DreamDota is an advanced micro hack for DotA which works both Battle.net and Garena. This hack is specially designed for DotA players and it has some cool features such as. Auto Creeping (last hitting and deny), Damage Viewer, Ping Maphack, Scoreboard hotkey and more. Check it out!
DreamDota Features & Usage Guide:
• Auto Last Hit and Deny (Hotkey: "~")
- Hold "~" key to start Auto Last Hit and Deny creeps on yoru Hero, release the key to move freely.
- When you hold the hotkey, it shows range indicator. Ranged heroes only attack creeps within their range, Melee heroes will auto move and attack creeps within 700 range.
- If an enemy heroes come while you are auto creeping, your hero will start hitting that hero but it will auto last hit creeps to because it has higher priority.
- If your hero is getting attacked by creeps, It will try to evade attack by using attack command on your allied creeps.
• Model Improvements:
- Modifies the model of some heroes so you can click them easily.
For e.g. Venomancer, Bane Elemental, Treant Protector, Gondar.
• Scoreboard (Hotkey: Tab).
- Makes "Tab" key as a default hotkey for the scoreboard.
• Damage Viewer (Hotkey: Home)
- Whenever your attack, heal and receive damage it shows the value in Digits.
• Auto Avoid Spells:
DreamDota has features which allows your hero to automatically evade some spells such as:
- Pudge's Meat Hook.
- Priestess of the Moon, Elune Arrow
- Windrunner's Shackleshot.
- Kunkka's Torrent
- Tidehunter's Ravage (if you have Kelen's Dagger)
DreamDota has a safe and undetectable maphack.
- It shows red pings on the location of your enemy heroes on the minimap so, you don't get caught.
- It shows a message on your screen whenever a rune spawns.
• Some Misc. Micro Hacks:
* Spectre's Spectral Dagger routing:
- When you walk oustide of Spectral Dagger path, your hero will reinterpreted as a straight path towards your destination.
* Pandaren Brewmaster's Primal Split:
- When you cast Primal Split, DreamDota automatically uses the Earth Panda's Stun to the closest hostile target in your range and Storm Panda cyclones the stronger enemy in your range.
• Storm Spirit Combo:
- Whenever you cast a spell on Storm Spirit, your hero attacks the closest enemy hero in your range so, you can make full use of your 3rd Skill Overload.
• Shadow Shaman Mass Serpant Ward Prison:
- When you cast Rhasta's Mass Serpent Ward near an enemy hero, the wards location will be auto adjusted to trap that hero in directly in your snakes.
• Advanced 4-units blocking.
- If you have at least 4 units that have collisions. Select them and use "Move" command using "M" key and click the enemy hero. It will try to surround the enemy hero so he doesn't escape.
Download DreamDotA:
Sorry, DreamDota no longer works. [Link Removed]* Fixed Version, Now works properly with Garena.
DreamDota Guide:
In order to install DreamDota you must have the following.
1. Warcraft 3 The Frozen Throne, 1.24b / 1.24c / 1.24d / 1.24e
2. DotA Allstars Map 6.63 - 6.67c
3. Windows 7, XP, Vista or 2000.
4. Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Redistributable Package installed, get it from here.
Installation Guide:
• Download DreamDota.
• Extract the files in your Warcraft 3 Folder.
• Run Warcraft 3 and Enjoy!
- Some Anti-virus Programs detects DreamDotA as a virus, it is because of the the DreamDota encryption. It's a false positive. Just add DreamDotA in your Anti-virus exceptions list.
- Edit DreamDota.ini file, if you want to change the hotkeys of DreamDota. You may check Keycodes.txt file for the possible hotkeys.
- Use DreamDota at your own risk, DotA-Utilities will not be responsible if anything happens to you.
