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GUMH v11 for Warcraft 1.24e:New Version:
GUMH v12 for Warcraft 1.25b Patch:
GUMH v13 for Warcraft 1.26a Patch:
• Reworked how GUMH starts and loads - to fix the error when gumh wasn't loadingGuide:
• GUMH is now compatible with battle.net ! - you can play on bnet afer using
• GUMH on Garena. (but still GUMH is not for battlenet - you cannot play with gumh on battlenet)
• Added a button to restore your W3 patch - if it gets damaged
• Various bug fixes
• Download Garena Universal Maphack from the link above.
• Extract it to any folder then start "Garena Universal MH.exe"
• Set your Warcraft 3 Path from the top.
• Then Click "Start Garena Universal Maphack"
• Now run Warcraft 3 using Garena client.
• Here you go!

• Use official Garena client, Don't use any Garena Crack/hack to use this maphack.
• If you have any problems or found any bugs please post a comment!
• Use this on your own risk, DotA-Utilities will not be responsible if anything happens to your Garena Account
• This GUMH will support Warcraft 1.24e, 1.26a and may also other previous versions.
2406 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 801 – 1000 of 2406 Newer› Newest»hahaha ... I can't believe that there is a whole Dota noob community out there ... they really discuss about maphack and it's features. You will never be godlike like us veterans and you will still lose games despite your cheats.
if you are playing noob game use it.changes nothing =D
nub only use mh
thnx for doing such kind of good things for me
is this works with windows 7 home edition??????????//
there are anonymous people here trying to be hero, saying all those kind of "hero" stuffs, ETC : "How can we play fair game?"
Yeayea, you also searched the same thing.
hahahahahaha...its GO0d
Gr8 GOOBS ITS VERY GR8 Keep is up DOta-utilities
i dont how to use it.. why?? i ask if this have a key to on the maphack??
how to use the trade
i click to go into bnet and it says restart bnet or i need to put a patch on manualy.. how do i fix this problem?? please help me out if you kno of tha problem
I have a latest version of "Garena Universal Map Hack"
Not long ago it is launch :)
I hope you all enjoy for my sharing ;)
It is 100% work with garena and no error
Alot of updated feature and function as it is newer version
Download it here:
I also have the "Garena Gold+EXP+Admin" hack and it is work like charm.
Let me know if you all needed i will share with you all
how do this thing work ?
map hack is good..
hmmm great now i can kill tahaha!!!
???????????????????????????? MH sucks
only noobs are using this.. pls play fare "true talent comes from true players"
what the hell we dont need maphack maphack destroys the game delete that maphack plz... ty
Its not working anymore.. because gg update
Only NOOB play maphack!damn MH.
24/8/2010 GG update,maphack not working
downloading now,hope it works..
Helloo!! When i open war3 from garena, i get Warning from garena, saying that i m not using a proper game versions. And closes war3.
Any help??
wont work for me
same here! Do something or get pawnedddd! :D
garena detected this as the Cracked or Unofficial version of Garena.. i'd even reinstall the garena using the setup from the official website.. still not working.. it might ban your account..
26/8/2010 - GG Update
MH don't working - MH Update Soon ??
Doesn't work anymore!!need hlp right here
GG had update...mh won't work anymore T_T
why me use this MH me cannot play garena? pls tell me why
Not working. W3 doesnt start if MH is active. Its new garena update (anti hack)
no more working...
garena is warning already to use it and it can leed u to a ban, i even cant start it anymore something is blocking it after the new garena update.
i want a WIN ALL THE TIME hack... cant u make 1? if u will sell it with 0.01 euro u will be rich! :))) nabs ftw!
Does it work even though Im not playing GARENA...
I hope The Next dream dota version compatible with 6.68c will be released soon
pls provide links from mediafire,server is too busy.Dl speed = slow
yaaay they updated garena hihi u all got OWNED ^_^ so go play some brainwashing game like tetris AHHAHAAH GET OWNED NOOBS!!!
Another useless Application.. Who create this? just ruin Dota Game.. Nothing good come from using this.. u never learn the true meaning of dota game.. zz
Upload to mediafire please
can this be uploaded on some other site?
J go to delete 6.2 :D
thanks a lot for this!!!!!!!!!!!!
@6:01 UR ABSOLOUTELY right.but gay??? what does gay have to do with noob dota players and cheaters?
WOW that fast.. dota utilities the best.. u're dominating garena XD
Guys... PROS using their Brains As Their Maphack, while
UNPROS using MAPHACK As Their Brains
Dont Do It.!
its work... thank q admin
MapHack Is a tool that Ruining the game ffs
hi mh users =] , let's try 5v5 shop to shop ? or tournaments? (im sure you will move like a noob . because you dont have mh there =])
seriously, play DOTA for wad if you maphack...
thx, its work good
warning for weak only
Game spoiler.Pls dont upload anymore maphacks.We just want exp hack ;D
u r the best AWEOSN!
