Dota 6.63b AI 0.212 Changelogs:
-First update to 6.63b
-Fixed an issue that was causing AI bots to learn their abilities out of order
-Fixed another issue that was still causing the game to crash when a player leaves the game early
-Added some additional AI ability functionality (Crystal Nova, Storm Bolt, Mana Burn)
Dota-Allstars v6.63 AI Map Download Links:
DotA_Allstars_v6.63b_AI_0.212.w3x (mirror 1)
DotA_Allstars_v6.63b_AI_0.212.w3x (mirror 2)
70 Comments yet..:
1st blood!
it must be thrilling
dota utilities rocks always.
nice,thanks :D
second one!
2nd blood!!
Thx BMP!
This map will only work on Warcraft 1.24b Patch
Nice job BMP! But i need the dota ai map work with the old patch too. Thz
Ty ^_^ I'm waiting for new heroes :D
cant you like update to the latest patch? -.-
Wow .. thats great tnx .. for the update dota allstar AI wap Hope soon .. more updates d(~^,)b
where i can tdownload that wallpaper for dota 6.63b ai? cool
i want to play it !!
Thanks.. ^.^
yes,,at last
veary nice
I love you guys. <3
Nice ty everyone. now we can play alone the lastest map .
are there new heroes?
hehehe nice one
i cant see the map what is the problem ??
the file name is to big...just rename and delete a few letters
dota utilities are cool!!!
keep it up dudes!
we're rooting here!
whe, i, creating 6.63b it seas map is too big? but my ver. of my Warcraft is
dota utilities is the best
who dont like ursa too??? it is to boosted
help me!!
I can't play this map
Help me ! ! !
where should i paste the file?? pls reply and email it to my email. ezracc07@yahoo.com thank you
need new heros...
can someone help me??
im having trouble downloading this
how can i download this?
0.211 0.222?
i just confuse @@
why i can't play this map???
whether i have change patch to 1.24
somebody plzzz help me
cool lay-out.. sexy Akasha. :D
it always says " the file is too big" what do i do?
just killed 5 easy Ai's
hmmm .. nice for rampage .. DARK_ZABATH
how to change our dota version from 1.22 to be 1.124??please tell me...T_T
use the version switcher
y i dl dy cant c in dota de?
file i copy paste into my dota folder dy~
good job bro!!!
try to make other hero guides
Thanks alot,I got RAMPAGE (LOL)
great job
thx a lot bmp
you are the best ai map maker ^,^
hi im your friend im so cool ruak and roll
Need new chars
do smt icerog and something else...
why i cant play it on v1.21..it says that file is too big
how to download maps?
how to download o??? must paid to download???
yawa piste unsaon pag down load mag tuyok2x mani
piste oi
How to download new maps ???
yah make new char a girl maybe
no it shud be a girl
anyway thanks
thx alot ppl u rok i got ultra killlllllllllllllll !! :) :D
i try is a new ai map , so fun ! enjoy ! ^^
how o upgrade that to AI?..
or is there an AI map?..
u guyz rock! plz make ai map of 6.64b. thanks alot dudes
im realy2x love this site
advance updated to all..
BuffMePlz is the best AI creator in our world. can i become people like you ?
I have a question for u guys.
why is it that i cant use the 6.64 map... it says file too big....
we have sam problem...
when i used the 6.64.. system say the map is too big...
PUL tank!!!yaw!!!ma view ung map!!
waa. very nice work.
why the map of the dota 6.64 is to big?
i cannot use it
yah...nice one
Guys can you help me please, I downloaded DotA Allstars v6.66b AI 0.2141 and the file is on C:\Program Files\Warcraft III\Maps\FrozenThrone\Scenario. But when I launched my FT I didnt see my new DotA Allstars v6.66b AI 0.2141 map, all of my previous dota maps are there except the dota 6.66b AI. Can you please tell me why theres no dota 6.66b AI on my FT? BTW my Warcraft 3 ROC is already 1.24d and also my FT is 1.24d so any advise? Thanks!
it says map file is too big!!
yeah and it sucks
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