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GUMH v11 for Warcraft 1.24e:New Version:
GUMH v12 for Warcraft 1.25b Patch:
GUMH v13 for Warcraft 1.26a Patch:
• Reworked how GUMH starts and loads - to fix the error when gumh wasn't loadingGuide:
• GUMH is now compatible with battle.net ! - you can play on bnet afer using
• GUMH on Garena. (but still GUMH is not for battlenet - you cannot play with gumh on battlenet)
• Added a button to restore your W3 patch - if it gets damaged
• Various bug fixes
• Download Garena Universal Maphack from the link above.
• Extract it to any folder then start "Garena Universal MH.exe"
• Set your Warcraft 3 Path from the top.
• Then Click "Start Garena Universal Maphack"
• Now run Warcraft 3 using Garena client.
• Here you go!

• Use official Garena client, Don't use any Garena Crack/hack to use this maphack.
• If you have any problems or found any bugs please post a comment!
• Use this on your own risk, DotA-Utilities will not be responsible if anything happens to your Garena Account
• This GUMH will support Warcraft 1.24e, 1.26a and may also other previous versions.
2406 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 1801 – 2000 of 2406 Newer› Newest»it doesnt works
Why this 1.24e maphack cant use ?? can someone make a new 1 ??
garena will auto ban your ip address... they will not ban your account.. .. haha.. .. mh nubs.. ..
for mh nubs... better play AI.. ..NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBS
like it!
GUMH v13 Detected on Garena (July 3, 2011)
Map hack will work in single player, but if used on Garena, for a LAN game, you will be booted out after about 10-20 seconds into the match with a "you are using hacks" message.
Do not use.
its patch akready gumh for 1.24e
Map hack are for noobs...
Please post A new Garena Map hack.
Because i can't use anymore this Map hack because of 1.26 switcher
this don't work anymore ... :( It says u are using hack. :\
I got warning for using the mh for 1.26.a
I had to reinstall war 3 and then i could play
using the GARENA Map Hack is hard to use!! its like cheating sites....
Not working on 7th of july ...
This application is still working... TNX man....
FUCK FUCK works perfect on me.... Go URSA dodge all the fucking ARCHERS especially MIRANA...
it work only 5 minutes,garene say:you use hack and exit game
TY . PO!
man whenever i use it my garena close right after starting the game! i know it works but i cant play with it, help me
thats right
Well..it's not working for me.
When i used it for first time,i started a game and then an error popped up and said i'm using hack,so i should stop the hack,reinstall WC3 and try again.I did that,now im not using any hack and this messege is still popping up when i start playing...Now i can't play.
Any suggestions?
use gumh noobs
When I start the game it will immediately close then a dialog box will appear stating : You are using maphacks don't use one re-install you wr3 .
why.does mine.does not open??
issu ai da ban nem vo mecher com issu
1.24e gumh doesnt work is 1.25a will use for 1.25a
you are using hack,pls remove ur hack and reinstall war3... <<how to fix this!!!
l2p srsly
Glad to know it didn't worked anymore
my 3 years old brother won't bothered me again since he can't pawn people using MH
fcuk MH!!!
hey!! garena can detenct this hack..plz give me solution..
For some reason, i always receive a message from garena asking me to reboot my WC3 because im using hack. How to solve this?
is this doing on 1.26a ?
garena maphack didnt work....what are the possible solutions???
i cant use it couse i don't have dota and garena so its not working
i have found a solve problem need download more 1 thing that is auto joiner
first u open the mh than open this it work that i try
when work send an email to gamer-helper98@hotmail.com
error !
storyaaheee :D.. ^_^
why cant mine work? which garena do i use?
what the..... garena said remove or reinstall your warcract xhet~
...Cant use le now.....The harena will sudden close ..
My Garena and W3 auto close. HOw?
gr8 its works!!! but will i get banned 4 using dis hack..cuz im in lvl 40 n i dnt want my account 2 get banned.
Cheater sirz.....
i hate it!!
Maphacker' let me tell u this:
IT works again!! great thank
Lol maphack can use , but will kik frm the room , can use but cant ply =.=.
working tnx
WTF no GUMH in 1.26 version???
