Dota 6.60 Beta 57 - DotA Allstars 6.60 Beta 47 Map Download and Changelogs.As We Expected DotA 6.60 Map is coming with HUGE changes and we love to share this Dota 6.60 Beta 57 Leaked map with our visitors. Although it is not good to share these maps but DotA community is waiting for a long time. I think for about 4 months IceFrog is working on this map and Dota 6.60 is and Warcraft 1.24 patch is about to release. There were some changes of Dota 6.60 I am pointing out. If you would like to share some changelog of this Dota 6.60 Beta 57 map, share to us by commenting I will update this post with changes along with your name :).
Here Are Some Images I Uploaded With This Post If you want to see then just Click Here
-: Dota Allstars 6.60 Beta 57 Screenshots :-
Sven Storm Bolt Remake, Storm Bolt is now Area Of Effect Spell. Now sven can farm easily through this skill. This skill will be great in battles.
-: Dota Allstars 6.60 Beta 57 Changelogs :-
Dota 6.60 Beta 57 Changes Summary.
- New recipe shows (mentioned in IceFrog's blog) introduced
- Kadhgar's Pipe of Insight from Beta 45/46 renamed to Ghost Scepter. New icon.
- Kadhgar's Pipe of Insight is the name of a new item in the Supportive Vestments recipe shop. Upgraded version of Hood of Defiance. Has the "Barrier" active ability, blocks limited amount of magic damage (old Storm Spirit's ability).
- Quelling Blade damage bonus nerfed to +36%/12% from +40%/20%. Price nerfed to 250g (from 200g in Beta 46).
- The Leveler removed!
- Force Staff has a new icon.
- Ring of Protection has a new icon.
- Added Goblin Merchant Shop , Goblin Laboratory Shop, Replacing Goblin shop
Dota 6.60 Heroes Changes:
Batrider's Flambreak skill changed from AoE-targeting to Arrow-type-targeting. No longer has knockback!
Batrider's first two skills' animations are much less flashy.
Tauren Chieftain no longer "merges" with his Ancestral Spirit once it's near him. Now you can easily keep the Spirit active for its entire duration.
Lina's passive Boost renamed to Fiery Soul.
- >New passive, Warcry. Active AoE buff, all units around the Rogue Knight gain bonus armor and move speed. +8 armor and +10% MS at Level 4. Uses old God's Strength animation.
- >New animation for God's Strength.
- Storm Bolt stuns and damages in an AoE (It's like Moo Moo's Sven stun, Check it out!)
-terrain default
-terrain snow
-terrain city1
-terrain city2
-terrain jungle
-terrain highlands
-terrain reddungeon
-terrain bluedungeon
IceFrog has done a really great job in Dota 6.60, According to beta map it is like Dota 6.60 map is about to release. Also Warcraft 1.24 Patch is coming soon. In Dota 6.60 players will have to learn a lot of new changes, so Dota Fans be ready for this awesome Dota Allstars 6.60 release!
Check out Old beta maps.
88 Comments yet..:
To the leaker: shame yourself, ruining the hard work of IceFrog and us beta testers.
Wow man, thanks for sharing this new beta map. I think these changes are enough for Dota 6.60. IceFrog should be testing this map for bugs. Dota 6.60 will be released soon.
Yo Yo YO Leak Beta maps :D
dont abuse IceFrog because hes the one who introduced dota to us - dont forget it
"Sniper's changes really disappoint me. Scattershot has been replaced by 'Shrapnel' - a 30% AoE slow that does 40 dps over 10 seconds at level 4. Unfortunately such a skill would only slightly boost Sniper's survivability, and the slow only affects units in the AoE to boot. Which means he's still gank fodder.
Also now he can no longer one-hit creep waves, making him more of a sucky farmer.
Aghanim's now reduces his ultimate's casting time and increases range."
WTF why nerfed sniper?
Omg! Wow IceFrog you did really Hard Work for this map. GG
i hope he will release this map in couple of days as written in your blog. Keep doing good work and thanks for sharing this map. The dota players are waiting for this map.
hey ahmed your blog is great, i linked your blog
i dont like the changes dota 6.60 will be imbalnaced map..
wtf so many items reduce price... alot noobs cant afford to buy izzit?
