DotA 6.67 | Dota Allstars 6.67 News & Updates

Dota 6.67
DotA 6.67 will be the next map of DotA-Allstars series. This map is expected to contain some new stuff because, in the recent version we have seen a lot of balancing of Heroes. IceFrog has started working on DotA Allstars 6.67 as he opened the beta testers sign-up on GetDota but one update so far about this map on his blog.

Final Update:
DotA 6.67 Map has been released by IceFrog

Zoom Feature and a New Game Mode:

IceFrog announced about new modes in DotA 6.67, check more details.

Anyway, What do you expect in DotA 6.67? A new hero, an item, cosmetic changes, a new terrain or anything else. Share your ideas, suggestions and thoughts via comments about this upcoming map!

495 Comments yet..:

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Anonymous said...

New item which dangerous aura plis

Anonymous said...

damage spill for range heroes as well !!!

Anonymous said...

Make sange and yasha effect same like FrostBurn in HON...will be great!

Anonymous said...

A new terrain!

Anonymous said...

I don't know about you but I'm sick of playing with other players who are using MapHack (MH). Please stop making this stupid software ! It's destroying the whole game !!!!

Anonymous said...

try to make a hero like old stealth asasin with critical and blink it will be nice

Anonymous said...

i wanna scepter for morted it will be great 20% critical 5X wow :D

Anonymous said...

wanna a new item like battle fury but dor range heroes so u can make gold ("with splash ) :P

Anonymous said...

we wanna to switch items plz .. do smthg

Anonymous said...

a hero like zeus with globala ulti

Anonymous said...

A new hero a swordsmaster. he should be strong to face life stealer.

Anonymous said...

MAKE TERRORBLADE STRONGER CHANGE HIS SKILLS AND CREATE A HERO FROST WYRM in the undead(custom game i will see it the dragon ice type

Anonymous said...

Plsss Give Us a New Wicked Hero like Maybe the lizard king that kinda look like the lizard creeps or maybe a full supporter hero with 1st skill:stun 2nd skill:slow 3rd skill:heal 4th skill:armor reducer

^^ ohh well heheh xD i just hope you give us new hero!!

Anonymous said...

Try to decrease the cooldown of the refresher orb!!..

Anonymous said...

create an item that like helm of dominator but for mana stealing.....(^_^)

Anonymous said...

I hope to see a new item with anti bashing...

Anonymous said...

what do you say about 0.5 ministun on pudge's meat hook? and one more thing, please don't copy anything from HoN because this game sucks and it's a pure copy of DotA and please make dota an unique game and of course the best game. sorry for my bad english

Anonymous said...

New item crystall ball and unknown item can use assassinate?? lol

Anonymous said...

A new Hero. STR. cause agi and int heroes (slark,and teh int.don't remember name)are already found.So we need a new str.Possible skills:

1st-A stun. str without stun is not good strenght hero. can't tell u analysied dmg and se for stun per level.u can decide it by yrself.
2nd skill-skill like linken's.Every 20 or 30 or 40 sec one disable of skill. this hero with linkens item too would be powerful.
3rd skill-crtcal.chance. 2x al levels but reduced chance for lower level.
4th(ULTY)-something a lo imaginary. like can transport one hero with him. Eat him and transport him wherever he goes. transport for 9 seconds.lvl 1 only allies for 5 seconds. lvl 2 allies and enemies HEROES for 7 seconds. and lvl 3 all.(enemies,creeps,allies.. except roshan) for 9 seconds. ANY TELEPORTING WILL CAUSE DISABLING OF THE ULTY. smth like that.
by: BoBo(Envi)

idot said...

one thing to change: delete dota

Anonymous said...

Mana steal item is bad idea it would make magina totally useless....There is already arcane ring if you need mana....Intelect heroes would be useless late game if there was an item to steal mana...

Anonymous said...

a gud supprt hero

Anonymous said...

Old Runes:
Double Damage
New Runes:(suggestion)
Double Cash
Lifesteal (+100%)
Armor +10
Refresh (like Rearm by Tinker)

Hope you like it

Anonymous said...

a rather like a new agi or tr hero with althrough passive skill that can help through as out

Anonymous said...

a 20 sec stun....that would be cool and the euls can cyclone the about the BoT to be teleported on enemies....the hand of midas can it have lesser cooldown???and slarks third skill to imba kindly change it cause that hero is for noobs....create a hero for clash like earthshaker or magnus but its damage is like 2k or 3k but the cooldown is maybe 2min or 1min 30 sec something like that.

Anonymous said...

-|Why not to make some item like :
ultimate ring
recipes ;
Wraith band
Null talisman

Stats :
40 To All Stats .. .. .. ..
Maybe. . .

