War3 1.24 Patch, Warcraft 1.24 Patch, Warcraft 3 1.24 Patch Installation Ways:
• Install Warcraft 3 1.24 Patch by using Installation File.
• Install Warcraft 3 1.24 Patch by connecting Battle.net (Requires Wc3 CD-Key)
• Install Warcraft 1.24 Patch using Warcraft Version Switcher! (Recommended)
Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne 1.24 Patch Changelogs:-
Patch 1.24
- Added new JASS hash table functions to replace the lost functionality from
fixing unsafe type casting.
- Hash Table - Save Item Handle
- Hash Table - Save Unit Handle
- ...
- Hash Table - Load Item Handle
- Hash Table - Load Unit Handle
- ...
- Hash Table - Get Handle ID
- Fixed an exploit related to unsafe type casting that allowed users to
execute arbitrary code in maps.
- Fixed the JASS unsafe type casting exploit ("return bug").
- Fixed several World Editor crashes.
• “Shadowing” global variables with local variables no longer is possible.
• Fixed a type conversion dealing with operators (i.e. adding a handle with an integer)
• Added the ability to store hashtable handles in a hashtable
• Added getSpellTargetX and getSpellTargetY natives
• Added a new base handle type “Agent” of which many types now extend from.
• Added a SaveAgentHandle native which can be used for saving most handle types
• Added a JASS optimization dealing with global variable change events.
• Increased max map file size from 4MB to 8MB.
DoTA Update
For those playing DoTA on Battle.net, currently the latest version that is working correctly online is Dota 6.62. We are actively working with Icefrog to get the later versions to be compatible with the new map.
66 Comments yet..:
I banged my head while installing Warcraft 1.23 patch and now Warcraft 1.24 patch is coming. WTF?
Looks like Blizzard has not paid hackers :)
lol no problem about new patch. Dota Utilities will give the latest Warcraft Version Switch of war3 1.24 patch. Am I saying right Ahmed? xD
when it will release
Maybe Blizzard should give some plugin instead of giving a new patch >
where can i download this patch ?
Its not good for DotA. Hackers Attack DotA WOW we have to defend our base now.
wow :0 new patch
i need 1.20c patch
can sm1 help me out??
i used version switched and switched to 1.22
now i cannot see any games on garena client,,...
sm1 please help me out!!!!
i love blizzard, always make surprise,with new patch , n game. go dota-utilities, very usefull site O_o
its good to see Blizzard working on warcraft 3 1.24 patch I thought they are working on Diablo 3 and World Of warcraft
Where is the download link of warcraft 1.24 patch?
"where is war3 1.24 patch said...
Where is the download link of warcraft 1.24 patch?"
It is not released yet, We will update DotA Utilities on Warcraft 1.24 patch release. Be patient. Hope Warcraft 3 1.24 Patch will solve custom maps virus issue.
i never see admins comments on dota utilities but it is good to see them here Hi Admin )
Hey admin can you add warcraft version switcher for 1.20e 1.21 1.22 1.23 and for warcraft 1.24 patch. it will be so good plz email me when warcraft 1.24 patch releases my email: reload93@hotmail.com
ffs i got warcraft 3 custom map virus in my pc, blizzard release warcraft 1.24 patch fast :@
I don't think that we will see Warcraft 3 1.24 Patch soon, It will take 1-2 Months for Blizzard to release Warcraft 1.24 Patch.
i dont care about warcraft 3 tft 1.24 patch I juz keep my antivirus updated...
same here
can anybody give me the link of warcraft 1.24 patch, I dont see any donwload link of 1.24 patch here. I think it is not released yet, right?
Looks like Blizzard love warcraft 3 so much thats why they are releasing Warcraft 1.24 patch. Now we have to download and install new Warcraft 3 patch..
wtfff where are da changelog of war3 1.24 patch?
LOL, There is no download link / changelogs of warcraft 1.24 patfch here, he is juz giving the news.........
Just wait,
I think link of War3 patch 1.24 will come soon
go go go new patch!!!
and go go go new map 6.60..
