DotA 6.67b AI Rev2 Map Download by Harreke

Dota 6.67b AI Fix
DotA 6.67b AI Rev2 Map ver. 06/11/2010 Fix by Harreke. The new AI developer has released the fix version short after the previous DotA 6.67b AI. In this version he has fixed some weird bugs which cause some discrepancies in the last version but there is still a chance that bugs might occur because Harreke is developing his own open-source AI Script.

DotA 6.67b AI Rev2b is out!

Download Harreke DotA Allstars 6.67b AI Rev2 Fix (ver.06/11/2010):
DotA-Allstars v6.67b AI Fix Chinese Version
DotA-Allstars v6.67b AI Fix English Version

Dota 6.67b AI Rev2 Fix Release Changelogs:
Bugs fixed:

- Spirit Breaker's Charge of Darkness causes target suicide and then becomes invulnerable.
- Sacred Warrior's Inner Vitality heals instantly .
- Double Click Scroll of Town Portal doesn't go back to fountain.
- Puck's Aghanism doesn't work.
- Goblin Techies doesn't gain XP when kill emey heroes by Land Mines or Remote Mines.
- Other slightly errors.

We hope that this will be a stable release. So, Harreke can proceed to the next DotA 6.67c AI. If you find any bugs, kindly report them.

New AI Developer, Harreke
DotA 6.67b AI ver.06/07/2010

87 Comments yet..:

Anonymous said...

First Blood!..

Thanks harreke..

Anonymous said...

quick service xD

Anonymous said...

waiting 4 eng ver xD gr8 work harreke

Anonymous said...

triple kill

Anonymous said...

fast creating some maps :D

Unknown said...

triple kill ... !!!!

Anonymous said...

keep Going :)

Anonymous said...

quick service... but only in chinese? wtf? why not to hold it a little longer and release in english? some people must have a mental problem...

Anonymous said...

Triple Kill!!! lolx XD
Hope Harreke releases the English version soon...
Can't wait!!!

Anonymous said...

damn its chinese version... x)
ill wait for the english version...

Anonymous said...

Good Job Thanks For the fast service

Good luck God Bless :D

Anonymous said...

almost firts i'm azazas

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

2nd blood!!1

SuperEs said...

GJ -.-

breezy said...

nice work dude..

Anonymous said...

if the largest number of dota players is from china then it makes sence...

Anonymous said...

is everything in chinese ....if it is i would rather play the bugged version :D:D:D:D..and gj for the fast release

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

wow make AI maps rock!!!

Anonymous said...

can't wait the english version,, xD
go harreke!!!

Petr said...

murloc and ancient dont know buy item. They just buy ring of regeneration and town portal only.

Anonymous said...

Eng version plz

Anonymous said...

N1 :-)

Anonymous said... are the man!!!

Anonymous said...

U work very hard to get that done.Hard-working guy thz you very much!

Anonymous said...

nice work harreke!! but i hope the english version will release soon!!btw nc job harreke :)

Anonymous said...

nice cause that barathum 1 hit charge was friken OVERPOWERD lulz

Anonymous said...

A bug detected:
when you pick magnataur then by dagger and town portal:

just like the map of 6.67b

Anonymous said...

Can't Wait The English Version

SinnerSynx said...

English Version is available now :)

Anonymous said...

Thank You Harreke...^^,

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

english available yey

Anonymous said...

gj harreke! u are the new buffmeplz!!!

Anonymous said...

This is the best thing ever !!! =D

Anonymous said...

Harreke, thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

Who is this Harreke???? Any profile????

Anonymous said...

Harreke! Can you make an AI for 6vs6 map?

Anonymous said...

is it me or are alot of the people on these comments are either retarded or need to grow up and learn how to spell

Anonymous said...

HI harreke, i found something strange when i play today

that 5 of sentinel player (4 ai and 1 is me) got invulnerable status

i will post that in other place


Anonymous said...

weak Herekke noob!!

Anonymous said...

Herreke Is Noob!!

enzaimium or Supaah said...

love u DotA..

Anonymous said...

nc 1 dude

Anonymous said...

thnks harreke :)

Anonymous said...

wow,, you make AI maps faster...hey when i play the map...i use spirit breaker...when i use his first skill ti zues..zues did die but later on his invulnirable

Anonymous said...


p/s: magnus 3rd skills bug, please fix ^^

Anonymous said...