-|And make a new hero like Female STR hero.. .. ..
-|new Hero => Blast (The king Of Abyss)> STR HERO STR : 25 AGI :20 INT : 22 Range :Meele MS : 315

1st=> Sword Of Abyss (MC: 90, 100, 110, 120)
lvl 1 > 100 damege and 1,75 second stun
lvl 2 > 175 damage and 2 seconf stun
lvl 3 > 225 damage ang 2,5 stun
lvl 4 > 275 damage and 3 second stun

2nd => abyss aura (MC : N/A)
lvl 1 > 17% ASPD and Damage aura
lvl 2 > 25% ASPD and Damege aura
lvl 3 > 30% ASPD and damage aura
lvl 4 > 40% ASPD and Damage aura

3rd => Wave Of dark thunder (MC : 115, 125, 135, 145)
lvl 1 > 100 damage per units
lvl 2 > 150 damage per units
lvl 3 > 200 damage per units
lvl 4 > 250 damage per units

4th => Sword From Deepest Sea
lvl 1 > 20% Critical, 2,5 X (Scepter 3X)
lvl 2 > 20% Critical, 3,5 X (Scepter 4X)
lvl 3 > 20% critical, 4,5 X (Scepter 5X)

Thx . . . ^__^

Anonymous said...

1.whoever said that active-type blademail sucks is no0b.
2. Why everyone wants -so to be removed ? it is OPTIONAL, TOTALLY. Well, except that you are joining someone else's room. But you can STILL type -no TO DISAGREE.

Anonymous said...

New Terrain and samo new moddels that is all.
(Models from HoN would be cool)

Anonymous said...

Frozen Throne Must defend itself !!!!!

Anonymous said...

A new terrain would be nice.Would really keep things interesting.

Anonymous said...

Could Someone make a F***ing imba items w/ mana steal

Or.... make magina mana break with mana steal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

They should cr8 a map where the host dun leave.......i mean i have been playing many game..and sometimes whenever my team is owning the host leave........they should really do something about that

Anonymous said...

REMAKE the skill of Lina!!! the dragon slave, i think its not a dragon slave XDD
then, remake the ultimate of dragonKnight the level 3 of his ultimate is BLACK DRAGON. the most powerful dragon.

in 6.67, make a hero very imba. WALKiNG DiSASTER wahaha!
make a hero like a robot or a golem. robot or golems will be the stuners

Anonymous said...

can i share an item for range with splash damage? hehehe^_^
because it unfair for melee with battle fury and vladimirs

Anonymous said...

i have a agi hero LOL^_^

1st=Shuriken not gondar shuriken it any place like arrow mirana no stun
2nd=(passive)rollout roll in 4sec and up it can splash dmg
3rd= trap like net with siren or overgrowth for 2sec and up
4th(SUPER SKILL)= stun all creeps and a big punch for 3 secs and up in lvl

Anonymous said...

lvl 1=100 dmg per 6 creeps / 1 hero
lvl 2=175 dmg per 7 creeps / 2 heroes
lvl 3=250 dmg per 8 and up creeps / 3 heroes
lvl 4=325 dmg per infinite creeps / 5 heroes

LOL ^_^

Anonymous said...

-|Why not to make some item like :
ultimate ring
recipes ;
Wraith band
Null talisman

Stats :
40 To All Stats .. .. .. ..
Maybe. . .

-|And make a new hero like Female STR hero.. .. ..
-|new Hero => Blast (The king Of Abyss)> STR HERO STR : 25 AGI :20 INT : 22 Range :Meele MS : 315

1st=> Sword Of Abyss (MC: 90, 100, 110, 120)
lvl 1 > 100 damege and 1,75 second stun
lvl 2 > 175 damage and 2 seconf stun
lvl 3 > 225 damage ang 2,5 stun
lvl 4 > 275 damage and 3 second stun

2nd => abyss aura (MC : N/A)
lvl 1 > 17% ASPD and Damage aura
lvl 2 > 25% ASPD and Damege aura
lvl 3 > 30% ASPD and damage aura
lvl 4 > 40% ASPD and Damage aura

3rd => Wave Of dark thunder (MC : 115, 125, 135, 145)
lvl 1 > 100 damage per units
lvl 2 > 150 damage per units
lvl 3 > 200 damage per units
lvl 4 > 250 damage per units

4th => Sword From Deepest Sea
lvl 1 > 20% Critical, 2,5 X (Scepter 3X)
lvl 2 > 20% Critical, 3,5 X (Scepter 4X)
lvl 3 > 20% critical, 4,5 X (Scepter 5X)

Thx . . . ^__^??


Anonymous said...

well, please return the "old barathrum" back, the new "charge of darkness" is very inconvenient, especially when you need to immediately stun someone right near you

the new "charge of darkness" is bad bad bad

Anonymous said...

i hope ursa's 3rd skill is not orb effect

Anonymous said...

can you add some additional armor to axe when he cast his berserkers call..

