Garena Login problem only occurs when Garena servers are on overload, suffering a DDoS attack or Garena admins are updating their user database which sometimes cause the user unable to login their accounts from the client (for e.g. Stuck at Garena Authenticating, checking client version). Players who have logged in before this maintenance update are still connected to server.
The only solution is to wait till Garena servers get fixed.
If you still can't login Garena account from your PC, you can login from other internet connection/PC to verify if the issue is server or client sided. If it's problem from your side, you can try doing the following:
1. Pick another server from Garena login window and try to login.
2. Allow Garena to your network firewall safe-list.
3. Open Garena folder (c:\Program Files\Garena) and delete the files inside Cache and User folder (this works on most cases)
4. Completely delete Garena folder and download/install the latest version from Garena website.
5. Check if your Anti-virus program is blocking Garena.exe from connecting.
6. Reinstall your windows
These are some tips for fixing Garena login problem, if the problem still persist try contacting your Internet service provider and Garena support.
216 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 216 Newer› Newest»Ya sad i am trying to login garena from morning 4:00am...I downloaded new garena again n tried but still was not sucessful....but I came to know y now......hope it wil be fixed very soon
same here garena login fails
Please Fix as Fast as You can , tnx
this is happening from 24th sep?
this is happening now right? i can't login too
lol yeah..
"Can't connect to the server"
can already -
u cant login says da same as above is the server dwn?
DATE-07 Oct 09
Yeah, im in NZ, the time is approx. 2:43p.m. and Garena still not working....
CAnt login garena.. says connection to server failed..
wen i tried server 5 it just hangs on "checking client version"...hope problems sorts out soon
i tried to login to garena but failed.I have to wait for 15 mins b4 successful login
it still is not working for me.... wooooo hoooo!!
still have garena eror when i try to login, after i try 15 times then i sucesful login.... always dont send report---
Still nothing happens when I click loginbutton
an tryin from both server 4 n server 5 =((
not able to login !! worst part is cant see ppl in mc if am in via server 3 !! somebody do sometin!! :(
- saaya !!
When it has happened?
problem not fixed .. im still having login issues ..
I insert a account and no pass and it gives no error... but dont connect anyway
hi, im from portugal, and unfortunaly i have the same problem, any solution?
Can't log in either, it says Error Connecting to server T.T
I still cant log in now because of this problem its been up for 2 days now, what is wrong!?
can't login garena server 4 & 5
wtf it doesnt work
hwahahw i know how to fix it, just delete bass.dl in garena folder... if it not houps then email me raabik24@hotmail.com
I was in garena but suddenly there was no chat. I felt something was amiss dhen i relog but now im stuck outside of garena unable to enter
no garena no life! please fix this as soon as possible.!
na aus na po ba?
i have just the same problem it sucks, i cant even find a way to fix it!i tried all pls heeeeeeeeeeeelppppppppppp
cant connect to the server how to fix this??/
me cannot log in.....not responding...please help me!!!!!!
same here!!! pls fixed it
areee i cant log in garena bcause my garena log in doesn't appear hn i click on garrena icon
8am til 12 in the midnight i can't log in garena, i can only log in 1am til 8am,why is it?
why do i get stuck at "IP Looking Up"?
how am i going to fix this talkshit??
same problem here
please fix me pls. me want to play dota
stuck in checking client version... zzz
nw still cannot login...it said tht invalid username even i entered correct username,anybdy plz help me..
help!!! i still cannot log-in.
it says "connect to server failed"
wtf is this!!!!
For me n me acc is mralive i load dinsih the garena didnt come out but it is beside the start thing so i click n it say not responding so admins pls do ur job
when i press login the garena load n finishes it will go down the start there n i press it will say not responding can tell me wads the prob?
broo im in aus and it 7pm and i cant log into garena???? wtfff
it is 7pm aus time and still login error
areee i cant login it says error conncting server wtf is this
getting bord plzz hlp
i think Garens is hacked but the domain is still accessible wat is the problem beyond it?
help help help any 1 help please i am trying to log in garena but its says that connection to server failed..i ensured that the firewall does not block the server please please fix this problem!
it has been 4 hours now and i cant login garena it is 8 30 aus time when do you think it be fixed?
mine says connect to server failed aswell???
wtf does his mean plz help!!!!
waahaa wtf is going on? can't logi :(
can u pls tell us when ll u fix this problem..???