^ Agree. 1) There are so many fuckin DUMBASSES like someone who said "wtf so many items reduce price... alot noobs cant afford to buy izzit?". 2) Is there no one who finished school? almost all of the people dont have any idea what ice frog is doing with the nerfing and upgrades.
the tauren chieften is a great hero i can beat a noob easily. XDDDDDD
There are many new changes:
AGHANIM now works on many many heroes:
Vengeful Spirit: Reduces Ultimate Cooldown to 10sec
Chen: Reduces Ultimate Cooldown to 25 sec
Abaddon: Increases Ultimate time to 7sec
There are many many more that I have no time to explain right now.
That is really nice map!I like new maps so I like it very much!!!Thank you Ice Frog.
Shame on you, Retard.... Icefrog does this for free and fun and he didnt deserve this...
please remove the leaked map...... icefrog said not to post in public.... ZZ~
map apaan coba nih! map sampah!
Please remove the leaked map if you guys want to rise your website's credit.
I agree that IceFrog does hard work but the new chances are not so good... For instance the new adds to the scepter aren't good. I think that pudge-atropos-alleria need scepter not all the others.! :) So if anyone wants to talk with me e-mail me at
lol,blade mail is not new its even in 59d,and it's not clock is CLOAK,your typing sucks,anyways cheers fer teh leaked map and ty to the leaker XDDD
Omg How desperate are you. Checking all the images and Spellings HAHA.. So GAY
Medusa's Mystic Snake does damage to enemies while stealing mana per unit and then goes back to you, replenishing your manapool based on the jumps that hit units with manapools e.g. Ranged creeps, heroes...
The greatest thing I've seen is that Aghanim is remade into a 4400 gold item and is available to many sorts of heroes. Many heroes would get this as their core item, namely Pudge, Chen, etc.
And since I can't post anything related to this leak to the official forums, I might as well comment in here...
But seriously, fix your spelling, it's a blog you're working on, at least do a spelling check.
In short, Icefrog really did want to make every DotA games fast, and giving some love to those melee heroes some love in the laning phase.
With the addition of the new items: Namely Quelling Blade and Leveler, it basically adds pushing power to heroes with only physical capabilities, ranged heroes only get half the amount.
And then, there's Poor Man's Shield, 2x Slippers and a Stout: That's 2x150 + 250 = 450 gold item, which helps greatly in survival of melee heroes who gets continuously harrassed by lane whores. That 25 damage reduction is almost half the damage of most heroes at early game.
Thanks for the great find mate :D
from 16 heroes that can use aghanims:
Now... almost 19 new heroes:
9 Str.
Sand King
4 Agi.
6 Int.
Bane Elemental
and the most imba are: (based on lvl 3 ultimate)
pugna - 185damage/sec - 20sec cd === 300damage/sec - 0 cd === wtf..
balanar - no obstruction--- means u can see the whole/full 1000 radius of vision around balanar.. even there's a tree or if ure in lower ground, u can see heroes that in high ground...
barathrum - 75 sec cd === 20 sec cd
pudge - 175 damage/sec === x3 of str
vengeful - 45 sec cd === 10 sec cd
chen - 400 heal - 120 sec cd === 400 heal - 25 sec cd --- wow!
amf..nmn ang tagal release..bilisan nyo nmn..hahahha kapal
I'm unsure what 'Static Link' does
Static link drains the attackdmg from your pointed enemy over time. The enemy looses his attackdmg for a while, while you are getting the same amount. It's very funny if your opponent is a real dmg dealer and hits you, while you receive no dmg, and you do twice the dmg you normaly do ;).
The draining stops, when the distance is too big. The dmg will return after a few secounds (I guess 5-10)
what are the skills of batrider ??
pnu mg download??/
first tym kolng xe eh!!! plzzz
can anyone post a 6.60 AI map?
Anonymous said...
"Just game of aganim scepter users... Silly map. Fuc_k you Icefrog."
Last time i checked IceFrog wasn't asking your opinion about a map he never wanted to show you in the first place.
have any of you know that medusa has a new skill mystic snake and new ultimate stone gaze?
keep doing good work and thanks for sharing this map
Yes, Waited for along for this DotA 6.60 Map. Beta map will remove my curiosity
Can anyone tell me that when will this stable map release?
Lots of Changes in beta maybe i have to take leave from my job to learn this verison. Anyways thanks for sharing
In my opinion DotA players and Organizers should work for DotA to be as a normal affiliate game. And take the authority from IceFrog. Because hes a kid and he is ruining the DotA Structure. And many players can't learn changes after changes.
Dota Beta tester here, This is beta 57 map. We are currently on Dota 6.60 beta 90. Dota 6.60 is almost done, We're just hunting bugs in it. Be patient 6.60 will be released soon.
