MeepoBot | Poof Bot for Geomaner, Meepo

Meepo Poof Bot
MeepoBot is small program created for Geomaner, Meepo in DotA. It allows you to cast Poof to your clones in just 1 click. By using this program you can deal mass amount of damage to your enemies in one instant. MeepoBot is helpful for those players who don't like to play Meepo because it is hard to control him. Meepobot should help those players to enhance their gameplay with Geomancer.

Download MeepoBot:
- MeepoBot.rar (mirror 1)

1. Download MeepoBot v1.1
2. Extract it using WinRAR to any folder.
3. Run Warcraft 3 & MeepoBot.
4. Set the Hotkey for Meepo's Poof.
5. Join a game.
6. Press your assigned hotkey to poof.
7. Start Ownage!

• This program will always poof to the real Meepo.
• Currently, It only works on two resolutions.
- 1024*768
- 1280*1024
• This program is only tested on Windows XP - It might work in Windows 7 & Vista.
• Your mouse will be controlled for 1 second by MeepoBot to perform it's operation.
• You must run the MeepoBot for it's appropriate resolution otherwise it won't work.
• Some leagues/tournaments won't allow the use of this program.

- All the credit goes to Tracky for developing this program.

116 Comments yet..:

Anonymous said...

First Blood! nice tool xD keep em going for other heroes

Anonymous said...


trying it thnx

Anonymous said...

I really dont approve of this kinda of things.. For my own opinion making this kinds of program doesn't make you a better player. It just helps you for the time being then what will happen if this things doesn't work anymore or no one makes this kind of programs anymore. Practice and playing alot is still the best key to improving your skills. And Meepo has been in the game for a long time and i've seen alot of player use Meepo and they own even before this. So to all who wanna use Meepo now coz of this thing. Think bout it. Its better to play w/o this just like those players who prefer meepo as their own hero. Practice like what they did and dont rely on programs like this

Anonymous said...

I never pick geomancer anyways this sucks it only works on certain resolutions. Oh FIRST BLOOD -MeSx1-

Anonymous said...

killing spree

Anonymous said...

thx worked on 7

Anonymous said...

triple KILL! keep up the good work guys :)

Unknown said...

nice one :)

Anonymous said...

nice one .. i need one of those :))

Anonymous said...

2nd Anonymous at 9:05 pm.

I totally agree with your point of playing with your own skills but dont you think that this will make players playing with meepo and other heroes in the same way??

VaLeNtInE said...

i have this software a long time ago,. lol i still have many softwares to share,. ill share if admin let me join the team ;)

SinnerSynx said...

@ Valentine.

Why don't you mail us at DotA-Utilities[at]live[dot]com for it?

Anonymous said...


VaLeNtInE said...

i cant add you at my YM atm,. can you just add me up junior_valendy(at)yahoo(dot)com,. thanks -VaLeNtInE

Anonymous said...

nu! so cheats comming up... mh arent enought? in a year there will be around 20 programs like this. and where that lead? we will have only to join game! bot will do the rest! yeah i own dota! i dont even need to play! uber funny! guys only expirience can make u better player! do not use this program!

Anonymous said...

are you still there sinnersynx?

Anonymous said...

haters gtfo.. this program is imba.. I did 11-0 beyond godlike with meepo at 27mins

thnx to this tool xD

Anonymous said...

this program, for me, is a big NO!you know why? It is because with this "Meepobot" thing, players are just getting weaker.well, we could say that this thing is a big cheat!

Anonymous said...

who would use meepo in leages and tournaments?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I always failed to play meepo. how do you guys controlled it? I know about tab button but when 1 meepo about to die, how do you tell it to run while other meepos net the enemy? can u point me to a meepo strategy on meepo microing coz I can't find one. All that I found were about what skill to be leveled up and how to puff, but none are about meepo microing..I would appreciate if anybody can help me.

Anonymous said... i want IT...
yeah baby..

Anonymous said...

what a bunch of noob

Anonymous said...

love it!!! TNX!! OWNING!! xD

Anonymous said...

this is bogus. no offense 4 d creator of all the programs but, u shouls get good in the game by yourself, the 1st dota players didnt even use hotkeys then.

Anonymous said...

