DotA 6.68b AI | DotA Allstars 6.68b AI Map Download & Updates. The amazing 6.68b map is released now, it's time for the artificial intelligence version. As DotA 6.68b came with a massive changelogs, Harreke (our new DotA AI Developer) will probably take some time to implement changes into DotA 6.68b AI.
Update #1: DotA 6.68c AI will be released instead to 6.68b.
We know that you are desperately waiting and anxiously searching for DotA Allstars 6.68b AI map. Don't worry, this page will cover all the updates related to DotA 6.68b AI by Harreke so, bookmark it.
Currently, The latest AI is DotA 6.67b AI Rev2c. The new DotA 6.68b AI will be posted here right after release. If there is any suggestions or complains, do share it with us via comments!
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Dota 6.68b
Dota 6.67b AI
251 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 251 Newer› Newest»fooled for a moment. i thought it already came out
1st blood
you must make it fast
dominating!!!!....phew..i thought it was already out..haha..take your time harreke...just make sure that everything's fine and the AI's use all of their skill...and fix slark and kaldr pls?
triple kill....
plz make it fast.......
2nd blood double kill
mark......id you didnt read.....there was a page saying icarus might not appear in 68 but in 69 also ragnar was fake and was really not a dota hero and just fanmade
me too...
mark: don't be a fool..read the articles about why these heroes are not in the new version... people nowadays always bark before thinking..
the RAGNAR hero is fake but ICARUS is true he will be in 6.69
Hi Guy,s
I find neW Bug In DOta 6.68b (Guardian wisp)
Wait For More Bug
Have Fun
Damn! I thought "OMG! How can Harreke make it so fast?". But... !@#$%^
huh, i surprise ..
i think 6.68b AI can be downlaod now.
2nd blood
would icefrog mind to add some element things...
for example,, water defeats fire....
i know dota is now sereously awesome but that would make it better...
Oh,i thought it cam out already.:(
make it fast
please be faster on making AI's :]
nice one! S!N4 HERE
hey mark i think ur the dumb ass at that preview it also said that :"Playdota forums moderator, Cpu6ja_ has confirmed this news is FAKE"
Killing Spree! Quad kill! xD
I thought Icarus the Phoenix is here. >:)
dominating! pls make it fast so i can train and use new hero and items a
This heading is so misleading, thought the map is already out
The one you saw the 6.68 with ICARUS and Ragnar IS FAKE!!!!
You see 7 minutes Its night already?
it should like Before the Night Maybe you are the Dumbass
i want tha 2 other heroes!!!
take your time developers.. we love you!
Ragnar was a fake. Icarus is not completed yet. I think he'll be in 6.69
dont be so excited guyz!!!! and dont blame them that they are slow okay? you are so stupid d oyou know how hard to create a dota map or ai dota map??? and dont be stupid the picture of ragnar is fake!!!! didnt you see it???
Don't be in such a hurry....
Harrake take your time :)
I trust Harekke will do it as soon as possible ( ASAP )
look, when he did 6.67B Ai , its need only about a week
i hope 6.68 , he still can do it ASAP
but please let the new heroes can use their skill
( murloc, AA, and the 4 new heroes ) and make magnus, anbuser, etc . use them new skill
by ---> Phoenix
whats the point 4 early released,if map always have bugs?
that right harekke just take ur time... and ignore ppl who ask u to make it fast...
for ppl out there.. plez show some respect to harekke and icefrog for their hard work..
3rd time what happened to buffmeplz?
yeah didnt you read that the preview where icarus and ragnar are comfirm fake.....shame to you
im so excited about 6.68 but when it release and icarus and ragnar is not there...
im so disappointed
Great job Harreke, the ai is very good at the 6.67b version of the map, u can see the changes he's brought, thank you!!!
thought they released it ......but NO :D
hohoho....they r working off their asses there guys. b ptient~~~ hope it'll come out soon. all d best 4 dvelopers team. thumbs up!!!!
thank you
Please fix razor ai skill build
yea srsly......Change the tittle.
wen i read the post, i jizzed my pants, but now im dissapointed....*sigh*.....and i got a mess to clean up.
