If you are waiting for the DotA v. 6.68 then there is a cool news for you! IceFrog has confirmed that there are new heroes coming in Dota 6.68. In the following image below you'll see IceFrog confirming the appearance of new heroes by commenting on his profile page.
Well, IceFrog has not disclosed any information or teaser of the upcoming heroes as he is known for keeping secrets. This is very exciting news because we haven't seen new stuff in DotA 6.67.
Update #1: IceFrog told in is
Q&A Session 4 that Icarus, The Phoenix will be a new hero.
If you have any DoTA 6.68 Beta map news, leak or any information, feel free to share it with us.
226 Comments yet..:
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zzzzz this icefrog never reveals.......
double kill :D
i can't wait for the new map :D
Plz make a fire panda hero...
somes ideas for skills..
Fire Blades - Lost hp per second but increase attack speed for a limit time or can be activated and desactivated
second first blood! xDD
hahahaha frogg
yay new heroes!!
(> <)
double kill!!!!!!!!!!hahahaa
lol nice way of making bunny :D
beyond god like ^_^
IceFrog can u fix Town Portal Channel Cast? cause it cast 3-5 SECS its so annoying in helping teammates
all hale to icefrog!
IceFrog can u fix the Town Portal channel? cause when i buy 10pcs of Town Portals, from Fountain of well to First tower my portals stuck. port and port all over again reducing my 10pcs of portals. Try it and you'l see
pls,put hades the god of underworld in the lineup of new heroes in dota 6.68
ya agreed.fix town portal channel cast pls.
Hey man!!!! Buuu Cry IceFroG..!!
what is new hero??? Gou.....
wew..neutral int -apparition neutral agi- slark... Neutral strength pls.. Jex
u should make a hero with gold digging skills and hiding an area skill and the hero should be an ice frog with a skill that kills someone in one hit
yes new heroes
GodLike !!!
why not ur logo as a new hero ice frog counter to niax
as agi
yeah baby! i hope icefrog creates hero/heroes that is IMBA!
ultra kill. . .
i play death match with 6.66b ai.. (i never try this in 6.67b) i capture rune using bottle..but i die b4 using the rune(haste)... when i got new hero.. i cant use the bottle (haste in the bottle) and the bottle cant be droppable... hope u can check this bug..
i cant use my rune that i capture using bottle after i dead and got new hero using (death match).. the bottle become droppable.. really suck.. (maps 6.67b)
I hope that Hades is the next hero in 6.68
i think we need to have a great hero that is not item dependent
Please ! Give at least one Ninja Hero
Or chracter from manga series like loofy . Naruto >
and monkey hero .
i think 2 new heroes is coming out..
yea, you should lessen the TP channel time. -_-
i hate new hero
when does it released??????
great!!!new heroes!!! horray
Zeke - Crystal Manipulator
Range: 140 | Move Speed: 305
Primary: INT
Str: 16 + 1.6 | Agi: 19 + 2.1 | Int: 20 + 2.0
Damage: 45-53 | HP: 454 | Mana: 260
HP Regen: 0.73 | Mana Regen: 0.81
Attack Speed: 1.39 | Armor: 1
YaHA... TY ... how about new items???
HEY!! GUYS I FOUN A NEW INFORMATION HERES THE SITE I THINK THE NEW HEROES LOOK A LIKE ABBADON http://www.gosugamers.net/dota/thread/525565-6-68-new-hero-models
Icefrog is the king of secrets!?!?! O:
for the town portal channel cast it would be better if from 3secs to 5 or 6, they'll change it to maximum of 4sec
why new map 6v6 doesnt have ai de???
please cheaper the recipe of the some items
gezzzzzz nc1 it think there many heroes to come yay!!!!o.0
c'mon get the map started...we can't wait any more...
ok i hope there is a new str women hero(AWESOME if there is ^_^) and btw can you fix a bug with mirana leaping backwards(well i DK how it happened but it was AWESOME xD) kinda ruined the game(the most important death was gonna happen damn i was freaked out xD)
yes new hero ,but no new item? please answer me ice frog
IceFrog can u make a hero
A ranged female strength fighter...
i have someskills
1st. Poison Arrow(Auto-Cast)
2nd. Critical Arrow(passive)
3rd. Fervor(Passive)
4th. Focus Arrow(its like the focus fire of windrunner)
i think its the best skill
can u name it GoDDeSS OF ArroW
Can you make more different creeps (in wood or on the lane i dont care) just make more of them, and make some wood creep have somethink to drop..... Like hill or some rune..
stronger than DK
Any nice and clever hacks recently?
pls make a new mirana with stronger HP.
can u fix slark...
so imbaaa...
and town portal teleport ruins teamwork..
cannot help team like before...
