• WarMP26_Forever.rar (63.71 kB)
• WarMP26_Forever.rar (mirror)
- Two Minutes of your time.
- Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne with 1.20e, 1.24b, 1.24e,1.25b or 1.26a
- Make sure your Warcraft 3 is closed
- Download War3MP.rar from the link above.
- Extract the zip file contents to any folder using WinRAR.
- Run the exe file and select English radio button to change language
- Set your Warcraft 3 (war3.exe) path using the browse icon and click Install.
- Once the install is completed, run the game and enjoy.

Tips and Warnings
- You don't need to run manabars everytime you launch the game.
- To uninstall, run the program again, set War3 path and click Uninstall.
- This program supports Windows 8, 7 and XP
- You can zoom in/out using +/- keys
- Use this program at your own risk.
- Using manabars is prohibited in tournaments and leagues and might get you disqualified.
- Don't forget to visit DotA-Utilities.com for more updates :)
216 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 216 Newer› Newest»blizzard is so lazy to implement this feature in warcraft 3.. anyway thumbs up for the program creator..
lets play with antimage now :D
nice work!! this was really needed
agreed with the first comment
blizzard is so lame
Manabars could be activated with the GarenaMaster also.
good work!
Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!
good tool
Nice :)
Nice :)
Do I need to drop bnet with this? Really scared of getting banned
Nice ! :D
nice 1,, it's true,, you're the best!!!
it's chinese
Hummm = HON!!
Realy, realy nice job guys this is very important, it is annoying having to click on the enemy/ally to check there mana but now...... =D
Nice One "Good Things Always Come From Dota-Utilitirs" < by me
can manabars be used in tournaments?????
advantage for Magina
HOly shot !! this is helpful ty D-U....
Seriously, this is awesome. Thanks
yea...it's really useful,helps alot
agree the 2-nd comment xD
already have this in garena masters hack
imba!!!!lets play!!!!
zzz...now anti-mage will be a pain in battle
wow, usefull
This only works on 1.24e / d / c / b patch
noone of the mirrors worked
It works fine, but when i close wc3 after using the manabars 1.4 a fatal error windows pops up. I was wondered if someone have the same issue.
Im running it in win vista...
pro player doesn't need any hack or mod
Anonymous said...
It works fine, but when i close wc3 after using the manabars 1.4 a fatal error windows pops up. I was wondered if someone have the same issue.
Im running it in win vista...
me too i got dat problem and my software is win vista
does it work on garena too
pretty cool huh....
juat have a 1.24e/d/c/b patch, run manabars first, then warcraft 3. for some weird reason after you close warcraft when using manabars, look in the task manager and the application is still running DESPITE the fact that you exited it. when you want to play warcraft again just end the war3.exe process and the manabars app will work just fine.
p.s. thnx a lot to whoever made this app. magina is so easy to play now! XD
nC., guD w0rk., uSaLLy uSe iT f0r iNt tYpe hEr0es.,> sUch aS LEshrAc., othErs Like miRanA., LOL ^_^., kiP uP tHe guDw0rk guYs.,>
great tools :)
Only noobs would use this
o come on..only noobs would use this
is it planed to build a Mac version?
ahm tnx 4 this and 2 that one who taught me how 2 run warcraft 3 again after closing wen using manabars!!!!!!!!is the task manager is = to ctrl+alt+delete?!!!!im not pretty sure!!!
ahm "D.U."pls can u make that "always show healthbars"be only 4 heroes meaning when u checked that,only life bars of heroes will be seen??!!!!!because it's to messy when also creeps have that!!!!!xD
manabars rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Im a dota ADDICT!!!!!!!
ahm dota utilities pls make some hero that's like "widmutt"in BEn10!!!!!!pls!!!i know u know That!!!big hands and big arms with small feet rocks!!!!!!
does manabar 1.4 have some issues with windows vista? all i cud get are some errors.
help me when i close warcraft cant open again i have to log off then log in. this will be very annoyin if i have to switch rooms in garena.
lets play with anti mage now :) GG
it works perfectly on windows 7 don't know about windows vista... and btw does this ver of mana bars work on patch 1.24e??
Yes, The Manabars 1.4 works perfectly fine with Warcraft 1.24e patch.
it gives me error when start the manabar and warcraft stop working
yeah..pro players dont need this.. but 1 thing .. r u a pro player to say that ?