Anonymous said...

Make strength hero's skill less damage bcause intel hero can not kill em when one vs one....

Anonymous said...

remove switch command...lamest command evar!! ruins all games with switch on!!


Anonymous said...

Vladmir for ranged is idiotic. Wat is eye of skadi for cos it stacks with orb effects?

Can some of u stop thinking like a dumb person pls.
Vlad for range is obselete range heroes will be too imba.
Eg. potm with the new 'vlad' with Satanic N Skadi or maybe diffusal blade to replace satanic. Good idea? NO!

Anonymous said...

please Balance Ursa

its so imbalance every one knows that @_@

Anonymous said...

warlok cristal and all the int are 0 to late..need some improve for chance to late...cancel the teleport with silence...furion instant teleport and dmg int have no chance vs crix ezalor jakiro sven magnus too poor

XD said...

do not remove switch,,, remove the -unlock,,, just lock the quit hero and its item so that it is unable to use....

Anonymous said...

a hero which have a mana steal passive skill.
a item which gives splat damage like dragon knights red dragon.
a mana sunder that exchange na persentage of mana rather that hp.
an item that telepors to you a hero just like the skill of the keeper of the light.
a damage leak that when you move, your damage decrease.

just a sugestion.

Anonymous said...

dude lower ursa's damage hes to imba!!

Anonymous said...

can u put an item that has lifesteal for range that isnt orb... its not fare that only melee can enjoy that pleasure.

Anonymous said...

can u remove the -unlock - lock because the other so foolish it can't switch when the items has gone or sell ?

Anonymous said...

-Basher +attck speed 50

Anonymous said...

How about the first STR woman....Athena maybe..!?!??!

Anonymous said...

dont like the -switch so much ald since theres the -unlock thing . and pls no mana steal item (bad idea) !

wilson said...

give techies brother to scourge

Anonymous said...

Balance Troll Warlord,Ancient Apparition(really need to do something about him).Add something for Kelen Dagger like increase 20% attack speed or add 10 agility also 10 damage will do too.Some changes for Venomancer remove the ward skill and put some other skill.Maybe 0.0001% instant death , he is the lesale deathbringer after all XD

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Make new hero........named it ''Chuck Norris''

Anonymous said...

Pls make a Phoenix as a new dota hero :D

Anonymous said...

when will be the 6.67 will released?

Anonymous said...

make a hero that freezes all heroes in the map even allies
or just make naga siren's Song of the Siren hit all heroes

Anonymous said...

make more STR & INT hero...AGI hero a overpopulated, btw most agi hero are usless in team battle..If you see any replay in tourney/clan battle...the top pick will be STR & INT hero

Anonymous said...

add some regeneration to the to towers defending the tree of life/frozen throne and make them stronger and maybe add some split shot or bounce attack it will help when get mobed by creeps...

Anonymous said...

I hope that medusa's ulti stone gaze cooldown time will be reduced from the current 100 sec to at least 60sec or lesser. 100 sec for a no damage ulti is really really long. PLEASE... I hope it can be buffed a bit. Remake her spilt shot if possible. Maybe like one main shot with original damage and the other are projectile with lesser damage. Please consider it!!

Anonymous said...

I liked some of the guy ideas
-add to zeus ulti a ministun yes
-balance void's backtrack: give it a cooldown, to prevent the classic finger of death+ laguna blade dodge yes
-spectre has been nerfed so hard ... more or less
-increase meepo's str gain a bit m/l
-increase chen's heal yes
-increase the damage of the wave of the big satyr yes
-increase the cooldown of ancient apparition's ultimate
- do something to make techie a decent hero (atm, it is only a fun hero) m/l
-increase the effect of aghanim on clockwerk yes
-give aghanim to destroyer yes
-give aghanim to Nevermore yes
-rework terroblade yes
-increase vacuum's damage and lower ion shell yes
-an upgrade to bottle yes
-a scroll of speed that boost the movement speed of friendly units around you (like in warcraft 3 , but balanced for dota) it's the better idea! should have some good ideas like the ones of this guy!

+ add scepter for:
str heroes: pit lord and BristleBack to give more mana
agi heroes: mirana, medusa, mercurial
int heroes: enchantress, puck, storm, dark seer, destroyer, engima and warlock

+remake (partial or total)some heroes skills:

str: BristleBack, Magnus, and Nai'x (Boring Hero)

agi: Drow get more adrenaline instead to get
Autocast&silence only -_-', Lanaya make same as drow (Lanaya is worst if enemy team gets ward, gem or dust!) and Terrorblade!

int: Furion (his trees), techies make a really playable in games hero, and Finally Warlock his 1st it's so nerff, upheavel suxxx (make as HoN) and Infernal are so WEAKER SLOWER, AND HAVE A LOW LIFE TIME E LONGEST COOLDOWN -_-'

