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GUMH v11 for Warcraft 1.24e:New Version:
GUMH v12 for Warcraft 1.25b Patch:
GUMH v13 for Warcraft 1.26a Patch:
• Reworked how GUMH starts and loads - to fix the error when gumh wasn't loadingGuide:
• GUMH is now compatible with battle.net ! - you can play on bnet afer using
• GUMH on Garena. (but still GUMH is not for battlenet - you cannot play with gumh on battlenet)
• Added a button to restore your W3 patch - if it gets damaged
• Various bug fixes
• Download Garena Universal Maphack from the link above.
• Extract it to any folder then start "Garena Universal MH.exe"
• Set your Warcraft 3 Path from the top.
• Then Click "Start Garena Universal Maphack"
• Now run Warcraft 3 using Garena client.
• Here you go!

• Use official Garena client, Don't use any Garena Crack/hack to use this maphack.
• If you have any problems or found any bugs please post a comment!
• Use this on your own risk, DotA-Utilities will not be responsible if anything happens to your Garena Account
• This GUMH will support Warcraft 1.24e, 1.26a and may also other previous versions.
2406 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 800 of 2406 Newer› Newest»shet this is good!!
working thnx for map hack
since i got this thing i get more hoked into playing,.. ang this results into breaking up with my gf (weve been having this relationship for almost 6 years and it all end up into nothing because of DOTA)
if i download this 1.24e will it work also in other ver. ?
I am Starting to hate Hotfile, everytime it says You have reached your limit come back in 30 minute!!!!!!!!! HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO DOWNLOAD THIS MAPHACK, Dota uTLITIES can you please change to mediafire
mh is 4 people who have no life and are still nub
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa its working thxxx rrraaaammmmmpage
its nice im always godlike when i use this mh they cannot kill
RAMPAGE BEYOND GODLIKE! Hey I notice that when far away from enemy heroes their invisible and not available enemy icon in mini map, and we can only see them visible when in counter with them like close range, in far range we could see their shadow only.
Lol Noobs. Noone Can't Play WITHOUT MAPHACK ? :D noobies
Utilities for girl!
if you have even a tiny bit of common sense in you, you'll use the maphack wisely, not "stumbling" over jungling enemies or hitting a 5 sec stun with mirana in the FUCKING fog. but instead use it for runes, avoiding ganks etc... so it doesn't actually ruin the gameplay; because you use it as you would you wards. seriosly, think it over.
thanks ^^
U all noobs and weak coz u play wt MH
Anonymous said...
mh is for noobs :P noobies
I dun noe what version i used but it bugged my entire wc not its permanant mh
Good Game :)) 1.24e Philippines Server Here i Come ../.,
is there 1.24d?
this is great tnx for it!
now garena gaus i'm admin....to europe rooms...well..if we see..is baned beleve me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) thank you
could i ask you something?
Why's your map dota allstars 6.68 doesn't have a map yet?
I'm tired all of waiting & waiting by that map
Could you make it fast plsss....
you're certified noob if you are using it.. =PP
tsk tsk tsk
This map hack is for losers!! that dont have honor..
can someone make GG shells hack ... really need it .. ASAP .. T T
Hi Great Hacker, i have used your mh, it is Great but in garena there is 1 Map, which can find out that i am maphacking, Map name: Lost Temple 3c 1.80
just write in the Game -Test and the Map will kick automatic maphackers, pls fix it out!
it works....but it ruins the enjoyment of the game....suck this hack!!!!
i have always wanted to do this hahaha
Damn you map hackers.
How do i reset my patch manualy :)
So what does all of the people's rant do? Nothing, so you retards there; Get life and don't take dota serious.
only anonymous here :) it would be a disaster if a garena admin would watch this posts :) and you would have used your real names :)
Hahaha.. There are so many people who hate Maphacks.. Well.. for those guys.. There's no use telling these guys to stop making hacks.. I think these guys are not passionate in playing DOTA.. Besides.. Maybe this what their parents have taught them.. To become complete losers.. XD XD..
its working
nice one!
Best maphack ever..!!!
hey men..cmon!!stop destroying dota community with this hack..dont you have something better to do or anything?..boring
how to unzip?