But if someone is a mana user/breaker (e.g. Magina), he will have a great advantage...
somebody could fix the problem of manabar in garena? It doesn't matter if I run warcraft or manabar first, always a fatal error appears, when I try to play in Garena, the manabar works perfectly in a local game or local net game.
cool tool!
Click Options > Gameplay > Always Show Health Bars (Tick)
blizzard is retard
that's why i think heroes of newerth is better than Warcraft III/ DotA.. because blizzard is so lazy..
stop promoting HoN already?
hon is imba..true...
IMBA Anti-Mage will pwn them all buwahahaha :)
annoys my FN gaming, this sUx
Try to use this with the opponent Ezalor!
Is Anyone having problem with w3 critical errors is i do? :(...cant run this awesome tool
NICE! Not even 1 MB download LOL Helped a lot
FIX ERROR BAG , with garena pls.=[
after u close warcraft~~u cannot open it again>><<
it work perfectly at the first time but after that my Warcraft crash with FATAL note anyone know how to fix?
Wow also needed Ty!
This worked fine for about 1 Wc3 run (and I only tried single player), then it crashed my Wc3 any time I used Manabars, no matter if I ran it after or before I opened Wc3.
does it work on garena?
GJ dude,,it's helpfull a lot (for any noobs of course..)
i think it'better when i play it normally,,that's why a pro player called as a pro player;cuz they just playing it originally..
but don't be offense,,it's a good job actually..
sometimes when u use manabars then u closed wc3 u cant open it again!!!!to fix that just look at the task manager(ctrl+alt+delete)then u will see war3.exe end that process!!!!!and open wc3 again!!!!!!!!!!!
this program should really work with anti mage. lol
Why you don"t fix the Error problem? you make alot of stuf, but the Error problem is the bigest, fix that..
same i face fatal oso when open this tool after i start my game.
wen i instal and run mana bars,,,it ddn't work..i cannot see the mana bars in my allies and enemy ...why is that? any1 can help me?
good job
any solutions to the fatal errors?? help please~
not working.............
Is this a hack or sumthing?
when i run the manabar and click frozen throne the frozen throne will automically close the frozen throne even i did not click exit/quit . help me
play HON!!!!!!!
i rock!..
it didn't work...y?
... that manabars is so bad :(
amf.... blizzard must put manabars bec they have the responsible to do this but anyway I love Dota Utilities
good for ganking :D
looks like this can't be used in tournament ..
it still Illegal, not like LWT!
How to activate The W3 manabars..?/
HoN got the permission of Icefrog moron!!! thats why it has heroes that are similar to that of dota.. get ur facts straight... games like HoN and LoL are with the consent of those creators and sumtyms even the creators help in the development of these games...
Nice 1 man.. :D
WHY CANT I PLAY WARCRAFT............ i run warcraft themn run mana bar...................... then it exit automaticallly the warcraft......... theN NOW IT SAID WARCRAFT UNABLE TO UTILIZEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Critical Error
wala ba na tp hack papunta base pero wala tp o bot??
nid ko lang at ung stun nagiging slow nalang pede po ba un kung pede paki sabi nalang po sa email ko
i'll w8 for that
hope you all get error.Stop advertising HoN and start playing without manabars from today.You will gain more experience
cant use this manabars in garena.
got error when open warcraft.
as of 28th august, manabars program will run, but i think new garena update does not allow it to work, so i can see health bars, but not mana bars. Hoping for an update soon fingers crossed!
yea same here can't c mana bars in garena :(
Help Me Can't c mana bars :((((( In Garena
yes! this is also what i need!! bring it on, agree at the 1st comment too.
dude i dont understand, where do i need to extract the files? i stracted em on wc3 folder, then i run war 3, then execute manabars and it doest show up, could u help me please?
what do i need to do?!?! someone plzz help!! i like this great tool but i cant use it... i did exactly as the guide said but the manabars dont showup... i also tried extracting the file to the wc3 folder but still it didnt work!! HELP!!
its stopped working since todays patch D: nooo! i liked this so much!!!