NERFS TO: Troll Warlord, Rikimaru, Bloodseeker (as gondar was a little bit nerfed, Bloodseeker start with more strenght than Centaur Warchief lol).

contact: ;]

Anonymous said...

new terain and heroes please!!!!
more towers and return the fun tavern or put old riki, gambler, astral to the sentinel with the same skills and same cooldown

Anonymous said...

plsss add some armor to sandking and reduce the armor of davion

Anonymous said...

kindly cr8 a new hero and all the skills is stun and damage

Anonymous said...

do somthing about the maphack and the cheats, GOD they are making the game dirty

Anonymous said...

can u make the random mode to be automaticaly range all or melee all

Anonymous said...

new terain plsssssssssssssssssssssss

Anonymous said...

can you creat a hero like some of the characters in naruto of bleach,,,, and inu yasha

Anonymous said...

do something and disable all the cheats

Anonymous said...

reduce the stun cooldown of venge and earthshaker

Anonymous said...

make the range attack of lanaya more far(increase the distance) like with sniper

Anonymous said...

improve(dont CHANGE) the skills of axe,,,,

Anonymous said...

LOL!!Wat we want is ability to uy runes from the shops==When u r fat enough(filled up all six slots with theest items u can get and can buy anything u wan...theres no way to get fatter unless theres runes:P

Anonymous said...

Sprite of Uther
Hero STR
Send illusion to position like 2nd of Tauren and 0.2 sec cast for warping hero do weapon's break on aoe shortime. Has 1300 cast range damage half first and half before.
Ex. Level 4. Has 1300 range does 150 damage after for 150 damage. Weapon's break last 3.0 second
Second [Palalysis Touch]
Every continius attack or cast enemy will take damage and mspd reduce/times for short duration.
Ex. Level 4. Does 75 damage palalyze 30 damage/time,6 point Mspd reduce/time last 5 second.
Third [Brave]
Every time this hero recive damage have chance will give him more armor and permanent add HP max.
Ex. Lv.4 Has 40% give 0.45 armor/time last 8 sec. Give 300 Hit point max.
Ultimate [Hyper Crash]
Cast 0.5 sec for move with 3000 speed to main target do enemy knock back for 1000 distance and does damage. Nearby enemy will take stopchenelling.
Ex.Lv.3 Cast 0.5 sec does 500 damage on main 250 aoe near take 0.1 sex stun main target knockback 1000 range.

Anonymous said...

Mana steal?.. you can have your mana with guinsoo and get their mana with manta style

Anonymous said...

to the one who said furion cant take 1v1 situation...
you're NOOB.

Anonymous said...

switch mode is really useless in dota
it destroy the game balance
i hope your can remove it porperly

Anonymous said...

talking about imbalance hero..slark is so imbalance..he can dominate early,middle and late game..he was to powerful..i used him and in middle game i went 'rampage'..poor hero..
who agree?

LUPIN said...

A new hero for 6.67

Hero Name - Lupin/Monkey(cant think of anything)
Str Hero/Range

1st skill
Lv1- 75 damage 1.0 stun
lv2-125 damage 1.75 stun
lv3-200 damage 2.5 stun
lv4-250 damage 3.0 stun

2nd skill
lv1-heal 100 hp
lv2-heal 175 hp
lv3-heal 250 hp
lv4-heal 400 hp

3rd skill
lv1-10% chance to avoid

Ulti (windrunner ulti)/////mana use 150/200/250
Lv1 ~ 200% attack speed reduce 50% damage
Lv2 ~ 250% attack speed reduce 40% damage
Lv3 ~ 300% attack speed reduce 30% damage

Lv1 ~ 250% att spd
Lv2 ~ 275%
lv3 ~ 325%
New Item
God Scepter (improve ulti)
recipe -
aghanim's scepter 4300
sacred relic 3800 ( used to b divine =P)
recipe 1900

example : razor ulti hit 1 hero
after got G scepter hit everything in 500 aoe

only for .. razor , windrunner , witch doctor , etc
_________________________________________________________i hope this things will come out >< IceFrog please put this item & hero in please !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Create A new hero Named

Reigon Earthenfist-Earth Spirit

Anonymous said...

make a female str hero. maybe modelled on shandris. the skills are somewhat like huskar's skills.

Anonymous said...

I think Blast (The King Of Abyss) Is interesting....
But, the ulti is not same with Mortred...
The Critical is more big and the chance is big too

Anonymous said...

s3pt3r f0r enChi wUd b A g00d1 i gUeSss..XD

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ok here s a fun idea make Guniusso , Rhstas and Lions disable makes u into a frog instead of chicken , and no mana steal items, maybe a new str female hero , and nerf some heros....... if this sounds stupid , probably becouse it IS :D :D. DotA doesn t rule it ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

first remove sme useless heroes
and please dont add any more heroes

Anonymous said...

enchantress is so weak now... make it strong again... put same str or some new skill


Anonymous said...

