Dota 6.61 - Official Dota Allstars 6.61 Map Download Changelogs

Dota-6.61DotA 6.61 | DotA Allstars 6.61 Official Download and Changelogs news and updates. Dota 6.61 is the map has been released, IceFrog has released Dota 6.61 so quickly. In Dota 6.61 we can see some balancing and bug fixes. They changelogs are not big as previous map. We hope DotA Allstars 6.61 will be the balanced map. Download Dota 6.61 now and try this latest map by IceFrog. You may also share your thoughts and suggestions regarding Dota 6.61 .. Keep visiting for future updates.

Dota Allstars 6.61 Getdota Download Link .:
Download Dota Allstars v6.61.w3x - Dota 6.61 .w3x - Dota Allstars 6.61
Download Dota Allstars 6.61 - Dota-Allstars v6.61.w3x (mirror 2)

Dota 6.61 Changelogs:
Click here to Read Dota Allstars 6.61 changelogs - Dota 6.61 Changelog.

Dota Allstars 6.61 AI Map Download:
Download Dota 6.61 AI - Dota Allstars 6.61 AI Map - Dota 6.61 AI Plus

87 Comments yet..:

Anonymous said...

what the??? the 6.60 newly released then they want to make 6.61 so fast???

andro said...

i must enjoy with dota 6.60

Anonymous said...

i hear this map will rewind to old version like 6.59...
for the ppl dont like 6.60..

ahmad said...

i have some problems with the new map.. i can't make aghanim scepter

ArdiJanuar said...

yeah, your right..
then the 2 heroes is cool

Anonymous said...

how can you not make aghanim?

you take a point booster and 2 of the three +10 artifacts. plus the recipe..simpler than the older one..and better

Anonymous said...

older is better .... i mean easier .... 3 booster and one mystic staff .... but expensive ... T-T
cant make it ? a bug ?
juz buy ogre axe , staff of wizardry , aghanim's recipe and go mystery shop buy point booster

Anonymous said...

Icefrog plz release the Dota 6.61 Fast. And plz also balance this map.

Anonymous said...

How long we have to wait for this Dota Allstars 6.61? release this 6.61 shit early

Anonymous said...

I Agree To The 2 New Characters... Good Luck in making 6.61.. So Soon... :D No Offence ...

Anonymous said...


meow said...

yup 6.60

doesnt look neccesary because of some changes

maybe its better to put it back to the old way
of making items like aghanim

SinnerSynx said...

Admin here, IceFrog is making another map Dota 6.61 for you. So, may be he needs your feedback in order to make it stable and balanced. You can tell IceFrog what you want to be changed or removed in Dota 6.60


fragsta said...

batrider is imbalance he needs to be balanced in dota 6.61 asap

Anonymous said...

its to fast
are icefrog gonna crazy ?
he's dont think about his fans .

Anonymous said...

Lol this DotA 6.60 map is harder then my physics book :)

Anonymous said...

Well i think expect DotA 6.61 as a bux fixed version. Because IceFrog will just fix some bugs in Dota 6.61 version. He never add or less more thing

glimer said...

techies is a very useless hero that should be remaked in dota 6.61 .. techies can be good only in pub ganmes.... also geomancer needs a buff he is very weak hero..

Anonymous said...

man wtf? why you are listening to noobs? dota 6.60b map is ok ... dont make dota allstars 6.61...

those who are ok with 6.60 vote "Great Map!" at poll on right side.. please... i dont want dota 6.61

Anonymous said...

remake razor, imba hero,all skills remake.
remake tauren chieftain's ultimate damage
lvl 1/2/3 :35%
lvl 1:100+25%
lvl 2:200+25%
lvl 3:300+25%

Anonymous said...

batrider is imba hero,please remake it

Anonymous said...

..the 6.60 maps sucks!!

ariyandev said...

icefrog u are the best 6.60 map was gr8 i want a new hero batrider is very gr8 hero and the chieftain

Anonymous said...

bunch of filipinos dota noobs here go play tetris noobs.. dota 6.60 is great release, no dota 6.61 needed !

Ahm3D said...

if icefrog is making another map. i have some suggestions that i would like to share.

1. Nevermore should be made stronger.
2. Medusa needs a little buff (she's very weak).
3. Please remove the new backdoor system.
4. Balance Batrider.

just my 2 cents

Ubantu said...

^ agreed to the post above but remove medusa in list she is balanced

Anonymous said...

"bunch of filipinos dota noobs here go play tetris noobs.. dota 6.60 is great release, no dota 6.61 needed !"

STFU retard racist kid..