276 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 276 Newer› Newest»AWESOME!
finally, a free version of dreamdota.. THNXXX
dreamDota crack not work properly , dreamdota fails 50% of the time even when you solo mid (It can't calculate the opponent's dmg when they try to deny)
dreamdota fails 99% of the time when you lane with another person (AGAIN , it can't calculate the opponent's dmg when they try to deny and also it can't calculate your teammate's dmg too)
BUT if all of them use dreamdota its a matter whether how fast his attack reach the creep , like DS vs LICH ds will ofc get all the denys/last hits
@ 10:58AM - it is working perfectly for me >.<
the last hit slow and other player can get the last hit 1st
this kinda things that make dota suck... if you dont know how to play prolly on dota... then practice!
now there is no fair game in dota
its a spoiler
y do ppl have to come up with tis stupid ideas.
now how can a fair game(public) be played.
so many maphacks so many spoilers.
dota will nvr be a good game as it is now
ppl stop doing tis shit
no more pro player
wow, srsly dude..maphack, exp hack, scoreboard hotkey,the damage viewer is still acceptable, but auto last hit creep?!! soon, you don't have to do anything. just pick a hero and watch your hero do everything..
cool... its a challenge for me.. playing with noobs who use hacks... lol that would be a challenge... and. guys.. im the real anonymous here..
what the point of makin this?
to feel like a pro when u dnt even have the skill?
why play dota?
noobs awtder using this
is just ruinin the reputation of dota
and an insult! to the dota community , to all dota players. go hide under ur bed n play ur tiny tic tac
when i run w3 it says:DreamCrack has failed to determine the version of game.dll.Dreamcrack is only intended for versions 1.24b to 1.24e
Those maphack like this is killing Dota.
Maybe The Buggles should make a new song "DreamDota Killed The DotA Allstars"
stupid program la what the hell is ppl thinking of in DotA? Being able to avoid Elune and MeatHook automatically? Then WTF is butcher and mirana going to be huh?? Totally lost its purpose in the game. Don't you think so? Still acceptable for the press "tab" and show scoreboard and damage but certainly not runehacks and maphacks. Auto last hitting?? wtf??
dont make it free plez... let them buy it... plezzzz dont spoil tis game...i beg to u who make tis also to all mh makers....plezz3000
its a bug damn
that is the best dota hack ever last hit denay that is rampage and dont make ppl buy it because many ppl will not
NOOOOO not fair why the heck u do so many hacks:| not good u will never be pro!
By n0vA*
very genius of making this kinnda application u make keep it up!!!!
this is for noobs only.. if you want to be pro just keep practise..practise makes perfect. (:
1000000000000000000000000000000th blood....
don't make any more of these noob application. It will just make noob out of it
why would you play dota anymore, soon the will make a bot to play for you, , dreamdota is worse than mh, if you can't last hit what do you do, walk around the creeps and see the money pop,
now even the noobs will play good, they'll feel so pro with this hack, i dont have anything to say
dude WTF
i'm not against this program or anything but please don't abuse this kind of shit
yer spoiling the fun in dota if you do that
stop complaining about the hack you "PROS" its up to you whether you use dreamdota or not.. everything has its own pros and cons..
bahh!! i can farm better than this
used this for 10 minutes
Creepscore: 12 creeps / 6 denies.
without dreamdota
Creepscore: 29 creeps / 3 deines.
Skill > Win
HAHAHAHa!! now noob`s become more challenging in DOTA??
this stupid hack will cause dota to lose its players... i totally agree with 11.42 AM....its like watching replays
right, i use techies against AI crystal maiden
7 mins, i got 0 creeps
(reason :cm deny, twer last hit, my creep last hit)
srsly, this program fails...wanna replay?? just ask, i'll post 'em
I play DotA since 2003 or 2004 .. can't remember ... and never used any kinds of hacks so far. I play in garena rooms that have at least one online admin available at the time, high lvl enterance and ban page. I watch utilities update so that i can know what hacks my opponents can use and ban them from that room for 365 days. Also I play often with my friends so I know that they r not using hack. If auto-killing creeps is like in AI dota then it sucks bigtime, pro players r over that but MH is fcking annoying.
By making a faster way to check the scoreboard, i dont have much against it, at least it makes it easier to check scores. But auto last hit?!!?!?!?! And furthermore its just spoiling the game. Butcher,potm,kunkka will be sort of useless, or unable to kill you. And my creepscore is so much better without this program. I used this for 8 minutes(was just pressing "~" totally spoiling the game) creepscore: 13/5. on my own, 8 min 57/14. Maphacks are already spoiling the point of dota. What can you gain from maphacks? Go competiton also cannot maphack. Those losers that thing this is program is good, you should just quit dota instead of spoiling and adding to the number of noobs in garena.
wa nice me also got 1 dreamdota nid money de lol
it can be use in dota lan game?
you should just make a 'self-destruct' hack for the tree/throne. why bother with such useless things?
thanks... for the efforts
one suggestion, why don't you make a 'self-destruct' hack for the world tree/frozen throne instead??? it's gonna make life easier that way for all the noobs out there.
at the guy above
sure you got 57/14 in the first 8min :)
this is the reason why noobs are still playing dota ...
