DotA 6.69 Map News & Upates. The next coming era in DotA by IceFrog will be DotA 6.69 map will consist of balancing, items and hero changes because there were a lots of changes in DotA 6.68. Also, the ghost of previous map bugs might haunt the developer again. DotA Allstars 6.69 is expected to release earlier than the last one.
Final Update:
DotA 6.69 has been released, Check DotA 6.69 Changelogs.So, guys stay tuned for the DotA v6.69 - All the news & updates of DotA-Allstars 6.69 from IceFrog's blog or any other sources will be posted right on this page. If you have any Dota 6.69 beta map leak, changelogs, news or suggestions. Kindly, share with us via comments.
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DotA 6.68b
DotA 6.68
198 Comments yet..:
The undead base sucks !!!!
First Blood with the ned heroes of 6.68
Icarus The Phoenix :D !!!
maybe try a ruin theme map..
change loadscreen :):)
Sorry Icarus the pheonix Is DELAYED
We will Make A Better MAp okay???
killing SPREE!!!!
make more runes that would be cool
where is icarus?
maybe changing tha ulti of mirana..ehehe
make a hero that can make a shield used from the ground including his teamates in his side,,and has a skill of dodging the skills and skilled back to the hero who skilled him ,and a posivea skill that give him a aura that can regen his life and his teamate by 2/3/4/5/ and have a ultimate of flowing meteor,it makes a hole in the ground that a hero would be trap in there in 2 sec excluding the allies,he can move ,run and stuns for 2 sec,,upgraded of scepter the flowing meteor will be burning and the hole in the ground is burning too
Mirana ulty change would be nice..
Just like give a buff to all heroes that can reflect a negative spell once and reduce the CD by leveling up.Aghanim would give 2 charges of reflect
Ideas:>>>New loadscreen (Must have a new 1)
Icarus must be there
Balance the heroes and items
AI for 6.68B
Hope u have time my friend;)
make a secret mission like in 6.59
can you make ezalor stronger? his spells don't work well with illuminate that much, he doesnt have that much combo.
where the fcuk is the firepanda????
Icarus please..
and AI map please, so we can practice new heroes in 68 ^^
cool map i really like the way you do maps nice job keep it up
I only made to GODLIKE and then DEAD XD ^_~
please make a secret mission in 6.69 fighting icarus
make roshan more difficult to KILL HIM YEAH!!
ANo nnmn bauh inaangal nyo ah
Puro kau reklamo mag enjoy nlng kau ah
where is ragnar the kodo rider?
new hero too pro
cooldowan fast
using of mana low
and skill pain
too hard too kill~
*New load screen(cool one)
*add missions:D ..like kill neutral creeps...
*add levels
*balance items and heroes
*more heroes:D
*change base^_^
*add a version of roshan that is on the sentinel side...making them two roshans with different items...
new heros is all we need and balance and if u can secret missons :p
jus add up the new hero icarus..wat for delay it?? do ur job well..icefrog.
make new category of heros
general witch
strang = agility = intellegence
and we beey items as we like !!!
change bases....loadscreens....miranas ulti add new items increase levels....
it's 6.x9 map again..hopefully icefrog adds a secret boss in it like he did in the past 6.x9 maps =)
make hero like WEREWOLF plzz
Kodo missing hm
another theme map pls.... its too old...
i want a new hero that can steal str...agi... and int like murloc nightcrawler
make a new map with a new terrain balance the skills of the hero
create a new tavern for additional new heroes and put a new seller for new items. its also better if 2 orb effect item like domi+deso or deso +sange can be used. but if the hero already have an orb effect skill he can only use 1 orb effect item, but still balance the game. i hate iba heroes it destroy the enjoyment of the game like"MURLOC,URSA,TROLL"
change mirana's ulti :D and the load screen :DDD
change map i mean change the whole thing its fcking old plzzz,and make roshan more stronger........
make int hero that have int passive ultimate skill like draw ranger with agi and centaur with str...