Devine rapier- once dropped 2-4 times,(so that both teams may have 2 chances of looting this) it cannot be used anymore by anyone...
sometimes this item sometimes destroys/TOTALLY CHANGE the game...
especially when acquired by some super damagers like
Traxex, Sven, Mortred Etc...


Anonymous said...

a stout shield with +str + agi +int such as power treads (changeable anytime)

Anonymous said...

my idea is make a terraine ...
and then players playin can challenge each other in a 1v1 fight the challenged can deny or accept the chanllenge .... if they accept they can fight in the terraine....what u get from this is tha kill , exp , gold ofcoz.... loser gets nothing :p

Anonymous said...

forsaken archer

Anonymous said...

mana steal?
but i like the false ruin..
its more intersting....
and a new a hero that is BALANCE!!!!!


Anonymous said...

hey, this is DotA not HoN jerrkkk..!!

Anonymous said...

how about if in the garena someone leave then it will be banned automatic?

Anonymous said...

I suggest that the ultimate skill of ancient apparition can be upgraded by aghanims....

need 1v1 PM me!

Anonymous said...

If its ok to make 2 boss another 1 like roshan
and more neutral spots are good
its also good if you make those heroes that are not used
much, somehow stronger i dont suggest a new hero for now
its only v6.66 new heroes comes out every 5 versions

and also if you can remove the -unlock something to switch, switch is sometimes good sometimes bad

and infact there are no IMBA heroes, its the controller of that hero which matters!!!!

Anonymous said...

make new female str hero
it will be funny xD

Anonymous said...

Mana steal is stupid.Remove switcher, add some snow in map also little more int for mirana,aganim to be used by more heroes.

Anonymous said...

I would like to create Lili the Goddess
Skill 1 - Elemental arrow - The goddess will strike arrows with all element to the enemies.
Skill 2 - Leap - Lili has a tiger that she is riding and that tiger could leap with or without reason.
Skill 3 - Goddess' Grace - all nearby units will be healed in health and regenerated in mana.
ULTIMATE - Elemental fall - all elements will fall from the sky to the enemies like fire,ice, storm and more.

And also Leo the God
Skill 1 - Elemental Breath - The god will release breaths with element of fire,ice,storm and more
SKill 2 - Leap - Leo has a lion that he is riding and that lion could leap with or without reason.
Skill 3 - Granted God - Gives nearby units increase of speed, attack speed and damage.
Skill 4 - Elemental Split - Leo will split his body into elements like fire,ice,storm and more.

Anonymous said...

a time travel hero plz .. wahaha

Anonymous said...

decrease the heart cooldown..8 seconds is too long

Anonymous said...

I just love to when you add some new items

And just add some new heroes

I just like the command -apts allpick terrain snow
like in 6.49 their is a command that terrains can be snow or dessert like -ts for snow and -td for dessert the dessert terrain is good for sand king and the terrain snow is for rylai

Thats All I Want

Anonymous said...

man if u will remove the -switch is not good when 2 heroes from sentinel or scourge will leave.3v5,2v4 or 1v3 will be not good and alwayz when this happens u must rmk.

by SoundScream

Anonymous said...


the boy said...

new terrain pls
and to above.. we hv sand king??
new hero as well like mayb
goddes of light (female sentinel)
counter part of balanar
1st skill
100 dmg
150 dmg
200 dmg
300 dmg

2nd skill
during the day, goddes of light has increased ms n att speed

3rd skill
angel aura
add mana regen?

ulti make it become day
(like balanar ulti but opposite)
hope u all like it
giv feed back pls

Anonymous said...

this mas be cool

Anonymous said...

Actually they should make a map where there is no leaver at all.....Once enter no way out...i mean its spoils the game.....or myb if the host leave nobody leave.....??? n add new song pls!!!

Anonymous said...

can make a characte that you can choose what kind of talent to play at the beginning to have a mele or range and there has same magic, and for example, if you choose to mele may not post to change the range

Anonymous said...

remove switch..lols

Anonymous said...

remove switch pls...........
its annoying...

Anonymous said...

Seriously, people who think manasteal is a good idea need to re-think what they are saying. Here are 2 damn good reasons why manasteal SHOULDN'T exist (except for spells)
1. Most heroes that really need mana tend to have low attack speed so a manasteal would be useless
2. Alot of the game would have to be reworked and Magina.

Also some of the hero suggestions are RETARDED
look at this one I quote from someone above

"Make hero have
5 skill like this

Name:Element(Unknown Hero)

1=Mana drain 300 mana drain when level 4
2=life steal 80% when level 4
3=stun 10 sec when level 4
4=attack,speed aura all 30% when skill is level 4
5=wind walk 60 sec when level 4"

To the person who wrote that, WTF are you stupid?
80% lifesteal would own anybody, 10 second stun is a free kill, and 30% attack speed man BEASTMASTER HAS AN ATTACK SPEED AURA.