MEGAKILL!!!! woah... hahaha nice program

Anonymous said...

imbalance hero....aahaha ...1 man army

EEhhhh said...

maphacks and other hacking programs will not increase ur skills

Anonymous said...

this is stupid
makes players dumb..

Anonymous said...

so in ohter words this is legal right?
wat the F man...
btw, i like it...heheh

Anonymous said...

IF YOU REALLY WANT TO MASTER MEEPO.. TRY AND TRY! Dont use cheats cause that wont make you master meepo it just make you a cheater.. this tool is good but this wont help to become a better player..

Anonymous said...

If you really want to master meepo.. try n try.. dont use cheats.. that wont make u a better player it just make u a cheater.. this tool is good but if you really want to become strong u should become hardworking

Anonymous said...

meepo is cool hero but very hard to use this tool is very useful thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

Noobs :) Hehehe.
Use this Program. Its Cool.

Noobs. xD. Let them use this program so when icefrog fix all this things. they wont be able to use hacks and such.
and they will stay as noob.
gud job.

Anonymous said...

I don't need this bro..

all I have are " Fast Hands " and well, these are enough..

I don't need 3rd party tools like this lol.


Anonymous said...

keep up the great work

Anonymous said...

este programa es una kgada

Anonymous said...

meepo is easy to use
no need this shit lolx

Anonymous said...

meepo is easy to use...
unless u noob and cheater lolx

Anonymous said...

meepo is easy to use..
practise make perfect..

Anonymous said...

this tool doesnt make you a better player, you will stil be a noob with the other heroes

Anonymous said...

ilian53 Wrote:

Lazy noobs can use this, players who can and WANT to get better dont use any 3rd party programs (maybe manabars, but not more). You just get worse and worse with this, you can never build up your apm or anything with this. If you wana suck, use it, if your not lazy, dont. Thats my advice.

Anonymous said...

i need a resolutuin 720

Anonymous said...

Every 1 is gonna be choosing meepo in dota matches now...
which kinda is a good thing because now we can choose counters!!! xD

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Cheater sucks..
Mepo is hard 2play and with this bot the fun of mepo will be blown away.. so enjoy playing with bot..

Anonymous said...

Yeah,, to be a meepo master,
U don't need this program..
U only need "fast hand" and
many war exp with meepo..

Anonymous said...

WHAT THE HELL? What do you mean tournaments or leagues dont approve the use of this program?! THIS IS A F*KING HACK. Of course it cant be used in tourneys. Dumbass. IMFkinO, they destroyed my favorite hero by destorying this hack. This just shows how ppl are getting weak at Dota. They rely on hacks to play the game. Come on man. You're destroying the purpose of play tactics.

Anonymous said...

@GG.Aim and sone please unban me man i will never scam people on Du ...i swear man please unban me :( i beg u

Anonymous said...

now day hack is every where, like map hack. the mirana can arrow me at btm river when the creep not spawn yet. cool he know i was there......

Anonymous said...

Works with all Windows..Very annoying when pressing hotkey tha mouse is rolling :/

Anonymous said...

wow damn nice man~

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I suppose all that are saying that this is only for noobs apparently don't appreciate the hardwork of the guy who programmed this. And they are also Filipino.

Anonymous said...

considered as cheating?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Im a pro in meepo... but for me, this programme aint useful in my opinion....

Anonymous said...

why do you have to use this? meepo is a very easy character to control. all you have to do is PRACTICE!!!

Anonymous said...

wew this is stupid many players will be weaker with this tool : (

Anonymous said...

it sucks. . .sometimes it takes DELAY to poof!

Anonymous said...

this is nothing more than a hack program :))

Anonymous said...

only weak player use this..
u can handle meepo buy practicing it..
it doesnt make u a btter gamer.. lol

Anonymous said...


Distrx said...

This would be considered as a hack or cheat in serious games and coul probably get you banned.

Anonymous said...

damn,,, its good,,,

Anonymous said...

I really recommend this program for slow hands,

Anonymous said...

how do i post a bug or somthing on dotA utilities?

Anonymous said...

meepo can own anybody weakzords.

Anonymous said...

Beyond Godlike.............
Holy Shet.........
madali lang naman kntrolin si meepo ah
baka tanga lang talaga di marunong mag meepo

Anonymous said...