A new map layout!! :) and make pudges hook longer :)
Pdge HOOK LONGERRRRR ::)))))))))))))))))))) MORE FUN MORE JOIN
stop suggesting mb sugestions you'll ruin the fking game if you want your mb changes that badly...
Make you own MB map im sure it wont go nowhere
is there any new hero on 6.69??
where can i download a terrain?
icarus the phoenix will be here now, right icefrog? ^^
pls make zhaddon the felhunter :
its skills are
1.death bite -zhaddon bites an enemy and then poisons it
2.mana detection-zhaddon can see enemys ung skills ing 100 aoe effect
3.disquise-zhaddon takes the soul of the hero and transforms himself for 10 secs he can use the ability of the hero 4.mind control- zhaddon uses his tleknetic energy to create a copy of himself with the same str and agi and int for 30 sec this can use mana burn and lifesteal
make items that can doge hero ataks/skills
When is the planned release date? I'm dying to play 6.69!
new skills pls...
pls change the load screen im kind a sick seeing that old image
make the chicken attack :P
change techis because is a noob :)
they need to do a lot of balancing with the new heroes. seriously :D
Yea change the loading screen !!!
change the load screen and show who is loading the slowest
i want mirnas ulti tou be changed and also some new items !!!!!plz icefrog!!!:D
there will be a secret quest in 6.69 right?
Omg... gyrocopter is like dwarven sniper only faster stronger but lesser range
let Icarus and ragnAr be released on 6.69 please!!!!!!!!!!!
where can i find the hero Icarus The Pheonix
icant find him only int type heroes except
gyrocopter agi type
change terrain and add some new runes...and creaps change them
this should be changed that rune of basher (for 2 sec)
and a femele strength hero
set new rune of basher and a female strength rero
i think you should improve heroes like silencer, ogre magi, and some forgoten heroes pls!!!!!!
new items pls... icefrog
make couriers atack, that would be fun xD
Improve Ezalor and another new game mode!!!
please................. make troll more stronger...........
well I sawn notes wroted that there will be Icarus The Pheonix on 6.68 DotA Version,but didnt expected 4 new heroes,but now for the 6.69 I would offer u to make Icarus and change the loadscreen that would be cool.
and maybe some skill changes for some heroes maybe.
there will a new hero in v6.69 right? i hope there will be a balance between heroes?
please create new item and trall far seer have a scepter upgradable if you make that i will be come a very very fun of icefrog... please....
Hope there will be a range hero and the hero would have all passive skills
change mirana's ulti like Enchancement - increases mirana's starfall damage, elunes arrow's range and leap's range
change ursa's skill it is so strong!!!
CHANGE THE ITEMS FOR BUYING HOOD OF DEFIANCE because the items needed for it is two ring of regeneration one planeswalker cloak n helm of iron will.the helm of iron will gives 5 armor n 3 hp regen but when u got the hood theres no armor!!!its nt worth it buyin the helm of iron will for hood.change ittt
how bout adding death spree, death dominating, mega death , unstoppable death. . . . . lol the inverse for weak players... haha
Add new tavern and heroes.. and change loadscreen.
can u remake abaddon his face and his sword plz
new hero have 2 many bug
is it true that we have soon the dragon king bar?
give roshan AVATAR original skill when red life...><
1.make leoric's stun stronger
2.make thrall's lightning attacks weaker
3.make the wisp stronger
4.give eredar more life but reduce the power of his skills
5.make the courier attack
6.more items for defence
7.improve mirana, techies, chen, ezalor, and others
8.weaken broodmother, geomancer, sven, techies and others
9.put fire spirit, and earth spirit, (the other pandas)
10.put icarus
11.put another kind of creep (for sentinell and scourge)
12.more powerups
13.remove aghanims from heroes that cannot use scepters!!! Too many heroes can use aghanims to improve their ulties already.
14.put orb of fire, and orb of darkness-- orb of darkness should be a bit expensive about 1000-1500
15.reduce the well's damage, attack speed, and life (but still hard to destroy FOR CHALLENGE) so it can be destroyed.
put dark knight as new hero.......
a balanced thrall should be in the next map because he is too powerful
maybe a base of several secret missions and everygame to load a random one :) beacouse if you add a single mission will be stupid(better no mission)....BUT i have no idea if that is possible :) just give an idea will be super funney if something like that can be made...