SO SLOOOOWW to come..
whats the name jenjuriki!
Lord Garitos plz
Comon ice frog secrets secrets.... just tell us is new in it
i really wanna know what is the new heros but plz frog do not make it too imba like slark or troll they r very imba and like ursa warrior ursa+feed=GG
i hope theres new items but not so imba or so noob items
Icefrog SUX !
An interesting thing would be a mode where we can upgrade our creeps paying gold
ice frog you rock !! :D
i have a interesting idea . iv seen alot of people. why do they like 2 use butcher or mirana . because they have different skills . they can aim them selfs n not just target n skill . its boring . so i came out with a new idea 4 a skill. 1nce u use the skill the hero will go underground n then u can control it 2 move then. when hes underground n u use it 2 touch the enemy they will get dmged or others. well icefrog this is my ideas i hope that you can make a change alot of skills so dota dosent get to boring .... tq
Chaos Damage Attack Skill
RAMPAGE!!! c('~ 'c)
plzz name da HEROes
sana nmn ausin ung bug sa TP kakasura ee delay
pls fix the town portal casting delay.. so annoying :(
and fix the bug of magnus
Hmm...A Clash of the Titans inspired hero is also good :).
I wonder what this hero is, Any picture preview is good. And I think this new hero will be based on WoW?
i know the new hereos its so very sucks icefrog dont know how to make awesome hereos BITCH ICEFROG www.gosugames.net/dota/thread/525565-6-68-new-hero-models
there u will see its so VERY SUCKS
I like Strength Hero for Killing not for cover.
new hero- Zeke the mana manipulator
theres alot of retards giving retarded ideas about friggin imba heros. whats there to gain from overpowered heros =.=
Dark Razor ^_^
bring back the old imba Razor hakhak
yepyep bring back the original Razor ^_^
Great effort and big clap for IcefroG o(n_n)o
WHY NOT MAKE A STR-HERO, it will be called, 'ICEFROG' what a nice thing it will be =D
what if theye make a new hero called First Blood or Monkey King
What if they make a Int-Str hero thats nice
\ \
\ \
( ) )
yay new heroes xD
3rd blood i cant w8 any longer.........
What is the name oF the NeW HeRo In DoTa??????
im sure non of the stupid ideas here will be consider.
secondly its really dumb to bootlick and say " oh why not make a new hero icefrog that would be so cool"
come on =.=
i never see hero like this
cool :D
shut up all dog!!!!
int-str hero wont work :P
Nice Ice Frog Your a Geneuse...
When can we expect 6.68 ??
May you make a hero is like harpy or wildskins.. Or may be same as an ancient creeps in forest (blue dragon, rock golem, or roshan may be.. X-))
so,we can play with a hero wich same as all of forest creep..
Sorry for bad english
cr8 a girl hero on str
cool.. icarus
dota 6.68 will release July 27!!!2010
I CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!
Hades would be epic except no poseiden yet.
There should totally be a ninja hero.
They should add a new sound like "SNIPED" or something when killing a hero. xDD.lol.LMAO
Slark isn't imba. He can't steal 1 agility permanently like Silencer, he just steals it for a period of time.
what hero will be new
a frog????????
from playdota.com they said Icarus, the Phoenix is new.
Icarus the pheonix, (playdota.com)
srry if this posts twice
the graphics look sick for it though!!
It's so boring...Why did let us know who will be the new hero?..But your map dota allstars 6.68 is doesn't come yet?...Many weeks just past..pls make the dota allstars 6.68 map fast..Oh and by the way..pls change yurnero's 4th skill(ominislash)..pls change that to hero only..
ano kya itsura ni ICARUS
I CAN GIVE A BETA VERSION OF DOTA JUST APPLY IN www.getdota.com and apply at beta sign up! then you need a 2 replays of 5v5 with massive lane control, and then your free time...
They should put Hades as a character and he's ultimate should be the Kracken like in the movies "Clash of the titans". The first magic will make damage,the second will slow and the third will take armor
noob icefrog...
haha.. ^^, mhineski is waiting ^^,
Make some mana steal items :) or mana steal ability to hero :)
ahm icefrog i want to challenge you in dota game.. 1 on 1 tau? weak ka ehh!!