Hero other is invulnerable like Lina, Witch Doctor, Lanaya for 6.67b AI because I use that time Lina hero and he died suddenly "kill Himself" after respawn Lina is invulnerable, I can only laugh because the fountain can easly destroy with Lina...^_^ please to fixed

Anonymous said...

english version is here

Anonymous said...

hey this map has a bug!!!
here's my proof!!!
download this replay

Anonymous said...


heartlove said...

Urtla Kill {UK}!!!

Anonymous said...

its just you

Anonymous said...

I think i find a little bug.
AI Ancient Apparition bought only Ring of Regen when the game started and that was all. He didnt buy more items later.
Heroes were:
Sentinel: Omniknight, Admiral, Magnataur
Scourge: Ancient Apparition, Death Prophet, Vengeful.
Mode: -arnengst

Anonymous said...

WaLlAh . . . tHx HaRReKe . . .
English AlrEaDy Dl . . . hehehe

Anonymous said...

ulol kau mga NOOB!!

Maximusje said...

It's not you.

Anonymous said...

H! it's a bug with nevermore's ulti when he cast any enemy heroes that take dmg becomes invul
Can u guys tell this bug 2 herrek ?

Anonymous said...

this FIX version has many bugs. lol. and it still has many FATAL ERRORS. please fix it ASAP. thx.. :D

Anonymous said...

nc map...tnx

Anonymous said...

nice map paps!!

mildjazzy said...

if there is your wish...i go!!!!

Anonymous said...

wow, so many bug.. take it slow guys and u too, harreke.. 1 by 1..good luck, i'll be supporting you, harreke ^_^

Anonymous said...

Fatal Error

Anonymous said...

how do u install maps cuz i coppied them to the maps directory but they donot show playing options

Anonymous said...

Nah, just as i though, Huskar/ Sacred Warrior's Inner Vitality heal instantly ..huh that weird....

ok harekke, Good Job !!

Anonymous said...

got critical error when i played naga me pls..

Anonymous said...

do you know? Huskar can heal with his inner vitallity, INSTANLY..
that meant he make the healing like Chen's ultimate ( 1x )
But inner vitallity must heal like H.Salve ( over time )

huh , please fixed it tq

Anonymous said...

why Buffmeup is retiring?

Anonymous said...

Is harreke a chinese ppl? Why did he released the Chinese Version First than the English one ?

Anonymous said...

puck aghanim still wont effect...dew..fix plez..but take ur time...dont rush..btw gj n gl...

Anonymous said...

zeus ai can cast his ulti twice.huhu.only fo it bug?

Anonymous said...

thanks dude......u rock........

Download said...

Thx, good job !!!

Anonymous said...

Great Job!

Anonymous said...

wth why there got chinesse version,this will ruin garena.when some people have chnesse map especially asian and some people have english map

Anonymous said...

Hi Harekke...
I found something strange

1. WHen i used ANUBARAK, nerubian assasin, and summon scarab form urna swarm..The scarab won't use it's skill..
( silence )so please fix it * I PLAYED IT NOT AI *
2. i SOMETIMES get FATAL ERROR when i use Ursa warrior, Nesaaj, Naga Siren, Traxex , etc.its so annoying.
3. I used lanaya, and i afk for a bit..
the my dota out instanly without fatal error ( w/ AI 5v5 without friends or B-net
4. Sometimes if not fatal error, the AI too easy, when i used Gollum ( naix ), my level is 25 but the BALANAR ( AI Insane ) still level 9..??!!!!
plz fix it and make ai become stronger yeah..
tq harekke

Anonymous said...

just try the strongest ai
43ai+ try them

Anonymous said...

damn. i cant play the map. it says: "map size too big, please choose another map" . help!

Anonymous said...

I played lina, have treads und maelstrom and shot at a stunned geomancer, suddenly i killed myself... and when i respawned i was indestructible!! if u want replay email me, cause i dont no what was the reason for this bug :/

Anonymous said...

nice map. -.- FATAL ERROR -.-

Anonymous said...

nc map

Anonymous said...

NongPoy RamPage

Anonymous said...

I AddTiview only time play dota all star

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

like it.
first blood

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