stll the prob persists..
plzzzzzzzzzzzz hlpppppppppppppppp meeeeeeeeeeeeeee... i cant login garena it says login to server failed... plzzzz hlppppppp.... i cant live without garena... plz hlp mee some 1
ny 1 plz hlpppppppppp.. garena login problemmmmmmmmmmmm
icant login garena...helppp. it stuck in 'checking client version'
when i load my garena my friends say i logged in but i see my loading screen going back to ip check
lol garena is empty ! i cant believe...
now also i cannt connect......
omg...what d hack is goink on.....
plz fiz it ASAP.........
lol me2 wat the hell
same here checking account shit and i am in India its 9 pm
I tried to log in but it still said Checking Client Version.......I'm posting a new thread right in Garena Forums and wait for help!
lol I hav only 4 servers ....
and whn ever i cancel the log in screen .. the username box comes thn whn i enter to log in agen it will show "connection to server failed"
fix plseeeeee
Im from malaysia and it same like everybody here ... I can't log in to garena .. SOmeone please Fix this fucking problem ... It makes the whole dota and other games player can't play with their friend .. Please fix this Problem
YO! Dota utilities doesnt have business with Garena, so dont request for fixing them, they're just trying to help ya'know!
Tupac said...
me too cant log in....................i only see loading
Cmon Garena. Gamers are your only income!
tip no. 3 works :D !! tnx
I think Ive solved it :D
Im quite sure that if u try this, u will get your garena running.
what you need to do is to uninstall your garena completely but not in usual way, i mean you have to completely remove all the traces of garena from your computer, and by all i mean ALL OF THEM!! (From registry, from apps), well in some cases simple uninstalling might to solve the problem, but i personally didnt got it solved by simple uninstalling.. so i had to remove all of its traces from my system... and believe me it was very hard job doing it..
BUT there is an alternative easy way of doing it... there are softwares in market, which are specifically designed for uninstalling programs, plus they also remove all the traces of that program from ur system.. so they make ur work quite easy.
So when i got this problem second time, i downloaded a software "YOUR UNINSTALLER PRO".. since it was most preferred by me.. u can use others but i recommend this.. to get it, google it, u might find a trail version of it.. OR u can purchase full version,(i preffer full version, because i havnt tried trial version).. after you install YOUR UNINSTALLER all u have to do is to open software, look for garena in its menu, click uninstall tab on left of screen and start uninstalling in supper mode , it will ask to remove traces u will say yes.. and problem solved, install it again and u are all good to go..
If u have problems still i might be able to help, so let me know.....
- i tried your suggestions about garena log-in problems but still it did not work.. it appears finding servers has the problem,, i mean an error occured during searching of server.. I generally downloaded "Your Uninstaller Pro" and delete everything that traces the garena files but unfortunately nothing happened, same error and message displays during the log-in terms/procedure.. I guess somethings wrong in my computer system.. anyways,, thanks for the keen suggestions,, it help me partially..
same .. tried uninstall, install, download garena again and install again, but still fail
same here..
I can't too:(( yesterday it worked perfectly and now.........:(( I wanna play starcraft xD
I HATE THIS still cant log in servers 1 to 4 i already tried to reinstall it and still no cant log in garena when i try to log in at alll of the servers it says error connecting to server DAMN
i can't login into gerena... why?? they said ..connection failed ..its almost 3days...
plz.. help me to fix this fucking problem.. send me on my email.. thx.. i hope that .. may gerena fix as soon as posible.. if..^_^ xD:
me too even the official website of garena doesn't work meaning all connections of garena is not working on our computer. i wonder that our ip adress is blocked by them.,
i can't login too! i want to play now!
Hate This Still can't Play WARCRAFT III Anyone Help I tried logging and logging in but its no use......uhhhh....
Cant log in either...
Cant even open garena websites (ie garena homepage, forums, etc)
WTF is happening?
I tried all the servers and it still doesnt work. Tried reinstalling the client but still no.
no garena!!!!!
:( fix it
mine tooo....
as of march 11,2011... i can't log in to garena. im in philippines... anyone with the same problem?
Grrrr... please help me how to fix my garena... I haven't play dota these previous week and I'm so bored at home please email me the answer fiendshadow@yahoo.com
still my garena is not working since last week!
i have the same problem Authentication error in Garena messenger and Unable to log in at Garena Client. i cant even view garena website such as Hon.garena.com or lol.garena.com Only garena.com i can brows.. please do something bout it...
guyz! i've got the same problem as you have experience right now.. its been 4days already handling this problems. i can only successfully log in around 12mn to 12nn afterwards, connection to server failed.