Best Regards
its obvious that after 6.68 next is 6.69 lol... so stop posting like your the one updating the dota maps. even icefrog haven't yet said that 69 is up coming
for the Anonymous guy with 1-15 game changes...
1. its already strong but the damage is overtime
2. might do but the total damage of 3 lightning strikes is close enough from the lightning strike of zues
3. his ulti is already strong if you use it wisely
4. no not good that why he low hp cause his skills are high
5. lol
6. let ice frop decide on that
7. i think this is your fav heroes...lol
8. your afraid of this heroes...lol again
9. as ice frog said he doesn't put all changes in one version he knows what his doing so that the fans dont get bored or exaggerated through too much changes/new
10. he already said that he has lots of fixing with icarus why are you in such a hurry... you might not like his skills(your asking to put him like you already tried and tested it)
11. lol
12. lol
13. more power ups? maybe a negative ups that if used/acquired gives negative effect on user...
14. more orbs? lol there are already too many... do you play ladder maybe your noob
15. sucks
dota sucks
wish there were 4 teams in DotA...so that the four of us could fight each other..at the same time..
and another type of hero such as:
Speed type...which has an effects of giving 20 moves speed per speed attribute and -1sec. cooldown of skill per 40 attribute..
and skill type...which has a skill tree...wherein you can choose what skill combination you wanna have
To IceFrog staff: hey guys you've done a great job...just keep it up...
To dota-utilities administrators: just keep on posting those DotA map Version and DotA update...just keep up the good work..^^
when u kill 2 players ...~double kill.. then triple kill then ultra kill then rampage.. then if the enemy uses buyback so it will be 6.. then add batlle trance and focus fire for 7th kill
lets say you want two new heroes
i suggest one dark knight like Garihos
and one raider like Narzigel
thnks a lot
* NEW HEROES (Like the Harpy Creep ^^ etc.)
* ADD COOL EFFECTS ON HEROES THAT USES AGHANIM'S (FOR heroes that has no effects YET like Invoker, Lich, etc.)
That's pretty much it! DotA ROCKS!!! \mm/
Smack that all on the floor
add some strenght female heroes don be a sexsist...female are also strong.. xDDD
Make a female str heroe hehehe!!!
make some item that can steal mana or kill one unit ++ mana ^_^
make the new hero that "fire bear" summon by pandaren's ulti...i am hoping that hero will come out 3 years aready T.T
please make it balance..the new hero is not balance
and can yo release 68ai much faster please tnx...
can you make a hero that can change the meaning of strong??
Where is the Icarus the Phoenix???
make a fire panda hero :)
i want to see crystal maiden naked in 6.69.. =))
..nice im so excited to see..
just do your best icefrog...we will wait for icarus the phoenix it is the whole world to see....=).....goodluck icefrog
i have a dick, and two balls nvm KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!
dont simple put things blindlesly take votings and suggestions first.
can you make a hero that could resemble the puppet master in H.O.N.? :D just a thought
except its ultimate is you can control the enemy hero and its skills but the effect and damage is reduced on the controlled hero..can be controlled in 5 / 7 / 10 seconds :D
can you add a hero which resembles the puppet master in H.O.N? just a thought.. but its ultimate would be controlling the enemy hero for 5 / 7/ 10 seconds and has reduced skill damage, effects while being controlled..
i think is time to have a girl strenght hero, that has a ability to stun everytime she gets naked or sexy jutsu of naruto haha
i think is time to have a girl strenght hero, that has a ability to stun everytime she gets naked or sexy jutsu of naruto haha
We are waiting at least the two new heroes, that were announced, in the upcoming 6.69 map.
I think it's best to be the new hero of Fire Panda, I would also like to be a new hero who will be the standard powers Paladin
*Wisp and Techies more atk damage
*Pit Lord PLS new ulti !!!
*Remowe Abbadon horse
*Towers more healt
*Arcane Boots and Arcane Ring
*Pls back the old Phase Boots with armor !!!