Nice works. Only noob player will use. LOL
Thanks for the maphack creator. It has made player noobier and noobier.
is there any kind of hack that can make me choose my hero at -ar
is working till 17 may 2010 now no more mh coz me fatal error if i use it when start game
working thnks
NOTED. I try dis..Thank dear
Its very nice - thx!
Keep doing it!
Its so cool before I didnt see the enemies and they killed me but now im pro and i win all the games. thanks you so much!
It wan username and pass....
where can i register it
does it need forum account?
because im using a MH just like this
but it needs forum username and password
nice baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THANK YOU... games will be ruined '-_-
Learn how to play noobs
Hey! is there any cause 2 ban our GG account by using dis GUMH?? Pls tell me
nothing can beat sheer skill. im just sad people resort to this bullcrap to win
playing LAN with ur friends is better than this...
nice mh but how can you become pro with this!!!!!
can some1 put another link for downloading :megaupload if cold
แทง ยู
thank you...
works thnx for the mh
It asked me to register to some forum so i did and it's still not working. It's giving me application error. Any idea????
Dota-utilities No more maphacks please because it fucked up the game...!!All users are playing with maphack and garena do nothing!!
map hackers will never learn how to play a decent dota game, in fact, they are only weaklings who are desperate to win. but even so, they still end up loosing.
in short, map hackers are just born desperate loosers
tnx .. itz working! amft
Thanks working well ! good job ..
Because to play with Map Hack? Do not be very noobs and juguen legal the dota
this kind of hack is what makes the game so useless .. no thrill anymore in playing ..
any info about dream dota... they say it can use to kill players just in 1 hit
U never gonn'a win the MH...... i'm saying to u......
and never gonna improve your skills......
pls!!!!!! don't use MH!!!
if u use it.... u should be called...
Thats good!!!!!!!!
no is not ban
tnxxx creator it work
noob play map hack will become pro...if pro play map hack will become GOD!
mh..............ahahahah daol nyu^^
wow map hack is good
Douple Kill? :)) Lol!!!
all comment here stated time not dated
please upgrade
TNK alot!!!!!!!!
zzzz.zzzzz only weak use this. SB|nezor GG
its not legal to have a cheat!!!!!!
Thnx? :D
ok any 1 know why i keep geting war3 crit error when game starts?
wew!!!its working!!!!rampage!!!!whooo!!!!
noobs, please stop using maphacks. Cant learn anything.
I was waiting for than 6 months for this hack!!!
It finally came to me!!!!(party)
And if I want to detect hackers in my server when I`m hosting - how to do it? Does -amh command work and is there version of AMH dota map for patch 1.24e? I`m playing in garena and don`t want someone to ruin the fun of the game. If there is such map or other program please help.
its really good
i have a question what version did you use if this MH will u use??? hmm 1.24d? or1.24E?
hey tnx its working
whats the point in playing when your not even sure your opponent is playing fair?
it would be better if an EXP hack for garena is done..
you wont improve on this...
this dosnt work
i download the file when i press on it it gives me a box with some forum shit login thing
so i sign up but it still tells me am not signed in or w/e
wtf is going on
works in windows vista eh?? im scared bcoz.. garena will detect my IP and then they will ban me and my account then i waste my whole year leveling up my account. bullshit!
pls stop the bad work pls stop the map hack
Problems logging in, stupid program, should make it like before where it can be used without logging in.
MAPHACK is only for beginners!!!...weak!!
Nice Maphack. Weak si Phillip Galacio
hmm wonder why 99.9% of the people here are saying that mh sucks but they actually mean that they love it.. and the 0.01% of the people are haters because it wont work on them :)
Oh my Gush It really works!! Thnks...
pls tell my how to start GUMH ???
user name and pasword??? what is these?????
its...nice anyway...yeah...nice!!!!!
It's not working, it need login. But when i register to that forum, and activating my acc, i go to hack and try to login, but it says invalid login...
weakling maphackers! PERVERTS!
i love u
zz ok.. yeah mh....
This shit ruined the game... 2 many lamz use it nowdays. And the worse thing about it is that they dont even try to hide it they are actually super noobish played MH users.... lAMZ
0nly n00bs us3 h4cks..
