Information About this Virus:-
A New Information has been in my knowledge that, A exploit made into fake Dota-Allstars maps and some new Warcraft 3 maps. The damage cause of these maps are huge for your personal computer by downloading Harmful viruses and trojans into your system. We have some reports about the infected computers and users and they lost their precious data by downloading these maps. This is also reported to Blizzard that Warcraft 1.23 Patch is vulnerable to Viruses... and I think that Blizzard might release Warcraft 1.23b Patch to solve this problem..How these maps looks like:-
These map uses the same file/directory name as the originally map and displays an identical map preview. The small size of the map and nowadays fast connections the trojan and viruses downloading process ends when you enter in the game lobby, So its hard to detect these Harmful and dangerous versions.How to detect these Viruses:-
There is only a single way to detect these virus/trojan maps is to delete all the maps from the download folder and keep Only Dota map when joining a game if there's a new file written into the foldar it will probably the fake map (containing virus and trojans).How to avoid these viruses:-
Keep your Antivirus updated and don't close your Antivirus while you are starting War3.exe. Becuase we have seen many of the players shutdown their antiviruses before starting the game. Also do not games with maps that you don't have these maps might be infected. Keep one thing in mind that Precaution is Better then Cure.Regards:-
Dota-Utilities will keep their visitors updated by these Fake maps and trojans. So keep visiting and get the latest updates about these harmful Fake maps.
20 Comments yet..:
wtf do I need to delete all my maps?
@ Anonymous, Mb you don't need to delete all your maps, just use a good antivirus
nice information though...
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz blizzard sucks
I lost all my data because of this trojan Now I have to reinstall windows
I feel sorry for you.
wtf this is insane virus do install good antivirus
nice information thanks
Thanks for sharing..
Interesting :) thanks
where can I get this virus? I want a Virus once in my life :(. I have no antivir since 20 years and no firewall, but no Virus yet :'(.
hahaha that's what you think.
try inserting a few usb's in ur pc and let it on while you're playing. good luck to you when your usb's get renamed to ANTI-VIRUS (D:)!
soooo true
thank u
Well there is another way as i know when u open ur game to check if the ur pc contained the virus or not
start menu >> run >> write cmd >> write netstat
then u'll see all ur pc connections if there is trojan u'll find his conncetion stat and host ...... etc now u found that ur pc infected
1- install new windows
2- find a good internet securty programme ( not antivirus ) scan ur pc perfectly
3- check again ur netstat and see if u still having trojan's connection so find anothr internet securty programme :P
filipino are the 1st created that virus... not chinese
oh no! i just im downloading tons of maps and now i hope they don't have a virus
Why is it that some of these comments are being repeated?
i just tried to download the game yesterday, and it said today that a trojan was detected... how long do you think it will take to patch it?
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