Dota 6.66 6v6 Map is just released by GoD-Tony. This map is same as the normal 6.66 version but it has 1 extra player on each side making it 6v6. You must try this map!
Dota Allstars 6.66 6v6 Map Download:DotA_Allstars_v6.66_6v6.w3x (mirror 1)
DotA_Allstars_v6.66_6v6.w3x (mirror 2)
31 Comments yet..:
Quick service :D
lol i am lukyy lo nice job *fira-kyo*
dominating!! ULtra kiLL!!
Cool man..
DotA is obviously perfect 5v5 but this is a good idea will be fun
i can't believe this
6v6 can be gud cuz there is no solo and people can never blame it on their side becuz their side had a noob solo
FIRST BLOOD! ...Dominating ..High Speed Kill.... TÆ ½
w0w its good
nice one
Rampage very important person:hehe nice map
POTANG INA NIO MGA GAGO!!! 1v1????????? ..!..
nice map thanks dota-utilities! keep rockin'!
great blog.
hahahaha nc map..
for adikss this map...
g0 and make v6.66 AI+ 1.52 (Rev 01) ------> 10v10 ^___________^
hmm.... I have a request if make some dota map w/ 20 players...XD i might be more fun.. in killing...
if possible, though
tch Warcraft only supports max of 12 players
im mean Warcraft not DoTa
cuz some noob people that play Dota says warcraft "IS" dota
wei i hope icefrog will cr8 panda elemental hero
- earth 1
- firelord
plz cr8 ice thx
i wonder if u kill 5 players rampage but 6...?
i killed 6 players and it said Humiliation ._. COOOOOOLLLLLL
6 KILL ?? ALIEN...!!!
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