Thnx a lot Works perfect again......
Oh My Good , I test this , its so great *-*
Thx Man ;D
this is crap..it ruines the hole game
It not working on patch 1.24e. The dota(w3) will be shut off once the game started.
Lol, try it and u will understand why people loved map hack, its the pleasure, its the fun, enjoyment that your enemy will get mad at you.. lol.. try it and be obvious to your enemy that you are using map hack.. haha.. you will irritate them.. haha
MH is for noob...any tard can win game with MH
thnx! it rox!
Working Ty
But We Need Mega EXP Hack mb like 500 per 15 min Please? Dota-utilities
i dont trust any maphack program anymore....i got banned once for it.Better for me to buy ward only
nc GUMH!!!!!
haters,ur comment is useless. MH is FUN
thk dude rampage :D
hey can you teaxh me how to use this map hack because it don't
NC1 gumagana
can i ask something ??
how can i easily join in a full room in GG
99% ppl in pubs use maphacks so its only fare u use 1 too
Still working after todays update? Or it can cause ban?
NOOBS...Who ever post this hack is a pure weakling...
still working for me!!thx dude
u realy rock men having this unversal map hack hehehehe
keep up the good work and continue even i dont play dota every day
lol it works :) and its rly nice :) but if host type-ah u can see heroes only like shades if they arent in your line of sight
Hey Dota-Utilities I've heard from many people that you guys are using Hotfile.com could you switch and use us mediafire?
working thx =)
i hope heroes of newerth got mh too...hahaha
Neeeeeeeeeeeeeem Mega Exp Hack not 15 exp /10mn and No Mh plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz !!
you guys... mher...noob.. why you have to do this.......
wats the use of playing to improve when u are using maphack??
I hope mh users accounts will get banned
ERROR.......ZzZZzz...Says Error sarting unpucker...Make sure your anti-virus didn't block it! It is found in your W3 pasth and Calles"ext.exe" ??/...How can i find that???
why everybody in garena uses map hack?jesus it's just for noobs,you'll never get pro with that & i agree skills > all hacks together
its asking me to login......... wat shud i do
im a garena user;
a maphack would be really useful
but i would suggest to play fair
there is a saying that cheaters dont belong to heaven
please play fair
;im always plying in garena server 4;rBy.floods
Weak MapHack Users
use garena maphack 6.2
great! i just got banned!
I want gold and exp hacks.....
plz tell me when i use maphack when the game start i critical error! why ? tell me plz!
this program doesn't work on me, I'm using win 7 x86, I think its not compatible on it.
like did url get caught using this and how safe is this ??
Does 6.68 work with this mh ?
This caused error in my GG client, GG seems to have detected this...
Working I love this sht! im ownage!
HOW CAN I MAKE MY MH to AUTO activate when im starting my DOTA?
its working..
thank you so much..
but i dont like to use it in every game..
just 1 use everyday..
:) thx
This is the first of august and I suddenly get fatal error if I use this program when the map it loaded and ready to start the game.
Might be that its detectable now..
not working it gets me fatal error in games wtf is this and you said its updated fix it plz...
is there any maphack for 1.24b? where can i get it? please tell me
waaa coool
yeehawww~~~ garena lose the war!!! GUMH won the war!! u all cant stop the maphackerr!!
it does not work anymore :P tryed 5 min ago
i got the ext.exe thing and it says my anti-virus is blocking it from working..wat shud i do
on my pc that map hack does not open!!!:S
shamali shamli .. alasnanam gayotakesh
srsly guys,tis stupid maphacks r spolin the game...how do u xpect ppl 2 play a fair dota match now??/
used by noobs
i wish this project will be stop bcoz noob wont get strong
Because of this.. the garena will include gameguard
this mh lol rocks men keep up the good work...madafuckers
tang inang yan sarap n2 gamit ko sya ngaun smooth na smooth hahaha...
garena has no ability to know who using hack map utilities
When i download it, it comes up as a RAR file, and the only thing i can do with it is open it as a picture. please help me
map hacker=noob detected
there should be a hack for giving aids to noobs so that no one will use MapHack :D
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