If you are looking for older version patches please visit the Blizzard FTP site.
warcraft 1.23 patch sucks i cant see games anymore i hope that with warcraft 1.24 patch i can see games so i am waiting for it
if u want to play garena (depends on country eg. malysia) you will hve to use war3 1.21..if singapore 1.22 if im nt mistaken..other countrys may support 1.23 but there are rooms for 1.23 patch ver at malaysia server..try checkin it out at garena Xoxo :p
when will patch 1.24 be released?
no need new patch ==
caz no1 in garena renew patch
they use only 1.21 & 1.22 :P
So you don't think people are using Battle.net at all?
you thought they were working on wow and diablo 3. well i thought theyw ere working on that and wc4 storyline so they can make the wow expansion as well. considering wow story tends to follow wc3 to some degree. so expanding wow = expanding wc3 now since they catched up with the lich king.
wat the hell i cant see any game after i patched it to 1.23...
ok but dont have 2 release it fast retards from blizardd cuz ppl geTTinG viruses?jEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEz
I heard people say that to get Patch 1.24 you must have Battle.net account and after you validate cd-key, you will given battle.net program. Login to battle.net use that program and you'll given the latest patch.
I dunno if this right or wrong, just try.
guess dirge (undying) has some explaining to do
sorry but in garena when i go to start a game i can't because the game update...sorry but where i can find the updates?
i hope they fix the fatale error
tangna nyo!
Guys i hope this will help you should only dll the new versions of dota from the official site and when you see when some1 hosts and you start dll map even though you have it LEAVE!!!
Altrough i hope icefrog will fix this problem soon Good luck IceFrog =)
thisisoutrage! dota is not working :(
good 8mb - so dota could have more things :P
OMG i finally got warcraft version 1.24 on wvs and now dota and the download maps dun wanna work ??? WTF???!!!!! HELP PLEASE!!!!
it's working.
but i switch to 1.23, and i lost my french game. it's now in english, and i forgot to store my previous version. can i do something for getting again war3 in french?
btw, after downgrade in 1.23, i try to get again the patch 1.24 via bnet, and now it's doesnt work, some files has now problems. Look :
This patch upgrades Warcraft III The Frozen Throne from the previous version.
ERROR: unable to apply patch to file 'Maps\FrozenThrone\Campaign\OrcX02.w3x'
New patch sucks... dota is not only good map what is done with jass.. and they will not be fixed.
blizzard has just increased max map size from 4 mb to 8 mb just for DotA???
wtf i patch 1.23 to 1.24 and i cant cre8 dota and other game pls fix it ty
Anyone here lend a hand?
I have 1.24 installed, and i have 6.61c map, but when i try entering a room on Garena, theres that downloading thing next to my name, which means i don't have the map, but i can still see the map picture, which you can't do if you don't have the map. Once i get to 99, it automatically kicks me. Also, I cannot create the DotA game either, when i do, it takes me back to the LAN page.
Luckily, I have a copy of 1.23 and i'm still playing on that.
Someone tell me what I'm supposed to do.
i got 1.24 patch le . but when in game when i download till 99 , im auto out of the game . It happened quite a number of times
i got a problem with the new patch replays it cannot locate my 6.61c map file even i use same map version and same location of the saver
anyone got this patch before?any help?
looks like diorge has got some explaining to do
now replay is using 1.24 or 1.24b?
ribet pisan koplok!! make kudu ngadonlot patch2 sagala bebel!!
Blizzard should stop working on Warcraft 3!
Why not start making warcraft 4?
Most gamers love warcraft anyway, so wat the hell is wrong with developing the new sequel?!!
my warcraft version was already 1.24 but the map 6.62 still not working?
how about if i make 1.22 patch to map 6.62 and other?
i'm so confused to install it!
coz my version is still 1.21
but i want play 6.61 online
and i want u to ask icefrog or BmP when they finished the 6.60+AI map?
i'm very wanted to play it!!!
please man make it quick..
how or where can i DL the 1.24 patch?
dont add paatch aggaiin!!! coz patching really borin
Hey guys! I have downloaded the patch 1.24a and 1.24a to b BUT how do I install them??? The are non rekognizable files... Actually they are PART files as the say.
What NOW?
babi patch lanjiau
aku dah dl patch tu pastu x leh gune
enter game pun x leh
tibe2x kene kik
map aku sume org takde padahal same version
patch baru ni menyusahkan jerr... la
dis is true ba?
how to patch it
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