Dota Allstars 6.61c - Dota 6.6c - Dota Allstars v6.61c.w3x Download Link Goes here.
Dota Allstars 6.61c - Dota 6.61c Download (Mirror 1)
Dota Allstars v6.61c.w3x - Dota 6.61c (Mirror 2)
Dota Allstars v6.61c.w3x - Dota 6.61c (Mirror 2)
Dota 6.61c Changelogs - Dota Allstars 6.60c Changelogs goes here.
6.61c Changelog:
1.24 related update
17 Comments yet..:
nice i w8 or it:D
I realy love this new map is just for god player
how to turn the map into a desert
It would be nice if you changed the front(when the game begins) picture..:/
Should you post the picture of the new dotA ? :)
Thanks :D
salam yaar i need u to tell me that how i can store new version like 1.24 in my old version switcher plzz tell me Asfand BLADE
newbie here, my warcraft version is still 1.20 and I want to update right now but I worry if there is some pros and cons about updating my warcraft to 1.24 is there?
Walaikum Assalam,
Here is the Warcraft 1.24 Patch Switcher, Download and use it. It will solve your problem
Dota-Utilities Support.
Salam .
Melayu upe2 nyer..
leh sye tau umur bpe ? :D
ok ihave always wanted to ask y icefrog dosent put decent hotkeys to all the spells in dota
i know that 3rd party programs can do this but isnt it integrated into dota
i would love for all spells to be on qwer and the inventory slots 123456
i know many guys are goin to say whats the need and its fine the way it is but my question is that there is no reson to have seperate hotkeys for all spells
the alpha com too noob pls put more stornger ai...
pls put more stronger ai com to 6.61 ai
my warcraft version 1.24b, but this map dont work :(
ang bobo na mn ehhhh tunnel po salamat
mga weak po kayu sobra
i said maps are weak
chupenme el huevo hdps :D
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