Anonymous said...

i thought 6.60 was the last dota map

Anonymous said...

i say this map is...a new step towards a more complex game...longer matches;more straegies;more team work etc get the point...the map made alot of changes in the past years...the old dota players know...when smething new apeard every1 was going:wtf imba OMG etc...this is just another change...every1 will adapt to this new sure...maybe it needs a lil balanceing but still it give alot of poibilities...i say its a good map and at the end of the day you an say gg :p sowi for the bad english

Anonymous said...

I think some imba heroes like razor and troll will be nerfed a bit in this map

Anonymous said...

i plsy dota since version 5.84c,and i see many changes in the past 3 yrs.. its quite fun..learning something new,make more challenging and thinking for teamwork.. not like the old version 5,u all dont need teamwork also u can kill ppl (example like riki got death ward,invi and blink).. the point thy make changes is to make ppl play with more teamwork,not a solo basis.. and i support this game and i support the changes.. i like new things,and thanks to icefrog that he give us a new challenge and changes from time to time..

all the words,DOTA FOREVER ^^

Anonymous said...

right on dude!!! ^^

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

remake bat rider!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

ya remake bat rider!!! in most of the games batrider gets owned by all!! his 2nd skill is not effective.

Anonymous said...

We need heroes...there are some heroes what need a modific .. like puck ... his very strong and impossible loss...

Brazill in DotA

Anonymous said...

dont advertise your country dota here, it's just a dota general discussion.. back to the topic: BONE FLECTCHER SHOULD BE REMAKED OR EITHER REMOVED.. useless hero only he can run ... If you want to counter Bone fletcher just pick lion 1 finger = END OF STORY

Nacho said...

i think they have to do a lot of changes since tauren chieftain is so imba... :(

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Nacho, Tauren Chieftain's ultimate skill is imbalance, 35% Damage is very much in late game and can kill tank heroes easily..

Anonymous said...

well Viper and Razor have become too, this shitty skill that replaced Medusa's Chain Lighting really sucks...about the new chars, the only thing i want to point is Batriders strength comparison with his intel attribute, which is his main, it's almost's not logical for an intel unit to have 1005 hp at lvl 10 whithout items...only ogre magi is that way, who has less intel than strength...nvm, 6.60 and 6.60b are just fine i think...gj replacing butterfly recipe with tallisman of evasion...that's 1800 g that have some use :)

Anonymous said...

Hah! mga ulul kayo!

you're only good in dota, not the warcraft game itself!


eat my 8===D


Anonymous said...

shut up m8 ^^

Anonymous said...

I think 6.60 is imba no need 4 6.61 jus fix da bugs and get used 2 the new version it's benn done 4 ages don't c y lots of people are complainin

Anonymous said...

i am happy dota

Anonymous said...

I think 6.60 is imba no need 4 6.61 jus fix da bugs and get used 2 the new version it's benn done 4 ages don't c y lots of people are complainin bye

helloo said...

i think lr needs to be balanced a bit more.

Anonymous said...

i think lr

Anonymous said...

put more HEROES IN 6.61 ...all heroes are so boring i need another hero so i can be challange !!

Anonymous said...


mAny of thE herOes in 6.60 is imbA!

ICEFROG mUst chANge!

Anonymous said...

I agree with some guys that batrider and tauren
R imba!!!!!!
ICEFROG must make new heroes not new stuff to buy in the game!!!!!!
i like the 6.60 dota

Anonymous said...

i too think about bone fletcher... when teh other hero is gettin stronger, why this bone fletcher is still pissing me off! its so annoying that bone fletcher is so useless in 3-3,4-4,5-5, its make me crazy! please make this suck hero getting stronger.. tq.....

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

i just think about it....
if tauren use refresher, in 1 row he can make damage to 70% off the enemy max health...
i think it's too imba for sure??
even taurens ulti cooldown is so short.... without refresher, it's still imba for sure....
when i play Bnet in my country, when hero is ready to choose, there is always a people who racing to pick tauren....
tq, n sory cause my english is bad...

Anonymous said...

can anyone tell me when is dota 6.61 ai+ release
is better it post it together with 6.61 map

Anonymous said...

Somebody said that it depends on the player.He's right whether the HERO is IMBA but the playER is somekind of STUPId the her0 will be useLEss..its a mace of mind

Anonymous said...

It really depends on the person using it......^_^

Anonymous said...

please make an AI version in .60b or also the upcoming one. cairne bloodhoof ftw :)

Anonymous said...

why so many people keep complaining about 6.60 release? icefrog spent many months making this map great for us ! and you people did'nt appreciate it . . . what the hell . . the one thing that is needed now . . is to fix some bugs ! from 6.60 . . thats the one thing needed! no more rollback !!! just fix and balance! and that will be great !! . .

im one of a million people waited for 6.60 to be release. . it cant be ignored . . .

