WarKey++ Features:
1. Supports Warcraft 1.26 patch and other previous versions.
2. Active/Disable Enemy/Ally HP bars.
3. Macro Hotkeys.
4. Quick Messages for Allied and All.
5. Disable Left [Win] Key.
6. Very simple and nice interface. Strong function.
7. Set Inventory Keys to, ALT+[1][2][3][4][5].
8. Program Hotkeys.
9. Makes mouse cursor stay in window while playing in Window Mode.
The great feature of WarKey++ is, it does not effect the chat system when you have hotkeys turned on (it will automatically disable warkey when typing).
Program Hotkeys:
- Active/disable "hotkey function" hotkey [Home]
- Active/disable "AI block mouse" hotkey [End]
- (Alt+[) Hotkey: show ally's hp bar
- (Alt+]) Hotkey: show enemy's hp bar
- (Alt+M) Hotkey: check current state of function
- (Alt+P) Hotkey: Pause/Resume "game"
- (Alt+F4) Hotkey: Quit Game
WarKey++ Download Links:
Warkey++ 6.6:
WarKey66_EN.rar (mirror 1)
Warkey++ 6.3:
WarKey63_EN.rar (mirror 1)
Warkey++ v6.2:
Warkey 6.2.zip (mirror 1)
554 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 554 Newer› Newest»first blood
haha! im the second one!
thank you
is this include skill hotkey?i wana make skill to q,w,e,r is easier
double kill
double kill
Can it change the inventory hotkeys?
xD nIcE
thanks for share
second blood
hehe nice one but umm can i get most of the forum information and put it in my blog?
Will this be treated as a "Hack" in garena and ended up our account being banned? or we wouldn't be banned for using this thing?
@ Anonymous, This will not be treated as a Hack, I have tested this tool on Garena and haven't got banned. So no problem using it!
It has enemy HP bars so it IS considered as a hack. if its purely hotkeys, its fine but not health bars. Might as well use this , choose zeus and zap when u see red hp bars
nice 1. tnx for this to all admin this is not a hack this is a certified cheat @_@
who to set alt+1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8~~~
is work!!thk dude
This tool is great.
Woohoo! Thanks, great app.
thanks !
can seomeone explain what is :
_ "Ai block mouse"
_ "Shield left [win] when gaming"
This is probably the BEST thing that i have DLed for Dota! Thx Dota-Utilities, I would kiss u if i could! :)
"Ai block mouse" << Makes mouse cursor stay in window while playing in Window Mode.
"Shield left [win] when gaming" << Disable Left [Win] Key.
nice soft thx!
wa...so nice o~
nice 1 !!
i have looked for this for ages!
What the hell, can't we customize hotkeys at alt+A,alt+Z,alt+E,alt+Q,alt+S,alt+D
like in HoN (heroes of newerth) ????
how can i make warcraft III to window mode?
nice :::DDDDDD
Actually the "always show hp bar" function can be selected in gameplay option after 1.24 patch.
mmmm something usefull...i hate numpad :D
I prefer using Autohotkey though. Easy to customize and setup.
thnx XD
vengeance is mine .
we need tutorial for macro tab.
for noob
for noob
lol the macro has some bugs and glitches... for other heroes when you set the hotkey but one skillkey is the same as the hot key.. like sk
hotkey - skillkey
q e
w r
e l
r c
when pressing r.. sandstorm and epicenter casts simultaneusly.. weak program
"Multi Kill"
perdon alguien qeu hable español no puedo configurar los skills de los heroes gracias se lo agradeceria mucho
mi correo es EMmANueL-Ara@hotmail.com
not work
haha..meron nb pang vista ...reply aman asap
pinoy noobs
How to use the skills hotkeys plzzzzzzz
erm...this is a hack???can use it on garena?
what is macro?
the inventory key should be alt+q = num7 alt+w = num8 alt+a = num4 alt+s = num5 alt+z = num1 alt+x = num2.
very nice/////Ultra KIlL^^ XD
Rampage this rocks other warkeys conflict
TRY this guys make C dagger when using Sk xD he ulties and u get to blink with 1 key just c shift click were u wanna go both ulti and blink will be selected asses
in which folder do i put the.zip file in? how do i get in running? HELP
can i make use my skills in easy way ? by pressing Q,W,E,R ? in this hotkey/warkeys?
nice pota ina
W0w its very usable in arcane ring,magical bottle,town portal etc,
it is so nice
man dis is cool
kewl! tnx man it helped alot while playing on laptop :P
_"...,,,BEYOND GODLIKE????,,,,,,,.......
by JANE...add me on garena my user:
add me if u lyk 2 try me in DOTA^_^
i still prefer using LWT
yeahh...cool my dagon5 and finger fires like 1 skill wew...they said i have mh bacause they are 1hit ..haha...loosers...
nice tools
this 1 doesn't work. .i prefer the old version hotkey. .
onsaon pag kuha sa map hack 65 66?
thanks dota-utilities! y'all rock!
only the weak wants to prove them self strong by means of force!! hahaha lol!!
gg boys
tnx a lot!
Health bars can be turned on/off in the actualy game menu of Warcraft III, now what kind of a lame brained dim-witted moron would consider something that is actually in the game mechanics as a hack?
invoker is too old yuk!!!
This programm rox .. without him im NOOB! :D
epal hayup gago!!!!
there already a new version
so great !!!
hahahha...tnx dota utilities!!!^^
is map hack (MH) recognize by Garena? (GG)?