,,this is why the youtube videos are sometimes unbeleivable
does it work?
Thanksfully Garena GameMaster update new version...Mh its not working anymore Yeah from now i can ply A game without Mh plyer more GJ! Garena
I play dota on garena for many years, a lot told me that I have mh and I admited I had, but nothing happened to my garena account, use it, don't worry :D
plz dont use that !!!!!!!
Thx dude :D waiting for so long since v6.2 crash! Keep it up!
I can't exit GUMH after a match, also trying ending the process it won't work, I have to restart my computer :(
omg ... so many ppl mh
Eh, mind not creating things that will ruin the way a game is supposed to be played? Seriously, do something better instead of ruining the gameplay of DotA. Please.
good job dota-utilities!
Work ty :XAXAXA
work but dont use it
I only use hack for camera hack , trade hack , and enemy hp bar(easyer last hitting)
This is what kills dota and its gameplay.. If you really want to enjoy the game please play fair! only Losers uses maphack.
are you all retards? why are you thanking for something that is destroying the dota game.Losers ,all the people who use mh are noobs
MH are for sutpid people ~_~..... still waiting for 68AI and I know I'm not the only one, will it take as long as the release of 6.68?
hope not
the dota utilities guys makes the garena a crap.. tsk tsk tsk.. where's the thrill with map hack?
spoiler of the game.
you're ruining dota...
here all things were going great, but when i start a match, nothing happens, i cannot see all map, just my area.. and the mh alerts that's working.. y?
wow noobs will go crazy for this sh•t, *sigh* makes being a good player hard cause of the blaming of being maphack... sad for me again damnit
maybe you should work on a dummy map hack. if one uses it they will get banned in an instant so they won't see it coming and learn their lesson on fair play...
I am using 5.7 garena universal maphack still works and undetectable
fun fun fun
using map hack is so much fun.. but it sucks!!
hahaha only loser will scare to mh ^^ trust me. they cant beat mh that y they ask to stop hahah .. LOOser
admin, can create something detect maphack?
it's working on garena ... i used it today 30/08/2010
wow i really love the mh thanks dota-utittles
omg. don't play with mh.. ><"
great maphack
awesome ;0
My warkeys doesm't work with this new mh... solutions?
LOOOL So many with maphack and i still own u all xD
Maphack is useless if u dont know the game and most of u dont know how to play srsly, so get maphack and get frustrated if u get pwned anyway xD
this is so cool
People who use hack is very weak!!!!! Dota is losing from HON(Heroes of Newerth) because of that mh!!!! and what kind reson is this "this dosent ruin the game maphacks can test a real pro" by VON VON! Are you st*pid vonvon? i dosent test the pro it tells that your just a fu*king cheater and very weak at playing dota! Why do we click this link??? because we want to see the name of people who used MH!!!! Use your Mind!!!!! I might be weak but I dont use MH!!!!!! ID*OTS! But i know that someday i can be pro without that st*pid MH!
Im trying to use it but i encounter a problem running the gumh program it won't start, some error coming, I'm using win 7 ultimate x86
Updated by garena its not working right now..
no one can beat me with this map hack
LOL its only for noobz PRO dont need MAPHACK
all userz of diz DAMN NOOBZ!!
its still working.. for those who doesnt like the mh just shut the fuck up and dont dl it..
you are just trying to cheat yourselves, you are happy that you won the game but the truth is NOT,... CHEATER always a LOSER!
bunch of nerds asking for mh. Play a game with maphack is just pure cheating, No challenge. Get some life.
i am prefering using it because i can pull easily my ally and anti gank. for a good game then you should go to a high level room for no quitters.
to those who says MH are for noobs only then why the fuck are you here in Maphack section? LOL THE IRONY!!
luv it!!! wheeeeee
do we need to bybass -ah??
nooooooooooooooooooooooob use hack
ok you crackers can't resist not to crack the patches, ok i admit it its inevitable,. but ive gonna bow at you crackers if you also can develop an unti Maphack, that would detect if the gamers that joining my game got an active Maphack so i can kick them before i start the game.
in this way every body will download your cracks,..
if you guys have the guts to do it... >_<
I want admin function of garena, mega exp and true ip revealer and no 5 sec waiting
why is it so long to open the MH lol
its nice but where is the trill in the game?
ya why open the MH need wait so long just load to windows? anyone know fixed it?
its working but it takes a long time 2 open as it bcums not responding as i start it..:( plz help
is these version working on the latest G arena patch 1.24e rooms??