The only decent changes to DotA would be:
New terrain(s)
New hero(es)
New item(s)

Anonymous said...

create item that has stun when cast.. :)

Anonymous said...

refix syllabear skills

Anonymous said...

id like to suggest that the tower have more armor and more damage... so the game will end late like 60+ mins or something coz some game ends with 20+ 30+.. that sucks


Unknown said...

let us say this once... THE !"##!"#$!# -SO IS OPTIONAL IF YOU DONT WANT IT JUST TYPE -no
Make new terrain and dont use mana steal (also a bad idea)

npaf said...

make the last 2 tower do splash damage

Anonymous said...

make first female hero pls

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm...make akasha more powerful...beacause akashi is very low in armor...and her skill is not enough to kill a hero in early game...and reamake aghanims to many heroes..!!THATS ALL


Anonymous said...

nc 1

Anonymous said...

just fix silencer. his getting really old and unsuable lately. maybe a decrease on cooldown in his SS . silence for 3 - 5 secs ? and wait about for almost 60secs before can be use again ? pretty worthless. trarex and krobelus has a better silence than silencer though its not world silence.

Anonymous said...

split items!!!

Anonymous said...

wow, i also have a troll FACE,nyahahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

want tower to have crit/bash

Anonymous said...

create much harder to kill creep... ^^

Anonymous said...

please repair the bags and please do something that will be no leavers,like:anybody to cannot leave the game :):):) thanks

Anonymous said...

reduce slarks third skill...

make a new tanker type hero... axe is now boring..

Anonymous said...

a item for range like battlefury plz@_@

Anonymous said...

hey =icefrog=... try to create a new hero like "Sasquatch" in Tropical tower wars.. that will be awesome or make a "Great Wildkin" hero w/ cool skill bad no imbanese..

plz B serious w/ what you are doing cuz' some players have bad reasons/ comments in the game..

PS: a new item plzz..^^

Anonymous said...

fix Kaldir's cold feet, so imba in early game!!!

Anonymous said...

Try to make a hero that looks like roshan!!

Anonymous said...

why are you noob guys hating switch mode while you can deny it there's a -no command to deny the switch mode... so if u dnt want to switch just type -no or should i say to all switch mode haters -noobs all of you

I like to add in DOTA


I play HON but i most likely DOTA

but i like the hero Puppeteer in HON

can u put it in DOTA

hehe :D

Anonymous said...

A new mode....

PD: Why only trol= =S

Anonymous said...

can u remake mortred 3rd skill

Anonymous said...

New int type hero!
must be all around type for clashing and supporting teammates!

New loadscreen!
New item!
Disable -wtf and -switch! both modes suck

Anonymous said...

can you add new hero with the ulti global stun ?
even it's only 0,5 sec , I think that would be nice. .
thx for reading my suck suggestion , and I know i'm just nOObz lost here. .

Anonymous said...

Create a very strong monster who must relive all players with a total donation of 10,000 gold or more, can only revive when you destroy the last tower. Sry for my english I hope you understand me

Anonymous said...

a new world will be good

kimy said... said...

new hero is da best

kimy said...

new look for animal corier

Anonymous said...

manasteal is a little bit imba.. but.. i think an item like mask of death but instead of that.. damage dealt in the hp.. will be converted to mana..

Anonymous said...

give new mode "-as" for checking the attack speed :p. and add a new hero like terran marine (fun hero in 6.59 :p) and a new item like something that +armor +strength/+agility/+intelligence that like PT that can be switched into 3 kinds. And remove the scepter upgradable from axe's culling blade, because it's been a suck skill with suck cooldown if u use aghanim.

Anonymous said...

make new heroes...make the fire and earth panda...that will be great

Anonymous said...

make fire and earth panda....that will be nice

Anonymous said...

Developers (i think) should improve kick command at least for host or by voting sometimes it so needed

abijah gus said...

need new travern!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and imba items nor heroes!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey I want a new hero like The raider name him Scork
His skills should be like
1st skill=Net Every time you level this skill the duration increases by 1 starts with 2.
2nd skill=Slow Every time you level this skill the slow increases by 5% every level starts with 5%
3rd skill=Critical Strike 1.5 TIMES every level the rate increases like this 12%,16%,20%,26%
4th skill=Max Movement speed ang increase damage by 20 every time you level this skill the damage is increased by 10 like this 20,30,40

Anonymous said...

You know you should make an item for DIFFUSAL BLADE LIKE Diffusal katana with 10 charges of purge and can refill it by buying the scroll it requires>
Yasha And diffusal blade and the recipe worth 500
It gives 12% movement speed and attack speed
Mana Break for 36 mana per hit

Anonymous said...