DOTA TRY ME AMF ME MY NAME IS b|cffff0000kZen that`s my name pm me if you want to TRY me
oh common!
oh common!
♥♥♥♥♥♥yeah FIRSTBLOOD
i cant activate the war key.. im using a mac key board pls help
dota adict
it doesn't work because when you change it with the letter "s" the normal function of the key still functions so the hero suddenly stops. hope you can still develop this program. how you can change the normal function of the keys???
How do i active this warkey? NEED HELP!! i doesnt understand i press the button [Home] but it doesnt work
hahah Ang CUTE
well,it is very cool tat can support the vista.But just a little problem.Can u fix the hot key to user can change it??Cos ur Num7=?? so i can onli put the word and if i wan put it as Alt Q then it cant.So hope u can make it more nice ly.Tx.
Beyond godlike rampage
My inventory keys are working just fine but i cant set my skill keys..pls help someone.
Had this exact version of warkey++ back home and everything worked just fine..so annoying now cant play!!
=) .... !!!!!!
how to change skill warkey into qwer?? can teach me
tnx alot.. this really helps when people are using laptops like me w/o number keys on the right side.. this helps for inventory keys shortcuts.. thumbs up for this..
i play dota at laptop but i couldn't find hotkeys for inventory and i hate clicking it, lol costs much time and im owned, can someone help??????
syet that linken's sphere run bug really did worked! :]
can any post tutorial how use warkeys ?
is it working and is it safe?
is it working and is it safe?
autowarkey the best =)
i wish there is hotkeys for war3 v1.24d
duhh!!!!! mybe ur doing it incorrect!!!! where hav u been !!!!
this DotA site is d best =)
thanx a lot :D
it doesnt work.. on my dota ai 6.67
latest dota map?
haha dont wori be happpy
i serve only the frozen throne
taki daytoy
does this work on garena?
This version is out-of-dated!
great thing! used this for months now and was happy with it, only crappy thing is: todays avira antivir update doenst let this thing work any more :(
update mb ;)
works on 6.68?
This is a way to play nevermore on german tastatures..nice
how thus this thing work? i dont know how.
whats the macro for?
I love it ,,
Holy Shit . ( Beyond Godlike )
Woooo, finally i find something that works..
wat a nice warkey haha..this is how we use twin head dragon!!
HEEEEELP!!! i can't bind the spacebar in the warkeys, it toggles me to next "event" if i press it, so i can't use the inventory with spacebar. Does anyone know how to do it cuz with spacebar? its more easier, plzzz help!
i can't use it says: this application has failed to start because MSVBVM60.DLL was not found re-installing this application may fix this problem
download auto warkey
hotkey or the warkey doesn't work . amf . i want to you the qwe hotkey not this .
i want the qwaszx key not this one . this sucks
its not working with space bar ...!! any warkey which works with space .. ??
Great, thanks JayJay. I know u is an Indonesian
hehe.........this is fun can you give me a warkey :P
Why not working space??? In what can be problem?
tnx,sa h0t k3y
rampage ran
this is not treated as a hack... bcoz the hp bars are in the settings... its just automatically activated when u use this warkey.. i think mana bar is a hack... but bot this one
y it would start to display to different location when i press the hotkey(in the dota)?i set 'spacebar' ass the hotkey.. pls help me to fix tis
does this work on 1.24e??
w3w!! i`m the only IMBA here??
no im the imba boy in the world...!!!!!!!!!!!XD
cant use in space, pls help to fix it.......
how to chg invertory key to Alt+z,x,a,s,q,w ?
great program
get new version from homepage
Crigson Vs Warkey which do you guys prefer? Ghost
you cant use space while running GUMH
YEAAA ITS A NICE TOOL for a noob thats it... only these lapsap dota player who doesn't know shame want to use shortcult to play a single game to be short , Rubbish / Trash / Disgracing Son =)
This is a great english--------3pul kil---------ahahahah xD
just making laugh ^^ pls dont remove this..
cant use in space bar ,pls update the new one
Cant use it for SPACE BAR pls help to fix this
how nice,..
it's cool,..
better than the Inventory A+,..
can someone tell me how to activate this
minimizes wc3 when i start it
nice one!~....
dota cheaters sucks!~......
just play the real game,dont cheat..
just enjoy the game.....!waaaaaaaaa..
when i type a message the skill macro doesn't work anymore
how can you make it work in WINDOWS 7??? Please Reply I need your help...
this program is rather pathetic...
bugs when 2 hotkeys overlap
can I use Capslock?
is there a mac for this? im buying a mac ...and needed a warkey for mac...
yes there is! a mac warkey! you can buy it at McDonald's! XD
i have better war keys than this.. cheap..
Is This A HACK?
dota tool kit is better than warkey
you can change your skill hot key using the option "toggle shortcut key" the hotkey will become q,w,e,r(in the option gameplay) . ^^ no need to thx me lol
mo mo mo monsterkilll!!!
works on 1.24e??
yup it works on 24e P:D
i cant activate the war key? (Windows7)
wow.it is vewry use full
in win 7, this program have some bugs. Btw, it's good.
does it work on 1.24e patch or does it only work on 1.24b
No its like a hack ..
Noobster ..-.-
this Warkey is not working for my Windows Vista and i don't know why???
ahahah Thnks. =)
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