Useless bot.. as it wil make u more noob..
if u wan to master meepo.. train it...
no other way better than training.. XD

Anonymous said...

y just make a POTM ARROW HACK

Anonymous said...

why it won't work on windows vista?

Anonymous said...

when I press "Esc" button it fuck back to Desktop, can u fix it now.

Anonymous said...

This tool is for those who wants to master a Meepo with Dagger!! Such a bunch of noobs!!

Anonymous said...

EASTER EGG ... Right click anywhere on the Dota-Utilites site and message should appear " Thank You " xDD

Gimme a prize for finding a EASTER EGG xDD

Anonymous said...

yes tagalog to hahah sarap nmn

Anonymous said...

this tool is just so gay-ish, its not meant to help to improve but to be dependent ><

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is so easy and much better to do with autohotkey and macro programs. Getting a pre-set program like this is a waste.

Only poofing to the main meepo? Thats the biggest letdown of them all. Would be so easy to just fix a macro that runs in "0 secounds" to either poof closes meepo or meepo F1 F2 F3 or F4.


jara said...

Ggomancer shounl add 1skill to him exp: stick skill! so geo have 5 skill more than anther heroes like Invoker too!

Anonymous said...

lol its just like a cheat... but it can be the other choice to newbies to use it...

WoShiYang a.k.a WoShiSmall said...

Hope the up coming resolution is 1600 x 1200 ...coz im using that zzz

GeoLover said...

This tool defeats the purpose of playing meepo, one of my favourite heros, now some noobs can just 1 click to play it? FUCK OFF, please don't come up with stuffs like this, it's just gonna ruin the game. Use your real control, lame soft, please remove it.

Anonymous said...

Its deadly tho.... im using meepo now forever!!!

Anonymous said...

boring. now geo starts to own... icefrog must debuff him...

Anonymous said...

Seriously, if you don't like it, DON'T USE IT.

I, personally, am not exactly for the use of this and yes, it will not help you improve.

But still, allow newbies to have a little gratification using Meepo with this tool. Soon enough, they'll like him enough to try him out without the tool. Remember that Geomancer still has his Bind to use, which this tool doesn't cover.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

your too fool for me

Anonymous said...

nice meepobot try it.^^.

Anonymous said...

do we need to run as admin? and mine always clicks the 4th meepo and the game just freezes

Anonymous said...

Gay.. just like other hacks.
That would be cool for crippled people.

Anonymous said...

WOW galing

Anonymous said...

WOW its so Good

Anonymous said...


Would you mind considering using for hosting your downloads on instead.
1. It's free.
2. It's fast for download.
3. No waiting times.


Anonymous said...

tnx poh !

Anonymous said...


Damn said...

I doesnt work at 6.72f

Anonymous said...

gmna cara dowload nya kakz

Anonymous said...

What a Baby...


Anonymous said...

when i used meepo with aganim the 5th meepo wont poof to the master...

Anonymous said...

Im working on one atm.. Instead of Poofing to the Real one, it Poofs to the one you want ^^

Anonymous said...

This is a Terrible Script! Omg ! I just Tried it..
Im Making You a Better one !

Anonymous said...

Mass Poof is not a difficult skill to master. What is difficult is meepo switching. Say I have 4 meeps, I bring only 3 and left 1 at the fountain. I want to poof-out an injured meepo and poof-in the 1 in the fountain. A script like that will help my game. As it is, I'm a lot better without the script because I can mass poofs while ensuring that the focused meepo is running away (not poofing around) -- another skill that requires practice.

Anonymous said...

Thx this hack program !! now me pro meepo @@

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

yeh yeh yeh no need to use tab F

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What is the script use here ?
please ?

Unknown said...

Please help me, how to set meepo hotkeys ?
please teach me step by step, thank thanks..

Unknown said...

Please teach how to set shortcut key for meepo..
help please...

Anonymous said...

damn this is not working idk after the game starts in closes for about 15 seconds with a popping message? fix it please

Xamira said...

why do u need a hack like this just to use a very easy dota character...? hahah!

Anonymous said...

Are this tool use for poof only ? what about the other geomancer skill ? like him ectangle?

Anonymous said...

its not cheating this program helps u make meepo easy to use f u r an newbie...

Unknown said...

The link is dead, please post the new download link. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

But nobody s perfet

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