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GUMH v11 for Warcraft 1.24e:New Version:
GUMH v12 for Warcraft 1.25b Patch:
GUMH v13 for Warcraft 1.26a Patch:
• Reworked how GUMH starts and loads - to fix the error when gumh wasn't loadingGuide:
• GUMH is now compatible with battle.net ! - you can play on bnet afer using
• GUMH on Garena. (but still GUMH is not for battlenet - you cannot play with gumh on battlenet)
• Added a button to restore your W3 patch - if it gets damaged
• Various bug fixes
• Download Garena Universal Maphack from the link above.
• Extract it to any folder then start "Garena Universal MH.exe"
• Set your Warcraft 3 Path from the top.
• Then Click "Start Garena Universal Maphack"
• Now run Warcraft 3 using Garena client.
• Here you go!

• Use official Garena client, Don't use any Garena Crack/hack to use this maphack.
• If you have any problems or found any bugs please post a comment!
• Use this on your own risk, DotA-Utilities will not be responsible if anything happens to your Garena Account
• This GUMH will support Warcraft 1.24e, 1.26a and may also other previous versions.
2406 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 1001 – 1200 of 2406 Newer› Newest»Th!s m4ph4ack Is 4wesome kE3p !t up!!!!!!!!
all player in gg is using maphack lols.
so dont be stupid.
all imba in garena is using maphack...
It ruined DOTA! Learn how to play noobs! It wont make you any better but cheater...
is this working with vista?
everyone in GG have MH and people complaining about MH here are just people who wants to show how they hate that a lot of people have MH nowadays cause they can't take advantage of MH anymore I use MH but i don't gank or anything but it keeps me aware of players who will gank you seriously if you people think MH is for noob you are stupid coming to this site just to badmouth it its same like you went to party with a lot of naked girls wanting to get it on with you but you rather chose not to therefore YOU MY FRIEND IS GAY in that scene .
These MAPHACK is for only bigginer!!!!!!!!
it eorks thnx dota-utilities
i love u
i thoght lettel ppl use mh but i see comments omg .... all thos ppl use mh just remove it no fun with mh
windows vista can use tis mh or not???
it's working..?
Good. Only noobs use maphack
so many weak ppl use this mh..duh!!
Im Noob+++ and we play MH and we proud ourselves becoz we play with MH.... Even IN WCG we also want to use this MH for winning the Prize's.... We Are Noobs... And Noobs Are Gay.. And im "gay".. and we(MH player) all Gay.. :D
I love you nice website
Haha GUMH v8 has a bug,when you are playing using MH you will see the enemy heroes including your allies turns to mortred(invisible)then sometimes you will see that every 1 damn of them is gone on the gameplay i mean they will disappear in the map and in the gameplay, but it's not permanent hope this bug will be fixed :)
05.10.2010 garena update what now?...
i wish that there will be xp hack so that heroes will level up faster
Good job ! :)
does this this still work without getting banned on latest upgrade ?
do u have lates?
garena has been updated
its working dude just do it properly and you can use it..... losers
its now not working again. previously it was fine until these few days began to have the same problem as before
lol coolz
its working bro, but the garena detect it. what do i do?
Detected =(! Update Please :D!
garena has new patch and you cannot use is anymore
is it not working anymore???
Hi.. IceFrog.. u Look like a frog.. haha noob
v8.0 No longer work on my garena sad... it says im not using the proper version of the game. which i just updated everything and it still doesnt work help me
Garena has been updated this hack . T_T
So what will I do now?
Please update this MH !
update it pls!
does it work with 6.68c?
ITS nit working .. tell me why?..
Gm team need to do something else... so we can kick those anti Maphack lover
Now cant use this version update thx..
v9 has been released! rock on!
when broodmother does his web its very annoyin in its vision cuz i cant see anything under it how to fix this?
its working,but I think the creator forgot to remove the fogs on the main map in the new GUMH 9.0 13/10/10
you guys should dl garena master version 45.00 its better as it also have a free gold member and u may enter any room no matter the amount =D
Excellent! If only I could do more than just give thanks! Anyway, thanks! :)
you wont get banned using " Garena Universal Maphack " , the most they will give u a warning only.
now this is the sh*t I'm looking for!
thx it work !!!
9.0 not working T.T
cant download too slow, change to other download sites?
izit me or is all of u guys having the same minor problem,like the fog on the main map itself isn't off? is shows black on ur opposition's map but i can still c creeps n enemy heroes,some feedback pls,thx
Not working
*This GUMH version is only for 1.24e. Please visit..... for updated one!
mind using media fire pls thx
who can send it to me using msn??? occeanred_1992@hotmail.com ......pls
thanks dota-untilities you're the best
working again.. :D
i play better without MH..
but with MH.. i can detect others which are using MH.. :D
this is funny.. :B
tnx it works!
YuckKK.. MH boiz... YOu can't learn in MH.. .
No it only support 1.24e , sigh !