Anonymous said...

razor is a bug hero and tauren strong

i.Ken said...

If they back to 6.59 Style then will be not so fun. cause no more new chanllange! so i think wont

Anonymous said...

i think 6.60 is so fun, many news hero added but the fixed very annoying...
i love old razor...

Anonymous said...

pls create new hero and balance all the character specially techies~~~

Anonymous said...

ok - i think that this map is better than 6.59d...i beleive that yo shouldnt rewind...if you know what i mean.. and yes medusa needs a little improvement

Anonymous said...

yeah old razor is the best...or razor in beta 34 or 45 -dont remember

Anonymous said...

Hey... I Dont Know Y But Batrider Seems To Be Powerfull To Many Opponents I Hav {Played} With Using Batrider..AndMy Friend Says Batrider's 3rd Power's Dmg Should Be Workd Out Along With His 1st Power Its Not So Used I Would Rather Use Some New Power Like...Mana Regen Or Ms... :)

Anonymous said...

To those who said meepo was super weak/imba.
You'll need to play more.

To the one who hated us Fillies,go to hell.
Your noobness knows no boundaries,DOTA over here is an effin' national sport here for christ's sake!

Batrider's not imba,(see the mixed opinions)
Tauren,kinda imba.
With ES,his SS would kill..Mmmm..
A lotta bugs in 6.60b though.

Suggestion to Agha's.
How about changing the point booster to Energy Booster + Vitality booster?
Techies is still pretty strong imfo.
It just depends on who uses it. :)
Nevermore just needs a STR+

nikeltan said...

riki and strom ulti too power full!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!really need to change!!!!!!!!!!!!!if u are the pro player!!!!!u sure hard 2 die!!!!!!!!!!i hat riki and strom when i try to kill them !!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ok, where to start bat rider is imba as fuck reducer the firefly dmg at least and the bounce off the blast, tauren chieftan ulti needs to be a shorter range razor is just completly op now medusas snake is stupid, pls nerf enchant, ursa and a couple of others.

Anonymous said...

why you make dota allstars v6.61 so fast..
but why the ver.6.60+AI you so slow..
bad game....

Anonymous said...

Restore the number of bounces (8) Chain Frost had with Aghanim's; that was an UTTERLY unnecessary nerf. Lich needs all the help he can get in mid-late game.

Anonymous said...

why am i hearing that 6.61 is going to be the last one... i think there is much more that can be done even though its great already

i dunno bout bat rider but tauren chieftain needs a nerf fast... hes way too good... and i like what people are saying bout buffing nevermore. i like to play as him so sweet as if he gets buffed

Anonymous said...

I like it but its so darn that the regeneration bug is fixed T_T

Unknown said...

please do this dota more beautiful.i mean with new heroes and new items

Anonymous said...

let the tauren and bat stay like this
old heroes are IMBA not tc or bat theyre suck
tauren chiftean has a great ulti but easy to run away just good at wtf and bat is sucks too
i hope old heroes stay and never change especially magin nad butcherr

Anonymous said...

may I ask a question what is the bug in 6.60b,even in 6.60and 5.59d is that the colided map??? where sven was immune in magic even the bkb effect worn off..

Anonymous said...

i read what some of u are saying and how dare some of u have the ordassity to say " WTF why so soon" u fans need to not be noobs and realize some heroes are truly unbalanced like Tauren Chieftain, im glad u noobs like getting rocked by unbalanced toons, u noobs should go play WoW

Anonymous said...

hope the map no bug.example like im use the spiritbreaker still got 500+ life walk back to my fountain also can own die if that is seeting i hope close it coz so suck

Anonymous said...

6.60b susck!! im the host and i played -apso then -ah. we the game started for 5mins my opponents got their complete items and suck! cheater!! how it come? i did not play -test in the game just only -apso and -ah.

Anonymous said...

why in dota allstar 6.60b the comp wont choose a heroe? Please help

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i think lone druids ulti should need sum cool down

Anonymous said...

thak wa sasssssssssss
6.60al play dai pow wa

Anonymous said...

lolsss... pm me at Garena.. cxcxcd... laro lng brow..

Anonymous said...

is ver.6.61b Ai plus available here 2 dwnload??... if needed please check bristle bak... pwerful hero, he can build items w/o creeping to lanes,only farming shiittt... he can build VG and HoT for just few mins farming w/o lanes!...

Anonymous said...

i have dota 6.61 ai. but this map can't be played... i don't know why? can u help me???

Anonymous said...

^That comment (i mean after this comment)
Your version of warcraft should be 1.24 or 1.26 NOT OLD VERSIONS OF WARCRAFT

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