1. Download the Warcraft 3 version switcher and it's individual file(s) you want to use with Version Switcher.
Download Warcraft Version Switcher:
Warcraft-Version-Switcher.zip (617 KB)
Warcraft 1.20e Patch File:
TFT Version 1.20e.zip
Warcraft 1.21b Patch File:
TFT Version 1.21b
Warcraft 1.22 Patch File:
TFT Version 1.22.zip
Warcraft 1.23 Patch File:
TFT Version 1.23.zip
Warcraft 1.24 Patch File:
TFT Version 1.24.zip
Warcraft 1.24b Patch File:
TFT Version 1.24b.zip
Warcraft 1.24c Patch File:
TFT Version 1.24c.zip
Warcraft 1.24d Patch File:
TFT Version 1.24d.zip
Warcraft 1.24e Patch File:
Warcraft 1.25b Patch File:
TFT Version 1.25b.zip
Warcraft 1.26 Patch File:
TFT Version 1.26a.zip
2. After Downloading the patch version file(s), DO NOT EXTRACT THEM. Just copy the files and paste in your "wvs" folder of Warcraft Version Switcher.
3. Now run wvs.exe & you're done.
- If you don't know how to use Warcraft version Switcher, Please read this guide.
- If you have any problems or found a broken link, feel free to post a comment about it.
731 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 731 of 731 Newer› Newest»Anonymous said...
maksudnya u masukin aja di folder yg sama
help me.. there is no file to chage
its says here that " youre currently downloading" but i cant find the file and i cant download it.. pls help!
Is there any mirror for this? because i cant download it on hotfile.. :((
how to open a RAR file
i had used the switcher with no problems before i uininstalled wc3. and now i reinstalled wc3 and there is no loading bar when i click on the patches. any help?
yeah ..
Yeah Nice I Can Now Play 1.26a
It's good men.. thanks! nice job.
Hello guys I have a problem; As soon as I launch wvs.exe a message from the console pops up saying:
Reading Config.ini...
Found The Frozen Throne in folder: C:\Warcraft III
ERROR: File not found, wvs\help.dat
ERROR: File not found, wvs\unzdll.dll
ERROR: File not found, wvs\zipdll.dll
This will cause the program to become very unstable and not function right.
Please read readme.txt to get help fixing theese problems.
Any suggestions or anyone who can offer help please?
Can i jump from 1.24d to 1.26?
what version is use to play garena plus
wew that will be work
I really don't know how to mix it up together :( so anybody help me to do it please?
I can't extract the WVS file...it's in "rar" type file..please help...
Can you upload to Mediafire for me
It's very easy to download. very nice program^^
is this working ?
ty ty
it totally works thanks for this awesome program!
Hey why do i cant change my dota's version to another version?
Heey why do i cant change my dota version 1.24.3. to another version??
hello.. is rapid share not working nowadays?
because a warning message appears whenever i.click DL
apprc8 ur help..
Please help
I have a problem when i switch from 1.26 to 1.24 i experience two issues
First:I cant join my friends game and was always struck at the screen after 'local area network' option even though we had the same version(1.24)
Second:I cant create a game when i'm in version 1.24 but i was able to create a game when i was in version 1.26
First of all Thank you very mucho!! i jsut have a cuestion after i download the files i supouse to paste them in the WVS foldier... but how i get it or where is it.. i have the version 1.26... if any one can help me would be gladly apreciated
my warcraft is ver. 1.20,can i change it to the newer version ?
can't download, rapidshare refuse
your so noob!!!!
Yeahh bRoo ! Thankss
saya dulu waktu kecil pernah maen dota skrg udh bsn maen dota
IT PERFECTLY WORKS but how to switch to your default version
How can i fix the CD-rom drive problem to enable initialize dota
i can't download patch 1.24b. pls give new link
couldn't find location to patch..
wth is this mean...?
I don't get this. I'm playing Warcraft with Garena, and its a RPG version but then when i came to the Philippines room it said version (1.26) but the version of my dota is 1.20c, how come it's TFT ?
where should I download the wvs... I just can't open it with my PC!
having problem with windows 8... WVS cant find any version...
can you please upload it to other sites ?? the version switcher.zip from rapidshare refrains me from downloading
first blood
guys, how can i use/copy this download file of version 26.? i already download it but don't know how to do. pls help me
Gago all
sir it's download unavailable
Thanks so much!
i want to change my version 1.24e to 1.26a i dont know how,m plss help me!!!
everytime i switch version from 1.26 to 1.24,theres no error but when i open my frozen throne the version didnt change its still 1.26
my warcraft 3 does not work when i switch the version using Warcraft Version Switcher. from 1.21b to 1.24e or 1.26a
hey troll
you can copy your version with your friends
hey guys thank you!
