Warcraft 1.24e Version Switcher | Warcraft Version Switcher 1.24e Download:
WVS-124e-by-DotA-Utilities.rar (65 MB)
If you already have the Warcraft Version Switcher, you can only download 1.24e Patch files. Just place it in WVS folder.
Warcraft 1.24e Patch Zip File for Version Switcher:
TFT Version 1.24e.zip (mirror 1)

I hope this Warcraft 1.24e Patch Version Switcher will help you in upgrading to Warcraft 3 TFT 1.24e patch, if you are facing any problems, just shoot a comment!
724 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 724 Newer› Newest»abit slow uploading or what? XD
It is available now, Thanks for waiting.
yeah, I have a pretty slow connection ^^
thnx for the switcher :D
nice, dota utilities`s websites is betters that dota`s :/
thnx D-U! ur da best! ^^
It does work but the DL is pretty slow, ty anyway!
slow dl but thx :D is 1.24e patch right?
just what i needed. thanks!
thanks. always the fastest to provide the link!
DotA never endssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice job
Excellent YOU GUYS ROCK!!
Kool Nice Job
sometimes I cant download..because there is always like this----->You are currently downloading..
Free users are allowed to only one parallel download..
whats this??I cant download because of this..answer me..plzzzz
Yep ... a good job .. :) tnk's for the new switch . Dota Rull'z . ! :)
good job dota utilities are the best :D
wew!! dota utilites ruleS
Is It new vesrion again?
This is the better
its the best
sorry for the wrong grammar
yeah yeah yeah S|N OWES.
Muackzzzzzzz.... Dota For Life
omfg.whats wrong with this new patch??i was lvl 16 in garena and naw im lvl 1!!
i have another problem.i download the new version 1.24e switch version.i switch it start the game.its ok.but whean i enter in game from garena is the old patch 1.24d.pls post comets to help me and other guys like me.
Pfff Nice Job
thanks for it first i love this web but slow upload dont make hacks for this patch please
I have the same problem as the guy 2 posts above me, as far as the level reducement. Have not been able to check out if the patching is fucked up also since garena is screwing me over at the logging in at the moment.
Yeah!!! Nice, Very Nice!!
Thanks! D.U. RuLeZ!!!
Very slow dl but thanks
ty D-U a lot U're the best.. :D
this rocks
thanks man
Thanks man . ı love u ( just kidding ) :)
last blood
license take to download
thank's for official DOTA utilities..........
I like DOTA
omg...You r number of the one D-U :D
i looveeeee dota thx for that i enjoy how to have a color code?
Very slow dl but thanks...;)
annoying patch changes.....hassle!
Very slow download but tnx
thanks !
tanks a lot guys a cannot live whitout youu :D
nice dl but the dl site is kinda harsh, could you upload it into other sites so players don't tend to wait around tenks
lol 3 mins...
yeah!!!!!thx bro!ur the man!hehe
Tnx a lot.. D.U. ^^
thanks but kinda slow .. :D anyw, thks ! ;D
^_^ koool
Im using window 7 and I cant switch version,dont know why
When i choose another version,it only process a half then nothing happen
Again new patch :(.Th guys u rule....
haha nc job
TNX man
it says warcraft 3 unable to intialize?
Thanks alot
Can you upload this to other sites than Hotfile and Rapidshare, those sites are purse shet makes you wait for soo long! pls upload to mediafire next time!
can i use this patch from 1.24a to 1.24e?
dota Rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
guys...im having problem using this version switcher..coz when ever i join in any game..it ive been automatically kick out of the game.. any help will be appreaciated..TNX guys
slol dl,,, but its working,, tnx
oh weaklings ^^
Really nice job!
süpersniz :D
Anonymous said...
I have the same problem as the guy 2 posts above me, as far as the level reducement. Have not been able to check out if the patching is fucked up also since garena is screwing me over at the logging in at the moment.
9:33 PM
I know the problem fot\r the garena. . .
don't connect on the other servers,
connect at serveer 1
and i don't know about th patc.
it's fine here
ty is good
Usefull ty man:)
Who cares about how slow it is as long its working u should be thumbs up right! :D
put mediafire link thanks .
why hotfile as a main mirror?
shoutout to D-U . very appreciate your help for all these switchers. but rapidshare is not rapid :(
please give other mirror sites for the patch.
who here wants to give me babies? :)))))))
I have this version
How can i upgrade to 1.24E ?
Cant make it work with this version switcher.
it keeps saying cant find w3 folder! when i select it manually it says it find fold and it will restart. then i restart it says cant find folder again. = =
can i switch 1.20 to 1.24e??
ill try the new patch if it fits our lifestyle.. loooool
my girlfriend will be mad at me coz im playing more time at dota than top her.. looool
naks. nice website D-U it rocks \m/
tnx this site is the best for dota^^...hehehe
all i need is here^^
Yo ty guyz. :D ^_^ nice switcher.. whats the diff between this and the 1.24d version?
hi,i have a very old version of warcraft(1.21)because i formated my pc,and i downloaded this version switcher,but it didnt work,every time i switch to 1.24e and start game,the war3 gives an error that isnt solve until i recopy the game plzz some1 help me !!!:(
@up why did it not work??
hehehe downloading is fast for me. my pc speed reached its limitationS. 90/kbs lol
try uploading to mediafire.. it's the best out there
can you help me guys i have already the switcher now all i want is the file of TFT Version 1.24e and i can't find it ...
thanks anyway trying it on my old computer now
@Anonymous said...
can you help me guys i have already the switcher now all i want is the file of TFT Version 1.24e and i can't find it ...
I think the link is up there. It says "Patch Zip File".
