Puck Invulnerability Bug, DotA 6.67c

After the Linken's Sphere Rune Bug, there is another bug found in the DotA 6.67c. This time the bug is pretty interesting. You can become invulnerable on Puck if you abuse this bug correctly. However, you need to co-ordinate with your opponent which is impossible but you can do it with your friends. This bug can be game-breaking if it's done right way.

1. Pick Puck.
2. Get Tower to hit your Hero.
3. While the Tower hit projectile is in air get charged by Baratharum.
4. Immediately click Phase Shift.
5. What? Just see yourself :p

Note: After becoming Invulnerable you can't pick up or use any items but you can get damage items so you can pwn during invulnerability :)

Credits to Kuarinofu & Zhuk.ru

70 Comments yet..:

Anonymous said...

first blood.
i hope in 68 everything is fixed.

Anonymous said...

double kill nice video..

Anonymous said...

triple kill! -jarubeh29

Anonymous said...

w0w an0ther bug..tnx kuarin0fu...the king of bugs..hehe peace....

Anonymous said...

nice bug (:

Anonymous said...

ultra kill! nice one ;§

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ultra kill~~

Anonymous said...

ultrakill muhahaha

Anonymous said...

ULTRA KILL!!! Icefrog is failing xP

Anonymous said...

Rampage ! ~abquake~

Anonymous said...

wew...dominating...dis pretty good..but u have to wait till baratrum chared u.lol?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

you can pick items with courier and transfer ..

Anonymous said...

ulta kill gg

Grande Mlk said...


Pelonxiio said...

i dont get it

Anonymous said...

ultra kill!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

UNSTOPABLE!!!..... Yoshi ftw

Anonymous said...

fourth blood

Anonymous said...

Ultra KIll This is nice bug but I love bugs that u don't need someone :P

-MeSx1- add me on garena :P IMBAS ONLY

Anonymous said...


checky01 said...

lolz i have tried it not bad..

Anonymous said...

dis is COOL

fir3xtinguisher said...

almost impossible to do in pubs, :/

Anonymous said...

Hell Yeah!!! im a big fan of KUARINOFU.. since 6.49b Lanaya's 1 hit kill Bug.... ehehehe i hope you can find more bugs kuarinofu....


Anonymous said...

I Cant understand.. i follow the instruction but nothing happen, what should i do?

Anonymous said...

This bug is surely game-breaking! I hope that IceFrog will fix the bug in 6.68.

Anonymous said...

GODLIKE! -jazer0927

Anonymous said...

we need exp hack pls.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

pretty useless bug unless you have an enemy for a friend. cause you'd need to know if he charged you when the tower attacks and since if he is too far away you won't know especially if you can't see him. plus the added fact that the icon of cod will only be visible to you if barathrum is already near you

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

rampage kill me

Anonymous said...

Its more than obvious this can only happen 1/1000 times in a non-public game, so basically its just a glitch and if you succed to make it, you are epic.

Anonymous said...

Wicked sick.

Are the bugs still gonna happen in 6.68??

SinnerSynx said...

What if you do this bug with your friend in the opposing team then your friend switches the team.


Anonymous said...

lol other team left the game when i used this bug with my friend :X

Obsidian Destroyer said...

rampage!imba bug

Anonymous said...

lol how this bugs came to light????

skypenut said...

WOA this bug is GREAT!!!

Anonymous said...

it's cool bug but i can't do it :S

Anonymous said...

mwa gg

Anonymous said...

impossible to do in game unless you have a friend on the enemies side... but nevertheless, it's useless at all in public games...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nice, but pretty crappy to do in public games. I only tried to do it with friend 1vs1, we saw it worked, and forgot about the bag... It is pretty booring to play while invournable.

Anonymous said...

i hate bugs like this. it spoil the fun of the game and even maphack.

Unknown said...

Phoenix is which type hero??? int, agi or str

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

lol Its easy. i was playing puck bugged in pubs they said WTFF..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

this is bull, it doesn't work...

Anonymous said...

is the new hero in 68

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

there is new hero men its icarus
is that right???

Anonymous said...

why is there even a bug like that how did you make it or was it already in the database?

Anonymous said...

i had this bug once but im pretty sure there wasnt a tower hitting me?

i was puck with dagger, i shoot my orb (im scourge on 2nd tower top lane which is being pushed) inside the bad guys, i ethernal jaunt then silence then dagger right away behind my tower( basically i got in nuked and went back w/ dagger) and did phase shift, then my hero died not sure if they had bara then i respawn and my linken recipe drops on the ground from crow and it looks like rune dd , i could pick it up tho i was invulnerable in an actual game i went to sent fountain and started killing it when host left , still keeping replay

Er--(MyliS) said...

i couldn't do this bug . can you tell more about this plz ? :(((

Anonymous said...

kurianofu finds bugs or the bugs find kurianofu he has uploaded most of the bugs ever existed

Anonymous said...

Its so hard to do that thing cuz you cant even knowing that you are in chargered or not in chargered it depends its so easy to do if its 1 on 1..

Anonymous said...

wow nice big deal

Marcuel said...

is this bug? i admire who found this kind of script failure.. for this is not bug is script failure.. all skills, character and other are controlled by script..... nice1.....

Anonymous said...

what the PUCK^^

Anonymous said...

just wondering how they discovered all these bugs.

Anonymous said...

whaa... we tried it on garena...
they all quited..xD

Anonymous said...

hey hey
i was playing dota on garena and bug happen on bloodseeker
bloodseeker was using BKB and the effect wont go off
he 'big' for a long time... :)

Anonymous said...


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