Warcraft 1.24e Patch is now released! This update is good step by Blizzard fixing a lots of annoying hacks such as: Sheep Hack, Cooldown hack, Crash hack etc. You just need to upgrade to Warcraft Patch 1.24e soon if you want to get rid of these kinda hacks. Check the methods & guides of installing Warcraft v1.24e update.
Warcraft 3 TFT 1.24e Patch Installation Ways, How to/Guide:
- Install War3 1.24e Patch using offline upgrade file from Blizzard FTP.
- Upgrade to Warcraft 1.24e Patch using Warcraft Version Switcher v1.24e
- Install Warcraft 3 v1.24e Update by connecting to Battle.net (online upgrade)
Warcraft 3 The Frozen Throne Patch 1.24e Changelogs:
- Fixed an exploit rendering buildings non-interactable ("tower hack").
- Fixed an exploit allowing a player to bypass a summon ability's
cooldown ("summon/cooldown hack").
- Fixed a client crash related to workers failing to build in an
unintended way ("new crash hack").
- Fixed an exploit allowing the Blood Mages's Phoenix to be resurrected
instantly ("phoenix hack").
- Fixed a bug allowing players to select an invalid matchmaking race
resulting in all the player's units and buildings becoming sheep
("sheep hack").
- If you are using original Warcraft 3 copy, we recommend you to update to Warcraft v1.24d patch via Battle.net
- Use Warcraft version switcher if you don't have Warcraft 3 Registry.
- Don't use any old Maphack, Drophack or crash hack in Warcraft 1.24e Patch because they are probably outdated or detected in this patch.
- for 1.24e patch
If you are facing any problems while installing the 1.24e patch update, just post a comment!
231 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 231 Newer› Newest»Too late.....guys ///btw 1st blood
Bah another one >_>
3ed BLodd !!!
Nice post tnx
Omg, another patch >.<
4th Blodd :D
5th! btw, there will be upcoming cheats though.. so USELESS
:d hhumas@garena
M-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-monter KILL!!!! ^^ patch again... nice...
12th blood
Always releasing new patches, It's so gay, They should know that there are always new cheats coming and also it takes shitloads of time in garena for player to change their patches
Niceee !! GJ :) can u please post an MH for that patch ?:)
do i need any program to use TFT?
mmmm new patch >.<!
Manual patch is out!
Thank You
20TH BlooD xD
they updated new patches... for free...
then why you argue with it?
did you ever pay them?
its for the improvement of the game
not for those noob hackers
think of it...
Another patch,
but ppl in dota still using 1024b
so many patch but 6.67 was being so long to release
27th blood..
dota xD
beyond GODLIKE!!!
patch patch patch!!!
1.24f new hero jst to let ya guys noe
DOTA,team hero department
i got problem with this patch..
when the game was starting, suddenly disconnected..why?this happened when when i am playing garena.:(
The Sentinel are OWNING!!!
Blizzard has left the game
after I installed the patch I could not find any game in garena
how come i use offline upgrade file to version E gt error
after i installed the 1.24e patch i cant connect to euro-battle net
looks like many have problems of downloading 1.24e patch
cause many rooms in garena are requiring 1.24b patch :(
slow working download....
what the hell i cant play 6.66b in there weird
thanks thanks over beyond godlike optimus prime megasus pegasus ultimatum boossss master of killing and blood bringerrrr
hell yeah.. so great :)
How to fix?
Blizzard BNUpdate v2.133 compiled on Aug 14 2008
Log created at 9:35 am on 04/02/2010
This patch upgrades Warcraft III The Frozen Throne from the previous version.
ERROR: unable to apply patch to file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Warcraft III\game.dll'
RESULT: Patch failed
yaah i got the same problem so how to solve it ??
when i switch to this patch i cant see the maps anymore..likewise on patches 23-24 but when i revert it back to version 21 i can see the maps and play it except maps 62-66b..can anyone help me with my problem?
how come my wc3 is 1.24e, then when i use garena to start wc3 is 1.24d?
i cant play games anymore.when i join or create a game.it suddenly starts disconnecting..especially in ganera
guys, after i installed the new patch, i have a problem, just when the host types game mode (ar or ap or whatver) i get dced.. it happening in garena games..
what is the problem in here?
Guys read this if your patch is different from the hosts one you get disconect in garena the players stay to the older patch for about a week so it will be better if u use switcher and for those who cant install the update just install the 1.24e patch its 40mb
this patch has a problem does not appear the other maps
Hey If I patch my warcraft to 1.24e Will i be able to play with users that have 1.24b?
i leave history here!!!
tol next patch?????
im always dc in this patch eh!!!!
sometimes 1.24e version is disconnect even u are playing Lan game only... auto disconnected... (player left the game)
im using windows 7 and i cant switch my versions O_o
and i DL my warcraft in demonoid they said its working on garena
elp please
Blizzard BNUpdate v2.133 compiled on Aug 14 2008
Log created at 7:33 am on 04/22/2010
This patch upgrades Warcraft III The Frozen Throne from the previous version.