Very slow downloading but it's nice hahaha :) love it !! :)
Thanks For Share.
this is the best D.O.T.A site everything is in one place
when i try to download bnet says not enough room on hard drive
hmmm...my version is 1.20 can it switch to 1.24d
nice i can switch versions freely!
Holy Shit!!!! RAMPAGE!
really slow download @@!~
thank q
nice, crashes when used.. gud job anyways :)
hi admin,
Thanks for the switcher.
=] ThanK you Very Much!
wat is the different between 1.24d and 1.24e?
i think that the "HotFile DL site" has a limited speed download thats why we all got slow dl... well that sucks!!
Thx Dota-utilities.... U GUYS ROCK!
Hi guys,
the switcher doesn't work for me. It's the 1st time I use switcher.
Any idea?
I already follow the steps until double click the version that i want and it came : "Are you sure you want to switch version?"
After say yes,nothing happen. And I try to open my frozen throne..but nothing change..
please help me..
Thanks in advance guys..
i dont think so ...because my 1.24d is automatically activate the map hack...were can i download the new maphack... lol....
its just a game ...looking for fun..theres no big deal..so i like to play with this game ..with cheat....and so my other teamates playing dota here....
hye..everytime i join a game,i always out of game..but i have 1.24e..pls help me....Thanks guys..
Thanks but download is quite slow!
Anyway thanks a lot!
Icy...Cool...That is too cool
all of you...lossers........................
Thankz u Very much dude ...wahaha
im using window 7, after dl the utilities, it muz open with wat file ?
w j
Russians here? :D Sorry for my English, i'm From Ucraine...
Who knows when new version Dota-allstars starts?
dota utilities rule!
Tyhx ,----^^
the patch doesnt allow you to connect to games in garena now checked it many times got disconnected always
when i switch to 1.24d version, it plays ok, but then when i switch to 1.24e it doesnt show the maps on TFT, but it shows when somebody created the map... whats happening?
this switcher can switch version b and e anytime we need?
ive downloaded update manually but every time i conect to battle net it says cannon vailidate patch plz downlaod manualy. i dont know wat else to do ive download manually and thro the game?? plz help
DotA! DotA! Thanks for the version switcher! http://dota-utilities.com RAWKS! thanks thanks. but pretty slow though, is it you're uploading slow?
can anyone help me? my version is 1.24b can i switch to 1.24e this way? thanks
thx .
my slow connection ^^
Obrigadoo por files (português )
Thank you for files (english)
does it works if i have 1.24b wc ?
dota rocks
I have just downloaded my warcraft 3 from a torrent and it's version 1.21
I Dl'ed the version switcher and the 1.24e & d, and then followed the instructions on readme, and then when i run frozen throne, it hasn't patched yet coz it cant open the latest dota maps (6.67c).
someone? help?
thx bro.. the download is quite fast.. im using wireless and it only waste about 5 mins ^^
GJ D-U ur teh best (typo on purpose)
this can switch from b to e???
Keep It up .................................... Dota-utilites u rock ........
worldstar is always noooooooooooooo 1
erm guys, when i download the patch, means that i do not need any CD and can switch to 1.24e?
im going back where i belong...in DOTA =)
thanx for helping us
For what need it these.
Good Morning infidels...tnx for the upload
thnx for it
DotA Utilities Rulez
Thx For Wvs Best siwtcher :D
hey man do you know what is the exact date of releasing version v6.68?
i have the old version 1.22. how can i update it??pls answer=((((
lolx....why everytime i download the 1.24e version file sure no full
suck !
hey admin please answer all the questions here
thanx bro...
all i need in this page..
can anyone answer me...? how im going to dowload switscher 1.24c and d... so i can play gg...
I get the following error whenever I try to switch to 1.24d/e;
ZipMsgXX.res is probably not linked to the executable
Missing String ID is: 11036
Also get the same error straight after with 'Missing String ID is: 10102.
Can you please help me? This is really urgent. I can't play LAN after upgrading to 1.24e and I need to get back to 1.24d!
This is super slow Whatever..
Mine is nearly finished... ^^
rapidshare wont let me download the file as a free user.
seems like they're forcing me to get a premium account.
Blizzard PrePatch v2.70 compiled on Jul 7 2003
This program patches Warcraft 3
Log created at 7:25 pm on 06/25/2010
Registry error loading key 'Warcraft III\InstallPath'
The system cannot find the file specified.
RESULT: Prepatch failed
This error i found after i install patch 1.24d
thanks for your switcher this is my project in math
slow upload
thx men!
great thanks!!!!
whats patch needed for bored aussie?
Thanks for sharing guy
what is meant by slow upload??
Tnxx.. D-U For your Switcher
Nice link!!!!! And keep up the good work!!!!
Pretty slow huh?
Can u make faster? Anyway, thx.
angelo ... noob hahaha
Thank you. Dont have my legit copy anymore so i cant patch like a normal person:P I can finally play again:)
Nice~ :D
FOR ALL THOSE PEOPLE HAVING PROBLEMS WITH THE SWITCHER NOT SWITCHING: Right click the warcraft version switcher icon, click run as administrator, then switch it to what version you like. Enjoy playing!:)
wat is the steps on switching??
i love you guys :D
when i try to connect to battle.net it says that my cd-key is disabled. what is that?
thx man
how to extract 1.24e in my version switcher..? pls reply...
ohhh what a nice link...
tnx for that...
all DOTA addict,, lived and shout...
SLOW download..but this is what im exactly lookin for :D tnx D-U!
thanks very it'suseful
tried both methods...switcher and 1.24e patch...still remains as 1.21 ? any help ?
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