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GUMH v11 for Warcraft 1.24e:New Version:
GUMH v12 for Warcraft 1.25b Patch:
GUMH v13 for Warcraft 1.26a Patch:
• Reworked how GUMH starts and loads - to fix the error when gumh wasn't loadingGuide:
• GUMH is now compatible with battle.net ! - you can play on bnet afer using
• GUMH on Garena. (but still GUMH is not for battlenet - you cannot play with gumh on battlenet)
• Added a button to restore your W3 patch - if it gets damaged
• Various bug fixes
• Download Garena Universal Maphack from the link above.
• Extract it to any folder then start "Garena Universal MH.exe"
• Set your Warcraft 3 Path from the top.
• Then Click "Start Garena Universal Maphack"
• Now run Warcraft 3 using Garena client.
• Here you go!

• Use official Garena client, Don't use any Garena Crack/hack to use this maphack.
• If you have any problems or found any bugs please post a comment!
• Use this on your own risk, DotA-Utilities will not be responsible if anything happens to your Garena Account
• This GUMH will support Warcraft 1.24e, 1.26a and may also other previous versions.
2406 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 1401 – 1600 of 2406 Newer› Newest»I NEED ONE FOR 1.24B ALL OTHERS ARE TROJANN!!!!!! THIS WORKS FINE FOR 1.24E BUT PLS I NEED FOR 1.24B
pls make a garena delay reducer.thank you!!
stop using maphack you noobs!
Improves stupidity!!
how can i switch off the hack while playing a game ? say if some one peeks into my screen and suddenly i had to switch off the hack ?
nice tnx
Do u have other links besides Hotfile? I can't seem to be able to download from it, as they always have me to wait for 30mins, even tho i didn't download any stuff ... After 30mins end, i clicked dl, and it still says ' u reached ur hourly traffic mark ' ....
thanks sa New Version BG ako!!!
Working>> o_O
First blood !!!
wonderful, fabulous!
shows me an error after starting the Universal MH .. like let me go war3 don't send
shame on u all
i like mh. pro user
hi admin !!
what is problem when i play in tree tag then i will create!
it will crash sender from garena .. !! ??
when i will download garena .. it won't work !!
i cant play in tree tag room !! T_T ..
great, i like this post.. i knowing far from right now
not working on my windows 7 ultimate 64bit
cannot download ~.~
click regular download and done wait 15sec,nothing happen....
-.- L2p without mh noobs
yeah men
that is so good man
thx for program
damn it,all player have map hack, plz banned this map hack!!!
if u read this don't download it it can be detected by garena now so uhh yeah u'll get banned and also it's an IP ban so u can't just cr8 new accounts HAHA i used it for a couple of months but now it gets detected,well expected cause u posted it in this site where garena developers can download this and study how to detect it so that sucks.BTW doesn't work for windows 7 i think
well.... its up to the user wether to use mh or not.... cuz.. with mh... ur skill play will get worse... :3
MAP HACK?????FOR WHAT U MORONS??????? This is a wonderfull game...and if you are using a maphack then you are not playing it...You miss the whole thing....I feel sorry for u
thx dude its work
i got a suggestion.. try adding something like
auto room joiner into the file.
1.can mh 2.can auto join room
nonit spam till sien
I used this in Garena and its good to have MH, I can hook 100% and I can use Mirana's arrow by 90% :) Thanks for this
its working
let just tell you all 1 thing...maphackers are incredibly losers..not just losers,they dont noe the true meaning to play by noy to chaet...curse mh and mhkers
This Maphack Is Realy Works Thnx Dota-Utilities
it's work to band my garena tnx
yeah.,, new maphack!!! AUS NA!!!
maphack only for noob player....
i am playing with map hack from 8 months , and i didnt get banned rofl.
I Don't Need Map hacks (maphacks are for noobs)
I only need :
1.room bypass
2.Host bot
3.Mash hotkey
4.And a Hot Girl sitting on my lap while I play DotA ^_^
haha i see this trap :P
and MHers are running into it.. stupid fools..
they make this MH program so when MHers use it they get detected and banned
nice 1 D-U nice 1 :D:D:D:D::D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D :P
may I help me for getting and downloading MapHack ?
How to download this?
omg....hack released again...bad news...
