Dota 6.64b - DotA Allstars 6.64b. The upcoming map will be Dota 6.64b if there are still some bugs left in
Dota 6.64 but as of now it is a perfect release so far now major bugs found yet. This post is created for Dota v6.64b news & updates and it will be updated soon as IceFrog posts any update. Stay tuned on DotA-Utilities for Dota Allstars 6.64b map. It's download and changelogs will be posted soon right here!
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Dota 6.64c
15 Comments yet..:
will there be a v6.64 ai??
yes :)
my suggestion is bring return these heros to original state,
Snipe, Razor, and these items to their original state, heart, bloodstone, PT, PB, it nots that i like the heros because i can use all but snipers was gud for creeps farming and razors MS and AC made him great. heart is for most strength heros and most would agree that he would benefit in combat rather than out of combat. PT no one buys it; because it has no real advange over PB where in the old it was AS or Armour/and move through creeps
orginal would be great.
i cant use this map damn!
remove this post as there is going to be 6.65
why have this thread when there is 6.65 already?!
i agree with the top 2 anonymous users...
this map is going to be released AFTER this one is out.
IceFrog is still working on version 6.65 and i suspect he'll do so after this one is released.
if he is. why no updates?
just remake the Sniper First skill!!!...Damn it Toroi
Theres a bug. quite major. empty bot use your courier to take runes. If your courier died. Another hero pick up the bottle cant use it. cant drop it. and rune is neva use. it doesnt expire.
i want the old razooooooooooooooor plz
i want the normal witch doctor
i want the normal witch doctor plzzzzzzzzzzz
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