ERROR: unable to open source archive 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\New Folder (2)\war3.mpq'
RESULT: Patch failed
(what does this message mean??)
(I can't update my war3 to v1.24e lo)
cool.finally..1.24e!!.ik hou van jou.. DMFD..wahihi.
100th kill
i want swith from 1.21 to 1.24e....
how to download
and haw to do arter download
70th blood. am i right?
lol x)
im playing dota again becoz you have to purchase HON b4 playing..
i like this. no hacks at all. this is some version we all need. fair map. u should call it fair map right?
its Good
why is it I cant open V.6.67c map when I am at 1.24e? it says "Just another warcraft III map"
erm, must i have the CD to patch?
i also cannot open the map 6.67c
im using 1.24e..how can i swith to 1.24d via battle.net
when i join a game it says a error that i cant join n that i hsould try another game. can anyone tell me why this shows
if i update warcraft 3 it says to restart i did and then there is an error of a thing in the game it says it is used for another program what must i do??????
Blizzard BNUpdate v2.133 compiled on Aug 14 2008
Log created at 2:29 pm on 06/15/2010
This patch upgrades Warcraft III Reign of Chaos from the previous version.
what to do??????
ERROR: unable to create file 'c:\warcraft iii\maps\(4)Borderlands.w3m'
Het proces heeft geen toegang tot het bestand omdat het door een ander
proces wordt gebruikt.
RESULT: Patch failed
nice dota gan...!!
nice dota...
i like dota forever
owh thanx
I can't see or play dotA games anymore. My game doesn't see most of my downloaded maps. Can someone please help me?
100 blood xD!
Hey Guys is there any solution about disconnection on patch 1.24e need your help.... thanks.
Dc is my problem can anyone help me!!!
trolls LOL
shut up talk to much
That good
Well I do not have the original Warcraft 3. And I have lost my CD. I have the 1.24.6387 patch and downloaded other patched (1.24b,c,d), but it says that I can not upgrade it :S. Can I get to upgrade from 1.24.6387 patch to 1.24e directly? If so, please help me out here. Please make it as briefly as you can :)
Thanks from advance
Registry error loading key 'Warcraft III\InstallPath'
The system cannot find the file specified.
RESULT: Prepatch failed
Whats wrong with that??
any idea?
hey, I have a dota version B, how do I change the version E? can you teach me step by step?
Contribute a better translation
Final Blood for me, waahahaha
last blood
nanay nyo 1st blood.
mga bakla
Please help me.
I just installed Warcraft Frozen Throne. And my version is 1.02 or something.
How do I get it to 1.24e?
All Of You Is Weak
' | '
' | '
version 1.2 something po ako.. paano po ba mag 1.24? ayaw po kasi ng 6.67map sa version q.. help po pls
Please help.. I'm v1.2 something.. How can I upgrade to 1.24?
Im Using Windows 7,but i cant do the patching.I downloaded and istaled war3 and tft,and i cant patch them...Something is wrong...Can anyone Help me please???
my game is auto disconnected , on garena , how do i fix this ? can someone please help me .. this is a forum so quit trolling , help someone , get helped , or get out ..
I am having a peculiar problem. I have patched my game with version switcher to the latest version (1.24e) and i can connect to garena and join any game but when the game starts i am disconnected. Has anyone got a solution??
This is from today? 18.7.2010
lol it says english only but lots of people are talking diff languages.
my patch is 1.22a can i uprage it to 1.24d...pls elp me
bULate n2 c RAMPAGE BOY!!!!!!!
thank you no map hack
oh yeah
nc 1
stupid patches..
i need new dota map that no need new patch
Registry error loading key 'Warcraft III\InstallPath'
The system cannot find the file specified.
RESULT: Prepatch failed
How do i stop this crap????!!!!
I just wanna know why every time you switch version, it takes up 10-50 mb or something. >.<
k thanks bye
Why does dota need this patch if its for TFT????!!!
where is patch fixer for version 1.24e
Why you guys always says ___ BLOOD!! Like some kind of freak that want everybody to see your post!!
i am using win7.. if i open my w3, it always goes to desktop.. then i tried too click it in the the task bar nothing happens.. help pls
you should buy another PC
Bring it to the hell shop dude!
i nid help !!!!! i got a problem with the heroes ! .. i mean computer heroes . everytime i create a game the computer heroes gone .. Help me pLSSSSS
aw garena is only allowing 1.24e so change it now or youll get banned!!
garena, u sucks
my wacraft III is 1.20d
the wvs is not working its error
what should i do??
pls reply
1.24 e out?
tnx guys you made my life more easyer :/
the patch won't replace my version with 1.24e.. how will i do it?