already got v8
yah you cant learn new things from map hacking^_^ no chance
it said to me that i need to downlode vr 8 of the GUMH
FFS all of u who use map hax are not real dota players... If u wana hax please go play barney, and the reason why u dnt improve ur dota skills is because u can never develop your skills with map hack. . . noobs
create map hack detector. cheers
nice 1 sir ..
hack are for n00bs i never seen some1 who playing good with map hack if u won to pe ungankeble use heroes like meduza omniknight dragon ight terorblader lycan axe etc
DAMN... you noobs will do anything to be pro or to be the best in dota. You will even sell your house just for a MH or a Exp Hack in Garena just to be the boss. PFSHH NOOBS. GET A LIFE. CHEATERS NEVER WIN =)
and ck pls??? post dota utilities we need it to kick the stupids players ... feeders :S ty(brazil!!)
fatal error ,removed some features and still get error after loading
loosers!..lots of people are using maphack thats why i use iut too because its so unfair for me..its better to use mh anyway...but im not a looser like you hahaha!
this just fucks the game...got no sense to play online if you're cheating...don't spread this.... -_-!
error hit me :(
gumh8 cant play for online...
but can use for LAN... any solution?
this tool is the source of all mega super noobs production..... XD
noobz using map hack all the time
its working but you can not see the hero if it is in blindspot it only see creeps
thx dota utilities
is working
xhit..!!!it works but the enemy characters is in FOG.
Cheat to win!! hahaha!!
Tnx Poh!!
super working xD
nice work tnx¨!!
Work only in NT, XP, VISTA OS.
Txn for the maphack
awww.... imba cheaters!!
work only on garena?
there is a bug in the MH i played using the MH then i turned off my PC the next day i played DotA but there was MH even if i didn't open even when i already deleted it it is still there i turned my PC of lots of times and its still here can u fix it?????
^To those who got fatal errors or anything else that cause your MH not functioning.
I suggest you to get a Professional Gaming Computer in order to work with this god MH. If your computer is too noob in specs, you might get lag in-game.
If you're reading this, then you're one "gnikucf" loser who cant survive in dota scene without extra penis. =)
iF you use maphack more often than usaul youre warcraft will br destroyed boooooooooom!!! yeah good bye map hackers
Waw! Its Working For 1.24e
wahaha Even if ther is New 1.24E. Their is still Map Hack...they cannot prevent Map Hack
11/September/2010 - working thx :)
iwant to see traxex and davion sexin'
Why are people posting bad comments about maphack? if u hate it, why are u even here? is it possibly cause u, urself, dled the map hack and then don't want other ppl to download it so there are less maphackers and u will be able to gang more efficiently? so stfu and let ppl do w/e they want
Map hack is for weak player...
The fact that people are desperate to win WCIII games enough to want to use a MapHack is just sad. If you can't win fair and square, don't play in the first place >_>
if you close the warcraft the configuration HAS BEEN LOST. and make a new fatal error
and a new config for the MH start correctly
can anyone have an anti-software against this... else a detector...hehehehe
i like map hack@!!@!@!@!@!@!@#!#!@!
w8ing and I do not know why my nick out this page and especially in a hack when I dedicate myself to hunt hackers ... I hope you put my name who is willing to play against me to give ua beating he will never forget who is w8ing
I want play map 68 AI I can't wait
pls 68 ai
where is the fun playing with map hack.. only morons do use it..
Good Work Dude...
All The Hack Is Good...
This hack is F**king nub. Keep play unfair game. Died say map hack. No matter why those pro people keep give u those map hacker insult and scold map hack. Can you all go hell? And one more thing to this website admin. Please don't release map hack here?
dude. stop complaining -.-
you guys are here complaining about maphack but if you didnt care or hated maphack , you wouldnt be at this page at all.
so stfu (Y)
The best!
waaaaaaaaaaa my warcraft is destroy.. when i use this.... plz help
super duper thank you bro!
its working TNX ! a LOT
AWESOME thatks it was really good and worked well:D
i havent been banned or anything
You wont learn if you use it! LOSERS by pushitbaby garena philippines bayatel room5
nice working thnx..
OMG Why i cant see the icon of warcraft III only folders
why the hell are you using your pathetic hacks? cant you win without them?? oh well... puro nman kasi kayo weak weh... nagpunta lang ako dito para sabihin yan.. muhahahahha!!! mga BOBO!!!
hahahahahaha NC
1st blood nice Mh for 1.24e and 6.68c
It works
It's really working!
it works
first blood
ya....pls upload EXP hack....iwant up my lvl....
Works PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!! GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ur the MAN!!!
this made dota gaming more enjoyable... noobs who download it can be come lesser noobs
Nice MH
MapHack is kinda fun to use but still when playing on LAN please restrain urself. show some respect and be a sport also so as to avoid some violent reactions from your playmates.
darn! aint working no more!
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