If you are waiting for the DotA v. 6.68 then there is a cool news for you! IceFrog has confirmed that there are new heroes coming in Dota 6.68. In the following image below you'll see IceFrog confirming the appearance of new heroes by commenting on his profile page.
Well, IceFrog has not disclosed any information or teaser of the upcoming heroes as he is known for keeping secrets. This is very exciting news because we haven't seen new stuff in DotA 6.67.
Update #1: IceFrog told in is
Q&A Session 4 that Icarus, The Phoenix will be a new hero.
If you have any DoTA 6.68 Beta map news, leak or any information, feel free to share it with us.
226 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 226 of 226 Newer› Newest»GODLIKE...
plzzz make fire lord...
everybody does Stupid!!!!
icefrog is playing dota too???
wow i believe that, the new hero will more stronger the the other hero...........but it depends upon the user
mana gambar heronyaaaa....
When it will be release ????
gamw tis manes sas
hm... i wonder if ice frog make a new hero with an ultimate skill + int..... lols......
centaur (str hero)-> ultimate skills -> + 12 / 24 / 36 Str
traxex (agi hero)-> (new marksmanship) -> + 15 / 30 / 45 agi
my idea (new int hero ) -> with an ultimate skills + 20/40/60 int... hahaha (>.<)a
but if the ultimate skill is + int... im confuse to think about the three other basic skill... hahaha.... =p
look like it is worth to wait ^^
,.yheyy!! new hero!!
new hero
yeah . . . cant wait to see the new map !!!
what about a hero like plague rider in, or dead wood, skills. pull out tree, can be use to attack enemy in meele but only 4 time, for the 5th time itll trhow the tree to the target. BAM! and it got slow down maybe 50% movement speed. kinda skill full
w0w naman Kaasar Kc wLa pang nEw heRoes
sa tingin nyo cno ung gagawing bagong hero sa dota 6.68?
ya right~
how many?
nice new hero come yeh
heyheyhey..........the new characters in 6.68 are so awesome..........when i pick the new character ahm it looks like ahm .....oh men i forgot....but its so cool/.......
a beautiful hero plisss(woman)I speak spanish shet
gyrocopter agi
far seer int
shadow demon int
io str
there you are
Weaklings !!!
the new heroes are nice and great!
wooohooO!! can't wait for 6.68!! i heard its already 3D?!?! As in you can rotate the view of the map?
wow icefrog
Icarus the Pheonix gonna be a new hero in 6.69? coz u said it appear in 6.68 but it's not...
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