Why is there no REMOVE FOG MAP, only remove fog minimap
Who say we wan to learn noob... we wan killing
what should i do.. when I click start it doesn't start instead error appears.. help me please.. but If I start my Warcraft as LAN it works.
you can just remove the fog buttons.. zzz anyway.. counter MH with MH.. :))
OMFG !!!
Pissu Hadena Sanda !!!
It only support 1.24e, It won't support any earlier version
LOL . . now its more challenging, Pro people vs Maphackers
what other challenges can they give to us?
is there any *zip* for the GUMH ? coz i cant use it i cant extract it damn !
why it just can be used on 1.24e, it does not work on 1.24d? is there anyone has same problem?
wtf! stop saying maphack destroys the game coz i know you also used maphack what the......
How to extract it?
this is cheating but thanks. im gonna use this for fun ONLY.
yeah i found these one useful on killing the phoenix at lvl1 using the collided map without being caught killing the phoenix... how its a secret!!! nah... i like is to share.... okie first of all you need a working collided map that has a working commands the needed commands is -invul -hp 0 -tele -vul -bind/left/right/up/down after getting the collided map host a lan game not in gg because if a player joins your lobby it will dl the map so host a lan game or a gg game but lan works perfectly... dl this map hack.... at the game.. if youre sure that you have the working chated map... bind the commands -invul and -vul so that when the phoenix spawn he wont kill every body... okie put the cursor to a hero -invul the heeor will become invulnerable.. do this for all the heroes as fast as you can but before you do it... hunt the pre runes kill the red runes and the ice forrgies how.... using the map hack you can see all the things invinsible or not.... you have the command -hp 0 right?? okie to make it happen place your cursor to the needed steps in order to spawn the phonix be sure to left 1 froggie living why because youll going to do the steps in volving the -invul command okie after making every hero invulnerable click on the last frog make its hp 0 usign -hp 0 boom! a wild phoenix spawn but failed to kill the heroes click on the phoenix make his hp 0 again using -hp 0 and after he drops the medallion make every one vulnerable again by putting -vul to every heroes found okie... the phoenix part is finish... buy a courier a chicken will do.... type -tele it means teleport hpw tp use it do you know patrol command the shoetcut for the patrol is p press p every boom instant teleport but be sure to press it at the ground not in a thing.... okie click the courier press p go to where the phoenix spawn loot all the medallion hide your courier how type -invul and place it any where be sure that the courier holding the key to sucess is hidden and when youre lossing the game the courier provides equip the medallion but be sure not to activate it because of bugs found the stats that the medallion is quite enough to make gg the other team...
if you download this . you are a NOOB
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fu ck give other download link too...
hotfile s u c k s.......
does this work for 1.24e?
this maphack suck . cant use at all . and now im gonna banned by garena .
is iy working for 6.6.9 version
nice... been serching for this... Mississippi is on Rampage
i need help, since i started using maphack version 9 my monitor becomes shaky when im playing warcrak3 what the hell happened//?
just shut the hell all of yah and play..
Why do people use maphack? dont you have skills?
Thanks to maphack i got an rampage
nice... working !!
does this work on lan???
Cool Tnx Bro !
bye bye beautifull game/map .... :(
WEW !!! NICE NICE !!! >:)
It Feels.. like.. GG na sir.. xD
you folks do not know how to use it....
omg stop being integritious fakers!! im sure u all who say it spoil e game blah blah do use it too!! tsk!!
Hey there something wrong.. when i download it its a rar not a zip or anything please tell me >_>
how do i uncheck the mh features?
nice update.
its! worKing NCe! Hack
for windows 7 and vista. > Run it as Admin
why play if playing cheat? Anyway.. most of the people who hate this maphack downloader maybe they cant download it.. To the hater --- ( Don't hate us because you cant download it!!!) - November 29..
nowdays nobody play dota not using mh...cuz im mad at this ppl so what..im gonna use it too zzZZ
tnx it works!!!
UP o/
nice hack xD
dota utilities rocks!!!!!!!!
That will destroy the game, so please, use this only with bots for practice.
-test thats the best MH..
can fast out new version mh?
this mh when i n game got abit lag
dis sux man... use exp hack if u want not maphack
no hack is not causing to dc
Garena patched again !! We need MH 9.2 out as soon as possible !!
garena update
Not working anymore...since the update lately.
i tried it on nov 03
Nice Web and info
nice maphack..hahahaha
cheaters are ones who are really desperate to win meaning they are weak!!!!
how can i zoom it out? cuz it pretty much zoomed in to my screen
lol! you tried it yesterday? nov 27? wow! are you from the future? XD because here in our time its just november 5...
Garena been update...cant use anymore...please update MH..
LOL at 2 posts behind.... "from the future"..haha!
Amazing Woah
working rely working thx ur my hero
it will destroy the game.. T.T
is it working after garena update?
