Here comes an awesome pack of DotA Tools developed by Crisgon. It's basically a normal Warcraft 3 Toolkit but with some advanced addons specially designed for DotA. This program has almost every utility which a DotA Player must have during the game. This includes incredible features like CustomKeys, FPS improver, Meepo Bot, Invoker Bot and much more.
Now players won't have to open multiple programs for the specific functions because this program has all of them!
Download Crisgon DotA Toolkit:
Crisgon DotA Toolkit v6.78c (mirror 1)Crisgon DotA Toolkit Features:
* Updated to DotA v6.79b/6.78c
- Download the toolkit and extract it in your Warcraft 3 folder.
- Execute DTKPatch.exe to update toolkit to latest map.
- Run DotaToolkit.exe and enjoy the game.
Allows you to remap your Warcraft 3 Inventory Hotkeys to any key.
• Mouse Wheel Bind:
You can bind any Keyboard key to your mouse wheel.
• Skill, Autocast & Selfcast.
This allows to set your desired hotkey for skills and then use it for Auto-cast & Selfcast.
• Warcraft 3 CustomKeys (Spell Hotkeys)
Great feature, Permits you to generate CustomKeys.txt for your Spells (abilities) and other action/movement keys. Such as: Q,W,E,R etc.
• Invoker Super Keys (Invoker Bot)
This allows you to bind hotkey for making Invoker skills (you can make Invoker spells by pressing one key)
• Meepo Super Keys (meepo bot)
1. Poof Boot:• Quick Messages:
Bind 1 key for all Meepo clone's poof, they will poof to the original Geomancer.
2. Earthbind Bot:
This feature automatically switches to the next Meepo after casting Earthbind, you just need to activate it using a Hotkey.
For spammers only.. Kidding, This will allow you to send Quick Messages by binding a key.
Tip: You can use prefix, for e.gAll: "your text here" - This will send messages in all.
Our: "your text here" - This will send in allies.
• Quick Launch:
Launch any other program by selecting it or copy and paste it's path and clicking launch.
• Toggle Health Bars/CustomKeys
Allows you to switch Health bars & CustomKeys ON or OFF during game using a hotkey.
• Resolution Changer:
You can change your Warcraft 3 Resolution whatever you want. This is intended for Widescreen users only, who don't have their resolution listed on video settings page.
• Improve FPS:
This improves your Warcraft 3 Frames Per Second rate so you can play smoothly.
• Warcraft 3 Window Mode:
Play Warcraft 3 in windowed mode without having any cursor problems.
If you have any problems, do post a comment
395 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 395 Newer› Newest»First Blood! Nice Utility
nice program..... Thumbs up!
cool now i have all dota tools in 1 :~)
by the way guys, Don't forget to read the ReadMe file inside for the detailed instructional guide.
nice lol..^_^
it can use in garena?
this tool garena alloweD?
is it compatible with garena client. Is it allowed
Nice One .
Hi, how can i aktivate this toll ?
or i only need to create a new customkeys.txt with it ?
this is owesome!!!!
o cmon...its kinda for noob players..
does improve fps works even if dota toolkit is closed?
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. stupid!!! when will 6.68 come out? always focusing on other things.. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. its been 4/5 months since the last map.
Yes, of course CDT can be used with Garena. it's not a hack.
and the person who as asking about Custom keys.
I suggest you to read the about the Custom Keys above.
this will help dota players so good
autowarkey is better than this
cr8 a auto lasthit!!!plz
Thz for the post brother
This help a lot!
invoker and meepo superkeys are for noobs, realy, for those who dont know how to cast a spel/multiple spels whithout getting their fingers tangled in the keyboard, the rest is nice
How to chage hotkets ffs in custom keys ??
why i can't use that customkeys?and i already activate gameplay settings and set it QWER. . .but still no function. . .how to solve this problem?
sry for my bad language. . .
what do u mean by windowed mode without having any cursor problem?
i still have the cursor problem
please help
tnx for the share :)
Wow, that's great!
This is awesome :D
awesome tool.. but i need help.. on this.. how do u set the special part" skill 1 and skill 2" i set it to v and b.. it cant work.. pls help me.. my email is pls guide me along..
They should add the Mana Bar and it will be PERFECT! ;)
Good Guys Keep it up. . . . .:) MSG by HyDer!@DeviL!@
Best thing but when 6.68 release?
NOOB! This Spoil a Real DotA! WTF the creater! NOOB!!! to restore FPS setting..??
thx b4
gret tool! :D
mana bars is considered as a hack thats why i dont put that function
nice one cool!!
This tool sux for me
The fps improve doesnt work, i've got many lags now...
Dota is getting down becoz of so many program that is using the older dota is cool with any tool kit use just hands and mind players are also getting weak becoz of some tool kit OMG!! can never be a pro if you keep using this shit!..I mean.. what if you go to a pub then they dont have this shit and you're used to using this program?..
nice toolll...
Good For Dota Players....
Helps A Lot....
Thank you very much:)
This will be useful to all of us (well duh)....