OMG... My friend was right this map is so cool I am downloading this map.. 10x buddy great website ^^
I found your article interesting.
Please visit and have a look at here
How you think, would be class? "The Vengeful Spirit" to change an attack kind.
And that its attack not over pleases)
panu 2 i DL?
kelan ba to lalabas????
thnx for sharing ;;
What a cool map!!!
Many thanks IceFrog!!
Many GAY said u F.....U...C.....K
But you are really Great!!!
Thanks for taking your time making dota maps
to all dota gamers in the world!
tgl nmn ilabas 2 gz2 q nang mandurog lalo n yang tga delete ng comments n c akismet- 1 on 1 tau kung malakas ka
thanks for leaking beta map. I Love to saw these cool changes
waiting for about 3 months. When will he release this map.
Where is -st (supertower) mode???
Where is the link to download this map?
huskar and spirit is to owerpowered with aganim ...
Thank You. Its a awesome website. I can find every thing related from Dota here. Can you please give me Original Warcraft 3 Key?
At least someone is doing good work except Lame comments
6.60 will never come out NEVER (icefrog bro )
lol the evasion item and stout shield i hate it lol
all are noobs.. imbas!! heheh
There is someone that put " And then, there's Poor Man's Shield, 2x Slippers and a Stout: That's 2x150 + 250 = 450 gold " it seems that some people didn´t learn math at school XDDDDDDDDD
what the heck...there is a leak but still there is no 6.60 Ai map 2day...holy shit!!!
are you noob or just idiot.... that is 6.60BETA..
not a official release...
and by the way BMP and RGB also have a hard time to port the AI if the 6.60 released officially...coz to many remade hero and item...
why need play with AI, that so noob... play GG or with people...
man!! ice frog you made sven way too imba!!! well at least in my observation...dunno what the others think
Force staff should get removed ASAP!!!
You can actually "force" Vengefull spirit onto a cliff, and swap some1... gg
give us 6.60 beta 90 NAO!
If anyone hasn't noticed, Cranium Basher has also been buffed in these betas (stun = 1,4 sec!)
i got to admit.... i was kinda disappointed when i saw the remake on manta style..... i didn't like the new manta style.... for me when i look at the stats.... i think its useless now...
dunno but 6.60 is taking too long its 25th may =.=
is it me or 6.60 is taking just too much time i hope at leasticefrog never would say anything about 6.60 he`s pervert or what he annouced 5 mnths ago that he will release what a retard icefrog
walah-walah.. map anyar meneh ~
Even tho icefrog is taking forever to release dota 6.60, he should give us updates cause its taking him so long to give an update on how it is going most of the time. I jst want to see the most recent updates he jut did
Damn!! it's getting better everyday!! ^^
Sven's stormbolt got a DAMN 17 SEC. COOLDOWN!!
SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!that's lot of time!!!!!
Hey, change Anubseran 1st skill (watcher).... it really sucks.... in fact he really SUCKS!!!! Strengthen up his damage (from 120dmg to "it's up to you") in his 2nd skill.... he even can't kill a newbie.... As you see he can't slow his enemy or even a quick can't do.... man, cahnge his skills.... Anubseran SUCKS!!!!
Change Akashas shortcut keys in he's skill.... It's hard to use her skill with those inappropriate shortcut keys....
kalokohan yan...sabi ni kuya ralp
they didn tnerf sniper, they buffed him.
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh ty the leaker is noob thought :P
ty very much for u leaker xD
naaaab ice frog
put in leakers hands :P
not safe rly noob
go to
dl the most imba garena hacks gogo
not better than this they r equle
nessaj's ult?
wait wait wait n wait...duno when can play dota 6.60..haiz...
Ice Frog should chose his testers better, and do a sweep among them to eliminate these leaks.
Lol, mortred's blink has been buffed, it now gives mortred +100 attackspeed for 3 sec after the blink :p
Played Beta version. I am very impressed. Respect to Icefrog. Great job!!!
Magina's ulti buffed too... deal same damage to nearby enemy units as target takes.
Anyone realised Jakiro's Auto Fire has been replaced by something called Liquid Fire ? That's in Beta 54 though, so I'm not too sure about this version . I don't know what it does , so can someone tell me ?
Force staff is gonna mka Axe too l33t... think about it. A range farming then boom... pulled 500 toward axe for the call and it will be behind creeps? crppeblocked and dead...
fantastico games thanks, holidays
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