Working !!!!!!!!!!!!! :}}}}}}
i think no longer working after the latest patch
any help people my rar file does not wana open tips how do i open rar file
doesnt work for me on windows 7... also if i run it as admin or with Windows XP Service Pack 3 Compatibility...
noobs...no amount of mh can save u from losing to a true pro
garena did update yesterday and now map hack doesnt work -.- what can i do now? waiting the new version map hack???
i use windows 7. and it works
Total not working anymore. Plz update on any news
dont know how to select path
As of today garena can detect maphack software now.. maybe because of the recent garena update..
what now?
lol at 10/11/2010 tis maphack detected
No longer working as of Nov 7 2010
thx but at 10/11/2010 its expired
Please........this maphack detection is just a scare tactic and nothing else. The Garena Admin could not detect a shit.
The mh 9.1 is detected be garena in 10.11.2010 please check now
yes, garena has update, cause fatal error, update mh plx.
Garena update found it, may cause ban.
Ok guys, I've read some comments. Garena can't detect it. Even if you turn it on during the game. You can uncheck some of the properties. Suggestions:
-Remove fog on minimap
-Remove god on map
if you have any questions about garena and the maphack you can e-mail me savva_lakichevich@abv.bg
in romanian rooms you could get banned till 17th... release a better mh plz:D
That Cool~!
how to uninstall this garena maphack because i can't,, please give me some tips! tnx
They just patched it yesterday November 10, 2010.
garena pops up when i start the game and mention that my account will be banned if i dont remove this map hack software and reinstall new warcrft by nov 17th...
when is 9.2 going to be released. 9.1 was blocked
People of DotA Players:
Garena MH 9.1 is not working anymore.
Let's just wait for a new version(GMH 9.2)
But it's a good thing no map hackers for the time being.
For once Let's play a clean and fair game.
yes some people are getting ban for using map hacks cause garena has updated and it's now detecting map hack. be careful on using map hack cause your account may or will be banned.
Garena Updated! please make a new version as soon as possible because i cant play without mh! T___T
GUMH work... For newbys:
1. Start first GUMH
2. uncheck some boxex... ( you dont need all)
3. Start Garena
4. Start WC3 (from Garena)
5. After 10 seconds Garena sent to you the message...
6. Dont CLOSE (or press OK) the message from garena (WC3 run in Taskbar/Alt+Tab)
7. Go back to WC3
8. PLAY !!!
I do that from 4 days...
it no longer works they added something new it is detecteble since 25 nov 2010
Playing with maphack on garena made me realize one thing for the first time...
There's lot of other maphack user out there, No wonder, sometimes some people seems so0 good.
Thx to this program, gameplay now will always need maphack, else it will never be fair...
P.S. My Death rate is now 0-2 per game.. All thx for this program to avoid all other maphack user..
It does work it just has warning that u can be banned, garena found way to detect this hack too, thats why there should be new versions all time
it's detectable already..o.O
yeah baby i like it
dota nut good
those who say this is to counter other map hacks- GET REAL!
detected by garena
lmao, are u insane? now is 15Nov, but u've tested on nov 27??
You're all weak for using MH, shame on yourselves
it is alrdy detected
Thanks for every thing Dota utilities Thanks for all the things ILOVE THIS WEBSITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
will this get updated soon,it is detectable by garena
please stop using map hack, this will only cause delay in game and being IMBAlaced in the game. this will not help you improve in dota.
come dota utilities... we all need more.. advance mh system hehehe... waiting for the good new..
is this stl can be use after d patch a fews day ago?
Any Avaliable Garena Map hack?
thnx man you're the best
hey , now cant alr , garena detected the hack , it was working fine yesterday , i started the mh ytd and then , i did not open the mh and just played as normal and the mh is still there , then today , i opened the mh and closed it without starting , then no more mh . now i try open and go in garena , they detect and close war 3.
nov 27? its still nov 18 woot. from the future???
BTW Garena Patched you can't open Warcraft III once you are using GUMH.
open GUMH, uncheck all boxes, return camera distance to default, start GUMH, then close it(close the GUMH application). you can play dota without MH and garena wont close war3..
my mh is detected... what to do?
Gone are the better days.. when Dota is still new, no hacks just plain use of wits and skills..
dont work, another option?
I dosent work on garena NOW 9.1 coming update ?
come on garena ultility,,,... GG garena is challeging u ppl to create a better mh that they cant detect... no matter how u create mh they still detect it.. so don give up.. i know u ppl are better then GG..... show them they cant stop u ...
lol, those who cant wait, stfu..
its not working anymore....
hope dota-utilities make a new wan...
where can i havemaphack9.2
Gj Garena No MH any more
Keep Going xD
why he dtected?
does its still work ?
Garena utility... u the best .... waiting for the lastest maphack...
Garena now recognise this hack. If you try to use it 3 times, you are going to get permanenat Garena ban
Ya Public hacks sucks, never play with public hacks ;)
Join a hacker board if you have some skills. There you can get MUCH better hacks. I am using the same Maphack since 4 Months. Its not updated for a long time, even that GG has had many Updates. They cant detect shit.
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