DotA 6.68b Map Download Post. IceFrog has released Official DotA 6.68b just short after the release of the DotA Allstars 6.68. This is the second version in 6.68 series. IceFrog has fixed a major Techies Remote Mines Bug including some other minor fixes. You must check out DotA 6.68b Changelogs and play the latest map to avoid bugs!
DotA 6.68b Changelogs:
* Fixed a major bug with Techies Remote MinesDotA v6.68b Map Download:
* Fixed Geomancer clones restoring mana with Arcane Boots
* Wisp can no longer teleport to the enemy fountain
* Fixed a small bug with Flak Cannon against buildings when gyro has very low damage
* Fixed a bug when casting tether from outside of range limit while being moved with Relocate
* Fixed an issue with illusions and flak cannon
* Fixed a few other minor things
DotA 6.68 Map.zip (mirror 1)
We hope that DotA 6.68b will be a fix release and no more bugs will occure. So, IceFrog can take some rest :)
- DotA 6.69
- Dota 6.68c
- DotA 6.68
- DotA 6.68 Changelogs
58 Comments yet..:
1st Blood!
FIRST BLOOOD :D -gigigtydududud
nice one !! :D im gonna test it right now
That was fast...
good job ice.. and pity on those who are desperate to find bugs in dota *_*
kiling spree
wisp too week!
killing spree
great job icefrog...^^
omg, 50 of 52 europe dota room are full O.o
yeahhh gj!!!!!!!!!!
The tech bug was huge issue, GJ Icefrog for the fast repatch!
why do you fix Techies bug?
I was unstopuble!!!
but no prblem, good job
lol came out fast!!gj
First blood ayos.. -kB|zLhT_07
GOOOOOOOOOD JOB ... i realy wan't to master those 4 heroes ...
NICE!!.....take rest...even if there is a bug we wont tell...lol... :P
worst map eva........
At last lol was bored of gyro's bug on illusions from yesterday ! LOL
Cool but can't dowmload it, DNS Blocked - Network Administrator (school)
Fuck that :/
TECHIS BUG man oh god damnnnn
nice one!!!
early version 4 early map ^_^
i want a new strength hero
long range
1st : stun
2nd : silence
3rd : mana drain
4th : critical strike
Can you cr8 the 6.68AI map so that we can train with the new heroes and become imba..
nice.. please .. make this the last map of dota please... im tired of downloading it causes my laptop to lag.
w0w nc!
it better than 68. . .
1st blood
gj icefrog
please make the 6.68 ai
earlyer .. because we can wait anymore 2 train the new chararacter of dota..
for : the maps maker .. good luck a
and enjoy
great job icefrog!!!
can't wait for the ai of this version
icefrog sucks..wat's the usage of beta team?this map stil contains lots of bugs..u r just wasting time..
6.68 AI map please!!
i REALLY thought they would release the rhino and phoenix...o well GJ on the map though
icefrog dont know make hero and skill also..today i use the new hero.why he straight make 4 hero?.very sien. no talent
Hey ! bat wla sa dota qo ung map .. eh dinownload qo n ..
I have found the BUG in WTF mode flak canon illusions can't be stop
i am waiting for 6.68 AI pls pls
make AI maps lah..
jus release the other two new heroes..be efficent..
how can i download dota ?
TONS OF BUGS!! eg. new fly curiers can pick ALL ITEMS!
creating new map make me difficult to play dota.....i have to study how to use new hero...wasting too much times...
if u dont know how to use wisp dont try to use it
those people who's telling that wisp is weak
why dont u try me using dat hero
letz see if u can win
pls upload the file with rapidshare too !!!
plz get the marine hero
Can yOu please mAke 6.68 Ai ? :D
all of u is so noob say: im wasting time in dota plss dont play dota play starfall.com or super mario
w8 for new version of super mario ok!!
nothing good
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