*Hand of Midas + Hyperstone and Recipe = +100% Atk speed :D:P
-please add the stone panda in 6.69c
-strength type
-good skill(but not too strong and not too weak)
-stone panda ultimate skill must be Earthquake(but not like the skill of "sandking")
-Earthquake can stun enemies in his field with 4/6/8secs.
-Don't make him SKILLER
-please add gryphon rider: agility
-please add mortar teams: intelligence
-gryphon rider skills is good(not too strong and not too weak)
-gryphon rider ultimate can stun,chain lighting passive,silence enemies in the field and can slow enemies(stun 2/3/4 secs,silence 3/4/5 secs,slow for 4/5/6 secs)
-mortar teams skills is good(1st skill is for assist,2nd skill damaging,3rd skill is for support,4th skill for strong damage)
-mortar teams ultimate is a hundreds of missile w/ stuns then followed by a wave.(stuns for 2/3/4 secs)
ah yan pala
i want the FIRE PANDA!!!!!!!!!!!
About Icarus the Phoenix, it is obvious that he will have a reincarnation skill, but I personally think that it wont be its ultimate, since we have King Leoric already, so that will be boring.
Change mirana's ulti.
Second create a anti-hack system same as bleach vs one piece v2.08.And finally balance the slark !
make murloc a weak hero
please put the 6.69 map on september 1 then put a new hero,skill,item,and creeps
change the skill of techis,meepo
change the ss of mirana
please put a wing on traxex
Make roshan Stronger and maybe add more kind of runes like >>>Energy Rune <> for 15 Seconds Spells do not cost man...Or Refresher rune<> Obvious what it does...refresh skillsz cd...AND I WANT THE OLD MANTA THE ONE WITH DIFUSAL IN IT
plz maKE some ups that will maximized the attack speed of the hero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TEnnkkkxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...^_^
6.68 is IMBA
make a rune that can reveal heroes!!
plz increase the range and damage of assassinate
LvL 1 : 2500 range 400 damage
Cooldown : 18
LvL 2 : 3000 range 550 damage
Cooldown : 15
LvL 3 : 3500 range 725 damage
Cooldown : 12
Scepter Upgradable : Removes cooldown,Adds Range&Increases Damage
With Scepter : 4500 range 1200 damage
Cooldown : 0
Mby Krakko the Fire Panda can be added as other new hero and the bug with Rylai will be reworked.When you use your 2nd spell on neutral he is FROZEN till he dies.
uhhmmm Awsome :)))
Try to add icarus after defeating Roshan o.o
the size is like roshan too :)))
plsss improve chen
add some poisonus items
Add new hero, the one that wears a spaceman suit with a rifle or a gun or I dont know what do you call it hehehe, you can see him in X Hero Siege...
I suggest his first skill is that he can change his weapon like from that rifle to flame gun. And each gun has its own ablity. For rifle, lets say it has slow attack rate but deals more damage, for flame gun on the other hand has fast attack rate but deals less damage. Or you can add his third weapon like when he set his first skill to lvl4, he can change his weapon to rocket launcher, it can do splash damage, but each attack costs mana...
I don't have an idea for his 2nd and 3rd skill. Just think about it. hehehe...
His ulti, ermm... maybe he'll fire a cannon(hahaha) that can stun and damage the enemy. You can make it hit only one target or the cannon has an AoE...
But you can design this hero in any way you want...
add some heroes?
make tech's respawn time short.. -.-
make new heroes.
add more item.
secret quest for each heroes.
wew....so crazy....dota makes me crazy......
jajajajaja......wow....dota has secret boss in 69....wow im gonna try it!!!
anonymus,your language is wrong,kinda noob..study well and try to speak english much beautiful.
