- Custom Keys Simplification
- Replay Auto Saver
- Hit Point Shower
- Backpack Helper
- Windows Keys Disabler
- Build-In Replay Charter
- Advanced Game Configuration
- World Editor Tweaking
- Various Game Modes
- Simple and Clear Interface
- Easy Set Up with Configuration File
- Multi Language Interface
Download Links
How it works! (configuration)CustomKeys.txt - copies my custom keys to warcraft 3 directory in keyboard layout version depending to Keyboard parameter from config.ini file.
First it copies old CustomKeys.txt to CustomKeysOld.txt and then it replaces it. When you exit warcraft, old keys are restored.
Keys are assigned for first four lines of letter part of keyboard.
Folowing keys are used for standard qwerty layout:
Abilities are assigned for first QWER keys.
Be sire to set Keyboard parameter in config.ini file as you need.
Hit Points Show - runs little application, which presses [ and ] keys, when there is wc3 window.
In effect it shows hit points bars over each unit. Can be enabled/disabled for enemy and/or ally.
Replay Auto Saver - runs application, which saves replay after each game played.
Replays are saved in following way
All credits goes to Mefhisto for creating such an awesome toolkit.
13 Comments yet..:
ATM this toolkit is alot better than warkeys and LWT what you guys say?
Yea it is..
Hey admin could you post some guide of this toolkit? please :)
falcon buddy this toolkit is very simple and easy to use no need any guide...
may be some features of this toolkit already in 1.22 version of warcraft 3 tft
i am using this tool for 2 years now .....and i noticed some minor problems on some dota heroes
For Example :
On Mortred -you can't cast first spell because the hotkey don't work so the spell hotkey is " D " originaly ... but "D" is the shortcut for hodl position in this tool so you need to cast the slow spell with the mouse
On Venomancer - 2 Spells 1 hotkey " E " serpent wards and first spell are both on " E " key when you use E you cast serpent wards
On Lion : 2 Spells 1 hoothey " E " Impale & Mana drain both are on E key , when you press E you cast Mana drain
On Kunka : hotkeys don't work at all ( on most new heroes hotheys don't work cuz the tool is old ) an on top of that you can't cast X mark's the Spot cuz "X" is patrol with this tool
I USE THIS TOOL anyway is the best i love the backpack thing helps alot
IF ANYONE has an idea how to fix the hotkeys to work properly on all heroes please post here or i would apreciate if you send an email andrei45mad@yahoo.com Thank you !!
HOw Can i REstore this Settings!!!?? HELP ME PLZZ
that could be a problem as well .... try changing that customkeys.txt file from the main folder
Delete CustomKeys.txt and then change the file CustomKeysOld.txt to CustomKeys.txt i think that should work ...
NO!! NOW I delete my customkeys.txt!!
If someone see this please upload an updated Customkeys.txt for newer versions of dota this is for dota 6.51 the spells on new herose and changed abilities don't work right !!!
u all should use "key costumizer", search it...it could change keys to anything u want.i just press 1 button for my backpack.
Need help this thing work on garena if yes please tell me how?!
it works anywhere.
it enables you to customize game settings while playing.
you may find other tools (WC3 tools) on thehiveworkshop...
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