Anyways, thanks for the Awesome tool(s)...
why when i dead and alive. . .the tool didnt function anymore?
this tool is IMBA!!!!!!!!! i liked it!
Pls tell me why I cant join ladder rooms????? :( :( :(
I think my garena has been bugged. I deleted and download it again but still....... Please help me. Thank you in advance.
hey this is so cooool!!!!!!!!!!
Please Read My Comment and Answer My Question.
Q1:why when i dead and alive...the tool didn't function anymore?
Q2:what is the function of dick in customkeys?
Q3:how to use the mouse wheel?
Q4:how to close the tool in war3?
Q5:why i can't use that desired hotkey?
G arena allow this ?
i spent all my life searching fot this thank you so much
Good tool dude in the next version can u implement a mana bars and health bars too because if u have your inventory key as alt + something u disable the health bars and if u have it as shift it causes a lot of problem so if u can make the inventory keys as any thing like space bar or something that will be great GOOD TOOL BTW!!!
Why are you complaining about the Tools? If they wanna use, that is their problem. Or else you quit Dota.
can i put any skill of all hereos?
the problem is not end when warcraft has been quit..ckckck...i think that edit exe/registry as well
how do i reverse the fps improve? after clicking that I got even worse fps, and closing the program doesnt solve the problem. anyone?
This toolkit is for "NO TALENT","WEAK","SLOW HANDS"...WTF toolkit.
zzz noob.. remove the tick from "Improve FPS" and click save changes..
manabars missing
this tool was so hard to manage..!not gonna like this..!
this tool rox!
To all those who are afraid garena will ban them :
sinner already said this is not a hack & garena approve those who criticise the people who use this tool noobs,you came to view this forum cause you wanna use it too, don't you,noob?
focuse on 6.68 need,wc3 themes,tool or wateve...i wan new map....
this tool isnt working for shit for me.. with or without "run as admin"
good tool thx
helps noobs very much
A Very Nice Program!! Thank you soooo Much!! This would really help me especially Invoker to help me use all of his Potential..
A very very nice program...
But i still want a new map..
so when will 6.68 be released. . ?
shit i wan to restore back my fps
To restore your Warcraft 3 FPS.
Go to:
Start Menu > Run > Type "regedit" press Enter.
Now go to:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Blizzard Entertainment > Warcraft III > Video
You will see "lockfb" on the right side. Double click on it, make it properties to 1. You'll be ok!
INCREASE FPS option is only for those who run Warcraft 3 on Direct3D not on OpenGL.
this hot is usefull but if, there a competition u cant use this
this hotkey is making you a noobs. . in competitons. .
This is a nice toolkit for some for those pro players stop commenting bad comments..pls...xD
boring, i bet weak players use this kind of stuff
Question about the fps.Click the "Improve fps" first then only open warcraft or after open warcraft then only click the "improve fps"?
what if my laptop dont have a scroll lock key.. how to activate and deactivate this program? coz i found it didnt work when i use it on my laptop.. thanks! :)
when i use this program i made my inventory key alt q, alt w, alt a, alt s, alt z, alt x. when i use alt q it goes at the menu if you want to quit like the usual alt qq command. someone can help me fix this. email me at tnx
i requires to be run in administrator =.=...
invoker skils are all mixed up man i think it still needs some tweeks but i stillthink that this is so awesome man
beyond godlike
nc thankss it helps
cant bind spacebar as a inventory key -_-
this is the awesomest of the awesome DotA Toolkits! A BIG Congratulations to its maker!!
please fix it because the HOTKEY is wrong... 12 56 78? please fix... it should be 12 45 78.. tnx...
is it working on windows 7?
nice program...but i prefer a clean game without using any tools...^_^
this sucks
i can't even use the inventory hotkeys and skill hotkkeys simultaneously T_T
cool...when can we expect this tool kit to be released...?
The hotkeys for invoker doesn't work properly..can you fix that?
nice ..
LOL..the tools come with a Basshunter song
This tool created for the newbie players or NON EXPERIENCE. So PRO players or EXPERIENCED PLAYERS can participate in PRO LEAGUE meaning not allowed to use BOT. But warkey… YES! But BOT. NAH!!! But it's good. Nice creativity you have there
may i suggest that the skills of the courier would be on this sequence 1st-4th skill: return home, transfer items, burst, courier shield respectively.
because i think those are the courier's most used skills.
that's all!
hope to be heard!:D
am using windows7 . tool working perfect here all except mepo bot anyhelp??!!
Note on window mode:
WE HAVE CURSOR PROBLEMS.. the cursor gets out of the window.
for example your hero is PotM, and you try to scout places where to cast Ellune's, as you move your mouse to the edges of the window, the cursor get's out instead of moving the screen..
fix the window option so as the cursor will not move out of the window.. thanks
why cant i use the spacebar for my inventory.. i wanted to use spacebar to replace numpad1
it suck
Eh why i cannot open the file. cnt extract :(
I thought it said english only,
"this will help dota players so good"
"it can use in garena?"
