IceFrog has put secret images on GetDota portal of the upcoming two new heroes in
Dota 6.65. You can see them on
GetDota website. Don't see anything there? np, just hit F5 (refresh the page) few times, you will see 2 secret images that are posted below, click the image to view the full size.
Update: DotA 6.65 is now released.Hero 1

Hero 2
Can you guess what Hero is hidden in the images above? Prepare yourself to play them in DotA 6.65!
63 Comments yet..:
HERO 1 is Disfal the NightCrawler
Hero 2 looks like Shade (the one used to be nerubian weaver's watcher)
first one, must be a "Murlock" of some kind, and the second i think a "Wind Elemental" or may be fire or earth.. cant be water, cause water is Morph.. am i right? close to truth?
Who is sentinel in there? The ''Murlock"?
Nice NEW HEROES finally!!!
the 2nd one is an ice crystal
i like the icy hero !! gj icefrog.. you are great
need 1 firelord too :P
first screen is the nightcrawler, the 2nd is brand new was not disclosed anything about it until now :S
Whatever they are, I am very excited to try them out.
The first is the Murluck. and the second can be the shadow of Nerub'arak...but have minimous chances can be the family of Nevermore
Here are the images link from getdota..
sorry the second is the shadow of Nerub Weaver xD
Maybe the second one is the Watcher(1st skill) of Nerubian Weaver in 6.59.
nice but what about the new loadscreen?
i whink the second one is more like atropos
Here is the hero of the second image!
very nice :D :D :D
i think the second hero skill will be something to do with ice mayde im not sure
can't wait..=D
lav it :))
I know dat... u try -sc mode...
then it will show.. sooner.. ble :p
hero 1
2nd one maybe another ice caster ... the desccription says sumthing like ice or sumthing like tat .
I'm Too Think One Of That Two Heroes Is 1st Skill's Nerubian weaver's watcher Isn't It !? :D
we're expecting the 2nd hero will be thrall! sad
Ewwww... a murlock yukcss
The second hero fits this model well. Icy theme and silhouette.
I hope new hero comings OGRES OR HUMANS but they are related in undead and naga's hmm why thrall or thor is not coming or arcamage
wow hero 2 i think is a int type because it can cast elements !!!!!!!!!!!!!
first image is slark murloc nightcrawler
and the second one is undead ice elemental..
i guess,,,
gj icefrog!!!i cant wait anymore!
man i hate you when you do that
why dont you just tells us
2nd hero is probably a shade of undead race from classic wc3 xD But ofc with cosmetics changes
i think the 2nd is
i think the true name is slark..... trust me...
The new name of new hero: Olok The Belater!
the 2nd Hero is scourage Hero
wht ever he is but it sucks
the 1st one looks like a "murlock" or kinda look like murlock the 2nd one looks like a bane elemental style but has different collor or something
it seems that the second hero is int
woow verry nice...good work IceFrog !!!!!!!!
O primeiro eh um sapo The frogs neutral creep in normal strategy maps, and the other the Shade
The 2nd one is an Ice Hero..obviously
bah, everyone is tellin' who are these guys, WE KNOW IT!
now, i wish i could just try'em fast right now, i'm waiting for this very update for long time! can't wait to fuckin' slash all my enemies with night crawler... or even chill'em all with a powerful wrath of anguish from an eternal imprisioned soul...
this gotta be good, icefrog's doin' great yeah ;D
First is a murlock, night crawler and the second i think is a Tide Elemental moded to a ice like creature... i think so...
I like the 2 new hero in dota
hero 2 is kaldr..
i think!!
first hero Murloc Nightcrawler Slark
second hero Ancient Something Forgot it!
1st hero Slark - Murloc Nightcrawler
2nd hero Kaldr - Ancient Apparition
slark is agility
kaldr is intelligence
hero 2 looks like atropas
the first is murloc - nightcrawler and the second is kaldr - ancient apparition
wew they suck..
murloc is weak hero....
i think the 2 heroes are both scourge.
The 1st hero is Slark the murloc nightcrawler.
I don't know the 2nd hero.
But Slark is a coward.
Once you've chosen Slark, the ultimate skill can make him
Hero 1 - Slark "Murlock Nightcrawler"
Hero 2 - Kaldr "Ancient Apparition"
Hero 2 is accient apparatus it is ice
The 1st picture is Slark, The Murloc Nightcrawler-agility
the 2nd is Kaldr, The ancient Apparition-Intelligence
Hero 1 - Slark "Murlock Nightcrawler"
Hero 2 - Kaldr "Ancient Apparition"
i most likely used murlock rather than anc. apparition....
murlock is the best...........!!!!!!!!!!11
1st one is slark the 2nd one is ancient apparition
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