Before i used to play 24/7 but what happened right now??
Admins, please respond on our issues..
Me to a tried as of March 11,2011 my garena still not working and keeps saying Connect To Server Failed! GRrrrrr.......
is garena aving problems?
potah oo nga eh mag mamarch 25, 2011 na anu bang meron sa GG CLIENT baka sira o offline server nang garena pota tangina nga eh kakaburat..!grrrrrr hanggang nayon di parin ako makalogin
As of March 12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25 and so on and so forth 2011.Im From The Phillipines...!STILL I HAVENT PLAYED DOTA THIS PREVIOUS WEEKS im am so bored right now and during summer! NO DOTA!wtf is this anyone has the same problem i played last night but wtf happen right now!!!!pls fix this problem sooner or better..grr!
YES MY GARENAWORK !!!!!!!RIGHT NOW I MEAN RIGHT NOW I TRY SERVER 1 YES fast checking authentication wtf yes yes yes yesyes it work yes i can now play dotaagain
Me too last time garena worked on 12:00 MIdnight and 8:00 in the morning but when its noon i doesn't
its almost 5 days and still... no Garena!--WARCRAFT III
this started to happen when LoL is on garena
wtf no garena untill now ?? 1 week no garena cant play dota...zzzzzz
I could only play morning like --- 8:00 -12:00 am but when its noon it does not work...maybe it is FULL at noon!
i hope that this will be fixed again before SUMMER endsss uhhhhh........!its already MARCH.20 ,2011 and still no Garena its about...a week!
i have a problem regarding garena, only 1 unit is able to connect to garena. i always got stuck up on "IP LOOKING". before up to 3 units are able to connect but now unluckily only 1. can any one help me regarding this matter?
why can't i log in in garena
Pls help me loging in on garena puhlease!!!
zzzzzzzzzzz... garena sucks right now, i was able to play before 12nn, tried again (4pm) and i wasnt able to connect...
today is march 25, 2011...
why i cant connect garena? someone help me pls?
sad plzzzzzzz sum 1 help me plzzzzz ma garena stops at checkin client version wat to do man.....
Anyone??...help!My garena is still not working??
fix please
WTF is happening to garena i cant log in error 00001 and after a few hours i try again it says "server offline" how this sh*t is happening i cant play!!!! i pay for my Gold membership! so dont tell me i cant use it!!!!!
my garena is not working BULLSHIT!!
today is march 29,2011
I cannot log in too but my friend can on his pc. Garena problem has started since yesterday from 12pm up to 12am on my pc. Does garena is under maintenance?
today is March 31, 2011
right now is
2nd April 2011. My garena client stuck at authentication
is this too a server overload?
i can't log-in. i can only log in at certain times like 12am onwards please fix..
We are experiencing the same problem for almost a week now. Is there any possible solution to this?
April 6 on the philippines and garena still doesnt WORK!!!
i can only log in from 1am to 7am!!
bitchy Garena!
I thought I'm the only handsome guy whos having trouble logging in garena..
damn garena
i came from philipiines...is all cannot connect to garena or only me?
i need help every time I try to login it said's "invalid user name and password or account not enable, please try again", i try to login from their site but it still happen, then i try to reset my password but when i check my email there's nothing in there pls help.
Help me!!!!!d same problem!!!fix it as fast as u can!!!
u can use garena messenger to play dota it works... garena client stucks at checking client version. Even if keep all fields blanks it says the same, that means garena is not considering our login request. i had same problem earlier i solved it by reinstalling windows (but this technique sucks big time)so i am trying other way out. if nothing will work i will buy steam account and will play dota by garena messenger.
i am looking forward to hamachi they provide better support then garena. fuckin garena is very irritating. hamachi i am comming back...
note:-hamachi is not for noobs.
garena is becoming suck this few day! first all malaysia room full even they got 60 rooms over and second MY ID IS STUCK IP LOOKING UP THERE!
sqlite3.dll this file is geting uploaded while updating. try to get it frm any 1 who has already updated. Then u can log in.
keep connection to server failure-.-!! wad to do? anyone help plz
when i open garena, circle loading sign beside mouse pointer appears and that circle is shaking all the time and never stops. I have uninstalled and reinstalled garena more than 4 times but it couldn't stop.anyone knows?
