Warcraft 1.24e Patch Offline Installation Guide. Blizzard has released the Warcraft 1.24e patch offline update file. This is an official way of updating to Warcraft 1.24e patch for those players who can not connect to Battle.net for automatic upgrade. Check out the download and guide of installing Warcraft 3 TFT 1.24e patch using manual update.
Warcraft 1.24e Patch Download & Guide:
1. Download the Warcraft v1.24d Patch update file from the links mentioned below:
• Standalone Full Patch:
War3TFT_124e_English.exe (mirror 1)
War3TFT_124e_English.exe (mirror 2)
• Upgrade Patch:
Download this update if you have 1.24d patch installed previously.
War3TFT_124d_124e_English.exe (mirror 1)
War3TFT_124d_124e_English.exe (mirror 2)
2. After downloading the appropriate patch file, Run it!
3. You Warcraft 3 patch will be upgraded to 1.24e
If you see any Registry Error Loading Key "Warcraft/InstallPath" error. Please follow the steps carefully mentioned in this guide.
If you are still facing any problems while installing the patch use Warcraft Version Switcher or just post a comment!
Related: DotA 6.67
257 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 257 Newer› Newest»niCE update..
I am tired of new patches after every while.. blizzard is so dumb it can't stop hackers!
anyway thanks dota utilities for update
Too tired of new patches !
ty all thanks for dota- utilities (its the best thanks 2 this link ilike offline upgrade tyvm
Hi, i installed the warcraft1.24e patch from blizzard. But whenever i play on garena , the game quits after a few seconds ,on startup. It says i was disconnected from game, it happened on mafa map too.It seems to work fine if i host a map solo(without taking any players in). I have ensured a exception for garena in my firewall, should i add WaR3.exe too or are there any workarounds for this.
how to download 1.24e map?
download first some brain.. :)
dude you got disconneceted cause you were the only one who had the patch of 1.24 e if everyone has it already you won't get dc anyway thanks for the patch D.U.
Oh for god sake plz stop this patching evry day at least let a patch keep for 6months at lest ...... btw thx to dota -ulities
no comment..
just wanna say thanks..
no comment..
i just wanna say thanks to dota -utilities..
What's the different between d and e patch, there is no different it's just annoying release.... U all annoys
the blizzard can just update....
but cant stop those damn hacker la....
the hacker make the game boring
too much update..
but anyway tnx u
i have update to 1.24e but when i play the AI didnt work...anyone with kind-hearted can help??
cant patch my game for some reason. Iam always getting this error message:
ERROR: unable to apply patch to file 'C:\Users\*****\*****\*****\*****\WarcraftIII Frozen Throne\game.dll'
RESULT: Patch failed
thnx men
unable to install.TT
COol!!!! im waiting for AI maps xD
wHy d0es mY Warcraft TFT doeSn't chAnge vErsion.,? eVen though iN mY WVS thEre aRE 4 veRsions.,> 1.20, 1.24b, 1.24d and 1.24e., pLz., heLp mE.,> wAAah.,
my patch 1.24 E (1.24.4) isnt working apparintly when i hosted only 1 person joined and said ( you are using D) when i downloaded and reloged Garena to E. can anybody help me? thanks in advance
If ur gonna upgrade patch and its not workin go to google and write WC3SETUP then dl it. Once u dl it u open it, it will say start. a window will open up and u have to click Frozen Throne. Once you've done that click upgrade patch then TA DA! UPGRADED!
good ty for update
new patches keep sucking
Yeah... Thanks for this and I downloaded this thank you!!!... F _ _ K - Y O U!!!.....
nice update ..
PLS PLS PLS PLS can we have new heros, oh and the guy that dinks icefrog is a dumfuk, Dude u r a LOOSER, ICE FROG FTW buddy keep up da gg work
tired for new upgrade many ppl still dont know how to install 1.24e or dont know how/where. made me play garena always rmk cause version not SAME!!!