I realy love dota utitlities
don't use maphack! its for weaklings only..
and you may get banned 4ever 100% sure and tested!!!
nce 1 ahaha
Aparently the 1.25b MH doesn't support 1.25b :P thats my problem anyway :(
doesn't work on 1.24d and below versions.. why is that??
lol all of u noobs keep crying and telling others not to download maphack,if u really dont use maphacks why u come here ? cuz u get it but trying to stop others from getting it sothat only u have a maphack,weak losers
i gonna try if working wait for my comment..>^^
dota utilities!! ruins everyones game! hurray! lick me?
Although I am not fond of map-hack but nowadays there are a lot noob-ness map hackers on garena to hack us instead of playing fair game. In my opinion, i totally agree with those people say map-hack sucks because it used to remove lots fun while playing map-hack. I think the map-hack issues would only be fixed in Dota 2.
MAke GUmH for 1.24B re...........sad ppl......GUMH cant detec if WAR III is patched 1.24B........no....one...uses 1.24E.........in the rooms i play.....new ways good work!! ^_^
noob people use hack to win. u just cheating yourself.weakling.
dota-utilities plz make a map hack for 1.25b PLZZ ! :)
anly noobs are using MH!!!!!!
and its not funnt playing with MH only for stupid people
Wow so many noobs using maphack :( people are getting noob-er by the day...hohohoho Use maphack and still lose :(
It can be used for cheating man!!!!!!!
IT works yes !!!!
when i install the garena maphack v11 then i click the garena mahack icon.....may computers starting to log?
i love mh
lol, looking for a zoomhack? i hav it.. i can even off the maphack whenever i want.. even during the game.. hahah..
it not working on 1.24b patches...plz help me
neeD xp hack maP hacKs are uselEss
Thx nice hack~
hey guys, i tried this and i have 1.25 version! It works on my regular games, but i cant get into battl.net... it gives me an error "unable to validate game verion. Please reconnect to battle.net or apply the current game patch" my patch now is! is this verion 1.25b or is it another one? (like 1.25a or something)??? why isn't it working for me. Please help me :(
hate my i donno how to shupdown this hack if i play dota can see all map so zzz
working ty
How To work it it doesnt work
????pls reply fast
I can't choose the path of my War3. Do v12 work on
nice!i used this software for a month..n guess what the effect??!!i got banned....and also lost all my dota friend bcoz of this..they said, "u r not dota player, u juz fucking game-hacker"...thanks to maphack...
Hey, I'm using windows vista but when i extract the zip file and i tried to start the .exe it keeps loading and never starts, any suggestions?
Your the best!
awesome <3
all users of this freeware are too weak
erm... it can work in garena messenger?
my dota is now not opening
cant use it :(
it is bein' traced..
Its just Destroying online gaming experience + dota ,, but its a nic3 soft anyway :P
Only Loosers use Maphack..
stil working march 23 2011
You all need patient
if u patient will easy to download
aw help me
make a new one for 1.26a patch^^
error Starting MH...this is the error...how i fix this??
please help me??
MH users only proves their stupidity is their better half!
i cant use..i already put the warcraft III path on the correct folder but its not working still..help
Cant use it..it always error..my warcraft III is ok...i odnt why..someone help..
its work wahhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, thx host.....
if you're afraid to use this map hack better make you're trial account so you're main account dont get ban
its not working in windows 7
acually i tried mh for a week and it was the worst week that i played dota with
actually it works when i go in 1 game then after it when i go to another game doesn't join in game... plz make another one for 1.26 thanx anyways
how do you make a maphack.. i juz wanna try to make a camera hack... anyone can help me... tanx in advance!!!
like like!
how can i download it\??
its not working with 1.26 dude
If got maphack to free use, if no use sure is STUPID!!
OMGGGGGG Maphack gone!
the new f***ing patch is sux
plz update the maphack to 1.26 patch!!!
haha maphack used to be fun... i'm not saying the uploader is bad but! used maphacks people. nothing more fun than owning maphackers
Yeah ty
not working anymore, gg is now updated
bunch of losers who keep asking for hacks.. i pity u 4 playing dota using hacks... if u play at lan game with no hacks u'l see the difference and how noob u have become
when you start garena it says that you need to reinstall your warcraftIII and remove your hack how to fix that?
hey this MH is not working anymore (03/31/11)
pls update
hmm..i try to download maphack for 1.26 but it is not donloaded :S
This sucks
its doesnt work..it is detected!!
