late game when the ultra huge pushes begin. The - 5 armor also contributes to your omnislash as it is physical damage type.  Heart of Tarrasque = 5500 = 3200 = 1200(recipe) = 1100 Amazing survivability when fighting in the middle of a battle. Gives you enough time to cut your opponents down to size and help your team substantially.  Hood of Defiance(situational) = 2350 = 950 = 650 = 875 Get this if more than 3 of your opponents are heavy nukers. Replace HoT with this as even the Heart cannot stop a few nuke combos. Creep Blocking - Since you are weak in this period, you must do all in your power to help you farm.
- This set of screenshots will show you the art of creep blocking which is actually a move to slow down your creeps from reaching your tower.
- This will actually give you a 1 level advantage over your opponent if you did it correctly with the first wave.
     The Importance of Courier - An animal courier has many uses that you can benifit from substantially for such a cheap price.
- The items to get for your animal courier to bring to you besides items that form your main item build:
- Bottles and clarity potions are to heal you as you do not want to return to the fountain.
- The tangoes are for later use while fighting.
- * Okay, so we have our item build and skills all explained together with the techniques to block creeps.
- * So what Do we do when we are in the lane against the opponent.
- * Well, the most important thing to know about Yurnero is play safe .
- * Farm safely in your lane and don’t go ganking or pushing like mad or making sudden assaults on your lane opponent.
- * You will end up at more loss than he is.
- * Last hit and deny.
- * Set this in your mind. For Yurnero, LAST HIT > DENY.
- * Don’t push too far into your opponent’s base.
- * Once you reach level six, don’t go and try to gank yet.
- * Be careful as you r opponents might try to kill your courier.
- * Always play safe. Only strike back when your opponent hits you(melee).
- * If an irritating range opponent can’t stop harrasing you, first, look at your game time.
- * The creeps spawn every 30 seconds.
- * If you are sure your enemy creeps aren’t anywhere near your ranged opponent yet, blade fury and chase him down a bit, cutting his life down and then return to your farming.
- * This way, you gain advantage by forcing him to return to the fountain while your animal courier can bring potions to you.
- * If the opportunity to kill comes, take it but do not be stupid and tower dive or omnislash when you are not sure if you can kill him.
End of Early Game Conclusion: Your goal in this stage is just to out farm and level your opponents. Do not let them harrass you. - The items you should at least have by the end of this stage:
35 Comments yet..:
This is an awesome guide. :)
Best one I found for Juggernaut. :)
Great guide! thanks, though i'd like to use mjolnir on him.
Great work !!!!!!!!!!
Keep it up !!!!
Exellent Guide ! Great work :D
Change the Heart of Terrasque for an Stygian of Desolator and the Assault Cuirass for a Vladmir's Offering and you get a critical of 800 dan and a life steal of 80hp aaand a life regeneration of a Battle Fury with 6h/s
this is sick a critical is made for juggernault duh
noobs posting comments here.
crits stack with cleave, but lifesteal doesn't with crit.
buriza will override blade dance w/c is worse and will also be a waste of money.
IAS items is the best for Yurnero because it increases the number of times he slashes with his SS.
don't post noob comments here like you're someone who's so great, you don't even know DotA basics. read mechanics and know what stacks, what is what and etc. do you even know the meaning of D.o.t.A.? shees.
thumbs up for the creator of the guide.
hope you make updates for the recent patches like 6.63b.
was a too good guide i really liked it !! :)
yea tnx guys now i won in a bet match i beted $1000 dollar for that match and i won lol
Thanks for the guide... But please make a new one for the current versions...
if i were you.. build phase boots so when you activate it and you use blades of fury.. you can catch up killing it.. then i think kelens dager is pretty good too to surprise attak and escaping..
ooh come on, he need DPS items instead of APS or mega healths, just use his ultimate. he can pwn 2-3 heros at once with his ultimate, and blade fury.
in 6.66b i prefer blade fury, scepter of agh(item that upgrades ultimates), monkey king bar. of course phase boot. in early game he can have first blood with boots of speed and with his teamm8(of course stuns like venge, lion. when he reaches lvl6 just go find some agi or int hero and pwn.
yurnero is imba hero.
tnx for possing this guy love you very much
ur nab this guide's are inuseful all the game are difrent so u make difrent items and btw this arent the best item for yurinero ... just dont make more guide's pls nab
wow this is very nice guide i for one really like yurnero love it. can also share my personal build for yurnero its. threads, battle fury, vladmirs, desolator,butterfly, cuirass feel free to object :)
Very nice man. Great guide for me as the in depth look on when to buy, when to use skills and why was invaluable. I was thinking wouldn't a AS heavy build mean huge damage for both omni and regular attacks. So then wouldn't I hyperstone in replacement for 1 item be great
heyyy mr. post guy!!!
it is ok to have this at Yurnero?/
Battlefury Butterfly
Vladimirs Boots of Travel
Desolator Tarassque/Cuirass
is that ok??
i think Desolator is better than Sange and Yasha.
is that ok??
tnx 4 d'guide..
i hope that i will be a good Yurnero user!!
Tasting my Blade!!!
For the Cunning Blade!!!
more power and
Wow that item build let me get beyond godlike less then 10 minutes
lol.i use buriza and i am sure to hit a crit every 2 hits or if lucky enough both buriza and blade dance activate giving me about 600 damage(but some of the damage is chipped of because of armor)and combined with battle fury.........
know what aghanisms is better than a tarassque or cuirass
i think we could use boots of speed rather than boots of travel so using blade dance is easy for enemy and chasing then while running either
Agnahims Scepter Is Better it Can Make Your Ulti Better And Adds Health,Mana And Sats! Try It
The best guyde i found for him and its rly nice + scepter is rly good item for him cuz it gives u +2 hits on ulti(500 damage) good for killing heroes with alot of HP :))
Thank yuh very much 4 dis guide
OMFG i just played with yurnero used guide :D OOWNING :D NOBODY COULD HAVE STOPED ME i pwn everyone on the map score was 53/7 game lasted 2hrs bcs i didnt wanna end it IT WAS A BLAST!
thanks for the guide.I m sure I would improve
Thanks !! Nice intel :))
its not so muc about the itembuild. more about the gameplay. jugg is no lategame carry. hes strong in the early phase / laning and ganking. keep pressure high via bladefury and net as many kills in early as possible. get some hp for early, sny is viable, pt/phase are both good. youll need some aspd, i think mael/mjoll is pretty strong cuz it clears creeps and give nice aspd. best dps item in general is mkb, but u might consider butter as it makes better use of crit. agha is viable but not as first or second major item. more of a luxury item, but still strong due to low cd and more hits
very great work buddy, yurnero is best and with your guidence it is unstopable, thanks for all this .
i think it is better for him to have ahganisms, to have more damage on his omnislash!!... and it has cool effects.... :)
oh yeah!! Thanx dude, Yurnero rocks!!!!
its a great one but can you make a guide for murloc nightcrawler
hmmm let me try..?????
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