Blizzard PrePatch v2.70 compiled on Jul 7 2003
This program patches Warcraft 3
Log created at 9:29 pm on 04/21/2010
Registry error loading key 'Warcraft III\InstallPath'
The system cannot find the file specified.
RESULT: Prepatch failed
did this patch cam up today?
why when i patch it, i got a error problem written game.dll unable to patch. what happen ?
who are you talking to?
Blizzard BNUpdate v2.133 compiled on Aug 14 2008
Log created at 12:48 am on 04/23/2010
This patch upgrades Warcraft III The Frozen Throne from the previous version.
ERROR: unable to apply patch to file 'D:\Warcraft III\game.dll'
RESULT: Patch failed
How to slolve
do you need to download the update patch?
are you
Pak u!
patch version is what version? y most of the game cannot be launched?
what version of warcraft is new?
8 seconds done wow tq
love u again and again
hey my dota version is 1.07
what should i do to make it 1.24?!?!?
Blizzard PrePatch v2.70 compiled on Jul 7 2003
This program patches Warcraft 3
Log created at 8:31 pm on 05/20/2010
Registry error loading key 'Warcraft III\InstallPath'
The system cannot find the file specified.
RESULT: Prepatch fail
It shows error when I patch this patch now I cannot get into 1.24e patch games
I know Test the map before you released it!!....
if there a bug update it!!..
I have a suggestion!!......
Lets put a game guard on for those who have internet!!...
it works
i try to download 1.24e patch..
ok, i finished downloading them,..
but, every time i click on the patch, it said, there's an error occured while preparing the patch..
then i download it again, who knows it might ok, but the problem still occured...
so juz wanna know how to solve that...
thx for it..
thnx to dis ....
Hi guys, thanks to this website, i can play now the 1.24e,
thank u for he post
greatly thanks to dota utilities....
keep up the good work..
Affs... Anybody can win me, cause i am very good.
guys can help me solve a problem????
when i run the version switcher thing,i got an error and that is........
An error has occurred preparing the patch. this problem can be commonly be corrected by reinstalling the game and trying the update again.
Registry error loading key"warcraft III/installpath"
I just don't get it...I followed the steps shown.
I downloaded all the things needed...I downloaded it to battle.net...But when the update is over,it called me to restart it.I restarted it but an error came out.I tried a lot of times but the same thing keep appearing.What should I do?Pls HELP me!
heart no good now~hero hit us it's become white heart and no hp regen~when it red hav hp regen........
thanks dota-utilities
thanks a lot
issuing new patches is damn good
every time i run it shows a erorr.....why...?
icefrog sucks
DuDE DoTa-UtIlITiEs RoKZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
hack hack and hack,blizzard can't stop hacker?? i'm very tired with new patch.can't hope more
Man i cant install cause when i Run it, Say: You dont need instal cause your war version is more updated than it, but the my version is 1.24.2 :( Sorry for bad english..
thanks dota utility.... :P
i hate patches
thanks dota utillitus
aahhh ok so what should we do?
just follow the regedit guide on the internet if you are getting the error lah noobs
its really bug free
o.O may i ask will this work for Mac? Using wine to patch it since it is an .exe file....
nice patch, first one that actually worked, THX :)
Well Done Dota :))
im still facing problems while downloading why's that
how about if i borrow my friend's flashdisk then i copy the warcraft 3 file, so how i can update my warcraft3 1.24b to 1.24e? coz i never install warcraft3 from beginning.
uhmm... were do you get the the installer of Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne.. Not the patch I needed.. the installer
this day Sept 3, 2010.... i download this 24e version..
thanks... from decoder.. JOke!!!
hooray..!! Good Bye map hackers.. noobs.
:(( why do you need to ave a new patch..XD
when is warcraft IV coming out....
thanks dota utilities :)
Thankz Its Worked! Hehehe =D
my dota is running on the background but not giving any display ..can anyone tell me the reason plz
ERROR: unable to create file 'C:\Program Files\Warcraft III\BNUpdate.exe'
Access is denied.
