Few days ago, IceFrog mentioned about the possibility of DotA Reconnecting Tool. Now IceFrog has blogged a good news. The reconnecting tool is going to be released soon for both Client & Server version. He said, DotA Reconnecting tool has been tested for few weeks and worked flawlessly. Read what he said in his own words:
Quoting IceFrog from his blog:
The first version of Varlock's reconnection tool is almost ready for release. We've been testing it in real DotA games for the past few weeks and it has worked very well. We've had many players disconnect only to reconnect moments later, saving otherwise lost games.
The code for this tool (both client and server) will be open source so that anyone can build upon it and integrate it into their platforms and communities.
This tool can also work on other platforms like. Garena, Ranked Gaming Client, Battle.net etc. If you are developer and interested in integrating this tool on other platforms you may contact IceFrog or Varlock.
50 Comments yet..:
Nice work guys, & thanks!
cool man
thx ice frog
Dota reconnecting tool?means GG aways Dc ??
nice.... first blood !
hope to released it as soon as possible.. thanks a lot.. ^_^
gud job .. keep up the gudwork
Nice. Hope to see many hosts using this tool!
hope people dun abuse this... i can think of a dozens ways...
G0 go go icefr0g.. H0pe we use it very so0n..jex
good job ice frog ... reconnect baby :D
i hope this tool released soon.. so that there is no reason to quit in gg. tnx a lot dota-utilities rulez...
Damn,that's good...but what's about HoN ??? Are some1 playing it ? :)
this is spartaa!
poor leavers no more "I had error" "Noob host drophacked me"
nice no more being banned because of bad connection!
Yay!!! cause my computer have a problem that it will be overheated, so mostly it will off by itself (i have been suffering the problem for many years) while i have been playing dota, it off by it self.. and that sucks.... so... my com off again,and then i can recconect again!! yes..
Fck HoN
but..its real!!! :P
verry nice..y need it..:D
this is not a solution XD leaver are leaver and a one more tool doesn't change the situation. Try HoN! Nothing else to say.
nc 1..
but still hoping for the voice command ind dots..^_^
love this,
now i can start leave LoL and HoN.
dota has awaken from fall
isnt it the same as heros of newerth?????????
alright U are the best
should have invent it years ago~
great job!!
dont have to pay for hon account already =D
great work icefrog
i played a game with varlock and i dced and reconnected, my internet disconnected and it reconnected great tool
nice...no more drop hack
HON really sucks.. no originality .. gud work icefrog!!
wew nice!
need paid??
ATLAST NO Disconect boys ehehehhe
you cant stop leavers by leaving.. they are meant to leave......
another good tool that makes dota even better
if this working well..GG shld thanks Icefrog team=D..make it even better
nice job.... hate leaver !!!><
its like HoN!
Leaver deservs to die ... :"( die nw
how about built in warkeys xD
i dont have a decent war key -.-
Kick hack is OUT :))
GPL/OpenSource rules! :)
well so nice ^^ IceFrog nice author.. icefrog, what years old are u??
but they will sell all my items and gain all my gold
think it is impossible :( iam very sad
is is goin' to come or what??? for one month now u have'nt created yet... cmon do it...
its way to slow. allah slow
The reccon tool is great!
But, if they can make a tool than can stabilize net connection... IMBA Garena...
leaver still a leaver
isn't that what gproxy is ???
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