Murlocks SD should be edited. Its so IMBA!!!

Anonymous said...

Bat Rider Good Hero need Lil Changes.
1st skill = 3 secs Duration + 1 sec every level
2nd skill = dont change
3rd skill = + movement speed
last skill =
+ damage 50 DPS (LV 1)
80 DPS (Lv 2)
110 DPS (Lv 3)

just Rhasta SS.. it will be nice for Jinzakk
and + STR please... "MochaKill" ^_^

Anonymous said...

More Starting Gold! ^___^

Anonymous said...

make lycan stonger :X:X and a new hero or 2 or 3 ....and so on also higher lifesteal and higher base healt and dmg and mana for all heros

Anonymous said...

for gods sake nerf slark man ...he s too imba..reduce hi imbaness but t the same tome buff his strength and plz bring the character deadwood from hon into dota....and plzz do sum changes to visage,spectre,etc sum chars r not even taken coz its dumb change that aspect in dota make all chars evenly balanced and plz dnt bring that tingy wich helps whole team thing it lt ll coz lots of probs and imbalances the gaame

Anonymous said...

remove switch since the reconnect tool comes GG

Anonymous said...

hmm u mean sandking haha ?

Anonymous said...

an item like vladimir but the less the range of the hero the more is the lifesteal
an item like manta but with sange instead of yasha that provides a stun or slow instead of mirror image

Anonymous said...

upgrade SK(terrorblade)pls he is to....weak, maybe make his illu more ,or a shorter metromist cd,or ulti at long range. Any ting la at lest upgrade sk to a batter use hero every time i see ppl use they leaver incloud me!!

maç özetleri said...

very thanks

Anonymous said...

Well i think substitute recipe for another item that will be useful

Anonymous said...

introducing a weather-based system would be g8, i mean, whether should not be anymore changeable for any player, all players should see same weather. that's not all, a hero/item based on the weather should be awsome, for example, if it snows, it freezes/slows an enemy, if it's sunny = dmg... and so on

Anonymous said...

how if kelen dagger can be upgrade to have another effect, maybe 5% MS aura??

Anonymous said...

i think icefrog will not cr8 new hero but what if he make??i think the stats of new hero is STR becos kaldr(int) and Murlock(agi) what do you think??

Anonymous said...

-New hero
-New item like Vladimirs but for ranged
-Make techies' bombs not be seen by wards or gem
-And also make the last skill of apparition slower, too fast

. , Me_NooBzZ_ . ,

Anonymous said...

Make a mode where couriers fight each other and have skills and can still get items and use them, also add a combat courier as an additional upgrade to the flying giving maybe an attack or skill, its gonna be fun I tell you, and it will make dota a bit more popular. Think of it like DOTA courier edition ^_^

Anonymous said...

Why not make a vanguard for mana
Like Energy booster + Void Stone + Sobi Mask
or something like that

Anonymous said...

it would be better if there would be a new hero who has the ability to ceate puppets which he uses to attack,and a hero which is a harpy from the old warcraft

Anonymous said...

remake terrorblade's and remake pitlord its skills is to weak

Anonymous said...

my cousin said he wants a hero with a ulti of making an enemy hero to be killed!!!

Anonymous said...

new hero
balanar's brother. that is the opposite of him

Anonymous said...

please change that blink dagger effect...change it into a dagger can blink when people hitting me~~ dun dissable it when people hitting me

Anonymous said...

make a new hero his own skill is summon one

Anonymous said...

make DAGON can up to 100 level ^_^

Anonymous said...

a good hero supporter like
1st silent
2nd stun
3rd stun
4th slow

Anonymous said...

cre8 a new hero.....anything....and ill harness its true power slark and kaldr. and some items that when u click it makes ur vision larger and reveals invinsible units......for a period of time.....and some exp u level up faster.....but i dont really think about the potion...and pls balance ursa!!! coz he can kill roshan in lvl 6 with threads and vladi only!!!!

Anonymous said...

pls add a hero with the name of Bradveit Elf Ghost
make it a little strong and add new items too like Cape of Elders with the effect of Invulnerable for 3.5 sec.
it also adds 32 strength,10 intelligence,and 25 agility,Evasion(12%)

Anonymous said...

add heroes , new items, chnge the terrain, change the farm sites ang the blck mrket,the forest should be chnge to another trees.

Kdmanme123 said...

I would Like another Hero, Which Looks Like an assasin ninja and has these Skills:
1st Skill : Shuriken - a deadly weapon when thrown creates a clone then hits the target with mass damage.
2nd Skill : Explosion Decoy - Makes a clone of the hero while the hero is invisble, and when the clone is hit it gives large damage.
3rd Skill(Passive) : Shinobi - Gives 1.25x 2.50x 3.75x 4.100x His agility when hitting a critical[KINDA LIKE RIKIMARU]
4th Skill : Ninja Katana : When used on an opponent, he takes 3/4 damage(but it takes long to cooldown) then he slows for 1 min and is taken 1000 gold from the target.

mm said...

new command like SHUTUPANONYMOUS would be nice.