Mh cant make u a good player... Go,dl it,play with it... Jist,till u r doing it,remember,u r the 1 that make dota game suck hard!!! Hf all
HAHAHA..showing off the 10 Minutes with 29 kills and 3 denies?? haha funny PRO ^^
this is for newbie who wants to be a pro...
THIS is why i prefer HoN than dota...FOR GOD'S SAKE TIS IS JUZ BULLSHYT
gr8 work !! thnxxxxxxxxx
hacking will never end whatever you do... even the most popular mmo game WoW is victim of hacks.. you cant stop it
this hack fails 2 much ,it cant calculate enemy dmg ....this hack is for the biggest noobs.u cant learn anything from this hack
coward dota players
For those who are against DreamDota, I have 1 question. Why are you visiting this page?
because of those hacks people think they can play and go in garena join games die 2 times and leave.Dota-utilities PLEASE DO NOT POST ANY HACKS....they SUCK
because we are hypocrites =)
w0w awesome!
its looking for a f*cking missing dll!
doesn`t have that nice maphack detector?
Deny, auto-last shot... FAIL!
I can't use this,it crashes warcraft
I reinstalled warcraft and still the same problem
I'm better off without it
@ 5:31 - it seems you have not installed Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Redistributable Package
WTF? i reinstaled my wc3 instal microsoft visual basic 2010 and still crash cane someone help me pls
Skysweeper wohooo nice hack maphack and dream dota works greatly
Poor Butcher n Mirana!! i have 1 suggestion... how about making the elune's arrow to be able to seek the enemy target? same with Tinker's seeking missile? hahaha... this is for our revenge to dreamdota....
yeah whats next? an automatic spell casting that calculates the exact damage and uses the appropriate spells for it? jeez.cant see a good dota player these days with all the things here.and by the fucking way, to the tards who thinks that some people here are downloading the program, what if i came here just to see the latest hacks that people have been using huh? so its easier for me to not getting involved in noob pubs such as this.really.i cant determine a pro dota player already these days.
dude the game (dota) sucks know from all of thos hacks and shits stop plzzzz.. no fair game know if you dont know how to play go practice at home with Ai (insane)
and stop showing us bugs plzz.
hahah like a homing elune's arrow?Now that sucks. hahaha. Linken's sphere is the only way to block itHAHAHA
lol. if ALL of us use hacks then the game will be fair :]
i use this hack for fun purposes only. LOL!
Guys , Don't worry :-)
I have tested this "worst" hack and its worst than originao skill .
Don't worry :0
issue noticed...
if more than 1 player use it. rest will be droped on start of game.
i dun understand what you guys worry bout. just let those players who need use it then what for u guys complain this? if u are pro enough then beat them though. impossible this little tiny hack can pawn u guys like what. i can own back those players who use this hack. can u?
Well if you are using this,,.
the thrill in playing dota decreases,
and you don't have any changes compared to an ai!!
the hack is really bad for the future of dota ... will it be a game appreciated by many people or will it be a game famous of having lots of hacker ?
now we are Computers(Insane) -.-
lol'd, I bet I can beat every player who uses this multihack, moreover, if u are good kunkka u know u should x and then torrent, unable to evade.
Hey could you give another download link as I can't download it as they say I have already downloading it. If can put mediafire. Thanks....
need assist here~!after i extract it on w3 file..
and when i trying to open w3 its say dreamcrack has failed to load w3...make sure all dreamcrack file are in w3 folder??
feedback plzz~~
I tried this and I got 116/65 in 15mins so I already sold devine on 16mins
Anon delivers!!!
dota is the most hacked game in garena thats why HoN will sooner or later replace dota
try s2s, this way no one can use hacks if and only if the shop owner installs it, but nah...
I'll release 6.68 map soon after world cup.
This hack will useless on new map.
