6.57b - How many Phase Boots?
A few posts ago I claimed that Phase Boots has changed the face of Dota forever. All right perhaps I exaggerated a bit. Nobody else has said much about this item, but contemplate what the following leaguers have done. Check out FIVE heroes (out of TEN) in yesterday's Dota-League Winners' Bracket Final (KS.int vs MYM):
Sand King

Did you notice how ridiculous this item build would be if used in a pub game? Waaaa I love to teleport everywhere, I want to be faster than everyone else half of the time, I want people to see me now and not see me then and I want to do it more times than anybody. Levent you hear me? :P

Crystal Maiden



Say goodbye to the world of Treads, from now on it's the world of Phase Boots.
11 Comments yet..:
mainly phase boots are used to catch hero in crowded area or run away from it...providing extra armor and damage...it is not a bad item either to used in pubs
lvl 17 sk and lvl 16 axe with pathetic items
leagues= not pub
= its not all about items
Hmmm i Think hes Intelligent
axe with no vanguard??? get real...
mga tae kayo tangina nyo bobo
axe lvl 16? with item build like that? are u okay or something
Plagiarism is not good. You copied this post from http://dotamatters.blogspot.com
By doing so, you just proved that you're someone who knows absolutely nothing, and has NO originality. Please don't plagiarize, it's the worst thing you can do as a blogger.
continuing to plagiarize will result in a non so happy retaliation from me.
and if you are really unlucky, the prince himself.
rofl, you finally got around to taking my comment down, so it's time for another to remind you of how pathetic you are
this is copied verbatim from http://dotamatters.blogspot.com
@everyone who doesn't play leagues and knows shit about what 'good' items there are, watch some pro replays, you might learn something, it's all about mobility and only the carry does hardcore farming, so those items aren't out of the ordinary
Yeah, This post has been copied.. It really is quite pathetic. I suggest that you remove this BLATANT "copy and paste". Hahahaha i mean really, "how many phase boots?", you obviously are cheap. Can't even come up with your own title.. wa'eva.
btw peeps, stop comparing league games to lvl 2 pub games. zomgwtfnoooooob
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