Please make a new hero:
Name: Norick the Demon Knight
Primary Attribute: Intelligence
Range: Melee
Movement Speed: 300
Strength:16+ 2.4
Agility:16+ 1.8
Intelligence: 25+ 2.5
Damage: 40-50
HP: 460
MP: 325
HP Regen: 0.75
MP Regen: 0.75
Attack Speed: 0.75
Armor: 5
1. Demon Rage- stuns opponents beside him for 2|2.5|3|3.5 dealing 100 damage each.
2. Wrath- damages all enemies in front of him by 350.
3. Temptation- the Demon Knight evil power increase. He gains +20movement speed, +10% life steal, + 20% chance to bash an opponent for 2 seconds, and + 20% chance to deal double damage.
4. Force Share- 50% attack damage of a selected hero is added to his attack damage for 50 seconds.
Scepter Upgradable: 100% of attack of a selected hero is added to his attack for 60 seconds.
Try to make better graphick please :S something similar like HoN :)))
Norick will be to IMBA if he had 3rd and 4th spells like that :D
there should be more heros that uses there own life for their spells
ragnar,duneworm,icarus,wildkin,jungle stalker,dragon spawn wanna see!!!!!
Alpha version dota-allstars 6.69 can download it here
Download dota-allstars 6.69 | installation using installer [/url]
2 new hero! and 3 items!
Please make a hero that has the same face as my neighbor's mom! xDD
pls remove the orb effect of weaver on his 3rd skill so that he cud be able to itemize life steal..ok? and moonfang make change her 2nd skill that she cud be able to use skadi or desolator,also venomancer pls change the buff places remove it,anti mage also remove the orb effect of his 1st skill. thnzzzzzzzzz
make roshan stronger.. xD coz its easy to kill
plsss troll make a weak hero
make ursa weak
make better loadscreen and beter terain pls
poison nova should kill atleast... since poison kills :D and make sunder's cooldown a little longer :D
please give roshan a skill.. lol..
Icefrog, please WEAK the Imba heroes like Troll,Slark,Ursa
Dont Make any map again.=X
Make techies stronger ang change miranas ulti...
Is there any new hero in 6.69????????????????
Make mortred weak..
They must add the fire and earth pandas so that 3 pandas will be reunited
NEW ups^^ like having a crit in 25 secs. and release 50 secs the CD of a skill^^
please remake these heroes:
-Gambler (6.06)
-Void Demon (3.0d)
-Rider (5.72)
-God of Wind (6.01)
-Flame Lord (5.51)
-Avatar of Vengeance (6.32b)
-Astral Trekker (3.0d)
-Bat Rider (6.00)
-Conjurer (5.51)
yeah agree with the remake of the heroes from the older versions of DotA they are many of them so it will be great to put them back again DotA...
Loxed the necromancer - agility - diablo 2 reference - HON equivalent of forsaken archer
skill 1 - teeth(split shot)
skill 2 - raise skeleton - raise skel minion per kill, target feels the pain of their bones being manipulated(small damage per second)
skill 3 - bone wall - raises bones from under neath impaling the targets in the area and trapping them
ultimate - bone spear - damage per wave
Dont make dota on the warcraft 3 engine , make your own like hon where you need an account , with better graphics kick ass heroes , im geting pissed because of the bad graphics
new map...
like a desert.. or maybe red land ...
loadscreen and new improved skill for meepo in 6.69 version...
I think there should be an item that combine Boot of Speed and Blink. It's name would be 'Blink Boot', lol. I feel pissed when Blink uses 1 item slot when I don't want to upgrade my Boot. Also make it can be disassebled.
I wanna a ice cerberus hero...like devil may cry 3 boss!!!
try to have all the heroes to have the skill of the well...lol..that would be great
new map would be great...
new skills for traxxex..
her skills are so boring though she's a tough hero in battles
dota is COOL!
who'want's to fight me
have some more new items and power ups. COOL
yea i want there to be 2 roshans one on sentinel side... and either fire panda or icarus and new loadscreen... :)
hmmm , forget about new heroes we just need items
Just a suggestion for BETA Testing...
2 new items, one for Sentinel, one for Scourge. Both similar effects, but makes the game a lot more defensive, and strategic in my opinion.
*Items cannot be seen or picked by the opposing team.
*Items can only be picked and transported around by the team associated with said item.