Regard as,
garena has new updates... will this still works? july 6, 2010
still working but it crashes with garena sometime.. to fix the crash do the following..
start warcraft 3 from garena... go to single player then custom game..now do whatever you want :)
thnx for the fix version :p
HELP HELP!!!!! when i extract it to my warcraft folder n open warcraft its say: This Application Has Failed To Stat Because MSVCR100.dll was not found. re-installing the application may fix this problem n Frozen Throne Failed To Run
Please Make Sure Your Frozen Throne Dics is in ur CD-ROM drive,then click on 'Retry'
Ppl who ever said this is for noob and play legally, I think they r all funny person I ever seen...Most of the time you visit dota-utilities is for?? Not probably for hacks what you do here? And try to post all sh1t comment like you guys really pro >> "Be pro dun use hack" sorry to say your probably the one who use it...
agree with 10:40... they may know when will gb occur or all that. but personal skills is what matters te most..peace
Good 4 nubs ... Pro's still can own w/o this !
HoN managers are the developers. They know dotA system, and everybody knows that the only advantage HoN has on dota is the inexistence of MH and these kind of hackers.
The more they hack dota, the less its fun, and more players will get tired and go hon.
Its working, theyv got me
y me cant use de....
DotA is not fun anymore cuz of fucktarded maphackers >_< 0.o
hahahaha! nice program but NOT ACCEPTABLE FOR PRO DOTA PLAYERs ^_^
I think they dont release 6.68 because they want us to use this program xDDD
how do i use this? whenever i try to run my warcraft, an error comes out. help me pls
Hello guyz,I have a problem about that installed dream-dota file.Since i installed and restarted my PC i can't log on my account anymore,shows me just like:''Invalid user name or password or account not enabled,please try again!''
lol baby knight GG
this doesn't spoil the game
it's like owning AI
if u can't play no hack will ever help u
it's like guys u have really good soccer boots but they can't walk to good
i play on bosnian wireless with 5 secs delay and on some 1956 german suckass keybord still i own so up yours newbs
and baby u would do more good giving lacoste the money to come to paris :D
Guys , seriously , u cant never be pro if u use this , i mean its like ur not playing dota at all =/
only loser use it , mh and etc are acceptable except this WTF ?
Sorry about what you said but HON also has MH. OK bye.
quelling blade > auto deny.
This hack is not end of dota , its the end of NOOBISH GARENA!
Like.. what's the purpose of the game if y`all gon let the computer play on your behalf? I just don't get it. Where's the thrill?
Tang ina wag nyo i2 download ang daya nyo eh
wish they'd create another "garena" with firewalls and stuff to block and prevent hack programs and shit. And btw for the guy at 10:59 screw you, i visit this page for upcoming maps, hotkeys, and other useful tools like the mana bar thingy.
yEaH itS COoL.
most of those who hates this downlooaded this and if u want a no hack game ethier use -ah but it can be bypass or download a mh detector
*pls cr8 a mh detector that kicks all mh,dh,dreamhack that it kicks them out on garena and wont let their ip address in
TY it works
this is cool!
lol! xD you're not learning... NOOBS
15 min with hack : 23/6
without hack min : 45/12
to all noob download this now!!!!
These are the only features I like about the program:
• Model Improvements (Treant Protector fix! yey)
• Scoreboard (a minor tweak but yes very convenient)
• Damage Viewer (Read a few comments that it's not working)
Other than those three, I can do with out.
WOW... This is an opportunity for us, if u know what I'm thinking!
Think about this-- PRO Players vs Map Hackers??
Have you thought about it - this might be a challenge for the pro players to become more than just a PRO? Have you reached your limits already??
DOTA Rules!!! that's is why many people would want to destroy the game but think of the positive side - you maybe the greatest player because your advantage is you are never dependent thats why your skills will continue to improve!
y i cant install dream dota?...it says file mvcr no found....cb.....pls help me...anyone?
seriously just get over it, hacks are for noobs
wow...it does not work...cause when i put it in the warcraft folder some files are missing....and DOTA will run and work properly...so this sux....for me i think......correct me if i were wrong ^_^V peace
Doesnt matter guys, skill>hacks
Last tym we are called mh user (maphack user).,
now we will be called dd user (dreamdota user).,
cooldown hack is the best men!
and I always use exp hack from new account to lvl 10 in just 1 week..... I'm just a basic member....xD
it is not working
the only that i like about this thing is that it can detect maphack user...else is shit..the original play style is still the best for me..
