This map has neutral spawn checking option. Just place a ward at neutral creep's spawn area and enter, "-ts" command to check whether spawn is blocked or not. If the spawn is blocked you will see a ping in your minimap. Also, you can toggle between Day & Night by using "-tt" command.
Dota Warding Map on 6.63b Download Links:
DotaWardingMap.w3x (mirror 1)
DotaWardingMap.w3x (mirror 2)
20 Comments yet..:
1st nice map.....
very helpful for competitive players
2nd one...........
Ty...I have imrpoved my pudge hooks a lot man
A very useful map-tool to improve one's warding skills. KEEP ROCKING DOTA-UTILITIES.
mh rules this thing sux :\
imba map ;)
thz ya~
nice map
haha noob play maphack !! woo~~ gth la
how do i put that file?
Nice Map and I hope you will create a another map for mirana and pudge training map.
i do not understand this thing..!!!
otherwise how can i improve my arrow for mirana and meat hook of pudge w/this freaking map
How use this map.... how add this function into a offical dota map.... teach teach please....
DotA Warding map needs 1.24b?
dont be stupid, this map is for improving your warding. And dont forget warding gives you more sight which is useful on offense or defense and thats how you can improve your hooking or arrowing also watch out for ganks... oh i forgot you can use this for looking power ups if you know the right place ^_^
guyz plz create a training areas for mirana and pudge plz plz
wen i strt this map in ma warcraft game version 1.24b FATAL ERROR ocurring Plzz HELP!!
-DJ ty
yeah pls cr8 a mirana training map
usage of mirana and pudge are for instinct,,, there's no training map for them...
lots of exp in playing will help... :)
nice map
How? to use?
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