Map hack has been detected .. pls update the hack :D tnx..
Rampage :D
I installed it but when i eneter garena game say your using maphack any update for this?
that begun is usefull , but after 2 weeks i can't use it .
MH cant be use anymore
dont patch it, make sure the mh era is over
nice hack
already detected ! :)
DETECTED!! (4/1/2011) bad news for noobs! :D
it worked in march 30 but now april 1 when i try to play w3 closes and garena says warning your a using hacks.
GUMH 11 was detect by garena. T_T please fix TQ.
^_^ haha working TY
is it really working with GARENA? don't think so.
i hope this is the last version for garena maphack :)
mh makes us fight against each other.not cool anymore dude
gg already detect it.... need new working mh for 1.24e....
not working anymore as of april 2 2011
If you hate hacks, why bother search Google "Dota 1.24e maphack". We don't need you haters here!
fk you all that is using this i hate all the people that use this on GG that keeps on using it as a super advantage on games on dota and they will hunt you where ever you are
actually, GarenaMaster application still it can run MH.. :)
WHY does garena says when I open the Maphack "you are using hack please reinstall your Warcraft."
patch edi
when the new map hack released coz Garena already block now pls let us know Thank !! 3-4-11
go eat some crap?
yea u definately deserve some
any update??
does it work on windows 7 ??
what is extract ?
Sir, why its not working? I'm using microsoft vista. When i finished downloading it. I cant open the GUMHv13.rar. Any advice please.
HELP ME PLS ! I HAVE A PROBLEM ! When open w3 whit Universal maphack .. WARNING You are using hacks! Please remove hacks and reinstall w3 to play on garena . :S:S:S:S:
Does this work for windows 7 ?
Not that i want to say but, now 7 out of 10 players got Maphack, so if you don't have it, ur pretty much in a disadvantage, anyway, not working already, garena updated, currently i think there is NO maphackers at all, which is good... :)
This doesnt work in windows 7
is it still working?
please make a new one. it does not work anymore..
When I start GUMH for 2.26a Garena (which was in the torrent) disconects me and says: You are using hack. Please reinstal your Warcraft3 or you`ll get ban... 04.04.2011
it gave me nose bleed...
How to change back to the original ggc
Guyz maphack is only for great noobs. I am a great dota pro, but when i started using maphacks just for fun, my proness and dota sense got lesser. And when i stopped using hacks i was just playing like a shit. Please stop using maphacks it just spoils dota. Please keep dota pride.
i love you
nc maphack ^_^......................
faster i need working mh...
i Hate MAPPACK Its Give Me BAND :D :P
It is working!! thanks-- GOLD LIKE :))
Not worKing.. GArena Can Detect if you Are using Hacks.. you Have 2 X it And reStart War 3
Not worKing.. GArena Can Detect if you Are using Hacks.. you Have 2 X it And reStart War 3
Detected for me!
Not working WTF!!
nooob cheater
not working...Garena somehow detects and kicks u out of wc3 and says mh detected, off ur mh program pls
that is a trash!
need MH fast
this is not working anymore.. it can now be detected by Garena system..
patched... plz make another one
ty now i have my own i ussualy borow USB from my friend :)
for-weak-only. but great for us PROs because it can make weak players play better. :D
im playing in garena with a 1.25 patch and the GUMH is not working.when is on the MH Garena detects it. can i fix this ptoblem some how?
as of april 10, 2011
not working it is detected by garena and they will block you from gaming.
you stop spamming...!!!
not working anymore. be careful
it's not working anymore in our computerhouse but if im using it in computer shops its working.. whats the problem?
hahaha no map hack best
nice ... no work anymore
cant use d as garena can detect it
dunno why but it says invalid version when i tried this with version 1.24b
its working thanks
Please fast cr8 another maphack , this cant work anymore
LOL your all getting owned theyre making this with fake comments so mhers download it and learn theyre lesson by getting banned LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
ITs better, map hack makes us suck.
Hi, v13 GUMH not working. Got message "You are using hacks!" and closed war3.exe instantly.
NOT WORKING FOR 1.26a. 04/13/2011
is this safe?
Garena has detected GUMH11 for 1.24e
im using garena master will it work together?
Play with Mh for one week and after that try w/o mh
Its detected now.
garena got updated. the old hack is no longer working. any new updated version of this hack?
wew please help me... why the garena is always detecting my MH? even it`s one check only
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