Please fix this tool so it works with the new blizzard Patch.. definetely one of the best tools!
don't work with new patch 1.25
Yeah, please update this tool. It's so very handy. Wish Blizzard could implement this tool.
pls update this brilliant tool we really need it
Uuuupdaaaate pleeeease <3
Yes an update would be awesome indeed. Could even donate for it.
need moar manabars. update for new bnet patch 1.25 please :)
Nice article as for me. It would be great to read something more concerning this theme. The only thing it would also be great to see on this blog is some pics of some gadgets.
need manabarsupdate very badly
****MUST READ*******
Go download Garena Master 65.01.
Find the file mana.dll.
Replace it in your Manabars 1.4 folder and there you have it. Updated version to 1.25b update.
Have fun!
Is it possible that it comes to crashes quite often with this new version?
Doesn't crash for me. Works fine here. After you close War3 there will another war3 still running under Task Manager. Just close it.
There is a new version of WC3, 1.26. We need a new tool or an update plx! :)
does it work if you play dota in full screen??
Yes pls, theres again a new Patch and Manabars dont work again.
To those who a really desperate for manabars on wc3 v1.26 here is a way, which is not the best, but have not caused any problems i couldn't fix one way or another, and it works!
All my huge wall of text did get over 4.096 characters so I did copy/paste it into a notepad file, and took a screenshot instead. good readings ^^
Here is the link:
Hope I could help in some way, and sorry for my bad English :)
for 1.26???
seems like there is not any working mana bars app ... atm {1.26}
good luck to you folks ......basta saakin pede
me too after I quit fatal error always pop-up...why KEYA??
some help for v1.26 ,,
is there a way to see the mana bars??
I followed the instructions but still no manabar why :(
blizzard is jst a lazy fk wasting tym on useless patches like 1.26.. :@
The post is written in very a good manner and it entails many useful information for me. I am happy to find your distinguished way of writing the post. Now you make it easy for me to understand and implement the concept. Thank you for the post.
it doesn't work
update pls :S
it doesnt work on 1.26 :|
Its say's Authentication Required
Please complete the form below to download this file. What am i gonna about this ?
Please Update this program :(
This is exciting
Cool.. ^_^
Can't use with 1.26 patch
1.26 => "dont support the version of current warcraft" :(
please update
not compatible with current version of Warcraft :(
can't run that file coz of losing manabar.dll! :(
Can it work on 1.26a version ?
Please update it in 1.26a version ..
how to remove mana bar for playing in garena
Can you make permanent HP bars?....Cause when i press ALT..It will disappear
Can you make permanent hp/mana bars? Cause when i press ALT it will disappear
I need a help can u create me dota2 healthbar i mean healthbar with seperators
i cant open my warcraft 3 even i use ctrl+alt+delete it always says warcraft3 expansion already running help me plsss
How do I turn it to ALLIES ONLY ?
Please Implement this feature.
it says im using hacks, cant run this on ggc
mana bars? wtf is this stuff! i don't even need it coz im pro!
Nice but manabar on enemy team is IMBA
2nd comment the LIKE! hahahaha
problem in GGC
its says u r using hack
Why the hell do u want to ruin the game
like dota 2
manabar ... can edit it to team only , self only or enemy only , and all .
Oh Come On...
Pro's Don't Use This Tools For Gaming....
This Tool Just For Lazy Retarded Noobs --'
Reason Why IceFrog Didn't Made That?
Cause It Would Be Booooooring And The Excitement of the Game Is Gone With Mana Bar Their....
Retarded Newbies + NOOBS STFU!
play anti-mage, feed, cry. XD
thnx a lot to whoever made this app
aint working on GARENA automatic kick from the GAME.. T_T it's sucks!..
program is good, yet like 9001 yrs old :D
Not work for garena !!
very good
the best and useful tool ever made! xD tnx for the app
6.78c AI please..... PBMN are you there?
nice one
this is awesome ...
When war.exe end, the application open two links in firefox an iexplore. How can fix this. When unistall manabars this problem solved but i need de tools yours links :)
Icefrog must implement this..
YEAH i hate every time i exit IExplorer opn!
this really helps! thanks
This is for noob your only ruining the game.. >.<
cant use oso , garena block it and thought it was a hack
Its says Im using Hacks on garena
Nice _______ , iLove it .. ^_^
can you use this in Garena?
Please FIX the problem on garena im playing garena and it says Your Using Hacks Please Remove Your Hacks! Please Fix these Problem I Really need this Powerful program thanks!
I think if someone using this tools considered as cheating, then all player in dota 2 are cheater. One hell of improvement in dota 2 is the mana bar.
6.78c AI please
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