- Warcraft 1.26 maphack (a/b/c/d patch also)
- Garena Namespoofer
- Garena Auto Room Joiner
- Removes 5 second error while joining game room
- Shows Pings in Digits
- Hack protection removed
- EXP hack (150/15min Gold, 100/15min Basic)
- Leave Room while playing.
- Garena Ladder stats in Warcraft 3 Chat.
- Garena Super Admin, Gold, Premium, Platinum Styles
- Warcraft 3 Drophack
- Hide ads in Garena
- Warcraft 1.24d Cooldown hack
- Warcraft 3 Mana Bars
- DotA ESP Hack
- Rune Notifier++
- More features are being added in automatic updates :)
- DotA Mana Bars.
- Garena Multi Client for more EXP.
- Garena Auto Room Joiner
Garena Master 2 Download Links:
GarenaMaster II v2.03.rar (Updated 15th December, 2012)Garena Master II 2.03 Changelogs:
- Fixed no sounds bug
- Added sound telling you that maphack was loadedStep by Step, Guide:
- Added flash window when game start to war3, like msn does when you receive new msg...
- Added anti detection to maphack, so even if the patch to garena failed for some reason, the maphack will still work and will not be detected and you will be able to use maphack without garena hack if you want. thanks to dark.one for tips
1. Download Garena Master Hack.
2. Extract the files to any folder.
3. Run updater.exe, click download & install.
4. As soon the download/install completes, it will create a shortcut on your Desktop.
5. Run Garena Master shortcut from Desktop.
6. Enjoy!
• Beware of using Garena EXP Hack, if might get you banned.
• If Garena updates, do not use it & wait for the Garena M4st3r to update.
• Run as administrator if you are running it on Windows 8, 7 or Vista.
• Try disabling Auto-Room Joiner feature if you are having problems.
• You can find Garena Master changelogs inside the file.
• Use Garena Master at your own risk, DotA-Utilities will not be responsible if anything happens to your Garena account.
1294 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 1201 – 1294 of 1294 Newer› Newest»How to download this
Why i cant start game? it keep say warcraft 3 is unable to initial
the third step isn't working, please help me guys. what to do? i cant find it in the extraced files.
how do i download it
how do i download it
good stuff
Not working :S
it doesnt work anymore when garena updated today...
now garena had been update again...tis software cant use after i hav updated garena,...how?
when is the new version of gm coming out
not able to find any update file in the downloaded rar...pls help!!
sad You are using hacks etc....pls help
dude, i cant even log in to auto afk system.it stated thatm i cannot connect with the server.any1 can help me to fix it?@@
how to use?? map hack??
how to work this high exp?
how to work this?
Hey do goldmember in this hack works? or its just display?
Yess... Its reallyyy
"Err i'm banned 1 day before using, this program sucks, i didn't use the mh, no ck, only exp hack and i'm banned"
sucks to be u ... there (already) is a warning about being banned if not properly used... u r supposed to UPDATE GM IF GARENA IS UPDATED... ASS!
Anyway i m a first time GM user and it works fine... no wonder my friend became a pro... ASS!
anyway thanks for the GM, its THE BOmB!
how do you download?
how do you download?
i cant download it -.-
no fucntion at all for me.. i follow all the steps, but come out with nothing.. sad..
no function at all... how to use it... i download for my friend and he can use it, but not working for my own pc...
nothing gets banned garena admins sucks never do mh and dh
this is dammed.. and dammed.. FTW
wew what you using a hack like that mh ang exp hack wtf can you with do not use a cheat
where download? pls tell me?
can i know why the name spoofer doesnt work? even i enabled?
Will u really get banned? Yes is the answer this what i hate about garena and there is no cure sorry can't help to those who were banned but u can still download but still detectable
i extracted the files to my documents then i cant find the updater.exe . Please provide help!
This still works?
where do i downloaod this from?i see no download link
IS Not Working errr >_<
Some Times EXP hack Not warking :(
this is work to RGC (ranked gaming client?
this is work to RGC (ranked gaming client)?
how to use the "enable trade/resouces"?
when i extract it, i cant find updater.exe file :/ how do i solve this, or how do i install it ?
theres a bug .. when i played shadowraze wars .. my warcraft III will get error . it says close program or debug ! . can u fix this problem ?
there's no updater.EXE
Oh my Gass I LOVE IT!!!
This website is for cheaters only :D haha so why some of you are mad ... wtf :D dont post comments here if youre not using this hack wahhaha lol
When's the updated version coming ?
old version stil got or not
hey do anyone knw why it say maphack is disable to me?
Hello i am having problem with something i dont know if it's my garenamaster but, my garena ex is not increasing can someone help me with this please
Hi all ay nedd help plss ay use this hack and ay have this eror wen ay start GarenaMaster II v1.04 give me this eror [External exception EEFFACE] plss help me how to fixed soryy for bad englisi
injection failed y?
who can gve me file please
why me can't use that gm hack
Doesn't even work on Garena Plus..
my pc got problem.. cnt use this.. if i use.. it be not responding.. i like this... can use cheat engine to hack in dota???
Everyone, always download from oficial site... this version posted here is OUTDATED!!!
Download: www.garenamaster.com
nice but cant unlock all country
nice dude its working thanxxxxxx :D
why i cnt use it??keep closed war3 abd garena plus..NID HELP PLS!!
Nice hack! I am using this for a long time!
thats true
thats also hapeen to me
Need Update !
now it is not working
Where can i find some working servers that give decent or more xp because the stock ones do not give xp anymore?...
Does IT WORKS??? FROM NOW??? 2013??
whre can i find the updater.exe
pls dont make such a "map hack" many ppl will change to hon coz dota to awfull to hack,dont be chicken,i dont like this software even,it usefull,i prefer to no map hack,pls in future dont do this,i like dota,but many of my friend hate it,the reason DOTA CAN MAP HACK,awww so bad
Noob Using This...
its not working guyz
Consience and noob will dL this
hahaha nice!
it doesnt work in my pc ! :/ ?
guyz need help getting error while loading warcraft through garena master
An Exception (0EEDFADE) occurred during DLLEntryPoint or DLLMain in Module:
can any 1 help how to solve this
what is "update.exe"??
i'd rather play dota 2 than to play with map hack users
they are still noob even they're using it....
dudes this the very old version yet very nice...
loved it when tried at first...
1.24e can use this gm ?
zz i don know how to download garena exp hack
got garena gole menber hack?
Ruining the game for gamers!
It's work?
no update to ZODcraft??
wow! thats amazing maphack is very cool .. but i have a request can you grant it :) i want a new hero in dota can you do it name it vinrock :) its like a stone but bird form it can stun and can shake the the opponent :)
For real baby?
why Anonymous is so talkative? but i don't what he say..
until now theres a maphack??
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