RESULT: Prepatch failed
how to solve this???
time consuming
I have successfully downloaded the warcraft version switcher and download thee zip 1.24e version. I have followed the steps on how to switch the version. I can double click on the version 1.24e then, it starts to switch but when I run garena or open Frozen throne, it still has the version 1.24d. Please help me. Your help is much appreciated.
If you didn't able to install the application you can't see the installation target in the regedit right?. It happens that my FROZEN THRONE is just copied from a flash drive and just pasted in my PC. How can resolved this problem of mine that my FROZEN THRONE is just copied from a flash drive?. I can't patch because my FROZEN THRONE is not original. Is there any other way on how I can patch 1.24e? I always got error!!!
sir can u help me...
i already downloaded the warcracft version 1.24e but it always shows error....i alrady followed the steps in registry error guide but i cant find the file for blizzard entertainment...plss help me..asap
i like this new age of dota!! such a good game always....i love u dota utilities
can anyone plz help me out ..in my pc dota is running in the background but i not giving any display...already upgraded the patch..i av card geforce 9500 1 gb..plz help me out how to get rid of dis...
were can i find the "regedit?
Nice another Patch but if you patch you cant play old games sad:(((
i play better than hexOr
you must run warcraft 3 version 1.24e or higher to play in this room
how to know if your version is 1.24e???
pls. help
Blizzard is not dumb ^^ Dota players are just so brilliant :D
Help! I have a copied version of WarCraft, and the patch always fails (It cant find the path)
My dota isn`t working!!!! it can`t run into map
dont act as if you guys are all that good... dont u try creating a program for preventing hackers???? then we could watch if it will work out for many years!! as an it specialist,i could say as long as there are good programmers,there are always good hackers..!
OMG !!! The patch update was pretty easy...
Thanks a lot dota utilities ;)
i like this!
tnx for download
any1 can tell mi riki maru farm wat item sure own
i download the patch but when ia am double clicking on it ...
one black square appear...
help please!
Blizzard PrePatch v2.70 compiled on Jul 7 2003
This program patches Warcraft 3
Log created at 1:24 am on 10/24/2010
ERROR: unable to create file 'C:\Program Files\Warcraft III\BNUpdate.exe'
The system cannot find the path specified.
RESULT: Prepatch failed
Please help..
why are there always new patches? im tired of downloading new ones every week. ugh,
thanks anyway.
whahahha im ok!!
plz..help me..i want ply dota 1.24e..but every time i install,it say corrupted..how i can get 1.24e and new maps..plz...plzz....help me...
thanks a lot.
I cannot install warcraft v.1.24e patch.It says that my current version of warcraft is more up to date than the patch.How do I go about this? Thanks in advance.
all weaks
hi,i already install v1.24e,but when i enter room still say "you must run warcraft 3 version v1.24e or above to play tis room"what should i do??
just double click on it then it will run if you do that add me on garena ^^|cffff00002nd
É, legalzinho.. Barret.! ;]
hey pls help me i dont know on where or what the installpath i should put in :( help me pls
yoh!! i cant play the 6.67ai+fun what version should i use to play it?
*sigh* so tired. why does it tell me wrong version???
thx D-U :D
Thnks dota-utilities for update. . . . . . .
tnx sir>
how to download a version for my DOTA..because my DOTA is peke version...hehehe..
download dota is fast?
when i patched it on war3 it said war3 was already 1.24e but when i went it it was still v1.21
that happens when I open up my WCR3 now is the patch number appears in the bottom left and the screen is otherwise black!
i want a dota game for free where i can get amy 1 answer me on 9945737686 plzz argent
the loading of the patch is very slow..!!
yo sup !!!
hey guyz
HELP... if i run patch 1.24e.. it says i have to reinstall again and update again.......if I used battle.net,,, it says invalid CD key... damn cant upgrade...
can please somebody help me how to download a patch (1.24 e)?????????????????
hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! where can i down load a patch 1.24e????????????????
what a crazy bug!!
i can't switch the patch to 1.24e.. They said,i need to reinstall or update it.. can you help me...