It works !!! :))))
This is pathetic.... y do u guys even play dota... if u want 2 cheat....
Freakin' awesome MH..But,what's the point if you're using MH and keep on losing the battle?..your MH was totally useless for the newbies or noobs..Dota pro doesn't used MH to play with,their brain is their MH and their strategy is their key to win the battle...trust me and you'll be the ultimate dota pro,just like me..lol
Not workig, he sad "You are using a hack. Please reinstall Warcraft 3, then install again"...
i can open mh... but,It said detected by garena. how i gonna solve it. help~
wat sadddddddddd.. but it shows error tat its only activate in battle net and within 2sec it disconnected...!! :-(
why i use not work y
cant use,,how to use?garena have detect me using this map hack..
i cant use the garena now.. they detected it.. wat should i do?..
wat a weak player using maphack tsk so weak
lol u dont nkow how to use
this is why I switched to LoL which is better for me now
What The Hell :)
I dont understand..
how can i download it?
dis maphack can turn off and on? it can?
no working went open garena he out "u are using a hack , pls...."
thx for mh i am tired of noobs trying to gank me now we will see who will have the last laught!!
downloaded the 1.24e then tried it and i got detected by garena :(
Be careful! I have error connecting to server ater downloading this. I checked firewall, restarted my computer, uninstall and reinstall.. I tried everything.zzz
Why is there a password? what's the password?
its Gud :D
detected !!!!!!!!
its kind a cheating its bad
something went wrong... zzz
it can detect my garena plus ?
stupid Garena team.... weak... cant even make new MapHack... noob the best noob.... garena.
Sir Not working
its still working for me. if u have Bypassing DLL. :)
Update September 14 2011. :) im using 3 tools :D for map 1.26 and 1.24 :D
Man it doesnt work when i instaled then i load the garena and when i start to play automaticly war3 was....
when i use GMH. on garena and i play dota in a minute or second it will crash what should i do
its working but as time passes it dshuts down my war3 help meeeeeee plsssssss
cant use it
in 1.24e
ONLY for 8 Years OLD below WHO should USE this Gay Thing....
Play Locally and kill them silently...heheheheh
lol..detected .i need to reinstall my warcraft @_@
im not happy to use map hack cause maphack not good:))
NO WORK Garena auto updates
mh user must quit dota!!! FuCk3rs
i cant use ther MH .. my pc is window 7 and the mh write i have get a fatal erroe when starting the game, pls check the option, but i change the path also cant get in who can tell me?? Email me ur comment (Beyondhunter@hotmail.com)
crashed @@
this is detected use gaREna master and click do not detect map hack so this maphack will work properly
Thx Working dude :*
hello guys...it says that i am using hacks and i have to reinstall game to play on garena...i dont know why it is detected
gOOd Man
lol no hack for 1.24B? :(
Hello thanks for the Universal Map Hack.
I like this. Some player can't kill me.
ths is not good to the player in garena..
they will be weak in this MAPHACK.. YOOH
ths is not good in the player of garena..
they will be weak in there playing dota.
everytime i wanna use this, it'll be automically crashed.. o.o
Use Garena Master its better than any of this map hacks http://www.dota-utilities.com/2010/03/garenam4st3r-garena-hack-with-no-limits.html garena master has join full room and maphack
must play at garena?
detected aman e
pak shet
MAPHACK..???.PLayers using maphack.,they are nooBZ..
i Hate maphack...im hysuka11 lvl 72
Why Are you creating a Cheat,,? If we have cHEAT "cAN you say it will be a good game...?? I Dont think sO..hysuka11 lvl 72
Remove All maphacks WE HATE THAT...hysuka11
no0ob will use mh
MH not working in Version 1.6a. it said MAP Detected by garena...
if you dont wan got MH . play langame la kanasai
How do you check your dota version?
I did everything and maphack still doesnt work. Please help !
how do you use original garena ?
