- To get the Warcraft 3 TFT 1.24 Patch patch, select the Westfall (ClassicBeta) option from the realm menu on battle.net. Your warcraft will then be patched to 1.24. You need Original copy (CD-key) of Warcraft 3 for this.Note: You can only play Dota 6.61c on Warcraft 1.24 Patch.
- If you need to revert back to 1.23 for whatever reason (for example, if you need to test something in 6.61b to compare), just change to a different realm and click connect. Warcraft will then revert back to the older version.
If you don't have Original CD-Key of Warcraft 3, Check the Guide to Install 1.24 Patch Offline. You can share your thoughts and suggestions about this new War3 1.24 Patch. You may subscribe to Dota Utilities to get all the future updates.
18 Comments yet..:
how to unistall it and replace with 1.23 again?
guys i installed this patch and now i want to unistall it. how i can do this?
how to install???1.24????
can teach???
Eh, i tried to download it but 403 forbidden any other ways to download :|
try this site ^^ http://us.blizzard.com/support/article.xml?locale=en_US&articleId=21220&rhtml=true%3Frhtml%3Dy
i downloaded 1.24 patch and switcher.. i tried to run.but its showing errors.. help me...
can help me?
i facing this earror during installation.
16bit ms-dos subsystem
all people who are just HOPING in maphacks are super weak noobs! ASA boy!
i install 1.24 patch already , but when i run dota 6.63 and it cant run, why ?
I still can't login into battlenet.. why?
oh no! i can't do it because i used the USB method to install my warcraft... D:
thanks dota addict.. but how to install a 1.24 patch...
how to intsall after downloading the patch it says some registry error.
download the version switcher
i totally have no idea how to do it..;(
I won't know how to play this game =P
Q: can u guys help me where i can find warcraft3 application installer in internet..
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