Thx for the post.... -_-
I want it now
When will Involker can use his skills? He will be a strong AI if he can use his skills =.= AA and Night Craw are still bad, they can't build their items and use skills to attack. Waiting for better AI map _ _"
where can i get a terrain?
make it fast yoh i want to practice gyrocopter
lol i toghut it is relaesed :D
magic :D
me are waitting 6.68 ai outing~
so me can testing new hero and training><
damn this is misleading
kids ,kindergarten go play in sand ...
Can you make it fast!
hello I have played DOTA and League of Legends. And felt totally different in both the game, i mean there is something still lacking in DOTA as well as in League of Legends.
I want to ask that is it possible for both DOTA Developer and RIOT to mearge with each other for better gaming experience?
Thank you
plz let AI use all their skill :S
fast pls
To the person below.
Don't be such a fool.
It's not even true! and Icarus the Phoenix will be at 6.69
waaaaaaaa......pls make it faster sir..
i waitting for this map so long time~
i hope can faster out~ thanks^^
i know i sure take long time of do this 6.68 ai map`
but i hope it can faster
me waitting on ai new~^^
i still waitting on this ai new map~
so pls as fast as u can` thanks^^
so i can traning~
is it finished?
plzzz.... can u faster??? still wait ehh so pls fast as u can thanks poh^_~
im sick and tired of waiting for this ai map.... need to watch porno......
no nid make le la use 6.68c lai make tis gt alot bug
That's cool baby....
yup, seriously fix slark and ancient apparition
they only buy RoR and salve.wtf ?
plz make rd mode
plz make it ffs i wanna practise wid new heroes
mark is so embarassed!!!!!!! wahahahhahah!!!!! very idiot mark :))
last blood!!!! can u pls fix kaldr n slark
Double RAMPAGE!! :D
make make make make it fast!!! cant wait... URGHHH!!! MONSTER KILL
i think u must balance them...hmm..lame...icarus did not came out!!!!!!in 6.68..
Harreke is a slow and stupid AI Developer
yea they tricked nice :D i thought its out :)
please give us the new heroes icarus and regnar in 6.69 ok it important to me and us i must say harek is a gud developer but the map is a little slow so when 6.69 comes out new heroes that is icarus and ragnar
DELETE WHISP, TO POWERFULL HERO -_- not needed in dota...
wla m say^^
Make it fast Harreke!! ^______________^
SO i can practce more on the new hero
Whisp \m/ ^_^ \m/
they need to hire another developer because harreke is too slow, if 6.69 released without the AI, all i can say is Harreke your Fired...!!!!!!
plss make it fast
Harreke very slow it takes 3 versions or more for him to release this ai Buff me plz is much better..
harekke , do it please..
btw, if possible, let AA and slark use their skill -_-
and if possible too, Do it as fast you can
btw, The AI so weak..
My Huskar lv 25 but Dragon Knight lv 11 ..zz
mode - ap ..
dont do some trash talk men! this can make the developers nervous!.just wait
pls...release thisa map faster... hehehe
when is it gonna release?
make it faster
Hi, I am wiating for 68 ai map from islamic republic of IRAN! Plz hurrY ! All the iranian young boys are waiting for new ai map! Thank u very mach !
To fight against EREDAR(Shadow Demon)
~Acquire a magic stick(early game)
~Have Hood of Defiance
~Don't get too near to your allies
~I don't know what to type......Hmmmmmm
That's all I know.........Thanks!!