Error connecting to server and i can't enter the site wtf ???
i CAN`t Log in!!!!
everytime i log in they say i have debug= true django . change to false blah blah
Still can't connect, October 26,2011, 8:01PM, GMT +8
guys i know the solution just if garena doesnt login just wait 10 minutes and it will during this period restart you computer and try loging again worked for me 100percent
ip looking up................................................................................................................................................................................................ Connection to server failed SHET
I'm in Singapore and there's problem with my garena,I'm stuck at the loading part.The time now's about 5.46pm.I've entered my username and pass but its always stuck on the loading part or either there's this error message that appears.Anybody's having the same problem?
i can help a little~ find ur most recent garena setup reinstall it again update wadever it takes~ its faster~ hope it help~ :D
wad to do if it stucks at authentications
i kept getting stuck on ip looking up on my normal garena but i can log in from garena plus.............................som1 tell me wtf is going on
i have the same problem with you and when im waiting and i have stuck to ip looking up it writes to me Unhandled Exception wtf i have to do to recover it?!
my prob is i can log in to Garena client and plus but the website said i insert wrong password i tried many times and checked my password
i cant even open the Garena web-site.LOL?
i cannt connect the garena plus, he says my currently offline.. i cnnt login it.... some 1 help me plzzzz
why my garane plus cnnt online??
As of 03 Feb 2012, i can't log in to garena.
I have try for the past 1 week and it's still can't login successfully. What i saw is after password enter, it say initializing and next, it went missing from the screen and task manager as well. I tried re-install, delete and install the latest version, but still can't log in. Can anyone tell me what happen ??
fark ... after a game .. i disconnnnect from gg !!
then relog in ~~ stuck at IP LOOKKING UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
can't login to garena
i can open my garena messenger but if i click the lan button it will not open..the computer will not respond! because earlier when i open my account my computer accidentally shutdown! and when i open it again when im signing in my account on garena whebn i click the lan it doesnt work annymore! :(
zzz.... cant login with garena or garena plus since this morning (03-03-2012).. any ideas... is it just me all of us?
Setting up windows is not that easy pal, lot of things are there that i want to stay the same forever.
I am positive my username and password is correct but it always tells me "invalis username, password, or account not enabled, please try again!"
u garana guys so famous if u cant sole this problem u ***
hey.. my Garena+ has a problem it says [Error 274d] can't connect to garena plus server. please check your internet connection.. ? any solution?
6. Reinstall your windows
6. Reinstall your windows
login problemss FAK
I cant login plz fix
hey.. my Garena+ has a problem it says [Error 274d] can't connect to garena plus server. please check your internet connection.. ? any solution?
Y still cant login
y me can't to sign in to garena the probrlum is connect probelum but i oso can sign in to fb can update my garena game
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I can't login to garena.com with my account, AvLn.Frostie. but in other computer I can, I cannot manage my clan with this errors. Please help
my problem is i cant open my garena account.before i open it it was offline.so i press online and then it is close.when i try to open it again it cant.i have two garena accounts that cant open.PLEASE HELP ME!
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just reinstall it !!
how do i retrieve my garena username?i forgot!grrr~ =,="
i can log in my account but i can't enter LADDER
this is the answer to your problem: go to the properties of garena messenger and chose compatability. then check "Run this program in compatibility mode for:Windows XP(Service Pack 3) then you solve your problem. Email me at azherbhousx@yahoo.com if didn't work
My Garena is no working its stuck up at initializing stage and ist said login has timeout PlSsSssSS heLp.......
login time out! ..... -_-
march 8 2014 ,,, server down??? i cant log in
is it an outdated blog?
i cant even log on to garena forum
hi i cant log in garena
how i can make chating withe garena maneger ?
can any one help me i cant log in garena
i cant log in garena its not log to garena loby wht i have to do
i cant log in to grena lobby waht i have to do its auth in my sever and stel like this dosnt wont to log in lobby waht i have to do tel some on plz
GGC stuck in auth in main server.. help please?
i actually read a comment saying "I can't too:(( yesterday it worked perfectly and now.........:(( I wanna play starcraft xD" and downloaded starcraft and now going to play :P
Auth in my server pls help
Auth in my server...
24.5.2014 Auth in my server pls help me
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