Well it automatic deny/last hit; dodges arrows/torrents/hooks; shows you enemy positions and runes; auto play heroes who have loads of spells; doing pro blocks and such....... where is the fun in playing that way??? so are we playing dota or watching cinematic??? >.<
Well it automatic deny/last hit; dodges arrows/torrents/hooks; shows you enemy positions and runes; auto play heroes who have loads of spells; doing pro blocks and such....... where is the fun in playing that way??? so are we playing dota or watching cinematic??? >.<
noways this hack can stop pros winning after all pros are pros, neways such hacks allow some competion to flo in garena which v luk out for tht hour v play xD
Wow, hahaha. I read some of the comments and one of them said that it's a challenge fighting noobs with these kinds of hacks :)) that's very funny :D
Q_Q more everyone
its pretty good at all
THeres a problem in mine. DARN!!. everytime the games starts I got fatal error -_-
I like this 1, the noobs gonna go download it, install it, then techie 7 mins for 0 creep. Sounds good!!!! I can last hit better now agaisnt those dreamdota trashy user!!!! Every game in garena i can 100% now!!! Because of Dreamdota!!!! Dreamdota = AI, did you losed a match agaisnt AI? I bet didn't you, neither me. Since those people invent this shit that turn player into AI, now i can own those noobs more effortless.
yeah its awesome but its not a good application for the newbies,:C they make there life easy not a thrill one.. :D
I totally agree with the comment above
creator of this hack is brilliant...
i can't imagine how to do that script inject into warcraft program
and the calculate range and deny/attack trigger
i hope any hack to totally make user like AI...
then i can play dota while sleep...
this program basicaly useless for youth...
old man who's tired playing dota... good for use this
cause they don't have power and spirit again to play dota seriously...
this hack do very great on single player/lan gaming
but when use in battle.net...
this program can't follow battle net delay..
the person who invented this program is such a genius !!! however his intelligence is used in the wrong field .. if this genius were to use his skills to invent anti-maphack devices, his name would be engraved in the history of warcraft and his work will stain the intenet with pride ... consider ..
I truly hope this program gets banned, it takes all the fun out of the game -.-
hi when i open my w3 theres a message asking about login and password?
Player 1 - OMG he got 57 ck and 24 cd in just 20 minutes!! what a PRO!
Player 2 - OMFG the other still has 20 ck and 6 cd... what a NOOB
FUTURE (DreamDotA Era):
Player 1 - OMG it's been 20 mins. and he still has 32 ck and 15 cd, wow there are still honest players
Player 2 - OMFG the other got 44 ck and 23 cd... what a NOOB, relying to DreamDotA
the present?? well, it's just changing... this isn't DreamDotA this is NightmareDotANoobs
its not working for me... after i press trial a window pops up saying i am not using the latest directx 8.1 or above... etc
Yes all of us will now be ai tang ina bobo nman ang gumawa nito!!
All of us is now ai noob creator 100% noob waaaahh!!
destroying dota community for some money.nicely done!
If you don't like this kinda program why don't you just play on single player and use all of the cheats available in W3, that's the easy way. think about this... JFF
this is blasphemy, this is madness!!!
HEY..this hack sucks. it ruins my game. how to remove it?
2 questions:
1) is there any way I could turn off/on the ai (dodgeing mirana's arrow, pudge's hook, etc) ?
2) how accurated is the mh detector? like, if it says X player clicked on a rune in fog is there any way he could not be using mh?
i dont get the keys how to use it?
Shut up Retards
Games are for fun
not for Show off
it's not working anymore...sorry to say but the program is not updated as of july 26...
yeah, the original thread from d3scene got deleted, i think this is the end of cracked DreamDota.