Make It Fast because I want to practice the new Heroes
can you put astral treker in dota v6.69?
can you get slark and apparition an item in because there is no challenge when battling slark because there is no item...... just ring of regeneration and town's portal
hurry up this map
i want dota all star 6.68b al please
wew................6.68 ai hasent been released for 1 month....i was waiting everyday..i check dota-utilities
what's taking you so long guys??im dying from waiting...please make it fast so we can start to enjoy it already..Godlike speed to you!!! :)
i've try to create ai map by myself but..u know..its difficult..then i leave it..just waiting for Harrekke
you know harreke, your fired
im so tired of waiting!..
go hire somebody else.... harreke is too slow
haha 6.69 is coming but 6.68 ai doesnt release haah
harreke youre so slow
who do you have to pay to get this map faster><
Guys...just wait ya....
No need to rush...
Hareke is doing his job now...No need to tell him to do faster...If you want..make it yourself... Be patient...
can anyone tell a good item build for gyro?
i got the skill lvling :
and the rest is barrage then flak.
barrage increas by dam only 60 per lvl so waste maxing it out and flak is good for harrasin....
but item build anyone?
and harekke can u speed up a little plz i wanna try gyro!!!
hareke is very slow... i dont know why... but i guess he has to update the players on what stage is the ai development at the moment so that the players expectations will be lessened for a bit.. i hope hareke reads this post...
is the map still not released yet?
when 6.68ai will be out??
Can't wait .....
wer is the 6.68ai????
noob...so late! arghhh~
tagal naman!!!!!...taena...zzzz...Good luck...if it takes this long..it means that it would really be a nice AI version of dota...i mean improved AI
can make it faster|?!!?!
what took you so long harrekk???
can make it faster plzz??
wew, its very lame. why its take so long???
please make it faster, if you can
make this map faster please and fix AI's of apparition and slark.
Harekke Fired him! Get another one who make maps fast
Harreke is too slow T__T
yo a holes!stop posting words like "make it faster"..you dont know a thing in programming..so sit back and wait-by killerChekovsky
buffmepls . lol why are u out xD harreke is stupid make it fast
waiting . . .
just release it fast..i think no need to write script about these new hero..just let us(people) use that new hero..for ai just let them use the old one...coz if u want write new script maybe its gonna be long time..even you write new script about new hero maybe they still cannot work properly...just like murloc and aa...this only my opinion..dont get mad with me..its ok if u not even listening about it...sowy for my bad english...hu2
too long time i had been waiting for 6.68 Ai
Harreke, pls. fix Slark and Kaldr only taking RoR or HoD and 2 healing salves or 2 tp's ? Pls.
Take your time. Also pls let all heroes use their skills. PLS.
Tnx Harreke!!
I am excited about this one....... I want to practice EREDAR and THRALL
make it fast pls
i bet 6.69 will be release first before a 6.68b AI version will be released... i hate to criticize his ability in programming but i guess hareke is just having a hard time making maps... i don't know why but i have a feeling that he can't cope up with the pace... anyway, i will still w8 for the 6.68b ai map.. i hope it's worth waiting because it's almost like 3 months since the last ai version was released...
Let just wait till it get release, its totally no use to criticize him for now. Maybe hes trying his best to make the best AI map, or maybe there something bothering him(some problem). But then again, we will know it after the map is release. For now, just be patient and wait for it.
Unbelievably slow....
yeah to slow
make it faster guys. great game. great fun!1
when will you release this? next year again?
when is the exact date that this map well be released
harreke we are very disappoint youre so slow !!!!! pls make it fast but try to fix ai because they dont know how to use there skill
what a noob ai
please make this fast..fix AI for ancient apparition and murloc nightcrawler..fix empty bottle storing powerups in deathmatch mode..
can u update this blog, at least u show estimation time
date of releasing AI map is 23rd December 2012...:S
hey...its almost 2012..and I still cant play this shet
harreke,u can take as much time as u want to released 6.68ai map,but plz,fix all the hero so they can used all the skill they have..like kunkka,i never seen he used ulti..very dissapointed when playing 5vs5 with ai even in hehg mod..
make it fast plsss
It's already September boys... still no AI map T_T
hey whn r u people gonna giv slark n kaldr AI sum brain? Jus givin out new maps wont help...make a full functional map...let there b AI for al heroes...