Wew_ITz NoT Working AnyMore ....Pleaxe Fix iT
no one cares if your banned you can just make another id
works on lan game.but when used on garena after game starts.warcraft closes because garena detects that im using hack.help pls
detected >.>
i hate maphack in this way the game warcraft will not be challenging at all
it was always detected by garena. . . . awts
when i use, i on my wc3 and it exits by itself and say, you are using maphacks. zz
haha in my garena mh i can prevent them to kill me and specially i can see those who have invi
is this really working??
i used it, it worked, but after a few moments in game.. garena detects the hack and shutdowns my warcraft :(
PLease Release this Hack ;)
why garena always say u r using a hack remove your hack how will i avoid this
thx man
dudes dont use this Garena can detect this and will automatically disable your warcraft III when you try to open it in Garena. i had to download another warcraft III just to play on garena again
newbies needing this
we dont want hack we want xp hack
i am using 1.24e but cannot leh detected by garena how?
nc 1 good work guys
different people different skill dont talk much if the program is not scripted by u. mh can create many good game when pro team vs pro mh.... but i find it very useful when playin RPG games =D dont say im a troll im just giving my opinion
If it really works, then, I am gonna use Mirana n simply shoot my arrows~~!!! Lol....
Garena client=garena classic same?
its for weakling that always quit when firstblood -_-
oh yeah
Anonymous.. how to download Mh like yours??plz tell me okie!
maphacks is only for those who are noob..you cannot experience any fun game using this kind of software..if you sure wanna be a pro DoTA player, please stop using maphacks.. ;)
don't be a noob please...
NOt working on my windows 7 it says
'please uncheck some options'
but It dosent open and it lags my computer shit!!!!!
Haiz .. pathetic so many only noobs use HACKS !! This even include EXP hacks... What is the point having lvl 50 and above when u doesn't play it through your hard work ? SHow off to others that u very high lvl ? Pui ... noob hacker !!
Hola Te Amo Diana =)
it's work . but after 2 mint ingame i will dc . why haaa ? someone plss tell me why ?
I cant join the game . it says that 'you are using hacks' something like that . please reply asap
Yeah BABE !!! IT WORK BUT This F*CKING Download is too long. Can i can be Rampage in 1 hit ??
good! ^_^
teach me pls how to download this MH plsssss add me on FaceBook, neal_38@yahoo.com tnx....
how to use this???
guys! i read all this. i dont know it is working or not, but it is too long. just download this http://ul.to/8igxjiqc . it is very easy. and working. today is 22.11.2011 and i played with this maphack 10 minutes ago. working with garena. u just need to download and open exe file. then start the hack. and waiting for garena logın .
MH 1.25b file size 8 bytes ?
the mh makin the dota suck and the account will be banned
thx its good
its not working anymore...
hey i already run this MH itsa say start w3 now its mean garena or wat? when i run garena im got kicked while playin pls explain
blocked by garena now
1.26 map hack is not working anymore.. garena detects the hack now
as of 24th november 2011, 1.26 map hack is not working in garena... Garena detects the hack within 5 mins
hey how to get map hack and garena master
dont use this its not work anymore, permanent ban 25 november 2011
o0o o0o o0o o0o o0o o0o o0o o0o o0o o0o o0o o0o o0o o0o
it working !!!!
i'm still using now 27/11
it working on window vista computer !!!!! it the bug
i already change window xp to window vista it worked...
Only noobs use maphack!!!
we won
why is it in rar put it in zip. be considerate
JIBAI... want use maphack go play with ai la.. stupid
not working?
so dont use!
play a fair game!
Can you give me the DotA 2 full version link pls....post it in this place.
Working but for 2 minutes only then there is a pop up says you're using hacks ! please remove your hacks and reinstall warcraft 3 blah blah blah ...... garena detect it ?
so hard to use map hack...
a error that say " you are using hack, close your hack and reinstall warcraft III to able to play in garena... i have remove the mh but still not able to play.. help pls..
guys i have a problem reinstall war3 you are using hacks why can anyone help me plz :SSSSSS how can i fix this :@@@@@
y keep give warning
i cant play because the warning keep coming out... how?
anyone have maphack for gplay ? or know from where i can get it ? ty
Please all,dun play mh it will destroy the game and unfotudely u are noob to play mh... seriusly
where is the freaking ling :( i can't find it :(
It is not working!!Garena recognize hack and exit war3 while in game!!!
not working...
got new one?...diz 1 cnot use in garena plus
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