I cant patch it
do i need original copy of warcraft 3 to play with garena?
very easy to down load that map
hello :)
Tsk...This is a great website huh
When i install warcraft frozen throne appears this error:
This patch does not need to be applied.the version of the game you have is more update than this patch.WHAT SHOULD I DO?!PLEASE HELP!!!
i have a dota. but it has the old version of dota
i download map 6.67 AI
when i play there is an error
"the map file is too big, Please choose a differet map"
how his solution?
Blizzard PrePatch v2.70 compiled on Jul 7 2003
This program patches Warcraft 3
Log created at 9:29 pm on 04/21/2010
Registry error loading key 'Warcraft III\InstallPath'
The system cannot find the file specified.
RESULT: Prepatch failed
help! how will i solved this?
to slow :(
but its coll
F:\Warcraft 3\Warcraft III\game.dll' it said
pls help got more dc after saome player buy out their heroes
i tried to fix it but still got same problem..then i see may version is 1.24.3 i try to dl a new patch 1.24.4 but when i run it these words pop up "this file not need to be applied to the game.the version of the game you have installed is more up to date than to this patch...can someone pls help me how to fix this problem..much more thank if you can help me fix this..
When i patch it. Ii works but it says ' Frozen Throne is failed to run' Please anyone help. ( patching 1.24e worked great)
I patched 1.24e and when i run Frozen Throne, it says Frozen Throne is failed to run. Anyone knows what's the problem ? please
As soon as i Connect to a game i get disconnected within 3 seconds after the game starts. I'm on a mac and just updated to 1.24e, my version of the game is now
On my Mac, the game just quits after 3 seconds. Please fix.
most common way to get 1.24.2 to 1.24.4?
Haha. It's funny how as an icon we get a troll.
It would be funny though if we could pick other trolls too like witch doctor huskar batrider
Good Job
10x....good upload
nice work
LOOOL good job!!!
to all of how to download warcraft 3 version 1.24e
can this be used on mac?
why cant blizzard stop hackers......... im tired of this update thing
but still i wanna play dota in garena
i have a 1.20version of warcraft.. wen i try to update my version to 1.24e.. it say's "CD ROM error.. insert disk blah blah blah.." WTF!
Blizzard PrePatch v2.70 compiled on Jul 7 2003
This program patches Warcraft 3
Log created at 5:03 pm on 04/01/2011
Registry error loading key 'Warcraft III\InstallPath'
The system cannot find the file specified.
RESULT: Prepatch failed
wat is tis?
waaaaaaaaaaa!!! i can't download 1.24e dota waaaaaaaaa
waaaaaaaaaaa!!! i can't download 1.24e dota waaaaaaaaa
I keep disconnecting with 1.24e, any solutions? how do i go back to 1.24b. I tried to install 1.24b it says my version already more uptodate so no need
How 2 DOwnloAD 1.24e ????
can anyone help me with this error?
Blizzard PrePatch v2.70 compiled on Jul 7 2003
This program patches Warcraft 3
Log created at 12:23 am on 04/19/2011
ERROR: unable to create file 'd:\games\warcraft iii2\BNUpdate.exe'
The system cannot find the path specified.
RESULT: Prepatch failed
i've reinstalled the game 3 times
too very very slow
I cant download WTF.. Wasting my time
why its hard to download it i hope i can do it yeah
i never dont have been played dota :( and i dont know what is doing in game
hello i really need help to get 1.24 patch.. my dota version is 1.20 then i download the link above,and its error.
how to patch 1.24 e !!?
i have a 1.22 version and i am not able to download and open the latest version of the patch where i can play the latest maps. someone help me
its So hard to Download 1.24e :D
Can tell me which Patch works for India Dota Room?
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