Top All Noob
Last Blood
well i can teach you to change your patch if you have troubles this was what i did to change mine: 1st:Download all in one WVS and the 1.24e zip 2nd:Create a folder write the name WVS 3rd : Open WVS and extract it to the created folder 4th : Open it and set your warcraft 3 path 5th :well click switch version as you can see it only has 1.24c patch then copy and paste your 1.24e.zip file to the folder named All-in-One WVS then right click the 1.24e.zip file you pasted the click extract here.. Lastly open again WVS then click switch version then you see 1.24e then click it then switch version!!!then your warcraft version will be switched!!
teach how 2 copy
i am beyond godlike also maybe may score now 40-1
dota is gg guys/das dingo
and all the thx is giving to ice frog and all who help him to creat a game that rly makes us all happy :)
hi,i already install v1.24e version but when i enter room (v1.24e) still say"you must run warcraft 3 v1.24e or above to play game in this room,what should i do? help pls...
u noobs
i'm a pro!
because you are not cool to play
when i join why it always disconnects??? and when i create they all disconnects i use 1.24e version please help me
tangina nyu tagal dota 2
aroy =D
I am Beyond GODLIKE ENIGMA Darchrow Rox
really godlike WEAK
ur all so weak !! add me in garena ^john^lu^
really one on one???????????
ahahahahahaha all chat here is fuck exept me
there someone where can i download 6.69 secret quest
where can i download 6.69 secret quest
i cant play the new dota maps even i already switch version.. i used the switcher that i downloaded from here
ok.men how download 1.24e..U don't know that i'm a PRO if wanna fight just tell what room are you?
Every time I get asked to update. It gives me an error after they ask me to "restart."
What's going on?
Tinker ultra kill!!!! in lvl 7.
I hope new maps no bug and
And u kn0w i'm a pro fighter if u wanna fight me just email on jaynags_013@yahoo.com 0n facebook.!!!!!
WOW!!! so very efective....MH!!hahaha=)
good jod and thnx
i see dotA is very great. but there are many mistake, for example: the hero named tuskarr is too strong. he can gank all the team. i want dotA fix all hero one time.
i don't know all about DotA item also hero. there are some hero i can't play well. can you tell me about the hero named shadow demon
since this, i never take a comment. so i will take much commet. thanks if i can leave about 10 commets. i want to say that i'm not american also chinese. so i can write a unknow comment
thumps up...bro
.. awesome ..
you shut up your soo weak !!
guys im using a mac for this game...im having problems with the installation of the patch...
I have a problem installing the game.How can I download the game???
You shouldn't post some IRRELEVENT POSTS. Like 1st blood and etc.. What's the purpose of it? To get attention to others? well sucks.
phew, there is no change logs on DOTA. 1.25 will make it good. :)
XphioZ_IntoxicO said......
yeah just make it good to inspire us more...
ice frog 1v1 weak ka ulol wala kng titi
how to hell do u download patch i cant find the link which will directly start dwnloading????????? help :(
Can u help me guys!!?...My dota work only on patch 1.20..And when i instal patch 1.24e the game cant run..It says that i need some CD of the game..I took it from 1 friend and it didnt wok again.PLs help me.
,,damn something error
dude what is this??
im using windows7 and the switcher doesnt work. but i can open the frozen throne. only the version doesnt change. help me please. thanks in advance.
yeah.. me too.. i've got the same problem.
dnt knw ow to download it >.< tang ina
how to download the whole bloody switcher not only the patch
all of you are weak,.,.,.,.,,.you can't beat me,.,.,.,.
Why do I get disconnected after only 2-3 seconds into a fight? I dont get disconnected from battlenet, just every f... game i join. This happened after I installed the patch. I have an Imac. Anyone know?
My Name is Anonymous
sir..i am sick of installing it..it always says that it cant find warcraft 3..but when im looking for it..it doenst appear??what should i do??help me plzz..
shet!!! how to download the warcraft 3 1.24 e?
not getting pathed 1.24e
showing "permission denided "
what 2 do
tell me guys..........
I downloaded it by connecting to battle.net, but whenever it asks me to restart warcraft to update, it tells me there was an error applying the upgrade. I am running windows 7 64-bit. Any help?
I copied Warcraft III The Frozen Throne to my other pc.
I tried to patch the game to v1.24e but i keep getting message Warcraft 3/installPath is wrong becouse i copied the files not instaled the game
ahm can make some guides on how to download it.cause i also have the same problem with these guys..........
Blizzard PrePatch v2.70 compiled on Jul 7 2003
This program patches Warcraft 3
Log created at 2:41 pm on 04/11/2011
Registry error loading key 'Warcraft III\InstallPath'
Äåí åßíáé äõíáôÞ ç åýñåóç ôïõ êáèïñéóìÝíïõ áñ÷åßïõ áðü ôï óýóôçìá.
RESULT: Prepatch failed
says that my fcking pc
Just right now!!ive been having a bad connection!!
RamPaging Beyond Godlike that is insanely cool man, keep it up | Byron's comment
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