Dota 6.60b - DotA Allstars 6.60b Download Links
Dota 6.60b - Dota Allstars v6.60b.w3x Download (Mirror 1)
Download Dota Allstars 6.60b (Mirror 2)
Dota 6.60b - Dota Allstars v6.60b.w3x Download (Mirror 1)
Download Dota Allstars 6.60b (Mirror 2)
Dota 6.60b Changelogs:-
Dota Allstars 6.60b Changelog:
* Some minor performance optimizations
* Fixed a fatal error possible when 2 users with blademail active fight each other
* Fixed a desync bug when using -tips while other map languages are in the game
* Fixed Force Staff so it doesn't push you into an impassable terrain
* Fixed some bugs with RS and other modes like RD
* Fixed a group memory bug
* Fixed camera from moving when you pick a hero in RD
* Fixed pink player from not being able to pick the furthest hero in -CD
* Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Echo Stomp to not get dispelled upon damage
* Fixed some issues with Treant Protector's Eyes In The Forest
* Fixed a multiple quelling abuse
* Added a note in the tooltip about Kunkka not being able to use Quelling Blade
* Fixed a minor visual cooldown glitch with the MKB toggle
* Temporarily disabled -terrain snow. It was causing annoying visual side effects for all terrain modes when exploring terrain that had previously destroyed trees. I'll restore this functionality as soon as I can.
* Fixed some typos
This is just a quick bugfix patch to fix exploits being abused. More changes and balance tweaks will come soon in the next patch.
Dota 6.60b - DotA Allstars 6.60b Download Links
Dota 6.60b - Dota Allstars v6.60b.w3x Download (Mirror 1)
Download Dota Allstars 6.60b (Mirror 2)
Dota 6.60b - Dota Allstars v6.60b.w3x Download (Mirror 1)
Download Dota Allstars 6.60b (Mirror 2)
23 Comments yet..:
it was great to have 6.60 for about 5mins before 6.60b was releshed ty.
make the force staff push in the direnction your hero is faceing do u have any idea how hard it is to push them into techies mines?
2 new heros and razor are imbalance
Really wtf. bug non finish
tauren so imba take dagon 1 hit on int heroes
what about -tips comand 3 teammates dropeed immediately
Its great thank you
i have tested dota 6.60b map and i have found no bugs yet... i think dota 6.60b is stable atm..
6.60b makes my w3 crash
Razor imbalance and i think Viper so weak LOLZ
cause of the new items anti magic and magic stick weeeeee
i think that tuoran is not uncredible but its to weak
i love all types of dota and i played all its types and i think that 6.61 willl be diffrent from all ....... thank you
loot at this. the razor becomes spammer. tauren has too much area skill. the bat rider has many disable. the viper has been weak in deaf and spammer in skill. the sven becomes stronger. the medusa became extreme not for hunting. and well all mobs became much stronger and has greater damage. and yes they are imbalance in skill but weak in defense try to see that thing.
Icefrog plss fix the bug on bloodseeker!..his rupture nver stop!...shiiiit!
dont lie it stops rupture of seeker
hey everyone over here....good evening..Icefrog good evening...
nothing i need to say over but criticizing. Actually I did realized that most of the 1st released version have some inferior effect. Like what some of you say that Tauren is imbalanced, and new razor is distorted. I do agree with your idea. However dont you all realized what is the mainstream make the "tower" to be unbalanced?
this is because we are urging Icefrog to release the map faster! faster! and faster!
well,tauren is nice but too powerful.Cause,if his 2nd skill hits a lot of heroes his damage becomes so high,even int hero will die by 3-5 hits.
I'm afraid a similar v6.59d bug is still workable in v6.60b. I just played against a Leshrac (Tormented Soul) who could teleport to trees (or anywhere, really) with a Scroll of Town Portal. The Leshrac could also 1-hit-ko roshan, bring down towers within seconds and kill heroes easily with Diabolic Edict. When the game was approaching the end, the Leshrac simply used Diabolic Edict again and brought down 2 towers and the throne within a few seconds. I have the replay.
Dota 6.60 AI Plus Map Download
should i downlaod mirror 1 or 2 guys
you sud make tharll lol he is good hero
pak u kau
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