hey harreke i had an idea yesterday when i and my friends were playing dota plz can u make an item that can increase your damage &attack speed and have the ability to see invisible heroes. if you make this new item dota is gonig to be so exciting!!!!think about it!!!!i hope that u are going to hear my opinion! bb!
omh! september... but no AImap =( abuuuu
I can't wait... plss make it faster...
oh and plsss make the computer insane more harder plsss...
plz make faster and i won to have harder insane boots like dream dota :D
stop telling him to make it faster, since he is doing an entire new ai script which of course takes a lot of time
so just shut up and wait
I want to play 6.68b AI now.. xD!~
So excited... =)
want to play 6.68b AI now!!!!!!!!!!!!
zzzzzzzzzzzzz.......................... after ten years???
whin is this map goin to be released i been waiting for a Very Long Time for this map plz hurry finishing this map
CaN u please Make It Faster!!!!
slark and kaldr use very basic items that make me say "WOW!". i really surprise with their items and skills used but manage to survive in some ganking! dominating!!!
p/s : please and please and please fixed them... long live DotA!
now leave the map dota 6.68 AI?
if so where?
if not when you go out?
How long would it even take to make a map with AI?? it has been a month now.. I just can't practice on my own with that 6.68c map..
...................being tired of waiting
This map better be very GOOD and with out any Bugs also Smart AI cuz its been about 1 month now......
zzz...i have been checking this page everyday!!..and still none...this better be a good AI map..and please let mirana use her arrows more and make it accurate.zzzz....i hope the new heroes would buy items and would not end up like kaldr and slark...GL harreke!!
is Harreke even working in this map ?? i can do map faster than that -.-
still no AI map. And the worst, we don't even hear about its development or even updates regarding this. It's been 1 month... I can only hope that this map is worth the WAIT.
it's not simple...
it's very hard to make an AI script...
I make custom maps on world editor which icefrog used to.
At the first time I try to make one, I thought it was easy but it usually takes more than 3 days to complete and make it better...
its been 3weeks since release, wheres our AI map! LOL
why is 6.68 ai map taking so long , im getting tired of getting to this site and knowing that there are still no 6.68 ai ^^
why it was so many many weeks months shit!!!! not first blood!!
yeah LOL
v6.68b ai .... v.68b ai .... v.68b ai !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
get realesed already !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is hareke still alive??? we don't hear a word from him since the last release of the ai map... zzz...
Sorry guys, but harreke is already dead... he died last august 29, 2010 at 10 p.m. -4GMT.
wake me up when september ends...
can you at least put the progress of the map, on how much is done and not, so that people can have an idea when the AI map will be done.
when is gonna come out
plz tell me when
its ok we can wait ffs..
What the Hell is the 6.68 Ai map WTF plzz make it faster damn it
make it faster!!!!!!!!!!!!!! damn it!
so long!
make it fast plz!
i REALLY REALLY DOUBT that you HAVEN'T had ANY PROGRESSIONS with this map...i dont think you even started making it yet...urghh...
I think he will release it when 6.70 is released :D would be cool ...
this is gay, it's taking you so long to make the 6.68AI map. OR are you even working on it? did you take programming course? or did you even pass it? man seriously, this is way too long for us to wait. It's not that hard to make AI maps. Just copy all the files from the latest and then just add the 4 new heroes.
take ur time dude..
well I believe that this ai map will be our christmas present xD
Hey can you wait they even make it very fast now but there something errors
but can you with your friends
thanks to our group
make it fast nmn anu ba yan tgal
can you make it faster in making this map so that i can play even if we dont have internet connection i visit this site everyday just to see if this map is already released so make t faster
please release the 6.68 ai im want to have that PLEASE
damn!!can you make it faSt!!! grRrR!!!!!!!
harreke plz. make it fazt
If u think they are slow then why dont u make it urself
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