*Item effects are active when the item is placed on the natural ground (in Sentinel area) or blight (in Scourge grounds). For this, surely there will be some use of it in Roshan (Scourge area) and River or Mountainous regions where it is considered neutral territory... My explanation is that items do not give sight, therefore it will not be given additional edges to either team.
*River should be given a bonus "flowing" capability only for these 2 items, to enhance game potential, as both items will be Essence(s), light enough to "flow"... This makes full use of the map, and removes the use of both items when in the River. Roshan area has 2 pillars, that giving the effect that the area may not be tempered by either Essense.
*There should be implementation of a "geyser animation" or anything that can produce the image of "excreting water", that causes the "flowing" effect... Maybe put in the Extreme Middle of the map, where water "flows" to both Bottom and Top lanes, this makes full use of terrain.
*Mountainous regions should be regarded as neutral territory, to further block out the misuse of increased AOE of the said items.
Natural Essence (for Sentinel)
*Enhances the nature of Sentinel and provides heroes with Nature's Blessings, for Sentinel team (this should also include Scourge Heroes in the Sentinel team and exclude Sentinel Heroes in the Scourge team)
Blight Essence (for Scourge)
*Enforces the blight of Scourge and provides heroes with the Creeping Darkness, for Scourge Team (this should also include Sentinel Heroes in the Scourge team and exclude Scourge Heroes in the Sentinel team)
*Nature's Blessings:
- Small increase in HP/MP regeneration.
- Bonus Armour, maybe damage.
- Heroes gain True Sight, and unobstructed vision of Sentinel area capability within AOE of the item. (might be tricky to do - *note that item does not provide vision, only the buff, and it is the buff that gives the affected heroes the ability to have unobstructed vision)
*Creeping Darkness:
- Small increase in HP/MP regeneration.
- Bonus Armour, maybe damage.
- Heroes gain Nullify True Sight, and unobstructed vision of Scourge area capability within AOE of the item.
(Nullify True Sight might sound too far-fetched... so there should be some nerfing, but i'm only giving a basis, feel free to test this further...)
*Nullify True Sight allows Wind Walking or Invisible heroes to remain invisible to the opposing team even under the effect of True-Seeing items or skills. One possible way to nerf the effect of this item, is to cause the Heroes who are using Nullify True Sight, under the effect of True Sight to become silenced or have temporary reduction of offensive capabilities, or even both.
*Neutral Creeping Zones are included in Sentinel and Scourge areas, so Neutral Creeps should also be given enhanced effects, to level the game... This is to prevent misuse of the said items to do neutral farming.
*At junctions where Sentinel area and Scourge area are too close to each other, both items cancel each other out, where the area becomes ineffective so long as both items are within any range with each other. There should also be an alert implemented to each item, to inform the team that the other team's item is closeby and in its effect, thus buff given by the team is nullified.
wow i like it
For those noobs asking for a change of their fave hero's design, you're all fcking stupid :P
And for those who dislikes Warcraft's engine then gtfo of playing DotA and play those cheap imitation DotA-like games :P
I hope they put mana on circle of power, w/c is just enough for summoning courier...
FUN TAVERN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha but there is no new hero in 6.69
luna up S&Y can't attack
for d next version i wld lyk a hero who cld summon creatures 1 fire elementel 1 water 1 electric nd d for d ulti sumetin lyk a barrier would do.....
he shld luk sumetin lyk jaina or necromancer....
also a new mode in which powerful creatures wld fall frm d sky to hurt heros nd tries to kill d 1st hero he sees...
hope u wld tak my opinion...
make a new hero out of rock:
1.heavy presence= like nevermore but enemy nearby get stunted at his presence for a small period of time.
2.rockfall= drop rock deal damge.
3.brickwall= spawn a shield of rock at target enemy and amplify the damage taken.
4.earthquake= stunted all enemy hero at map.
make more strength hero...
dwarven sniper ridiculously OP. lvl 7 in 3 minutes?
plzzzzz create new dota heroes plzzzzzz and the skill is first greater dammage,skill two cleaving attack,third skill is haste,and the last skill is create three skeleton king with 60sec. duration
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