Oh..How about a hero that is bigger than Roshan..hahaha, that would be very annoying during a clush............
make Arthas the Lich King~
look like abbadon n omiknight
wth his frostmore n helm~
just like WoW wrath of the lich king~
Ice frog try to make atom ant new item.... LoL... ^_^
usegryphon rider as character
range 400
1.skill: chain lightining
(passive, like maelstrom, deal 100,150,200,250dmg, 10% 15% 20% 25% chance, orb effect)
2.skill: illusion-manacost 100(all lvls)
(1,1,2,2 illusions, take 250%dmg, deal 5% 10% 15% 20% of real gryphon dmg)
3.skill: strong wings-manacost 40 30 20 20
(increses 5% 10% 15% 20% speed,take 10%more dmg)
4.skill: heaven storm-manacost 200(all lvls)
(like leshracs storms,animation faster, deal 300,400,500 dmg in 400 AoE (just 1 wave))
PPL there is no bug with the cast of tp, that is how he intended it to be, for every new tp cast, the cast time incriseas by 1 second. That is how he intended
RAMPAGE!!!!RAMPAGE!!!!Got new map and new hero!!!!!!!
does this map will have many heroes? it's because in the quote, the questioner says heroES and icefrog says YES. ^^
where do u get a new beta map?
does this map will have many heroes
weather moonlight
got new map and heroes!!
double kill
Dota portal~~
can you changes the last skill of mirana
cause is useless!!
hey icefrog!!!
i have a suggestion
i'm not a Shadow Fiend user bcoz 4 me its hard to use..
but i'm suggesting that make a command like -aa(Arrow Accuracy 4 Mirana)but this time its for Nevermore.
I suggest that -nc(Necromastery Count/Soul Count) or ____ for his Necromastery..
its shows how many souls you have..
i only suggesting it!!
MoRe PoWeR!!
make a item IceFrog
make it like aghanims...
sorry my english carabao(bad english)
make a female strength hero plzzz
cant wait..:)
what avout this hero?
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can u plzz add the red one on pandarens last skill or the rock one or change maginas 3rd skill to mana drain and change his name to mana drainer or mana stealer or mana master or mana skiller or mana more!
how about make scourge towers to become water towers on nagas or change the towers to corrupted scourge towers..
make phoenix last skill to burning spear...it throws burning spears to the enemy like huskar but it stuns 5 times in 8 seconds
sorry just update the burning spear.... the burning spear could be passive or auto cast its damage will be 60% more greater when the enemy that its been hit is int or strength or just make him int my result could be 60% damage on strength type and agility type his first skill could be burning friends or burning dinosaurs is like invokers skill the little burning allies that he use by the way if you want my comments just email my dainnne_claudie@yahoo.com plzzz take me on ice frog!
3rd skills may be passive like twin head dragons passive or a flame thrower-it stuns the enemy for 1 second{leveL1)2 seconds {level2)3 seconds {level3)3.5{level4)the level 4 could only use when the level of the hero is level 9 plzz take me to icefrog
sexy hero plzzz... :D
the strength hero girl?i think if ice frog can create another girl unit this would be muscled fighting girl
impetus could add an - armor minus armor
how about boots of travel could have an level 2 that can teleport to heroes or the trees
ice frog,the insane amphibian!.wat a nice name for a new hero.jejejeje
halp plox i cannt not plai map plz aisforg halp me plai map plz kty!!!!1
end stop mh plx how this game install sorry my english i is bozgorian!!1
ty plox
just make invoker tougher! More physical and magical resistance!
U can do:
Name: blinker
COUNTER BLINK - chance to counter attack an enemy and blink behind it
REBLINK - blink a unit back to where it was on the last 5 seconds
SUCK BLINK - teleports a target unit towards you and stuns 1 or 2 seconds..
BLINKER- teleport 750 units and summon an icefrog to the place you blink or make it a blink w/o cd.
I think the new hero is Icarus the Phoenix
I think one hero only will be coming
i know the one of new hero called icarus the phoenix!who can tell me the second or more hero will come out?
i suggest Phoenix hero must have the skill
Phoenix Fire:each attack of the phoenix will engulf its target in flame, damaging it per second!
Oyes there is a new one and there's already a teaser, it's the phoenix model in wc3.
Better to creaTe rock panda , storm is ther , normal is ther . . . ! Lol
New Heroes ?? That does mean there are more than one hero ??
Dota 6.68 - Icarus the Phoenix(Intelligence), Thrall the Far Seer (Agility) and Krakko the Fire Panda (Strength).
ke nuevos heroes habra espero ke salga el panda de fuego y el nerver de fuego
what is ICARUS
make a new hero out of balanar's brothers
maybe you should continue this discussion in playdota.com that's the website where icefrog can answer your questions
wew .. i searched at youtube for the new hero icarus the phoeinix and he looks like rick astley
new item pls ..