"why when i dead and alive.. the tool no work nomore"
"this hotkey is making you a noobs... competitons"
I cant run wc3 in windows mode in garena!
this is so hard to follow
I am using windows 7 and i cant use this tool
kinda gay.
pls update your dotal tools because they are new heroes and skill
this tool can function at window 7?
right click on your frozen throne then click properties on target after exe" add -windows. now you can run you wc3 in windows mode.
oh btw, in garena to run in windows mode go to settings > war3 rpg > add -windows on game bootstrap param.
wOW ! Thanks For sharing
nice application..making game more smooth
it screwed all of my hotkeys up (removed em all) and new ones i entered refuse to work
I can't change thingies in "CustomHotkeys"
does it work on MS Vista?
why is it that sometimes it doesn't work ??
i love dis hotkey..
the best one ive ever had
hey... i did set window mode in this toolkit.. but when i press the start game in garena its not in window mode.. how can to play window mode using garena??
Thx for this one :)
Really nice!
nice one!!!!!
does anyone here have the script for auto-casting, with the mouse returning to its original position after auto-casting?
The invoker bot is very cool man thx
invoker is the best character ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!
emm guys could anyone explain me the use of skill keys* in invoker..just below the magic reagent box..pleass help, thanks :3
how does the meepo key work? its not workin for me....
NICE! now i can play in window mode thanks!
best tool eva :D
Where Can you download Dota for free ?
i am having a trouble with my dota when using this tool. my dota just automaticaly clicks cancel or back or quit. :( please help me to fix it :(
^ me too
can somebody help me run this ?? because this tool and other hotkeys dont run in our computer .. our windows is windows7 can somebody help me ?? tnx .. just send me here or at the facebook .. thank you very much for those who will help me .. more power ! xD
can someone help me how to use the meepo bot command... im having a hard time making them poof together im using the tool but it still doesnt work....
omg doesnt work is just one big BUG
customkeys doesnt work and as well the auto cast function...
and I already downloaded the stable version...Stable(orly?)
yeah, the meepo tools doesnt work. But the invoker tools damn good.
i have a problem while i play custom game in battlenet, the game will close after i join the room. You guys have an idea why?
Nice.. It makes my GAME IMBA! woooot! :D
This shit does not work with the new heroes well :[
its helpful for those who play with laptops & does not hav num pad
how do i use it help
some1 can tell me how i can use it with garena. Plz explayn me wath need to do
wow this kind of tool is really useful, but i think this is for the people who have slow hands....^^ just kidding happy gaming!!XD
this is really handy thanks....
cool .. all of those tools work on me .. thankx ..
we 1st dota players. use no hotkeys. unlike today many were creating a program like this. for an easy set
before: noodles were smashed and very hardworking to make
after: instant noodles created
think about it. the people today is becoming lazier :)
dude this is soo noobish man
this will b good for beginners (specially invoker and meepo bot) u will never be able to practice the real way to play them
hahahah Thnx for this tool and also the song ^_^
other links pls.. thanks!!
meepoo's bindearth is not working!!! arrrggghh!!!
Thaaaank's !!
this program is gay
pLS can u chage the for the chiken and crow..
lol this tool suck when iam trying to use tab for shorcut u know what happen lolz
W0w gg nc program,by the way guys when the 6.72 map will be released?
Why you keep beta version download? tx 4 app
Wow nice tool!!!
nc INVOKER!!!!!
nc man thanks for making this program!!!!! :D
how to activate FPS improver? Start dota then activate it, OR activate it and start dota?
ok wen i run TFT and log on it kicks me off as soon as it logs on wats wrong?
pls stop saying 1st blood
1st blood
thankz a lot
invoker super key make player not to improve their selves.
how do you install it ? how do u use it ?
do i hav to memorize the keys for the spells, autocast and selfcast ?
how can i make the geomancer bot work?
i can't make it work guyz..
pls help me
Lol got dced by garena, it's telling me i got a hack after i tryed this
by the way.. i dont know if somebody already posted about this.. but.. the special key for alactrity and EMP was shuffled.. >.< hahaha..
The invoker super keys and meepo super keys are not working... How will it function correctly.????????
this program has many bugs, the developer must take actions here.
nice one .. panget nyo
why my mouse is not good to use when i press the improve fps ??
When this tool is active, my wc3 minimices and I cant get it up.
they should also include space bar as hotkey...
good tool like this
after install DTK v.3.3, i'm run that,,
but, just blank image, just black ,,
no more heroes image.
I have problem with Rubick custom keys , they doestn work.Pls help
omg!!!! the new version of DTK has no meepo bot (poof) even the invoker shorcut skills regen.
where's meepo bot ???
Great utlity in version 3.3...wonderful work!!!
Just one only little bug in v6.72 the second skill of Ursa Warrior don't work
i've been forced to copy Overpower section of 6.71 in 6.72 to repair it...
Does it work on Windows 7 64bit?
I've a problem with custom keys and aga's - if I map my ulti for say enchantress to 'R' when I get aga's then the hotkey changes :S please help!
w0w such a nice tool key
so easy to be pro whahha
i cant see the meepo bot and i dont know how to use it i only see the invoker bot
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