How can I download WVS it says in rapidshare download not available File not Found
Guys pls tell me how to download or tell me another link plss....Thanks
Am not able to play replays of 1.24 patch version..Plz Help!
Also 1.24patch link broken
Download not available...so sad
Help Pls It Say Error Not Found!!
Thanks! keep it up
The download is not readable for my flashh player.. wtf odes it really need it??
Wow! this is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks man. It worked perfectly. :)
I can't see my patch in the version switcher but i copy the zip files in the foler "wvs" in the version switcher. Please help me sir. :(
Thank you :))))
haahhaha tnx for this becauze this switcher help me whohooh./ . .!!!!!
tnx :}
Cant see version 26 :(
what is wvs guix?
wat is wvs guiz
so i downloaded version switcher and the patches 1.24b and 1.24e only. now what will i do? will i move them to the same folder of warcraft or not?
read the instructions... download the patches and the switcher place the patches inside the switcher folder and place it in the warcraft III folder..
Can anyone tell me where to put the versions?
hey .. please help me guys .. if i switch my version from 1.24 to 1.26 ,, it switch good .. but if i will run my frozen throne ,, the version is 1.24 ??
please help . so i can play in GG :(
please help me ..
Awesome program but I just have one issue that I'm not sure you can help with but I'll go ahead and ask anyway
When I click on a file to watch the replay of, it says that it can't find the map that I played on when I clearly have it in my Warcraft III folder. Any way to fix this?
Thanks a lot! -OPS
I Have A Problem In Downloading The Version 1.26 After The Downloading It Cannot Working ! Plase Help Me ,
don't work ani video after download plz
nami lng gd po mga gago gd kmu ya gago gd 1.26a downlaod ku nga gn extract ku nag gana hw gago ka gd ya!
Whenever i try to download the file " all in one warcraft version switcher" it takes me to a different site, most of time to sale one. So, i've ever tried to download it in many ways but i cant make it. I'd like to know how to do this, i really need to change versions. Pls, Help me as soon as possible.
really useful!!
How 2 Download Dota Switcher 1.26a ? Pls Help me or Send The Link pa2ro nmn poh pls ..
After updatiing my patch my warcraft showsss an errorrr Reinstalll patch Y???
my warcraft 3 TFT version didn't change
thx bro
your the one goldilox
who is the strongest dota player herrrr
let's have the battle
great job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Thanks Bro
it is ok to upgrade my warcraft version from 1.21 to 1.26 ?
How to copy the 1.24e files and paste in my "wvs" folder of Warcraft Version Switcher.
How to copy the 1.24e files and paste in my "wvs" folder of Warcraft Version Switcher.
please update the links hotfile.com has been shut down
Hahaha,all our names is anonymous but thanks dota utilities it works @phew
thank you so much ^.^
Why my warcraft version switcher does not change the version ..? i replaced the version .. but still not working!!
why didn't i have any version listed in the switcher
please guide
how to dl this one ?
my version is not switching
My version is not being switched
Good Work!!!
i have 1.21 v so need to download all the versions ?
how come i can't see the v1.26 when i open it?
I just want to thank the uploader for the great uploads. \m/
30mb wew
Like Love you
I DID IT !! :D
when u notice it where commenting same stuff LOL
I love You Admin
Not Compatible with Windows 8??
wow thx! that really worked
how can i download directx for warcraft 3
how can i download direct x plzzz help me....GUYS
why i cant download the patch?
LOOOL it says 5 hours 18 minutes left when I try to download version 1.26 fcking slow internet lol.
It doesn't work, I tried switching it but whenever i open up Frozen Throne its still 1.24
It won't work, whenever I try to use it, and I open up Frozen Throne, the old version is still there.
tnx........ it works.......
Thanks dude! :)
good AM sir/madam,
thank you! glad i'm here
more power
sweet regards from Philippines
This post is very usefull for me ,thanks
what the this sucks this version switcher no use 8=D !!!!!!!
I have downloaded it-- but not 100 happy.
i have 1.24 after i did switch to 1.26, its say error " error patching (bad offset) make sure using version 1.22a-1.33a " but i had downloaded it, it keep error when i click w3l.exe
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