GG Sirs!! ^_^ Hope for new items and good skills for the new hero
the new hero is a powerfull frog, his name is Caco, he's a powerfull swordship (bastard sword)
use an ancient wendigo as a character and named him Icehound 1st skill: frost shock (stuns nearby enemies) 100/150/200/250 dmg. 2nd skill: hard skin returns dmg 12%/16%/19%/23% 3rd skill: survivorbility increases armor and hp +2armor/+4armor/+6armor+100hpbonus/+8armor+180hpbonushp.(ultimate):Wendigo's rage 40%of his life as dmg increases movement speed by 10%/50% of his life as dmg,increases his movement speed by 20%/60%of his life as dmg increases his movement speed by 30% 10/15/20 seconds......i think that is a great idea :) its up to you icefrog
OWNING xD pls fix huskar 2nd skillso he can use satanic and his skil that way he would be imba
ice put to Demon witch give mana to friend
re create slark HP regen when he is in Shadow Dance but not in juke Make Essence Shift as Buff Placer and Pooling of Attributes is about of have limits and buff lasts on 10,20,30,40 sec
create a new hero having following abilities
Flee:Blink towards a target and stun him for 1 sec and increase atk speed by some %
Animate:Bring Back too life all allied non-hero units withins some range
Steal:If u Kills an enemy of your own or higher level an items drop from him (only items mean Sacred Relic,Point booster not recipes Buriza-do-kyanon butterfly etc) and this item return to its bearer after some sec
Transformation:Convets your hero into a deadly dangerous monster having following ablilty
DMG:same but Chaos type
Critical Strikes=11%,22%,33%
AMR increase-3,6,9
HP increase=400,800,1200
Life Steal=10%,20%,30%
Disables and silenced to cast other spells during ultimate
HP degenration by 2%,1%,0.5%
Attack Speed=25%,50%,75%
Attack Rate=2.0,1.5,1.0
CD=250 sec
Refresher does not stack on this hero
Icefrog i want the map asap pls 6.68 :P work on it and make a mode TO KICK ALL THE HACKERS FROM GAMES (-AH) DOES NOT DOING NOTHING FIX IT ICECHIKEN STOP HACKERS
i think you should create a new strength hero and another item that synergizes with strength heroes
even if you type ah the map hack bypasses the -ah mode so pls do something about it.
create a hero with these skills
1: rock throw
effect: stuns and dameages enemy
effect: just like earth shaker
3) bash
effect: just a bash
4: global stun
effect stuns all enemies in the whole map
Icefrog make a hero that will be related to Mundial..!
:P :P :P :P :P :P
would make the icefog a new hero in DotA creep like to have farm balls flying the Lightning attack
hey..icefrog, can you make a hero that can counter ursa??because ursa is so imba..
For my opinion, i hope that u can create a hero that have a kindly face just like tiny. Gentle, Charm, Attractive, Handsome, Adorable etc. I urge to see that HANDSOME hero appear.. A hero/warriors with charm & attractive face also can be powerful in battle war. YOUR AGREE KINDLY APPRECIATE. TY!!
yea counter usra!! generate a hero with a Massive Reflect damage
Icarus the phoenix!!! >:)i will be using that and make it as my best pick >:)!
I know english little worse...Are there any man speaking on russian or change the forum I mean write all on russian please!!!!
а почему все на английском????
mmmmmm...becouse i am russian=)
new heroes!!, i want a red Naga Siren with atack range
and some cool spells!!
hope it will have some good hero ....
are there 3 new heroes will come out?...
new heros are Fire Pheonix and Fire Panda, the third is still unknown
who is the third 1????and what are the skills of the new heroes?????
a new female hero would be nice <3
Ice frog put a zephyr a hero in hon same as his skills and appearance can you do that
how many new hero will be added in the new version of D.O.T.A?????.....
i hope one day i can join famous teams in DOTA. . ^^
i wish they make a 3 bases instead of 2 bases like scourge vs sentinel
fighting 3 kingdoms!! for VICTORY!!!!
thats cool isnt it!!
and also they should make the starting money like 1k
thats pretty good! instead of 600gp eww!
u can only buy bottles or something...
i was just imagine like that ..
its realy kinda good
its thrall the far seer the third hero
m o n s t e r k i l l s
HEllo people im ice frog cousin's i knew all the chracters Icarrus the Pheonix,Thrall the far seer,Krakko the fire panda, Ellowet the Deathknight,Lipoa the dragon slayer(girl) and
Encyc the Imperial scientist :D
Does this version have free pie cuz i like pie :D
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