Anonymous said...

-music bad romance lady gaga

Anonymous said...

Please cr8 3 new heroes for exact 100 heroes!

Wish like sugestion!

Anonymous said...

IceFrog mentioned there will be an additional mode which is based on flag-capturing. A hero needs to stand on the flag for a few seconds to capture it, and if there are more heroes, the time will be shorter. Capturing all flags = win I suppose. Not sure if illusions can capture flags, but if it can, then Morphling is a very viable hero in that mode. Other illusionists like PL, Naga, CK or Terrorblade simply have illusions with too short duration.

Anonymous said...

gwing headset chat nlng pra wla ng magulo sa screen...

db neo ako sa ym kung guz2 neo ung gnun..
sbihin ntn kay ice frog...

Anonymous said...

killing spree
then I die
Oh men!

Anonymous said...

1. murlock's passive should only steal primary atribute, it's too much like this
2. new hero - i suggest nightelf archer with the following spells: black arrow (like in footy 2+ a common map on, range lifesteal aura (intelects don't make orb effect too often and they should have an aura), summon hyppogryph and ultimate: Mount hyppogryph (gives fly and combines heroe and his minion HP, armor, damage etc)
3. put the -test (or -fun) heroes... gambler, wind god and others that are balanced
4. introduce a new item that upon activation gives true sight around the heroe for a limited time (like gem, but not permanent)
5. fix bugg for frostmoure (if a heroe has bloodlust, frenzy, fury swipes, rabid etc attacks the same unit with abbadon they will get the frostmoure effect and have their better effect canceled
6. naix is a 1-man team... do something about that...
7. bloodstone IMBA,you get charges too easily, a storm spirit with 20 charges is unstoppable, balance please
8. buying the BKB recepie should give you all 10 seconds back...because after using it 5 times it lasts too less and if you have enought money you should get them back...
9. like maelstorm has a chance to send a chain lighting from attacks there should be an item that has a chance of sending something when you cast a heroe spell (target spell mostly)
10. maybe a mercenary shop from where you can only buy 1 creep, but that is enought to save a tower from a creep push if your heroe is busy fighting somewhere else
11. An aura that gives a little of everything (1 armor, 1% damage, 1% HP, 1% MP, 1% AS, 1% MS etc...)
12. change idea....scourge VS sentinel is so old...make it horde vs rulz these days...
13. put cloak of flames (or another immolate item...)
14. upgrade basher: has a chance on hit to cast impale (instead of just bash)
15. life steal item that can be later upgraded in something with agility or intelect (satanic and vladimir arent so good on agility and intelect)
i have lots of ideas....romanians are the most addicted dota players XD from Razvan-Stefan in Romania

Anonymous said...

good idea with the trap runes! some people just hunt down runes with their bottle untill they get money for 6 rapiers...make some traps and some negative or something like that... and new ones...bored of haste, DD, illusion, invis and reg...

Anonymous said...

make a female strenght heroe... people talk all over the web about that... they think it's a woman discrimination, considering them weak XD

Anonymous said...

change some jahrakal skills!

Anonymous said...

an item which takes you back where you were 10 seconds ago (like weaver's ulti but with the same HP) would be nice, instead of dagger you can buy this item, go where a push will be, leave that place and when you activate takes you back to that point so you can ambush... Razvan :D

Anonymous said...

balance out viper !! He is too Powerful !!

Anonymous said...

plz give back the old blademail that on activation returns damage 100%, no matter what the CD or duration it stays on,if a couple of seconds.

Anonymous said...

new str char 1 skill stun 2.0 sec stun 325 dmg
2 skill critical 2.5 17% chance
3 skill cleaveng
4 skill max lvl 600 dmg and 1.5 sec stun
Name Sword master!!!

Anonymous said...

more Fun stuff like major cosmetic changes improved terrain and a new hero.....

Anonymous said...

BALANCE slark!!! too darn imba! especially shadow dance! it's like your at a fountain when not seen on the foe's map!

Anonymous said...

i want new orb effect weapon..
like passive mana drain..

Anonymous said...

remove switch ftw

Anonymous said...

this is a dota allstars , a new hero is better like sargeras and kil'jaden, they are the stars of the burning legion

Anonymous said...

Hope will see Ensign Ricky!!! Lol! Would be good wad. Dota has Venomencer from starcraft, why can't have ensign ricky from start craft also? Lol! Just my 2 penny thoughts.

Anonymous said...

i like new acient appariton
in just 1 week i mastered it..^^..*Make another hero!*

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