The New Gold System is based on 2 types of Gold:
Reliable Gold - Any bounty you get from hero kills or from the extra "aoe kill gold" bonus (feature from few patches ago) is added to your Reliable Gold pool.
Unreliable Gold - It is everything else (creep kills, neutrals, etc).
Dying can only take away gold from your Unreliable Gold pool and not from your Reliable Gold. Buying items uses up your Unreliable Gold first before using your Reliable Gold.
An example: You have 910 total gold (500 Unreliable, 410 Reliable). If you buy Boots of Speed, you'll have 410 total gold left (0 Unreliable, 410 Reliable). However, if you bought Chainmail, you would have 360 Reliable Gold left.The process is seamless to the user, you won't have to do anything extra to make it work. Your total gold is still displayed in the same place. Your Reliable Gold is displayed in your scoreboard title.
This is a new experimental idea that may be adjusted and tweaked over time depending on feedback and results after it is released. As always, let me know anything you want to see in future versions.
So guys, Do you like the idea of New Gold System in Dota Allstars 6.68? Share your thoughts and reviews via comments!
248 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 248 of 248 Newer› Newest»don't like the idea
i wanna try it first before ill judge it...
It's not fair.
I don't like this stupid idea..
i dont understand T_T
Isn't this game already complicated?
Now you have to do math?
Dying will only result in you losing gold from your "unreliable" gold pool.
This can be an advantage if say, you have 5k gold, 4999 gold 'reliable', and 1 gold 'unrelible'.When you die, u can only lose from you 'unreliable' gold, meaning you only lose 1 gold..... =)
From a differnt view, this can suck, ppl with a fair number of kills cant be as easily brought down
nope your wrong, it makes player aggressive n being aggressive makes you strong
you'll end up trying hard to kill the enemy
n by doing that you'll develop a strategy - makes you go IMBA
Make the items more cheap...
i dnt like this new system
Well What You All Dont kNow And Dont realize the aim OF this new system IS to make DotA More exciting ..
This means that There will be more GANKS .. Then before.. Much more!! Cause Players dont wanna Lose the gold.. This acctually WIll make the game MORE HARD as you will always looking behind your back scared from a gank.. Please think twice before u post :) No offence.. Really.. IM just sayin
more leaver..=_=...
hehe nc1!!
for those who are asking what's the point of this... get a hold of yourself and think... ^_^
from the word itself - agression :P
considering you've got no unreliable gold... you can stake your life and be aggressive ^_^ because you won't lose your reliable gold if you die.. :P just correct me if i'm wrong :D
this new system sucks!!!
it helps gankers to feed much faster...
it's useless for many other heroes...
this could be much better for a mode...
icefrog, im disapointed... T_T
Well....Its not as good as others because
It hasn't have any thrills!!
How boring!!
It'll make this game so easy!!
wew...damn so good...ifor this..it encourage us to kill hero ..lolz..
but wait...May i ask..in the caSe of 1st bLood dn the 1 who got do honor has also get killed and knowing that he has not yet gain any unreliable gold....how is it possible that the one who killed the 1 who got the first 1st blood would gain money?...considering that he wont loss gold even f he got killed for he has no unreliable gold..so where do the one who killed the one who got the 1st blood take his gold..?..Hav u got my point...?.it just like giv and take...f you take his life so on u will pay for gold...
wow...you think this game was so easy as you think?>..WeLL maybe ur outstanding in this game or you just dont excel in this game...LOlz..
when we introduce the 6.68
no..idont like it i want just d same
Just change the cursor and make it more epic....
LOL...maypay sapat!walay angay....maypa tong daan...dba?
atay ra!
Ahmm...I think the reason why this gold system was developed so that ganking/killing is a first priority rather than pushing. Because I think if you push the gold will be on your unreliable gold. But when you kill it will be on your reliable gold. It is better to gank now because when you die, it won't take some of your reliable gold but only on your unreliable gold. So I guess...it is good to use techies for its suicide ability. You gain reliable gold,but not lose any of it, because dying won't affect your reliable gold.But the disadvantage of it is that killing the "Fed" enemy hero won't have a really large effect on his team because it will only affect his unreliable gold not his reliable gold gathered in kills.I hope this clears up your mind,brainless denigrators.Cheers to IceFrog.Release it sooner please.People will expect more as more time goes by.
Its nice bt i likd the old system !!!!!
LOVE IT!!!!!!! especially for Pudge :D no more losing your kill money since I barely farm creeps!!!!!!!! weeeeeeeeeeeeee =D
nc 1.. the new dota will be on race to hero kills.. not on race to cs...
i thinks it should be reversed. reliable gold should be the one deducted when you get PWNED because it's just how your opponents get revenge. u get gold from killing them, and they get revenge by taking back what's theirs. :P
ow the change log will make the game easier than older and make the game end earlier :(
Its disadvantage for solo-type heroes with single-target spell. . huh. . good news for noobs, they can earn money from ganking without killing
so many negative comments xD
maybe if you have just read it here you'll be confused.
but try to play it then its your time to say if it still confuses you..
in v6.60 there's many changes..
at first.. other's say the arrangement of shops is now confusing, but now we're used to it.. maybe it will also happen in this version..
Alright, enough talk about gold. What we need is a new map to play on. At the rate League of Legends is going, Dota will be out of business by the end of october. However, a solution would be to make a new map, as this would offer a whole new type of dota game play, juking, ganking spots etcetera. Also, for any creators reading this, I suggest you finish up to a week before September 30, as that is when League of Legends will release to Macintosh. Then you will lose even more players. Thank, and have a nice life.
Zzz. Even if your Unreliable gold is 0? It wouldn't take away your Reliable gold when you die?
we want the real 6.68 map as fast as u can its just boring reading about the new things it has so plz release it fast thank u
people dont undestand wats the meaning of this idea...
why dont you study much instead of sitting on you chairs playing computer all day... dont just read, comprehend wat your reading
and plsss speed it up a bit
its good..
if you got killed an you dont have unreliable gold..
your gold will not be minus
The new system's nice :D
it makes the game more realistic and more challenging :D
totally useless!
nooooooooooooooob idea...........
Personally, i think this rule is bullshit, AS all the carries will get fat no matter how much they farm, LATE GAMERS like them will always kill us. therefore, i think sticking to the normal gold is better. This system makes dota a farming game, not a teamwork/ganging game.Well,Ganging is what makes dota......
ICEFROG pls do not use this system, its bullshit.
with what kind of gold do you start the game reliable or unreliable?
I liked the 6.67c gold system its way easier and simple
IceFrog Sucks
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