Prove me wrong.
it sais i am in trial mode help
Noobs! used hack in noob
but you kids still DL it LOL
need account to use?
how lame
Jex:u guys can just suck my cock! what's the point of using all these hacks..or maybe u guys aren't talented in dotA.But, u guys can still learn to play.As what we say practise makes perfect.Auto last hits?Denies?dodging arrows,hocks and etc?Argh...its still a noob act.For this,i recommand u guys to quit this site.Its ruinning the dotA's reputation.Whoever wishes to have a fairer and better game they should stop downloading this hack.
does it work on the new version 6.68 ?
i totally agree what jex has said!!!What he said is what i am thinking about!jex is cool!Only people that don't have their own playing skill will use these hacks.Its like taking drugs,the more you relying on it the more u getting noober and noober!
if you use this hack your just like watching the game without playing it. how can you become pro if you keep on depending on such hacks.
the only program i downloaded here is the warkey! F U cheaters!
no more will be pro players :| just play fair lol
o0o all dota player is mhker.. im dont belive if they no MH!! o0o
im wait for 6.68b , thanks bro !
pro dota is a retard. we play hack coz it fun.
no need talk pro or noob la sha gua
pro also MHer
PRO also use Host Bot
Pro Also Use This Stop
So Stop Bark Here
N Why Pro Here??
To Download This thing also??
stop Barkin k
Is This available for 6.68?
I think this doesnt work with Windows 7. any updates?
thnnxxxx... u just ruined the dota community..
mmmm i love men mmm
Nice!!! Well done.Keep it up :D
guyz... uhmm.. i tested it at an AI map.. but it doesn't show the location of AI or there are no rep ping mark on the mini map locating the enemy heroes...
no matter how many spoilers and hacks
is going on this Sh*t, it has only one
reason. it's a challenge on how good we
are in DOTA!! battle between MH users
and none, Senti and Scourge ( get it )
it's all about handling this kind of
noobs. . its more challenge to us. .
in my exp. how many times did i bang
those MH users, it's easy just get
back to our own system, and play like
your playing DOTA Ai's. .
wanna play?
add me at GG
fair players add me. .
Next time , why dont they just make an auto dota player, pick a hero and watch a movie. see your hero get rampage, deny kill creep while eating chips..
Seriously, this is screwed up.
This app is for people who can't keep up and can't even properly use their brains. DotA is a strategy game and this tool makes the gameplay bad.
we use hacks cos we are pro enough to be playing with noobs. so we want to be noob again to see how we improved to such a high level. and like you "pro" dotareans said, we use this hacks to become NOOBER than usual. and for some people who just wants to play dota randomly and never thought of becoming a pro like you guys, then just let him use the hacks! you can't force them to be a pro dotarean by asking him to play without hacks! so just stfu u noobs.
Rofl so many noobs have trapped me with rhasta's wards only to get raped by phase boots. It's funny how the only people who use programs like this tend to suck shit at the fundamentals so bad that it doesn't even matter. I guess it gives you an edge on pubs like yourselves though. :p
hi friends , i have DreamDota from dotautiliti download that software are so cool but I do not know which is the key ~ for active auto last hit and deny pls help!
Is This A Kind OF Map Hack FOr Dota??Does This Let Us See The Whole Map?
why doesnt it work for me? i paste it in w3 directory but i can start the game from garena window... anyone know why?
Why is it when im downloading it. when im trying to run warcraft it always appears cd error. blahblah... please insert the correct blahblah..!!
if all of us are using kind of hacking program....
the thing to do is.........
just stop play DOTA coz of this hacking program there will no sense in play DOTA BULLSHT AMF
DOTA-UTILITIES---please give me a download link for maphack detector...hate it when they always run from being gb and 100% to get rune without failing...
y is dat warcraft dont run??? it said that please enter cd....what should i do?? pls elp tnx
Hope The one who made this dies a painful death, you made noob players more noob.
for thos who say this is fun, it isnt, your annoying as hell, i suggest you play dora the explorer or something instead of playing dota with hack, dam noobs.
Visual basic Really Really Needed So you must better Download it ! xD
i was try it! but my warcraft is broken.. I cant run my warcraft...
come on... dota utilities.com only makes the noobs EVEN MORE NOOBS
by typing a paragraph or even an essay here doesnt stop people from downloading it. Anyway manual skills still pwn this program, to me only the auto-skill dodger is useful but who cares unless your whole team consist of eg.pudge/potm/kunkka which is hardly the case
YOU make the game EASY. So noob and imba have more now confidence to the game.
What so we are going to have this... Its alright to be a noob and then learn from pros.. Then one day they'll become pros.. But noobs just using this directly! Its unthinkable that no one is learning everyone just wants to win today... Noobs who use this programs can never become pro.. Noobs who follow the example of Pro will be pros one day...
So its people's choose to use this program. But think about it before using it..
For me I don't care if I win or lose its about a good game against the other team...
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